How do i get my Azure DevOps release pipeline to get artifacts from Azure Storage Account - azure-devops

Im using Azure DevOps and have setup a "Release" pipeline, not a "Build" pipeline, and I want Release Pipeline to get is Artifacts from my Azure Storage Accounts.
The Artifacts have already been built and are Nuget package (.nupkg) files. I have copied them into an Azure Storage Account as File Storage. All they need to do is be use by a release pipeline.
So my question is how do I get my Azure Release Pipeline to get these files and use them in the Release?

There isn't any native way to download automatically the binaries from a storage at the beginning of the release, you will have to add your own tasks to download it from the release (and add the connection string as a variables).
The usual pattern to share generated files between a build and a release is to use an Azure DevOps Artifact. You will need to add a the "Publish Build Artifacts" task to your build and then you will be able to link it to your release by clicking "+ Add" on the artifact panel.


How do I download GitHub Artifacts from Azure DevOps Release Pipeline

I have a GitHub workflow that creates Artifact(s). I also have a last step within that workflow that triggers an Azure DevOps Release Pipeline. I modified an existing release pipeline to change the artifacts from an ADO Build Pipeline to GitHub (and made the service connection in ADO).
- uses: Azure/pipelines#v1
azure-devops-project-url: ''
azure-pipeline-name: 'Name_Of_Release_Pipeline'
azure-devops-token: '${{ secrets.ADOPAT }}'
So the issue is that the Release Pipeline will not retrieve nor download the associated build artifact from GitHub. I can see that the GitHub workflow build information is stored in various Environment Variables, so the Release Pipeline is retrieving various metadata from the GitHub build, but why won't it download?
FYI - There is a ADO task that does download GitHub "release" artifacts but the GitHub repo I am building has not yet created a "release" and thus there are no artifacts to download. So that doesn't help.
You can try to install the Azure DevOps extension "GitHub Actions" to your Azure DevOps organization where the release pipeline is in.
This extension contains two build/release tasks:
Run a GitHub Workflow
Download GitHub Workflow Artifacts
For your case, you can try to use the Download GitHub Workflow Artifacts task in your release pipeline to download the artifacts from the latest run of the specified GitHub workflow.

How to deploy app service with pipeline variables as an artifact to be downloaded?

I have an app service which is deployed to Azure WebApp for testing (this works just fine), but since this eventually shall be deployed to an on-premises solution I need to create a deployment package that I can download from either Azure Portal or from DevOps.
So far I have tried creating a Releases pipeline which picks up the build artifact and use the AzureBlob File Copy task to copy the artifact from DevOps to a storage account in Azure. The problem I have now is the the File Copy task does not set the varialbes I have in the Variable groups into the appsettings.json file (such as DbConnection and port settings).
What would be the best way to create a deployment package (with updated appsettings.json values) to be available for download either from Azure Portal or DevOps, without the need to create a dedicated app service in Azure for the deployment?
This is the steps I have at the moment, but as mentioned the configuration property for setting the varialbes are not available for the AzureBlob File Copy:
Pipeline Tasks and Variables
How to deploy app service with pipeline variables as an artifact to be downloaded?
You could try to use the task File transform (Preview) to update the appsettings.json file with the value in the variable groups:
Then we could use the Azure File Copy task to copy the artifact from DevOps to a storage account in Azure.
Note: The Source of the Azure File Copy task should be use the $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) instead of select the repo file:

Azure DevOps 2020 - how do I select which artifacts to download for a release pipline (18.170.30525.1 (Azure DevOps Server 2020))

I have a build pipeline with 2 publish artifacts.
In my release pipeline i want to download just the first artifact.
I know that it should be possible as I have read here
In Azure Pipelines, you can, however, select which artifacts you want to download to the agent for a specific job and stage of the deployment. Typically, you will do this to improve the efficiency of the deployment pipeline when the tasks in that job do not require all or any of the artifacts, or if you implement custom code in a task to download the artifacts you require.
but I cant find it...
This is how the release job details look like:
as you can see the artifact selection is missing.
here is how I configured the artifact in the release pipe:
apparently there is an issue with on premiss none NTLM agents.
Partial artifacts feature isn't enabled by default in Azure DevOps Server 2019. We have an issue with "Download Build artifacts" not working with NTLM based proxy hence we couldn't roll out this feature to OnPremise customers.

Does TFS has releases tab like we have at GitHub Releases

I am looking for hosting .exe files in Azure Devops. It seems to don't have feature similar to how we host executable or build files in GitHub for other people to download. Do we have such kind of feature to host the executables and have the latest commit tagged?
You can try publishing the executable or build files as Build Artifacts in Azure devops build pipeline.
You can create a pipeline in azure devops and using Publish build artifacts task to store the executable or build files in azure pipeline
See example here to create a classic azure pipeline. See Here for yaml pipeline example.
When you run the pipeline. You will see the commit hash and the files uploaded in the highlighted field of the build summary page shown in below screenshot. And you download the files from there.
You can retain this artifacts by Clicking retain in the pipeline run. See below
You can also change the retention policy for your pipeline. See here for more information.
Go the Project settings page-->Settings under Pipeline. See below:

How to check availability of Published Pipeline Artifacts in azure pipeline release

I created an azure build pipe line and published the artifacts. While releasing I want to know the artifact is created or not. How to check the availability of Published Pipeline Artifacts in azure pipeline release
How to check availability of Published Pipeline Artifacts in azure pipeline release
Since you have published the artifacts, you do not need to check the availability of Published Pipeline Artifacts in azure pipeline release on purpose.
That because the built-in Download Artifacts will check and download the Pipeline Artifacts in azure pipeline when your release source type is Build:
Besides, if you want to manually check the the availability of Published Pipeline Artifacts in azure pipeline release, you could use the Download Build Artifacts task to download the artifact to check it.
Hope this helps.