Custom storage backend for JanusGraph - mongodb

I am planning to implement a mongoDB storage backend for JanusGraph. The reason for picking MongoDB is mainly because all of our existing infrastructure and services use MongoDB, so it would be less net new maintenance requirement. Where do I get started? Is there a list of APIs that JanusGraph provides that need to be implemented by a custom backend? I couldn't find any documentation.

As of now Janusgraph supports only limited number of storage-backends as of now (Cassandra, HBase, BigTable, Berkeley). You can find more info here


I want to deploy janusgraph. which storage backend should i use for cassandra. Is it cql or cassandrathrift?

Problem -> I want to deploy JanusGraph as separate service on Kubernetes. which storage backend should i use for cassandra. Is it CQL or cassandrathrift?? Cassandra is running as stateful service on Kubernetes.
Detailed Description-> As per JanusGraph doc, in case of Remote Server Mode, storage backend should be cql.
JanusGraph graph =
set("storage.backend", "cql").
set("storage.hostname", "").
Even they mentioned that Thrift is deprecated going ahead with Cassandra 2.1 & I am using Cassandra 3.
But in some blog, they have mentioned that rest api call from JanusGraph to Cassandra is possible only through Thrift.
Is Thrift really required? Can't we use CQL as storage backend for rest api call as well?
Yes, you absolutely should use the cql storage backend.
Thrift is deprecated, disabled by default in the current version of Cassandra (version 3), and has been removed from Cassandra version 4.
I would also be interested in reading the blog post you referenced. Are you talking about IBM's Rest API mentioned in their JanusGraph-utils Git repo? That confuses me as well, because I see both Thrift and CQL config happening there. In any case, I would go with the cql settings and give it a shot.
Avoid Thrift at all costs!

Loopback 4 - Mongo and Elastic data synchronization

Is there an easy way to sync MongoDB data with Elastic if we are using a Loopback 4 application? (In a NodeJS Express application we can easily do this using mongoosastic plugin.)
Currently in loopback a model is bound to one data source which is either a mongo or elastic. My ultimate goal is to write POST, PUT, DELETE methods in mongo (and replicate in elastic) and GET methods to use Elastic as datasource.
I would highly recommend to decouple the syncoronization part from the core routes of your application. You could leverage the MongoDB Change streams to listen for change and update your elasticsearch. This could be a simple app running on a totally different server which does the syncronization while you carry on serving your requests. This will make the overall process and architecture more durable and fault tolerant. You can read more about this on following link
Mongodb to elasticsearch

Is there any free WebUI tools for administrating and monitoring MongoDb server instance similar to Atlas Cloud?

I am searching for tool, which should provide collections overview, queries to them, replicas configurations, instance performance dashboards.
You can look for zabbix as elementary monitoring. However for querying the DB for data you need to use custom shell scripts or metric reporting tools to get that information

MongoDB on Azure worker role

I m developing an application using SignalR to manage websockets and allow my clients to dialog between each other.
I m planning to host this back-office on an Azure worker role. As my SignalR requests carry data that is most of the time saved in the database, I m wondering if NoSQL's MongoDB instead of the classic SQL Server/Entity Framework couple should be a good approach.
Assuming that my application's data types will be strings for most of them, I think MongoDB will be a reliable and a performant solution, and it will allow me to get rid of Azure's SQL's database costs.
For information, the Azure worker role will be running on a machine with the following hardware: 1 core CPU, 3.5GB RAM and 50GB SSD storage.
Do you think I m on a good start with this architecture ?
Do you think I m on a good start with this architecture?
In a word, no.
A user asked a similar question regarding running Redis on Worker Roles - Setting up Redis on Azure cloud service worker role - all of the content on that Q/A is relevant in the MongoDb context.
I'd suggest that you read my answer as it goes into more detail, but as an overview of why this is a bad architectural approach:
You cannot guarantee when a Worker Role will be restarted by the Azure Service Fabric.
In a real-world implementation of Mongo, you would run multiple nodes within a cluster, with a single Worker Role (as you have suggested in your question) this won't be possible.
You will need to manage your MongoDb installation within the Worker Role and they simply aren't designed for this.
If you are really fixed on using Mongo, I would suggest that you use a hosted solution such as MongoLabs (as suggested in earlier answers), or consider hosting it on Azure IaaS VM's.
If you are not fixed on using Mongo, I would sincerely suggest that you look at Azure DocumentDb (also suggested above), Microsoft's Azure NoSQL offering - I have used it in several production systems already and it is certainly a capable NoSQL solution; granted, it may not have all of the features available with MongoDb.
If you are looking at a NoSQL solution for caching of data (i.e. not long term storage), I would suggest you take a look at Azure Redis Cache, which is a very capable Redis offering.
Azure has its own native NoSQL Document database called DocumentDB, have you had a look at it? If I were you I would use DocumentDB unless there are some special requirements that you have that you have not mentioned, but from what little requirement info that you have posted DocumentDB would do just fine. I don't think that it is quite similar to MongoDB in terms of the basic functionality, see this article for a comparison between Azure DocumentDB and MongoDB.

How can I test the MariaDB CONNECT Storage Engine with MongoDB - Does a connector exist?

According to a few articles I've read (e.g. here and here), MariaDB supports connection, command and querying of external data sources using the CONNECT Storage Engine.
Specifically, I'd like to test with MongoDB. Is there a connector that I can download and documention specific to MongoDB? My Google searches so far have come up short.