HAProxy redirect one URL into another - haproxy

I’m quite new to HAProxy and have what I believe to be a simple use-case:
I want to redirect requests made into my KVM host --> URL of the guest VMs.
In my case the redirects are for several VMs that run HTTPS content.
-- HAProxy is running on the KVM host ( - ansout.mine.local)
-- HTTPS guest VM running on KVM ( - ans.lab.local)
How can I make a request from a client (on the KVM network) to ‘http://ansout.mine.local’ and redirect it into, 'https://ans.lab.local'
It would seem I need to use the ‘http-request redirect’ function in HAProxy but I still can’t wrap my head around it.
Could anyone one kindly provide some pointers on how to achieve the example above?
Many thanks in advance.

I assume that the client then should connect directly to ans.lab.local.
listen http-in
bind :80
log stdout format raw daemon
mode http
option httplog
tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
tcp-request content accept if HTTP
timeout client 5s
timeout connect 30s
timeout server 30s
http-request redirect code 301 location https://ans.lab.local if { hdr(host) -i ansout.mine.local }
If you have several hosts which you want to redirect please take a look into HAProxy Maps.


HAProxy redirect port and mask url

I have a couple of webservers that are reachable directly through the following URL:
I need to use HAProxy to loadbalance between the two and use the following URLs instead when hitting the frontend:
So other requirements beside the two above:
If initial traffic is port 80, convert to port 8445
Mask the URL so that on the browser while it redirected to https and port to 8445, the host remains intact, like so: https://1234.example.com:8445/desktop/container/landing.jsp?locale=en_US
Here's my config so far:
frontend WebApp_frontend
mode http
acl is80 dst_port 80
http-request set-uri https://%[req.hdr(Host)]:8445%[path]?%[query] if is80
default_backend WebApp-backend
backend WebApp_backend
description WebApp
balance roundrobin
mode http
server webserver1 check inter 5s fall 3 rise 5 downinter 1m ssl verify none
server webserver2 check inter 5s fall 3 rise 5 downinter 1m ssl verify none
The problem I'm facing right now is that when you access the frontend, HAProxy will redirect you to any of the webservers and force your client to hit the webserver directly instead of through the HAProxy. I need the connection to remain through the HAProxy.
If all your application is doing is redirecting to HTTPs then you should probably just handle that directly within HAProxy. You might want to also explore whether your application supports X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host.
Another option is you can have HAProxy rewrite the redirects from the backend application to the hostname you choose. Using HAProxy 2.1 you would do something like this:
http-response replace-header location https?://[^:/]*(:?[0-9]+/.*) https://1234.example.com\1 if { status 301:302 }

Proxy requests to backend using h2c

Re-asking the question from HA-Proxy discourse site here in the hopes of getting more eyes on it.
I am using HA-Proxy version 1.9.4 2019/02/06 for proxying HTTP traffic to a h2c backend. I am however seeing HA-Proxy set the :scheme to https (and from as far as I can tell uses SSL in the request) when proxying the request. When I hit the backend directly, the :scheme is set to http and the request is non-SSL as expected. I have verified this HA-Proxy behavior using wireshark.
Any suggestions on what I should change in my configuration so that I can set to make sure that the :scheme gets set to http while proxying the request to the backend?
I am using curl 7.54.0 to make requests:
$ curl http://localhost:9090
where HA-Proxy is listening on port 9090.
My HA-Proxy config file:
maxconn 4096
log global
option http-use-htx
timeout connect 60s
timeout client 60s
timeout server 60s
frontend waiter
mode http
bind *:9090
default_backend local_node
backend local_node
mode http
server localhost localhost:8080 proto h2
It's not supported yet. The client=>haproxy connection can be HTTP/2, the haproxy=>server connection cannot.
HTTP/2 is only supported for incoming connections, not on connections
going to servers.
Just add proto h2 to the server definition.
Cite from example:
server server1 proto h2
It's an experimental feature of haproxy-1.9, you must enable option http-use-htx to use it.
option http-use-htx is enabled by default since haproxy-2.0-dev3.
This was reported as an issue in haproxy github and has been fixed in version 2.0.

Transmission Torrent behind HAProxy - HTTP Response Header used as session identifier and stickiness token

I've been trying, and failing so far, to run Transmission behind HAProxy.
If I just add a new backend and route traffic as follows:
frontend http-in
bind *:80
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http
acl host1 hdr_end(host) -i web.host1.host
use_backend apache_backend if host1
acl transmission_host hdr_end(host) -i transmission.host1.host
use_backend transmission_backend if transmission_host
Then I get a 409 conflict error stating I have an invalid session-id header. That's pretty obvious and expected since there's a proxy in the middle.
I thought of recompiling transmission to get rid of the check, but decided in the end to face the challenge of learning a bit more of HAProxy. What did I have in mind?
Client reaches HAProxy
HAProxy connects to transmission-daemon
Daemon replies with X-Transmission-Session-Id
HAProxy stores the Session-Id somehow and replaces Session-Id sent by the client with the one captured by HAProxy.
After a lot of Googling and playing with the settings, I got an almost working configuration:
frontend http-in
bind *:80
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http
capture response header X-Transmission-Session-Id len 48
acl host1 hdr_end(host) -i web.host1.host
use_backend apache_backend if host1
acl transmission_host hdr_end(host) -i transmission.host1.host
use_backend transmission_backend if transmission_host
backend transmission_backend
mode http
http-request set-header X-Transmission-Session-Id %hs
server transmission-daemon transmission.intranet:9091
My configuration examples are summarized.
It works, sort of. I get a login prompt for transmission, but the page loads incredibly slow. I'm more than 10 minutes in and still don't have it fully loaded.
More pages go through this proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, some load balanced, some set as fail-overs. They all load normally and fast. If I connect directly to the transmission-daemon server, it loads fast as well.
I'll keep looking around.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
3 years later,
from what I've seen in https://gist.github.com/yuezhu/93184b8d8d9f7d0ada0a186cbcda9273
you should capture request and response in frontend http-in,
I didn't dug much more, but the backend seems to need
stick-table type binary len 48 size 30k expire 30m
stick store-response hdr(X-Transmission-Session-Id)
stick on hdr(X-Transmission-Session-Id)
to work

haproxy: set timeout if <condition>

The question seems to be quite straight and easy, however I have not been able to find a proper answer.
In haproxy I have 1 backend, say:
and 2 frontends, say:
In the backend stanza I want to set a "timeout server" parameter, but, only if the connection comes from frontend-1.
As I didn't find anything I tried to figure it out myself:
backend backend-1
bind *:80
option <blahblah_option>
timeout server 1d if frontend frontend-1
This syntax does not work, and I am mentioning it to let understand what I am trying to achieve.
This is not doable yet in HAProxy.
Later, you will be able to set timeouts using tcp-request and http-request rules.
What we usually do to workaround this for now, is that we setup 2 backends using the same parameters, but different timeout servers.
This is useful when a few urls only deserve a long server timeout.
Edit followup your comment about multiple health checks:
Well, that's why the server's 'track' directive exists:
backend my_app
server srv1 check
backend my_app_longtime
server srv1 track my_app/srv1
In the conf above, the server in my_app_longtime backend won't be checked. That said, it will follow up the same state than srv1 in the backend my_app.
I did it like this and it worked. It made it possible to extend timeout on specific app urls, which are more time consuming. Used that trace health check - thanks Babtiste.
frontend www-http
default_backend app
acl long_url path_beg -i /long_url
use_backend app-extended if long_url
backend app
server web-1 check
backend app-extended
server web-1 trace app/web-1
timeout server 10m

HAProxy - Request getting Broadcast to every server

I am hosting two different application versions on same servers on different ports. In basic version i expect that following configuration should send request in RoundRobin fashion to different ports. But what i am observing is the request is getting broadcasted to ALL of my server endpoints. Meaning in below example my main request to port 8080 gets FWD to both www.myappdemo.com:5001 and www.myappdemo.com:5002... although the response send by proxy is ALWAYS from www.myappdemo.com:5001.
Can anyone tell what is wrong here?
maxconn 256
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend http-in
bind *:8080
default_backend servers
backend servers
balance roundrobin
server svr_50301 www.myappdemo.com:5001 maxconn 32 check
server svr_50302 www.myappdemo.com:5002 maxconn 32 check
i can advise you to enable logs and web interface, after that you can provide us more logs and you can check in web interface also if haproxy detects you second server(svr_50302) to be alive.
Reference to HAProxy 1.5 Doc's :
Web Interface - http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.5.html#4.2-stats%20admin
Good info how to enable login - http://webdevwonders.com/haproxy-load-balancer-setup-including-logging-on-debian/
Best Regards,