Powershell commands executed with echo? - powershell

Why is it that commands like this are often shown as being executing by echoing them? Typically echo would just treat the contents as a string and print it to output, which wouldn't execute it. Additionally, hash being the symbol for commenting out a command, makes this doubly confusing:
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=curProjVersion;isOutput=true]1.4.5"

Azure DevOps is listening to standard output of your task and interprets them when it finds the tag ##vso at the beginning of the line.
This is not something that is special to Powershell, you could set you variable from a js file like this:
console.log("##vso[task.setvariable variable=curProjVersion;isOutput=true]1.4.5");
All that matters is the standard output of your task.

Echo is a throwback to unix and bash. Echo is also nice way to output an array of strings without any quoting or commas.
echo one two three four


Why does this command for qsub to submit multiple pbs scripts work in the bash shell but not fish?

I have a bunch of .pbs files in one directory.
I can qsub the files no problem with this command in the bash shell but for the fish shell, I continuously hit enter and it just creates a new input line. Any ideas why it doesn't work in fish?
for file in *.pbs; do qsub $file; done
Fish's syntax for loops and other block constructs is different.
In this case it's
for file in *.pbs
qsub $file
or, on one line:
for file in *.pbs; qsub $file; end
Other looping constructs look similar - no introductory "do" and they end with "end".
Other differences here: This behaves like bash with the nullglob option, so if no file matches the for-loop simply won't be executed, there's no need to guard for a literal *.pbs being passed.
Also the $file doesn't need to be quoted because it's set as one element and so it will be passed as one element, no word splitting takes place.
Fish uses a different script syntax from bash and other shells. To read up on it: Fish for bash users is the quick starting point, but the rest of the documentation is worth reading (in my, admittedly biased, opinion).

Using echo without trailing space in DOS

I noticed that when I use echo to print something to a file in DOS, a space is appended to the string. I need to print the string without the trailing space. Is there a way to do that, or as a workaround, remove trailing spaces from the file?
If I understood the problem correctly, you wrote the trailing space.
Instead of
echo string > file
echo string>file
Assuming you're talking about cmd.exe rather than the actual (rather outdated) MSDOS, there are a number of ways to do this, the first being:
echo Here is some text>output.txt
but I find that somewhat less than readable since I'm used to being able to clearly delineate 'arguments' on the command line.
Alternatively, there's nothing stopping you from swapping around the order of your command line:
>output.txt echo Here is some text
which will allow you to still separate the arguments whilst not having extraneous spaces put in your output file.
In fact, I've often used this method for blocks of code as well:
>output.txt (
echo hello
echo goodbye
which will write both lines to the file. I find it preferable in that case since you know right at the start where the output is going, rather than having to go and look at the end of the code block.
Some quick searching brought me this link
It seems you have multiple options. If you want to parse the file post-echo using a script, you could consider this VBScript
Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
WScript.Echo RTrim(WScript.StdIn.ReadLine)
which loops, line by line through a file(usually .txt), and performs RTrim, which strips trailing spaces.

Calling perl script from a perl script

I want to call a perl script from a perl script with big argument list in a bash shell. The arguments contains special characters such as \, *, (, ) etc. Each of these special characters are guided by single escape character \.
But when I call 2nd perl script (which then calls to a shell script) from 1st perl script the escape character gets evaluated and the special characters are exposed in the shell and hence getting syntax error.
So basically i want to prevent escape character's evaluation when I call 2nd perl script from 1st perl script and it should be evaluated when I call shell script from my 2nd perl script.
Eg. Input to the first perl 'MonitorAdmin' script is :
MonitorAdmin -reversefilter -container="LogServerContainer" -filepath="/home/esg2/YogeshTemp/VSDEFAULT/logs" -filename="System.log" -pattern=".*\t.*\t(DEBUG)\t.*\t.*\t.*\t(SecurityService)\t.*\t.*\t.*\t.*\t.*" -linecount="5001" -targetfile="
Perl's exec and system commands won't invoke a shell if you pass them a list with more than one element, but each list element becomes a separate argument then, i.e. spaces don't separate arguments. I'd imagine this works well even when executing a shell script since you aren't invoking the shall with a -c option.
There are two forms of system, one that executes a shell command (system($shell_cmd)), and one that launches a program (system($program, #args)). As best as we can tell by your light post, you appear to be using the wrong one. All you need is
system('MonitorAdmin2', #ARGV)
There is no shell to "misinterpret" the characters.

How can I avoid escaping by accident in Perl using system()?

I want to run some commands using the system() command, I do this way:
execute_command_error("trash-put '/home/$filename'");
Where execute_command_error will report if there was an error with whatever system command it ran. I know I could just unlink the file using Perl commands, but I want to delete stuff using trash-put as it's a type of recycling program.
My problem is that $filename will sometimes have apostrophes, quotes, and other weird characters in it that mess up the system command or Perl itself.
Generate the command name and arguments as an array, and pass that to system:
my(#command) = ("trash-put", 'home/$filename');
system #command;
This means that Perl does not invoke the shell to do any metacharacter expansion (or I/O redirection, or command piping, or ...). It does mean it does exactly what you told it to do.
sub execute_command_error
system #_;
Borrowing information from the copious collection of comments:
Which is clearly documented in perldoc -f system or at perldoc.perl.org/functions/system.html (#Ether).
(See also the discussion of 'exec' below which is closely related.)
Did you mean to put $filename in single quotes? (#mobrule).
I did intend to use single quotes - I'm demonstrating that the $filename does not get expanded by Perl or Shell...In my test script, I used 'my.$file', and that gave me a file with a $ in the name - as I intended.
I think the desired quoting if you do want to invoke the shell (for example if you want some piping) is $command_line = "\"$command\" \"$arg1\" \"$arg2\"...". (#Jefromi).
Adding double quotes around the arguments won't help with embedded $, backtick1, '$(...)' and related notations. You more nearly need single quotes around things, but then you need to rewrite embedded single quotes as "'\''" which generates a single quote to terminate the current single-quoted argument, a backslash-quote combination to represent a single quote, and another single quote to resume the single-quoted argument.
This would be a good solution if I used system command directly; however I am using webmin's execute_command function, which is a bit over my head so I wouldn't know how to edit it to allow for arrays. Could you expand on the rewrite of embedded single quotes as "'\''"...This is what I will use, for now. (#Brian)
Roughly speaking, the way the (Unix) shells treat single quotes is "everything from the first single quote up to the next is literal text, no metacharacters". So, to get the shell to treat something as literal text, enclose it in single characters. That deals with everything except single quotes themselves. As my comment says, you have to use the 4-character replacement string to get a single quote embedded into the middle of a single quoted argument.
There is probably a neater way to do it than this (using one or two map operations, perhaps), but this should work:
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(#command); $i++)
$command[$i] =~ s/'/'\\''/g; # Replace single quotes by the magic sequence
$command[$i] = "'$command[$i]'"; # Wrap value in single quotes
You can then join the array to make a single string for transmission to execute_command.
It's better to write that as system { $command[0] } #command to handle the case where #command has one element. This is one of the things I talk about in the "Secure Programming Techniques" chapter of Mastering Perl. (#briandfoy).
As a general rule, I'll accept this correction. I'm not sure it is crucial in this instance, though, where the command name is provided by the program and it is only the arguments that are possibly provided the user. The command name 'trash-put' is safe from shell expansions (IFS is reset to default by the shell when it starts, so that avenue of attack is not available).
This issue is discussed in the 'perldoc -f exec' man page:
If you don't really want to execute the first argument, but want to lie to the program you are executing about its own name, you can specify the program you actually want to run as an "indirect object" (without a comma) in front of the LIST. (This always forces interpretation of the LIST as a multivalued list, even if there is only a single scalar in the list.)
$shell = '/bin/csh';
exec $shell '-sh'; # pretend it's a login shell
or, more directly,
exec {'/bin/csh'} '-sh'; # pretend it's a login shell
When the arguments get executed via the system shell, results are subject to its quirks and capabilities. See "STRING" in perlop for details.
Using an indirect object with exec or system is also more secure. This usage (which also works fine with system()) forces interpretation of the arguments as a multivalued list, even if the list had just one argument. That way you're safe from the shell expanding wildcards or splitting up words with whitespace in them.
#args = ( "echo surprise" );
exec #args; # subject to shell escapes
# if #args == 1
exec { $args[0] } #args; # safe even with one-arg list
The first version, the one without the indirect object, ran the echo program, passing it "surprise" an argument. The second version didn't; it tried to run a program named "echo surprise", didn't find it, and set $? to a non-zero value indicating failure.
1 How do you get a back-tick to display in Markdown?
As stated in perldoc -f system:
If there is more than one argument in LIST, or if LIST is an array
with more than one value, starts the program given by the first element of the list with arguments given by the rest of the list. If there is
only one scalar argument, the argument is checked for shell metacharacters, and if there are any, the entire argument is passed to the system's
command shell for parsing (this is "/bin/sh -c" on Unix platforms, but varies on other platforms). If there are no shell metacharacters in the
argument, it is split into words and passed directly to "execvp", which is more efficient.
I like to use IPC::System::Simple's version of system(), which gives more control, such as being able to capture various exceptions and handle certain error codes as "bad" and others as "good":
use IPC::System::Simple qw(system);
system("cat *.txt"); # will die on failure

What is the Perl equivalent to the shell's "$#"?

I'm working on a Perl script that I was hoping to capture a string entered on the command line without having to enter the quotes (similiar to bash's "$#" ability). I'll be using this command quite a bit so I was hoping that this is possible. If I have:
if ($ARGV) {
I have to put the command line string in quotes. I'd rather do the command something like this:
htmlencode some & HTML <> entities
Without the quotes. Is there a way to do this in Perl?
The #ARGV array contains the arguments to the Perl script - no quotes needed.
That said, the question asks about:
I have to put the command line string in quotes. I'd rather do the command something like this:
htmlencode some & HTML <> entities
Without the quotes. Is there a way to do this in perl?
Well, if the command shown is written at the shell command line, you have to obey shell conventions - which means escaping the '&' and '<>' to prevent the shell from interpreting them. Likewise, within a Perl script, that sequence would need to be protected from Perl. Maybe you'd write:
system "htmlencode", "some", "&", "HTML", "<>", "entities";
That is, everything would have to be in quotes - but that notation would avoid executing the shell and having the shell interpret the commands.
Alternatively again, if you put the arguments into an array (with quotes at the time the array is loaded), then you could pass that array to system and not use any quotes:
my #args = ( "htmlencode", "some", "&", "HTML", "<>", "entities" );
system #args;
But I think the question is confused.
You put quotes around $# in bash so that it expands to have each element in the array quoted. The reason to do that is so that each element of the array continues to be treated as a single argument when you pass them all to the next command.
The analogue to that in Perl is when you want to pass those parameters to another external command. If you're running the external program with the backtick operators, then you'd need to quote each parameter, but if you use system, then Perl will take care of keeping all the parameters separate for you.
In fact, separate parameters are the way programs are executed on Unix anyway. The single-string command-line format is there because we need to be able to type things at the command prompt. Like all shells, bash has special rules about how to split that single string into multiple arguments. But if you already have them separated in a Perl array, don't put them back into a single string. Keep them separate.