Unity: .car file format? - unity3d

I have file (not mine) with extension .car. As I understand, it is resource/model, that can be used in Unity Engine. Thats the beginning of file:
UnityFS\0\0\0\0\u{06}5.x.x\05.3.5f1\0\0\0\0\0\0\u{19}O—\0\0\0B\0\0\0[\0\0\0C\u{1E}\0\u{01}\0±\u{01}\0m\u{03}x\0\u{19}O\'\0A\u{0E}\0\u{08}\u{01}\0\0\u{1A}\0ð\u{19}\0\0\u{04}CAB-67e90ee36cdeede366978c2174a31d41\0]\0\0\u{08}\0\0\0aJ„Ð Ñ\u{10}Ô\u{0F}uÁÇç=çÎÀŸÀ˜×\u{02}£\u{7F}ÓOÇ\u{12}‹€\u{0F}\u{1E}\u{10}ª\n;\\Vÿ|Íü\u{17} N}´\u{1B}•QréýnI\n3p͸e¢~\u{0B}(õ×<o¨Éw{\u{10}\u{0C}ÎJgx\u{04}ºa–q\n\u{1E}\r\u{0B}\u{01}ß¾Ÿ\u{02}%Ѓ3gc‚{Õ*³éÓÓßH[ùë\u{0F}b!yÈ\u{10}ðqîà},²}ñ\u{0B}éª4¤Dš”\'ˆÐ×ÿ‚†nœ ”„}dû›ö×Pj=\u{06}æ®e}Hél\"F•›è¾’ÄxPb¯\"³=\u{1A}à!\u{1A}|ß>Ð\u{10}ªv\u{14}Ò]²\u{13}ª K\t\u{0C}\u{05}rè%G\u{10}}‡û\u{12}ýù\u{14}ú&p¨l‹\u{1F}kÔ%á8ß#;\u{02}e[üqL±¬²Çª:Lx 1º3+fZR˜…ˆ¯[\u{01}npg1\u{03}
I've tried to add it to Unity Editor, but there I can't do anything with this file.
Can you please explain what the file it is and how can I use It (if it is possible) ?

CAR stands for Component Application Resource. The CAR files contain information about the assets that are available for a software application being run on the Brew Mobile Platform. This platform is used to operate applications on a variety of mobile phones. The CAR files are compiled into a binary BAR file. This file is automatically loaded when the application is run.
The .car file extension is also used for AtHome Assistant files, Biosym chemical modeler input files, NeoBook Cartoon image format files, CAR Archive compressed archive files, CardMaker card files, Carnivores Ice Age resource files, Design-Your-CD data files and Railroad Tycoon 3 car properties files.
As for using it, I'm not sure you would probably have to dig deep into the brew sdk:


Is there any way to split data files into smaller chunks in Unity WebGL builds?

I am limited to the size of web applications I can build by the "Build\application.data" file.
I.e if its over a certain size I cannot upload it certain hosts, github, etc.
Ideally I would like to split the application into multiple data files under a certain size, while the application is still executable.
How would this be possible? Is this something I can do from Unity build configuration?
Can I do it after the build is done?
Can I split the file into chunks by archiving it with zero compression, and somehow still execute it from the browser? There is a file called Build.Loader.js, is it something that can be edited for this purpose?
This is for the purposes of using the application after it has been uploaded, not sharing it, I do not want to compress it into separate archives, or use gitlfs, I've tested this and the application does not work from the browser with github and gitlfs.
Unity has 2 technologies for split data file:
Asset bundle
An AssetBundle is an archive file that contains platform-specific
non-code Assets (such as Models, Textures, Prefabs, Audio clips, and
even entire Scenes) that Unity can load at run time
The Addressable Asset System allows the developer to ask for an asset
via its address. Once an asset (e.g. a prefab) is marked
"addressable", it generates an address which can be called from
anywhere. Wherever the asset resides (local or remote), the system
will locate it and its dependencies, then return it.
Both technologies create separate files that you can host on a server and download as needed. Addressable is a newer technology that Unity team recommends.
Probably the total size of the bundle will grow, but user will be able to download only the necessary assets and the amount of data for the user may decrease
If you do not use Unity solutions, you can divide data file into parts. But on the client side (javascript) you will need to download all the parts, connect them and pass to Unity loader. You probably won't be able to use the browser's built-in gzip or brotli (not sure). It seems to be quite difficult.

How do I open a `.pb` file? Ideally, how to import it into Meta Quest 2?

I'm using Matterport's free scanning software for Android and it spits out 2 files called 2b7cb66c-4c9e-408d-88c5-90b8c0322c13_sweep_features.pb and 2b7cb66c-4c9e-408d-88c5-90b8c0322c13_sweep_cloud.pb (the important thing is that they're of the forms [nums]_sweep_features.pb and [nums]_sweep_cloud.pb).
How can I open .pb files?
My ultimate goal: the room in VR
I need to know how to open the file so I can walk around the rooms I scan in my Meta Quest 2 VR Headset. Ideally, I'd get it working in Unity, but UnrealEngine would be fine too. The most important thing is that I get the numerical and/or color information about the scanned room. Besides sweep_cloud.pb, there is also a file called sweep_features.pb.
Maybe .pb is a Tensorflow format? I say that because most of the .pb files I have found through Google for are Protocol Buffers, many of which store Neural Network (Tensorflow) files, and "feature" is jargon in Neural Networks and Machine Learning more generally!
Another guess would be something like a .obj file, a numpy (.npy) file or other point cloud format that probably has some color information in it!

Unity Asset Bundles - Which Files Do I Deploy?

I have created some asset bundles from my Unity assets using the directions given in the Unity documentation section on AssetBundle Workflow. After running the "Build AssetBundles" command, each asset bundle results in four files: myasset, myasset.meta, myasset.manifest, myasset.manifest.meta.
Now I am ready to deploy these bundles to a web server and implement downloading/caching in my Unity project. I have found numerous examples such as this that show the download URL to be a single file with a .unity3d extension. This is leading me to conclude that I am missing a step - I assume that all four of my files will be required by the app and that I have to do something to combine them into a .unity3d file first.
What file(s) do I need to deploy? Are there any additional steps that I need to take before my file(s) are ready to upload? Thanks in advance for any advice!
Just myasset will suffice.
Sometimes people optionally add .unity3d as a filename extension to their Asset Bundles. It is just a community convention, and is completely optional. Source (copied below)
Unity Technologies
Just a reminder, we don't have an official file extension ".unity3d" for asset bundle, it's not mandatory. You can use whatever file extension as you want, or without file extension.
But usually people use ".unity3d" as the file extension just because we used it in the official sample code at first time...
Unity creates the .meta files for all assets- you don't have to worry about those. In short, your myasset file is enough. I do not add file extensions to mine. Do note that if you use the strategy shown in the example that you shared that the client will re-download the bundle from the server every time. You need to additionally provide a version number if you want to take advantage of caching. You can see this in some of the method overloads here, the ones that have a Hash128 or uint "version" parameter. Caching is great because you can use the bundle that is already saved on the device next time instead of downloading from the server when no changes have occurred. The version/hash number you provide essentially gets mapped to the file name. Whenever a matching version is found, the file on disk is used. Update the version number to something else when the content changes to force the client to download anew.
You may want to reference the .manifest file for the CRC value listed there. You may have noticed a crc parameter in the link I shared as well. This can be used to ensure data integrity during transmission of the bundle data. You can make sure the downloaded content's CRC matches that of the bundle when you created it.

Unity3d files types. What are they for: .meta, .controller, .anim, .asset?

Short Question:
What is purpose of .controler, .anim, .asset file types in Unity project.
Important note:
The purpose of this questions is investigation of Unity3d project structure by it's files types.
I'm not asking how to prepare my project for git. I'm interested in purpose and behavior of files by their extension, looking for documentation as like as one in to summary #1.
Introduction how do this question appears:
I'm working with unity3d, and when I run a git status after sync I got a long list of modified/deleted files I did not touch. These files have next extentions: *.meta, *.controller, *.anim, *.assets
After long googling with different request I found good enough information only abut *.meta files and collisions that may happens when lose or duplicate guid in *.meta files. But other files extensions dose not represented so well in a google responses. And I able only guess what these kind of files do by their extension, but I prefer to definitely know it.
Can you help me to find information about purpose, structure and behavior of files with next file extensions in Unity3d project.
1) What is *.meta file in Unity3d?
answer#1: This file type contains data about assets that cannot be stored inside assets. Each asset has it own *.meta file.
2) What is. *.controller file in Unity3d?
3) What is *.anim file in Unity3d?
4) What is *.asset file in Unit3d?
1) *.meta files store the settings of the files you have in your project.
2) It's The Animator Controller Asset.
3) It's Animation Clip.
4) It's Unity's own format that's used to store project settings or some resourses.

High level process of extracting images from a container

Right, this is the problem I have a container (rar,zip) which contains images png's tiffs bmps or jpegs in an order.
The file extension isnt zip or rar though but uses the same compression.
I want to pull out a list of images contained within the file in the numerical order, then depending on the user decision go to the image selected.
I'm not after any code just the high level thought process/logic of how this can be achieved and how it could be achieved on iphone OS.
From what i know of iphone OS it uses a kind of sandbox environment so how would this effect the process as well.
You can include the libz framework in your project and write some C to manage zipped data. Or you can use Objective-C wrapper classes others have written.
Your application resides in its own sandbox. You can include zip files in the "bundle", i.e. add them to your project, and copy them to the application's Documents folder to work with them. Or you can copy archived data over the network to the application's Documents folder if you don't want to include files in your project.
I don't think the extension matters so much as the data being in the format you expect it to be.
Everything I wrote above is for zip-ped files. If you're working with rar-formatted archives, you'll need to look at making a static library for the iPhone, perhaps from the UnRAR source code.