How can i load a bigquery table to dataproc cluster - pyspark

I am new to dataproc cluster and PySpark so, in the process of looking for codes to load table from bigquery to the cluster, i came across the code below and was unable to figure out what all am i suppose to change for my usecase in this code and what are we providing as an input in the input directory
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession
import subprocess
sc = SparkContext()
spark = SparkSession(sc)
bucket = spark._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().get('')
project = spark._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().get('')
input_directory = 'gs://{}/hadoop/tmp/bigquery/pyspark_input'.format(bucket)
conf = {
'': project,
'': bucket,
'': input_directory,
'': 'dataset_new',
'': 'retail',
'': 'market',

You are trying to use Hadoop BigQuery connector, for Spark you should use Spark BigQuery connector.
To read data from BigQuery you can follow an example:
# Use the Cloud Storage bucket for temporary BigQuery export data used
# by the connector.
bucket = "[bucket]"
spark.conf.set('temporaryGcsBucket', bucket)
# Load data from BigQuery.
words ='bigquery') \
.option('table', 'bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare') \
# Perform word count.
word_count = spark.sql(
'SELECT word, SUM(word_count) AS word_count FROM words GROUP BY word')


how to connect to mongodb Atlas from databricks cluster using pyspark

how to connect to mongodb Atlas from databricks cluster using pyspark
This is my simple code in notebook
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("myApp") \
.config("spark.mongodb.input.uri", "mongodb+srv://admin:<password>") \
df ="mongo").load()
But I am getting error as
IllegalArgumentException: Missing database name. Set via the 'spark.mongodb.input.uri' or 'spark.mongodb.input.database' property
What is wrong am i doing
I followed this steps and I was able to connect.
Install org.mongodb.spark:mongo-spark-connector_2.12:3.0.2 maven library to your cluster as I was using scala2.12
Goto Cluster detail page and in Advance option under Spark tab , you add below two config parameters
spark.mongodb.output.uri connection-string
spark.mongodb.input.uri connection-string
Note connection-string should look like this - (have your appropriate user, password and database names)
Use following python code in your notebook and it should load your sample collection to a dataframe
# Reading from MongoDB
df =\
.option("uri", "mongodb+srv://")\
.option("database", "my_database")\
.option("collection", "my_collection")\
You can use following to write to mongo db
.option( "uri", "mongodb+srv://") \
Hope this should work for you. Please do let others know if it worked.

Filtering millions of files with pySpark and Cloud Storage

I am facing the following task: I have individual files (like Mb) stored in Google Cloud Storage Bucket grouped in directories by date (each directory contains around 5k files). I need to look at each file (xml) , filter proper one and put them into Mongo or write back to Google Cloud Storage in lets say parquet format. I wrote a simple pySpark program that looks like this:
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import *
spark = (
.config("spark.mongodb.output.uri", "mongodb://<mongo_connection>")
.config("spark.mongodb.output.database", "test")
.config("spark.mongodb.output.collection", "test")
.config("", "true")
.config("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled", "true")
spark_context = spark.sparkContext
sql_context = pyspark.SQLContext(spark_context)
# configure Hadoop
hadoop_conf = spark_context._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()
hadoop_conf.set("", "")
hadoop_conf.set("", "")
# DataFrame schema
schema = StructType([
StructField('filename', StringType(), True),
StructField("date", DateType(), True),
StructField("xml", StringType(), True)
# -------------------------
# Main operation
# -------------------------
# get all files
files = spark_context.wholeTextFiles('gs://bucket/*/*.gz')
rows = files \
.map(lambda x: custom_checking_map(x)) \
.filter(lambda x: x is not None)
# transform to DataFrame
df = sql_context.createDataFrame(rows, schema)
# write to mongo
# write back to Cloud Storage
I tested it on a subset (single directory gs://bucket/20191010/*.gz) and it works. I deploy it on Google Dataproc cluster, but doubt anything is happening single the logs stop after 19/11/06 15:41:40 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1573054807908_0001
I am running 3 worker cluster with 4 cores and 15GB RAM + 500GB HDD. Spark version 2.3.3, scala 2.11 mongo-connector-spark_2.11-2.3.3.
I am new to Spark so any suggestions are appreciated. Normally, I would write this work using Python multiprocessing, but wanted to move to something "better", but now I am not sure.
It could take significant amount of time to list very large number of files in GCS - most probably your job "hangs" while Spark driver listing all files before starting processing.
You will achieve much better performance by listing all directories first and after that processing files in each directory - to achieve best performance you can process directories in parallel, but taking into account that each directory has 5k files and your cluster only 3 workers, it could be good enough to process directories sequentially.

How to load a csv/txt file into AWS Glue job

I have below 2 clarifications on AWS Glue, could you please clarify. Because I need to use glue as part of my project.
I would like to load a csv/txt file into a Glue job to process it. (Like we do in Spark with dataframes). Is this possible in Glue? Or do we have to use only Crawlers to crawl the data into Glue tables and make use of them like below for further processing?
empdf = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
Below I used Spark code to load a file into Glue, but I'm getting lengthy error logs. Can we directly run Spark or PySpark code as it is without any changes in Glue?
import sys
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
sc = SparkContext()
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
spark = glueContext.spark_session
job = Job(glueContext)
job.init(args['JOB_NAME'], args)
dfnew ="header","true").option("delimiter", ",").csv("C:\inputs\TEST.txt")
It's possible to load data directly from s3 using Glue:
sourceDyf = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame_from_options(
"paths": ["s3://bucket/folder"]
"withHeader": True,
"separator": ","
You can also do that just with spark (as you already tried):
sourceDf =
.option("delimiter", ",")
However, in this case Glue doesn't guarantee that they provide appropriate Spark readers. So if your error is related to missing data source for CSV then you should add spark-csv lib to the Glue job by providing s3 path to its locations via --extra-jars parameter.
Below 2 cases i tested working fine:
To load a file from S3 into Glue.
dfnew = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame_from_options("s3", {'paths': ["s3://MyBucket/path/"] }, format="csv" )
To load data from Glue db and tables which are generated already through Glue Crawlers.
DynFr = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database="test_db", table_name="test_table")
DynFr is a DynamicFrame, so if we want to work with Spark code in Glue, then we need to convert it into a normal data frame like below.
df1 = DynFr.toDF()

Loading data from Amazon redshift to HDFS

I'm trying to load data from Amazon Redshift to HDFS.
val df ="com.databricks.spark.redshift")
> .option("forward_spark_s3_credentials", "true").option("url",
> "jdbc:redshift://xxx1").option("user","xxx2").option("password",
> "xxx3") .option("query", "xxx4") .option("driver",
> "") .option("tempdir", "s3n://xxx5")
> .load()
This is the Scala code I'm using. When I do df.count() and df.printSchema(), it's giving me the right schema and count. But, when I do or try to write it to hdfs it says
S3ServiceException:The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.,Status 403,Error InvalidAccessKeyId
you need to export below environment variables to write to s3.

Unable to create dataframe using SQLContext object in spark2.2

I am using spark 2.2 version on Microsoft Windows 7. I want to load csv file in one variable to perform SQL related actions later on but unable to do so. I referred accepted answer from this link but of no use. I followed below steps for creating SparkContext object and SQLContext object:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
val sc=SparkContext.getOrCreate() // Creating spark context object
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) // Creating SQL object for query related tasks
Objects are created successfully but when I execute below code it throws an error which can't be posted here.
val df ="csv").option("header", "true").load("D://ResourceData.csv")
And when I try something like it says that df was not found. I tried databricks solution for loading CSV from the attached link. It downloads the packages but doesn't load csv file. So how can I rectify my problem?? Thanks in advance :)
I solved my problem for loading local file in dataframe using 1.6 version in cloudera VM with the help of below code:
1) sudo spark-shell --jars /usr/lib/spark/lib/spark-csv_2.10-1.5.0.jar,/usr/lib/spark/lib/commons-csv-1.5.jar,/usr/lib/spark/lib/univocity-parsers-1.5.1.jar
2) val df1 ="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").option("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls", "true" ).option("parserLib", "univocity").load("file:///home/cloudera/Desktop/ResourceData.csv")
NOTE: sc and sqlContext variables are automatically created
But there are many improvements in the latest version i.e 2.2.1 which I am unable to use because metastore_db doesn't gets created in windows 7. I ll post a new question regarding the same.
In reference with your comment that you are able to access SparkSession variable, then follow below steps to process your csv file using SparkSQL.
Spark SQL is a Spark module for structured data processing.
There are mainly two abstractions - Dataset and Dataframe :
A Dataset is a distributed collection of data.
A DataFrame is a Dataset organized into named columns.
In the Scala API, DataFrame is simply a type alias of Dataset[Row].
With a SparkSession, applications can create DataFrames from an existing RDD, from a Hive table, or from Spark data sources.
You have a csv file and you can simply create a dataframe by doing one of the following:
From your spark-shell using the SparkSession variable spark:
val df =
.option("header", "true")
After reading the file into dataframe, you can register it into a temporary view.
SQL statements can be run by using the sql methods provided by Spark
val fooDF = spark.sql("SELECT name, age FROM foo WHERE age BETWEEN 13 AND 19")
You can also query that file directly with SQL:
val df = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM csv.'file:///path to the file/'")
Make sure that you run spark in local mode when you load data from local, or else you will get error. The error occurs when you have already set HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable,and which expects "hdfs://..." otherwise "file://".
Set your spark.sql.warehouse.dir (default: ${system:user.dir}/spark-warehouse).
.config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "file:///C:/path/to/my/")
It is the default location of Hive warehouse directory (using Derby)
with managed databases and tables. Once you set the warehouse directory, Spark will be able to locate your files, and you can load csv.
Reference : Spark SQL Programming Guide
Spark version 2.2.0 has built-in support for csv.
In your spark-shell run the following code
val df=
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [Team_Id: string, Team_Name: string ... 1 more field]