How to update react testing library? - react-testing-library

i want to use waitForElementToBeRemoved method for react-testing library and it says cannot find name "waitForElementToBeRemoved".
Below is my code,
After clicking a button i will have to wait for domchange so i tried
await waitForDomChange(getByTestid('test-id'));
this gave timeout error for domchange.
i think i will have to update react testing library. how can i update it???

import { waitForElementToBeRemoved } from "#testing-library/react";


How to create a unity project using a custom piece of code

What I want to do is basically press a button in my application(C# WPF) and create a unity project in a predefined version, import some packages and then launch it.
I have no Idea if that's possible or not. I haven't found anything yet.
Would be awesome if you got a way to do it! Thanks in advance :)
You can use the Unity command line to create a project and import a package in c# like this:
using System.Diagnostics;
var arguments = $" -createProject {path} -importPackage {packagePath}";
var process = Process.Start(#"C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe", arguments);
Check this page

Flutter:"pr.dismiss" cannot defined in progress dialog

I run my application, but show this error. Before this i can run it. But now, It says "pr.dismiss is not defined in progress dialog." I have install package,and my code in flutter is not red colour but run it that got error in debug.
So how i can solves this problem?
as per your source code you use package for display progress dialog. so as per this package for dismiss dialog you need to use the below method.
pr.hide().then((isHidden) {
// or
await pr.hide();
So replace pr.dismiss() with the above method.

Using uni_links when the app is in the background

My application has the following structure:
- InheritedWidget for dependencies
--> Splash Screen Page
--> Login Pages
--> Main Pages
When the app runs for the first time, I can use var link = await getInitialLink(); to get the value for the link that opened the app.
However, I cannot get the same result if I open the app on the background.
I tried to use
getLinksStream().listen((link) => (link) {
try {
var _latestUri;
if (link != null) _latestUri = Uri.parse(link);
print("=== Formated successfully a link!");
} on FormatException {
print("--- A link got here but was invalid");
For getting the link in the Splash Screen, but if the app is already open in the Login or Main pages, it won't go through the Splash Screen again.
Then, I tried to put it in the InheritedWidget, but alas, didn't get any result whatsoever.
So my question is: Where and how should I set up uni_links so that I can catch all incoming links even if the app is open?
Or better, is there an alternative for App Links/Universal Links that I can use?
Though it's not the best and most elegant way, I got around this.
First, I was not using getLinksStream correctly
Instead of
(link) => (link) {...}
(link) {...}
Then, I need to put this subscription in my Splash Screen and do not dispose of it, so that it can listen to new events.
If anybody has a better solution, please free to add it
For this situation, you need to use both of getInitialUri() and getUriLinksStream(),
If app launchs directly u will get uri from getInitialUri, if app already running on background u will get uri from getUriLinksStream.

Unity - Deprecated EditorApplication

I just have updated my Unity to 5.3.1 and it seems like EditorApplication class is already deprecated. The Unity suggests me to use instead the EditorSceneManager.OpenScene but looks like it's not returning of type bool anymore. Therefore causing my game to stop compiling.
Any help about this?
Usually due to deprecated code unity itself offers some changes in your code you can make a backup and try that if unity informs you of it ,but if you want to know if it has been loaded or not you can use its return value which is a struct of type Scene.
SceneManagement.Scene newScene = EditorSceneManager.OpenScene("myScene");
if(newScene.isLoaded) {
//do something
There is another method also named IsVaild You Can try that too.
further doc :
It's hard to help you without any information on what you actually want to do... This link may help though, it's about upgrading to Unity 5.3.

RevMob Integration for Swift

**I have read the RevMob instructions for Swift and I have read an answer to an Swift-RevMob question on here, but it didn't resolve my particular issue. **
I am currently trying to get a fullscreen ad to show.
This is my GameViewController.swift:
verride func viewDidLoad() {
//Start RevMob code
let completionBlock: () -> Void = {
// do something when it successfully starts the session
let errorBlock: (NSError!) -> Void = {error in
// check the error
withSuccessHandler: completionBlock, andFailHandler: errorBlock);
//End of RevMob Code
I have defined the modules in my package as "Yes":
This is my Bridge-Header:
// Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.
#import <RevMobAds/RevMobAds.h>
Lastly, this is the error that I am currently getting when I try to build my code:
Thanks if you can help!
CLBeaconRegion is part of Core Location from iOS 7 on, so you need to make sure the framework is linked in your project.
Note: in my experience, CLBeaconRegion is picked up by Apple as part of app review and they often want to know how you're using beacons – even if the code is just sitting there and you're not planning to use it.
Twice now I have been asked by app review to provide a video of my app detecting a beacon so they can see how it works, so either be prepared to explain your usage or see if there's a library version without it built in.
In addition to the required frameworks, you have to add CoreLocation.framework
I had the same issue. With CoreLocation.framework, also add AVFoundation.framework. Hope that helps