XMPP: How to send custom message between clients? - xmpp

I want to send custom protocol between Xmpp clients, the server is Openfire.
For example, If client A want to establish a P2P call with client B, then A can send something like < iq > < call />< /iq > to B.
As far as I know, if A want to send B the custom < iq />, then the server needs to create a new plugin to handle this < iq /> packet. Is there anyway to implement this idea without the server change?

This depends on the server, but usually if you have an IQ stanza that is correctly addressed (from, id and complete FullJID of the destination) then the server should forward that stanza to the user just fine. The most important bit - it has to be FullJID (with resource) of your contact.
(copied from comment after indication that this worked for OP)


Kamailio - Dispatcher determine availability via http?

We are currently using the dispatcher module in kamailio to get the availability of gateways via the dispatch list.
It uses a health check based on if it can talk to the gateway via SIP by default. However, I would like to know if we can make the check better by also checking via a http health check?
The reason for this is because when the gateway on the other end is in courtesy shutdown the dispatcher still sends calls to it even though we would like the box to shutdown. This leads to the gateway always staying up.
Alternatively there might be a better way of handling this by sending a message back in the sip packet to kamailio.
I have read through the documentation but I can't seem to find anything like what I am looking for.
The Dispatcher module has Event Routes that can be called when a SIP destination goes down / up. There are no Event Routes for HTTP as it's not constantly queried in it's own thread by Dispatcher.
Alternatively there might be a better way of handling this by sending a message back in the sip packet to kamailio.
You can however set the dispatcher state using the ds_mark_dst([state]) function. Through this you could add a custom header in any SIP message from your box that's shutting down to tell Kamailio's Dispatcher to not use it as a destination in the future.
If we added an imaginary header called "X-SetState" with the value "Shutdown" and send it from our box that's shutting down to Kamailio in a SIP message we could pick it up with something like this:
is_present_hf("X-SetState"){ //If custom header is present
xlog("Received state change request ($ru) with value $hdr(X-SetState)")
if($hdr(X-SetState) == "Shutdown"){ //If value of header is Shutdown
ds_mark_dst("dp"); //Mark destatination as disabled & probing
Obviously you'd need to add your own code to select the right dispatcher to mark inactive and ensure that the X-SetState header was only parsed if it came from your internal boxes you want to mark as down but you get the idea.
However, I would like to know if we can make the check better by also checking via a http health check?
Dispatcher at the moment has no support for monitoring HTTP state, but adding it wouldn't be that difficult to implement, if you're handy at C you could add support or add a feature request.
Alternatively you could write an script to monitor HTTP status of each device and the using Kamcmd / Kamctl set the dispatcher group to down if it doesn't get a response.

Support multiple windows for a single user - XMPP chat using strophe.js

I have a chat client that can be incorporated into multiple hosts, the chat client is independent.
User A logs in at two places - say chrome and firefox
So User A sends Message User B, User B receives the message, chat message is displayed at both sides.
Now User A has logged in at the window in the separate browser also, I want to push the message and display the message here also
Just like if you open a Gmail chat window at multiple browsers, then the sent message is pushed at both the ends.
XMPP protocol define JID as following:
JIDs consist of three main parts:
The node identifier (optional) The domain identifier (required) The
resource identifier (optional) JIDs are encoded UTF-8. A grammar will
be presented first, followed by specific clarifying and further
restricting remarks.
or in s simpler language you JID is built from:
one user can have many resources,
for example:
just set up the right resource for the user each time and let the XMPP Server to take care of the rest.
and you can look at this post to see how to do it with strophe
tou can read more about it in here:
I am using message carbon.
There is a plugin provided by strophe. - strophe carbon
I have implemented using message carbons. The XEP is given here. For this to work you will need to check if the server supports this XEP. Most servers, Ejabberd, MongooseIM, Openfire, etc., supports the extension. The server will forward the message carbon to each resource. Once you have enabled message carbons in your server, all you need is to take care of the stanza which is being forwarded to you from each resource for a JID.
Lets say the JID for user A and user B is userA#domain.com and userB#domain.com, and you login to both chrome and firefox using the full JIDs below:
Now when you start sending message to user B from chrome, the message will be sent to your XMPP server which then also forwards the same message to your firefox browser. Lets say if the original message stanza sent from chrome is as follows:
<message xmlns='jabber:client'
<body>What man art thou that, thus bescreen'd in night, so stumblest on my counsel?</body>
You should receive the forwarded stanza in your firefox as follows:
<message xmlns='jabber:client'
<received xmlns='urn:xmpp:carbons:2'>
<forwarded xmlns='urn:xmpp:forward:0'>
<message xmlns='jabber:client'
<body>What man art thou that, thus bescreen'd in night, so stumblest on my counsel?</body>
You need to extract original message from the forwarded stanza. Also note that you can use each browser tab as a separate resource. You might also want to configure the maximum number of resources the server can handle at a time for a user.

How to properly connect strophe.js client with Prosody server using XMPP protocol

I've installed and configured Prosody server. It listens on standard localhost:5222. Added admin in configuration file - user1#example.com. Every request to server ended up with error:
<stream:stream xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xmlns="jabber:client" id="" version="1.0">
<not-well-formed xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams"/>
As a client I would like to use strophe.js. I'm sending only presence stanza ($pres). Here is my code.
'use strict';
.controller('ChatCtrl', function () {
var vm = this;
var url = "http://localhost:5222";
var connection = null;
var output = document.getElementById("output");
function log(message) {
var line = document.createElement("div");
line.textContent = message;
function connectHandler(cond) {
if (cond == Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
else {
log("not connected");
vm.connectB = function() {
var username = document.getElementById("username").value;
var password = document.getElementById("password").value;
connection = new Strophe.Connection(url);
connection.connect(username, password, connectHandler);
In console i see error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:5222/. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Origin 'http://localhost:9000' is therefore not allowed access.
How can I add Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header to my request?
When I'm trying send request to localhost:5222 (without http) I'm getting:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load localhost:5222. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.
And when I send it through websocket, I'm getting:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:5222/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 200
Fiddler provides me protocol violation report:
The server didn't return properly-formatted HTTP Headers. Maybe missing altogether
(e.g. HTTP/0.9), maybe only \r\r instead of \r\n\r\n?
First and foremost, it looks like you're trying to connect directly to port 5222 (typically used for XMPP), but in order to use Strophe from a client-side webpage, you must use HTTP-Binding (aka BOSH).
Strophe speaks XMPP, but it is unique in that it does not actually transmit data using the XMPP protocol, instead it relies on BOSH for this (that is, Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP). This is because the XMPP protocol is designed to keep the client and server connected at all times, and we all know this isn't how HTTP works. To put it in simple terms, BOSH allows your HTTP client to asynchronously receive data without having to explicitly make a request for it. If you have more questions regarding BOSH let me know and I'll try my best to explain what is does and why you need it.
You must enable this feature in prosody before connecting with Strophe, check out this link to get setup.
Prosody Docs - Setting up BOSH
Once you've setup BOSH, you will need to change your client side code to use a different address. It is likely that you have setup the path+port for BOSH to something such as :5280/http-bind/. At this point you need to make sure that Strophe is using this URL instead of the actual XMPP port of 5222.
Finally, CORS is required for any resource outside of your websites domain and port. In your example, your client has to make a request to a URL which is running on a different port+domain as the page itself (the connection between Strophe and Prosody). Good news is, Prosody already supports CORS and enabling it is very straightforward. All of this is explained in much further detail on the page I linked earlier.
Hope that helps!

Facebook Chat (XMPP) XEP 0080 support

I have being checking out using a prototype test program the capabilities of the XMPP Facebook Chat, X-FACEBOOK. It worked great using a geoloc message XEP 0080 with Gmail servers, but when i try to send the same XML structure through the X-FACEBOOK, it trims the message and removes the GeoLoc node.
I wanted to ask if someone knows if its possible to send XEP 0080 messages in X-FACEBOOK and if so what structure should I use so the Facebook Chat XMPP Server won't trim the GeoLoc info.
Sent XMPP geoloc message:
<message to="-100002578491827#chat.facebook.com" from="4yony4#chat.facebook.com/19256ca9_4C5CC12947646" type="chat" xml:lang="en">
<event xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">
<items node="http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc">
<item id="">
<geoloc xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc">
<timestamp>2012-07-27 09:09:50 GMT</timestamp>
Received message by client:
<message xmlns="jabber:client" from="-1177157556#chat.facebook.com" to="" type="chat">
<active xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"/>
Any solution or opinion will be greatly appreciated.
Well, changed the XML to resemble the one you posted, without the pub sub, and still the same problem, the message received in the recipient lacks all the namespaces under the GeoLoc node, which I think is a result of the Server not supporting that format. I can try and use the IQ subscriber option, thing is that I prefer to find a solution on which I can directly send the info to a user.
If there is a possibility, even a small one in which i may be able to send information regarding GeoLoc from User A to User B in Facebook Server it may be of great help, if not well i guess i will have to accept it.
Thx for the help BTW.
When I was testing facebook XMPP connection, it did not support almost any extensions and blocked any custom tags on server. It was able to send basic presences, basic messages, vcards and that was about all it could do.
Pubsub events should be sent to services. Modern XMPP servers also support PEP extension and you can send pubsub to servers itself. In other cases, use message with target user as Robin have advised.
I do not think facebook has any server with pubsub. Also i think it still filters any unsupported namespaces. Feel free to prove me I am wrong, it is more than year since I last tested it.
These are not the same message.
The received message is simply an indicator of the users chat state, as defined in XEP-0085 and has no direct relationship to the message you sent. That doesn't mean that the first didn't potentially trigger the second, whatever library you are using may have sent the chatstate as well when you sent the message. This type of message is commonly used in chat clients to indicate that someone you are chatting with is typing a message.
The problem is probably that the message you are sending is in fact a PEP message. This is meant to be sent by the PEP service in the server, not from a client. I don't know if Facebook supports PEP or not, but I would guess that it is being filtered out due to your incorrect usage of a known namespace. PEP or Pubsub are the recommended ways of publishing geolocation information, but to utilize those you have to send an IQ packet to the service, not a message to the other client.
Try this instead (Not saying it will work, but at least the pubsub stuff is stripped):
<message to="-100002578491827#chat.facebook.com" from="4yony4#chat.facebook.com/19256ca9_4C5CC12947646" type="chat" xml:lang="en">
<geoloc xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc">
<timestamp>2012-07-27 09:09:50 GMT</timestamp>
I want to second Pihhan. It seems like the Facebook XMPP servers restructure messages to contain only the message body, date, and timestamp. I think they do that to keep it identical to their comment graph objects.
It is annoying, but I suspect it is deliberate. After all, their Graph is the main issue, not XMPP.

Listening for incoming SIP messages using MjSip

I'm doing a university project in which i have to communicate with an existing server using SIP messages. I have done the part where i send the message, and i see with wireshark that the server responded, but i don't know how to receive that message and interpret it.
I have created a class that composes a sip message, and then creates a UdpTransport to send the message. I fill all of the message headers manually before that.
udp_transport = new UdpTransport(0, this);
udp_transport.sendMessage(sip_message, new IpAddress(toAddress), 5060);
Now i wonder how to receive the message the server sends back.
The declaration of MjSip SipProvider class (i modeled mine after it, they both call UDPTransport) implements TransportListener and has a callback methond onReceivedMessage()
but i'm not sure how to make it listen. I need to listen on a specific port, that the user inputs in the UI before. Not really sure how this callback even works.
So, i just need something to listen for a response message, and that it calls my processReceivedMessage() method so i can extract information.