When does kafka consumer get evicted from the group? - apache-kafka

I am using spring kafka and want to know when does kafka consumer get evicted from the group. Does it get evicted when the processing time taken is more than the poll interval? If yes then isn't the purpose of the heartbeat to indicate the consumer is alive and if that happens then the consumer should never be evicted unless the process itself fails.

You are correct that the heartbeat thread tells the group that the consumer process is still alive. The reason for additionally considering a consumer to be gone when there is excessive time between polls is to prevent livelock.
Without this, a consumer might never poll, and so would take partitions without making any progress through them.
The question then is really why there is a heartbeat and session timeout. The heartbeat thread is actually doing other stuff (pre-fetching) but I assume the reason it is used to check that consumers are alive is that it is generally talking to the broker more frequently than the polling thread as the latter has to process messages, and so a failed consumer process will be spotted earlier.
In short there are 3 things that can trigger a rebalance - a change in number of partitions at the broker end, polling taking longer than max.poll.interval.ms, and gap between heartbeats longer than session.timeout.ms


Kafka Consumer death handling

I have question regarding handling of consumers death due to exceeding the timeout values.
my example configuration:
session.timeout.ms = 10000 (10 seconds)
heartbeat.interval.ms = 2000 (2 seconds)
max.poll.interval.ms = 300000 (5 minutes)
I have 1 topic, 10 partitions, 1 consumer group, 10 consumers (1 partition = 1 consumer).
From my understanding consuming messages in Kafka, very simplified, works as follows:
consumer polls 100 records from topic
a heartbeat signal is sent to broker
processing records in progress
processing records completes
finalize processing (commit, do nothing etc.)
repeat #1-5 in a loop
My question is, what happens if time between heartbeats takes longer than previously configured session.timeout.ms. I understand the part, that if session times out, the broker initializes a re-balance, the consumer which processing took longer than the session.timeout.ms value is marked as dead and a different consumer is assigned/subscribed to that partition.
Okey, but what then...?
Is that long-processing consumer removed/unsubscribed from the topic and my application is left with 9 working consumers? What if all the consumers exceed timeout and are all considered dead, am I left with a running application which does nothing because there are no consumers?
Long-processing consumer finishes processing after re-balancing already took place, does broker initializes re-balance again and consumer is assigned a partition anew? As I understand it continues running #1-5 in a loop and sending a heartbeat to broker initializes also process of adding consumer to the consumers group, from which it was removed after being given dead status, correct?
Application throws some sort of exception indicating that session.timeout.ms was exceeded and the processing is abruptly stopped?
Also what about max.poll.interval.ms property, what if we even exceed that period and consumer X finishes processing after max.poll.interval.ms value? Consumer already exceeded the session.timeout.ms value, it was excluded from consumer group, status set to dead, what difference does it gives us in configuring Kafka consumer?
We have a process which extracts data for processing and this extraction consists of 50+ SQL queries (majority being SELECT's, few UPDATES), they usually go fast but of course all depends on the db load and possible locks etc. and there is a possibility that the processing takes longer than the session's timeout. I do not want to infinitely increase sessions timeout until "I hit the spot". The process is idempotent, if it's repeated X times withing X minutes we do not care.
Please find the answers.
#1. Yes. If all of your consumer instances are kicked out of the consumer group due to session.timeout, then you will be left with Zero consumer instance, eventually, consumer application is dead unless you restart.
#2. This depends, how you write your consumer code with respect to poll() and consumer record iterations. If you have a proper while(true) and try and catch inside, you consumer will be able to re-join the consumer group after processing that long running record.
#3. You will end up with the commit failed exception:
failed: Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member. This means that the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured max.poll.interval.ms, which typically implies that the poll loop is spending too much time message processing. You can address this either by increasing max.poll.interval.ms or by reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.
And again it depends on your code, to auto join into the consumer group.
#4. Answer lies here
The amount of time a consumer can be out of contact with the brokers while still
considered alive defaults to 3 seconds. If more than session.timeout.ms passes
without the consumer sending a heartbeat to the group coordinator, it is considered
dead and the group coordinator will trigger a rebalance of the consumer group to
allocate partitions from the dead consumer to the other consumers in the group. This
property is closely related to heartbeat.interval.ms. heartbeat.interval.ms con‐
trols how frequently the KafkaConsumer poll() method will send a heartbeat to the
group coordinator, whereas session.timeout.ms controls how long a consumer can
go without sending a heartbeat. Therefore, those two properties are typically modi‐
fied together—heatbeat.interval.ms must be lower than session.timeout.ms, and
is usually set to one-third of the timeout value. So if session.timeout.ms is 3 sec‐
onds, heartbeat.interval.ms should be 1 second. Setting session.timeout.ms
lower than the default will allow consumer groups to detect and recover from failure
sooner, but may also cause unwanted rebalances as a result of consumers taking
longer to complete the poll loop or garbage collection. Setting session.timeout.ms
higher will reduce the chance of accidental rebalance, but also means it will take
longer to detect a real failure.

Kafka Consumer - continue calling poll() while paused?

I read the docs on using the pause and resume methods for a kafka consumer, and they seem easy enough to implement. However, do I need another thread to continue calling the poll() method while paused to meet the heartbeat requirements and not trigger a rebalance?
My consumer is running SQL scripts after polling the topic and depending the messages returned, the scripts may take longer than the current session.timeout.ms interval (we have increased this value, but the length of time for the scripts to run can vary quiet a bit and regardless of the interval we will exceed it at times). I also want to avoid a rebalance as safe ordering and data integrity are more important than throughput and error detention.
From version heartbeat is sent via a separate thread so pausing your process thread wouldn't affect heartbeat thread.
You can check this for more information.
yes, you need to continue calling poll() on the consumer, even if you pause all partitions, or it will be kicked out of any consumer group its a member of and its assigned partitions will transfer to another consumer. as to which thread ends up calling poll - that doesnt matter (so long as only a single thread interacts with the consumer at a time)
quoting from kip-62:
max.poll.interval.ms. This config sets the maximum delay between client calls to poll(). When the timeout expires, the consumer will stop sending heartbeats and send an explicit LeaveGroup request.

Processing kafka messages taking long time

I have a Python process (or rather, set of processes running in parallel within a consumer group) that processes data according to inputs coming in as Kafka messages from certain topic. Usually each message is processed quickly, but sometimes, depending on the content of the message, it may take a long time (several minutes). In this case, Kafka broker disconnects the client from the group and initiates the rebalance. I could set session_timeout_ms to a really large value but it would be like 10 minutes of more, which means if a client dies, the cluster would not be properly rebalanced for 10 minutes. This seems to be a bad idea. Also, most messages (about 98% of them) are fast, so paying such penalty for just 1-2% of messages seems wasteful. OTOH, large messages are frequent enough to cause a lot of rebalances and cost a lot of performance (since while the group is rebalancing, nothing is getting done, and then the "dead" client re-joins again and causes another rebalance).
So, I wonder, are there any other ways for handling messages that take a long time to process? Is there any way to initiate heartbeats manually to tell the broker "it's ok, I am alive, I'm just working on the message"? I thought the Python client (I use kafka-python 1.4.7) was supposed to do that for me but it doesn't seem to happen. Also, the API doesn't seem to even have separate "heartbeat" function at all. And as I understand, calling poll() would actually get me the next messages - while I am not even done with the current one, and would also mess up iterator API for Kafka consumer, which is quite convenient to use in Python.
In case it's important, the Kafka cluster is Confluent, version 2.3 if I remember correctly.
In Kafka, 0.10.1+ Kafka polling and session heartbeat are decoupled to each other.
You can get an explanationhere
max.poll.interval.ms how much time permit to complete processing by consumer instance before time out means if processing time takes more than max.poll.interval.ms time Consumer Group will presume its die remove from Consumer Group and invoke rebalance.
To increase this will increase the interval between expected polls which give consumers more time to handle a batch of records returned from poll(long).
But at the same time, it will also delay group rebalances since the consumer will only join the rebalance inside the call to poll.
session.timeout.ms is the timeout used to identify if the consumer is still alive and sending a heartbeat on a defined interval (heartbeat.interval.ms). In general, the thumb-rule is heartbeat.interval.ms should be 1/3 of session timeout so in case of network failure consumers can miss at most 3-time heartbeat before session timeout.
session.timeout.ms: low value would be good to detect failure more quickly.
max.poll.interval.ms: large value will reduce the risk of failure due to increased processing time however increases the rebalancing time.
Note: A large number of partition and topics consumed by Consumer Group also effect on overall rebalance time
The other approach if you would really want to get rid of rebalancing you can assign partitions on each consumer instance manually, using partition assign. In that case, each consumer instance will be running independently with their own assigned partitions. But in that case, you would not able to leverage the rebalance features to assign partitions automatically.

Kafka group re-balancing after consumer failed. org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator

I'm running a Kafka cluster with 4 nodes, 1 producer and 1 consumer. It was working fine until consumer failed. Now after I restart the consumer, it starts consuming new messages but after some minutes it throws this error:
[WARN ]: org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator - Auto offset commit failed for group eventGroup: Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member. This means that the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured session.timeout.ms, which typically implies that the poll loop is spending too much time message processing. You can address this either by increasing the session timeout or by reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.
And it starts consuming the same messages again and loops forever.
I increased session timeout, tried to change group id and it still does the same thing.
Also is the client version of Kafka consumer a big deal?
I'd suggest you to decouple the consumer and the processing logic, to start with. E.g. let the Kafka consumer only poll messages and maybe after sanitizing the messages (if necessary) delegate the actual processing of each record to a separate thread, then see if the same error is still occurring. The error says, you're spending too much time between the subsequent polls, so this might resolve your issue. Also, please mention the version of Kafka you're using. Kafka had a different heartbeat management policy before version 0.10 which could make this issue easier to reproduce.

heartbeat failed for group because it's rebalancing

What's the exact reason to have heartbeat failure for group because it's rebalancing ? What's the reason for rebalance where all the consumers in group are up ?
Thank you.
Heartbeats are the basic mechanism to check if all consumers are still up and running. If you get a heartbeat failure because the group is rebalancing, it indicates that your consumer instance took too long to send the next heartbeat and was considered dead and thus a rebalance got triggered.
If you want to prevent this from happening, you can either increase the timeout (session.timeout.ms), or make sure your consumer sends heartbeat more often (heartbeat.interval.ms). Heartbeats are basically embedded in poll(), thus, you need to make sure you call poll frequently enough. This can usually be achieved by limit the number of records a single poll returns via max.poll.records (to shorten the time it takes to process all data that got fetched).
Since Kafka 0.10.1, heartbeats are sent in a background thread, and not when poll() is called (cf. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-62%3A+Allow+consumer+to+send+heartbeats+from+a+background+thread). In this new design, configuration session.timeout.ms and heartbeat.interval.ms are still the same. Additionally, there is max.poll.interval.ms that determines how often poll() must be called. If you miss to call poll() within max.poll.interval.ms, the heartbeat thread assume that the processing thread died, and will send a leave-group-request that will trigger a rebalance, and the heartbeat thread will stop sending heartbeats afterwards. If you processing thread is ok but just slow, the next call to poll() will initiate another rebalance to re-join the group again.
For more details, cf. Difference between session.timeout.ms and max.poll.interval.ms for Kafka >= 0.10.1