Why Lighthouse PWA Optimized Audit Error on My Site - progressive-web-apps

I am trying to audit my site using lighthouse but it is always error on PWA Optimized part. The errors are on "Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS" and "Contains some content when Javascript is not available".
But it is working fine on localhost.
Here is my site:
I am really appreciate for help...


Lighthouse and bubblewrap PWA check fails when testing offline for start_url

I have a PWA that I am trying to use to create an Android app (apk) with a trusted web activity using bubblewrap tool (https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/bubblewrap). To check the PWA criteria, it uses Lighthouse which fails the following audit step (red):
start_url does not respond with a 200 when offline
Timed out waiting for start_url to respond.
But actually the step regarding to current page being offline is ok (green):
Current page responds with a 200 when offline
My PWA is hosted at an url: https://example.com/myapp/. So the service worker (manifest) has the startup url and Scope at "/myapp/". So if I access this page in Offline mode (Check the box "Offline" in the dev tools "Application" tab) it serves an offline page that is cached at the beginning when the service worker is installed (I followed this example: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Cache/match and everything seems to work fine, I tested even on my mobile in airplane mode).
Also, the startup page redirects to ?locale=en but it is the same webpage (so in Offline mode every url seems to show my offline html page). What is even stranger is that in about 20-30 audit reports, one time this step passed, randomly)
I am doing the Lighthouse tests on Mac, Chrome 84.
So I made some tests and I saw that if I access http://example.com/myapp (instead of http://example.com/myapp/ - there is a / at the end), the offline html page is not shown anymore. But in the manifest the scope and start_url are set to "/myapp/" exactly so I don't know if this is an issue (if I set them to "/myapp" the PWA won't work anymore saying that there is no service worker at that path, which sounds strange because my jetty server redirects /myapp to /myapp/ which both should be the same resource)
The Bubblewrap lighthouse check is a wrapper around the [Pagespeed Insights API]. The PSI API can be a bit flaky and fail to run at times. If the failure is constant, I'd recommend running the URL against PSI, as you should get the same report, but with more detailed information.

http status 302 error in tomcat eclipse

I am developing a Telco application (Dyanamic Web application project to send and receive sms) using Eclipse & tomcate version 7
When I try to run it on
It gives an error message HTTP-ERROR-CODE:302
What should I do to resolve this error
This is the link to Application and video tutorial what I am following
HTTP code 302 is a standard "redirect" message--that is, it tells your web browser that the page was moved and where the new page can be found. I'm guessing whatever you're using as a web browser (Eclipse?) just doesn't handle that type of redirect. Try using a standard web browser like Chrome or Mozilla to see if that helps...
Also a guess, but the redirect may be trying to move you to HTTPS instead of HTTP, and your certificates may not be set up properly, or the port isn't enabled, or there may be some other problem with your HTTPS configuration. If the app is supposed to work over HTTPS, try going directly to the HTTPS version of the link to see if that's the real issue.
A third guess is the app may be trying to redirect you to a login page if you're not logged in, and maybe it can't find it. I'd need to know a lot more about the built product and I really don't want to mess with some guy's shared Eclipse project. Tell them to use a build tool!

Troubleshooting IE 9 SSL certificate error

I have a Facebook canvas app that calls various external files over https. When loading FB over http and then navigating to the app, I get the message "Internet Explorer blocked this website from displaying content with security certificate errors."
I realize there could be any number of culprits in a mixed environment, but how to best troubleshoot the specific request(s) that trigger the error? The IE dev tools don't provide a clue, as the error is not reported in the network or console tab. When I view the same page in Chrome, I get no SSL error, so I can't find a clue there.
Essentially what I've done so far is to proceed by clicking "show content", logging all the https requests in Charles, then trying them all individually in IE to see if any trigger the error out of context.
The F12 Tools Console typically will show the exact source of a HTTPS error, as will the Fiddler Web Debugger. Is there a repro URL we could look at?
Do you have fiddler or httpwatch to figure out whether the request is being forwarded to another secured (https) URL?

j_security_check favicon Issue in Chrome Browser

My Web Application deployed in Glassfish server is using j_security_check for form authentication. I have observed after logging in successfully, Chrome browser is redirecting the page to /favicon.ico instead of originally requested page. This behaviour is observed only in Chrome browser and it is sporadic in nature.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This issue is resolved now. I have included favicon.ico in security-constraint in web.xml file.

Facebook connect 403 Access Denied

I am using the Facebook JavaScript SDK for a project I'm currently working on. It's been working fine before, but when I opened it today, the URL http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js is not accessible. When I inspected the network using Firebug, I noticed that the server was returning 403 Access Denied.
Is there something I am getting wrong or is it Facebook server problem?
Finally figured out that Facebook's new HTTPS feature is interfering. Using https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js solves the problem. Seems someone misconfigured their servers.