The name 'string' isn't a type and can't be used in an 'is' expression - flutter

During unit testing of a function returning different types of objects, I need to check if the type of returned object is the same as expected. Therefore, I need to pass multiple classes inside a variable. Then I need to use this variable with the is operator to check types.
final string = String;
assert('foo' is string);
But I am getting
error: The name 'string' isn't a type and can't be used in an 'is' expression.
I read somewhere that a library called Dart:mirrors can solve this problem but I haven't seen an actual example.

In unit testing, you know the expected answer. There shouldn't be a need to make your types variables.
Instead, just assert with the strong typed
assert('foo' is String);

I found the answer. The trick to create an instance of the type that I want to assert, then use runtimeType property.
If a class is called User from a.dart and another one is also called User from b.dart, runtimeType won't be the same
final string = 'anything'.runtimeType;
assert('foo'.runtimeType is string);


The method 'compareTo' can't be unconditionally invoked because the receiver can be 'null'

How to fix this? Error Message: The method 'compareTo' can't be unconditionally invoked because the receiver can be 'null'.
Try making the call conditional (using '?.') or adding a null check to the target ('!').
Second Error: The argument type 'Object?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Object'.
How to fixed it?
It looks like you lack basic understanding about null safety features.
String? basically means that it's a String that can be null. This can be done with any type. A question mark ? at the end of the type name makes it nullable, and if it isn't there it can't be null.
The language is designed in such a way that you can't assign any objects that are nullable to variables that aren't or use methods of objects that might be null.
There are several ways to handle this.
1) don't make them nullable in the first place.
In your example, whatever the object is, it must have some field declared as String? name. Just remove the ? if possible. There's a good chance it will make other errors pop up, but it should be solvable, at least in the case where you don't allow it to be null. If for whatever reason you need it to be nullable this is not a solution.
2) tell the compiler that you are sure it's not null in this situation
This is done by adding ! at the end of the variable. In your example that would be:!.compareTo(!)
This is probably the easiest solution but the program will throw errors at runtime if they do happen to be null
3) provide a fallback value using ??
?? basically is an operator that returns the left side if it's not null and otherwise the right side. You can use this to your advantage to provide fallback values. In your example you could do:
( ?? '').compareTo( ?? '')
This way it takes empty string in case the name is missing. This would be a safer option compared to option 2.
4) conditional calling using ?.
Maybe not applicable in your situation but good to know anyway. Let's say some class A has the method getName and you have an object a of type A? and this code:
String? b = a.getName();
this is not allowed because a can be null. But you can write this:
String? b = a?.getName();
This basically mean that it executes getName() and assigns it to b when a is not null or just assigns null otherwise, which is possible because b is allowed to be null here. Therefore, this is NOT possible
String b = a?.getName();
Now b is defined as not being nullable and since the assignment possibly can provide null you are not allowed to.

Why direct usage of generic value is not possible but same is possible if returned from method in Dart

Why is it assigning a value to a generic field is not possible when assigned directly, but same is possible when using a variable reference or method return value (here, same value is assigned to the variable and method returns the same value)?
class User {}
class Teacher extends User {}
class Student extends User {}
Future<User> getUser() {
return Future.value(Student());
void main() {
Future<Future<User>> fut = Future.value(getUser()); // <----- No error
Future<Future<User>> fut2 = Future.value(Future.value(Student())); // <----- Getting error
Future<User> userFut3 = Future.value(Student());
Future<Future<User>> fut3 = Future.value(userFut3); // <----- No error
Getting below error when Future.value(Future.value(Student())) assigned directly.
Error: The argument type 'Student' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'FutureOr<Future<User>>?'.
The issue here is that the parameter of Future<T>.value has the type FutureOr<T>. It can be either a future or a value.
Also, Dart type inference works by "pushing down" a context type, then trying to make the expression work at that type, and finally pushing the final static type back up.
If an expression like Future.value(...) has a context type, the missing type argument is always inferred from the context type.
When you write
Future<Future<User>> fut2 = Future.value(Future.value(Student()));
the context type of the outer Future.value, the type we know it should have, is Future<Future<User>>. That makes its argument have context type FutureOr<Future<User>>.
The argument is Future.value(Student()), where we don't yet know anything about Student() because we haven't gotten to it in the type inference yet, we're still working out way down towards it.
A Future<X> can satisfy that FutureOr<Future<User>> in two ways, either by being a Future<User> or by being a Future<Future<User>>.
Type inference then guesses that it's the latter. It's wrong, but it can't see that yet. The way type inference works, it has to use the context type when there is one, but the context type is ambiguous, and it ends up choosing the wrong option.
You are hitting an edge case of the type inference where the context type can be satisfied in two different ways, and the downwards type inference chooses the wrong one. It's a good heuristic that if you have a FutureOr<...> context type, and you see a Future constructor, you want the Future-part of the FutureOr<...>. It breaks down when you have FutureOr<Future<...>>. So, don't do that!
My recommendation, in complete generality, is to never have a Future<Future<anything>> in your program. Not only does it avoid problems like this, but it's also a better model for your code.
A future which eventually completes to something which eventually completes to a value ... just make it eventually complete to that value directly. Waiting for the intermediate future is just needless busywork.
Because in the function you defined the return type and dart knows the return type, but when assigning directly dart does not know Future.value(Student()) has a type of Future<User>. to fix this you have to tell the dart the type of the value, like this: Future.value((Future.value(Student())) as Future<User>);
this way dart will know the type of this value and treat it as a Future<User>.

Dynamic casting using result of NSClassFromString("MyUIViewController")

I'm finding that the following code does not work, but I don't exactly understand why.
Say I have a class name saved in a string. I want to cast a view controller as the class that this string refers to.
let controller = self.navigationController as! NSClassFromString("MyUIViewController")
Swift doesn't seem to understand this - I get this error:
Undeclared use of NSClassFromString.
Or the error:
Consecutive statements must be separated by `,`
Can anyone explain why this is the case? I can't cast (using as?) a type based on some variable?
No, you cannot cast to a runtime type object. You must cast to a compile-time type. This is why we write x as Int, not x as Int.self: Int is a type, and Int.self is an object that represents that type at runtime.
What would it mean to cast to NSClassFromString("MyUIViewController")? Now you have a variable, controller, whose value is some type that the compiler knows nothing about, so the compiler cannot let you do anything with controller. You can't call methods or access properties on it, because the compiler doesn't know what methods or properties it has. You can't pass it as an argument to a function, because the compiler doesn't know whether it is the right type for that argument.
If you edit your question to explain what you want to do with controller (what methods you want to call on it or what properties you want to access or what functions you want to pass it to), then I will revise my answer to address your goal.

Learning about type methods/type properties

I'm reading through the Swift documentation about type methods and type properties, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it says this particular thing (in bold):
Within the body of a type method, the implicit self property refers to
the type itself, rather than an instance of that type. For
structures and enumerations, this means that you can use self to
disambiguate between type properties and type method parameters, just
as you do for instance properties and instance method parameters.
More generally, any unqualified method and property names that you use
within the body of a type method will refer to other type-level
methods and properties. A type method can call another type method
with the other method’s name, without needing to prefix it with the
type name. Similarly, type methods on structures and enumerations
can access type properties by using the type property’s name without a
type name prefix.
So, why is this pointing out structures and enumerations being able to do these things when, as far as I know, you can do these things with any kind of type methods/parameters (i.e. classes as well)? It makes me think I'm missing something.
The page in the documentation I'm looking at is here:
Apparently I wasn't the only one with this question. I'm not sure how I didn't see this post before:

When do I have to specify type <T> for IEnumerable extension methods?

I'm a bit confused about the use of all the IEnumerable<T> extension methods, intellisense is always asking for <T>, but I don't think it's necessary to specify <T> at all times.
Let's say I have the following:
List<Person> people = GetSomePeople();
How is this:
List<string> names = people.ConvertAll<string>(p=>p.Name).Distinct<string>().ToList<string>();
different from this:
List<string> names = people.ConvertAll<string>(p=>p.Name).Distinct().ToList();
I think the two lines of code above are sxactly the same, now the question:
How do I know when to specify <T> and when to skip it?
The simplest way is obviously to omit it and see if it compiles.
In practice, you can omit type parameters wherever they are inferred; and they can normally be inferred when they are used in the type of a method parameter than you specify. They cannot be inferred if they're used only in the return type of the method. Thus, for example, for Enumerable.Select<T>, T will be inferred from the type of first argument (which is of type IEnumerable<T>). But for Enumerable.Empty<T>(), will not be inferred, because it's only used in return type of the method, and not in any arguments (as there are none).
Note that the actual rules are more complex than that, and not all arguments are inferable. Say you have this method:
void Foo<T>(Func<T, T> x);
and you try to call it with a lambda:
Foo(x => x);
Even though T is used in type of argument here, there's no way to infer the type - since there are no type specifications in the lambda either! As far as compiler is concerned, T is the same type x is, and x is of type T...
On the other hand, this will work:
Foo((int x) => x);
since now there is sufficient type information to infer everything. Or you could do it the other way:
Foo<int>(x => x);
The specific step-by-step rules for inference are in fact fairly complicated, and you'd be best off reading the primary source here - which is C# language specification.
This feature is known as type inference. In your example, the compiler can automatically determine the generic argument type implicitly for you because in the method call to ConvertAll, the parameter lambda returns a string value (i.e. Name). So you can even remove the <string> part of ConvertAll call. The same is with Distict(), as ConvertAll returns a List<string> and the compiler can declare the generic argument for you.
As for you answer, when the compiler can determine the type itself, the generic argument is redundant and unnecessary. Most of the times, the only place where you need to pass the generic argument is the declaration, like, List<string> list = new List<string>();. You can substitute the first List<string> with var instead or when you are using templates as parameters in lambdas too.