Is it possible to change the pensize of a drag-able poly in turtle? - drag-and-drop

I'm trying to change the pensize of a drag-able poly in turtle, so that the poly would have a broad border around it? Here is part of the code:
from turtle import Turtle,Shape,Screen
def simple_polygon(turtle):
shape = Shape("compound")
shape.addcomponent(turtle.get_poly(), "yellow", "green") # component #2
screen.register_shape("simple_polygon", shape)
def drag_handler(turtle, x, y):
turtle.ondrag(None) # disable ondrag event inside drag_handler
turtle.goto(x, y)
turtle.ondrag(lambda x, y, turtle=turtle: drag_handler(turtle, x, y))
screen = Screen()
magic_marker = Turtle()
mostly_green = Turtle(shape="simple_polygon")
mostly_green.goto(150, 150)
mostly_green.ondrag(lambda x, y: drag_handler(red, x, y))
Can someone show me how it's done?

Is it possible to change the pensize of a drag-able poly in turtle, so
that the poly would have a broad border around it?
Yes it is. Not at polygon creation nor registration time, but via the outline argument to shapesize() (aka turtlesize()) once it has been set as the turtle cursor:
from turtle import Screen, Turtle
def drag_handler(x, y):
turtle.ondrag(None) # disable event inside handler
turtle.goto(x, y)
screen = Screen()
turtle = Turtle()
screen.register_shape('simple_polygon', turtle.get_poly())
turtle.color('green', 'yellow')
This is not an answer to the question cited, as compound turtles take on many forms, and are not draggable. But it is a useful thing to do:


Grouping (without collision), adding and removing multiple bodies and polygons in pymunk?

I'm using code from the pymunk index_video to create a generic function that creates multiple cars which race each other and if they reach the right extreme of the screen, they are removed from Space and re-generated on the left extreme of the screen.
The problem is, that in the example code, each part of the car (chassis, pin joint, motor, wheels) is added to Space separately. I wanted to treat the entire car as a single body whose coordinates I can keep track of by storing the reference of the entire car body in a List and add or delete it to the Space easily.
Also, if the wheels are too close to the chassis, they collide with each other. I presume using a ShapeFilter can help avoid such collisions, but for that I need all parts of the car as a single body.
Please bear with me. I'm completely new to this jargon.
def car(space):
pos = Vec2d(100,200)
wheel_color = 52,219,119
shovel_color = 219,119,52
mass = 100
radius = 25
moment = pymunk.moment_for_circle(mass, 20, radius)
wheel1_b = pymunk.Body(mass, moment)
wheel1_s = pymunk.Circle(wheel1_b, radius)
wheel1_s.friction = 1.5
wheel1_s.color = wheel_color
space.add(wheel1_b, wheel1_s)
mass = 100
radius = 25
moment = pymunk.moment_for_circle(mass, 20, radius)
wheel2_b = pymunk.Body(mass, moment)
wheel2_s = pymunk.Circle(wheel2_b, radius)
wheel2_s.friction = 1.5
wheel2_s.color = wheel_color
space.add(wheel2_b, wheel2_s)
mass = 100
size = (50,30)
moment = pymunk.moment_for_box(mass, size)
chassi_b = pymunk.Body(mass, moment)
chassi_s = pymunk.Poly.create_box(chassi_b, size)
space.add(chassi_b, chassi_s)
vs = [(0,0),(25,45),(0,45)]
shovel_s = pymunk.Poly(chassi_b, vs, transform = pymunk.Transform(tx=85))
shovel_s.friction = 0.5
shovel_s.color = shovel_color
wheel1_b.position = pos - (55,0)
wheel2_b.position = pos + (55,0)
chassi_b.position = pos + (0,-25)
pymunk.PinJoint(wheel1_b, chassi_b, (0,0), (-25,-15)),
pymunk.PinJoint(wheel1_b, chassi_b, (0,0), (-25, 15)),
pymunk.PinJoint(wheel2_b, chassi_b, (0,0), (25,-15)),
pymunk.PinJoint(wheel2_b, chassi_b, (0,0), (25, 15))
speed = 4
pymunk.SimpleMotor(wheel1_b, chassi_b, speed),
pymunk.SimpleMotor(wheel2_b, chassi_b, speed)
So this question is actually two questions.
A. How to make a "car object" that consists of multiple parts
There is no built in support for this, you have keep track of it yourself.
One way to do it is to create a car class that contains all the parts of the car. Something like this (not complete code, you need to fill in the full car)
class Car():
def __init__(self, pos):
self.wheel_body = pymunk.Body()
self.wheel_shape = pymunk.Circle()
self.chassi_body = pymunk.Body()
self.chassi_shape = pymunk.Poly()
self.motor = pymunk.SimpleMotor(wheel_body, chassi_body, 0)
def add_to_space(self, space)
space.add(self.wheel_body, self.wheel_shape, self.chassi_body, self.chassi_shape, self.motor)
def set_speed(self, speed)
self.motor.rate = speed
def car_position(self)
return self.chassi_body.position
B. How to make parts of the car to not collide with each other
This is quite straight forward, just as you already found the ShapeFilter is the way to go. For each "car", create a ShapeFilter and set a unique non-zero group on it. Then set that ShapeFilter as the filter property on each shape that makes up the car. It doesnt matter if the shapes belong to the same body or not, any shape with a ShapeFilter with a group set will not collide to other shapes with the same group set.

Colored graph isomorphism?

I have two colored graphs. I want to determine if they are isomorphic, with the condition that the isomorphism must preserve vertex color. Is there an algorithm in networkx to do this?
The graphs are undirected and simple.
Check the documentation for is_isomorphic. It takes an optional argument nodes_match which is a function that tests some condition on the two nodes. It is called by node_match(G1.node[n1], G2.node[n2]). So in this case, you want a function that tests whether the colors are matching.
import networkx as nx
def colors_match(n1_attrib,n2_attrib):
'''returns False if either does not have a color or if the colors do not match'''
return n1_attrib['color']==n2_attrib['color']
except KeyError:
return False
G.add_node(1, color='y')
G.add_node(2, color='b')
H.add_node('a', color='y')
H.add_node('b', color = 'b')
H.add_node('c', color='r')

Compare value of property of all instances of class in python

I'm trying to write an object oriented program (as a learning exercise, I know there may be simpler ways to do it) in which beads bounce around a 2D plane bounded by a ring. Each bead is an object defined by a class ball. In setting the initial positions of the balls I need to check that no other ball has already been placed at the same x and y coordinates.
#Class for the beads
class ball:
NumbBalls = 0
def __init__(self,Beads):
self.ball = sphere(pos = vector(0,0,0), radius = radiusBall,
ball.NumbBalls += 1
self.ball.pos = self.createInitialPosition(Beads)
#Assign ball its initial position
def createInitialPosition(self,other):
#CODE to compare self.ball.pos and other.ball.pos which returns a unique position coordinate
#Main program
NumbBeads = 100
Beads = []#Create empty list for all the beads
#create balls in random initial positions
Beads = [ball(Beads) for item in range(NumbBeads)]
I can get this to work if I create two objects bead1 and bead2 and then pass bead1 and bead2 as arguments ie bead2 = ball(bead1) but how do I do this if I am generating a list of beads and want all of them to be compared with self. Hopefully that makes sense.
Perhaps rather than the approach you are currently taking, you should consider something along these lines (of course, with the necessary changes to your class definition/methods):
N = 100
initialPositions = []
while len(initialPositions) <= N:
newPosition = generateRandomPosition()
if newPosition in initialPositions:
ballList = [ ball(p) for p in initialPositions ]
In other words, generate a list of initial positions outside of the creation of your objects, and do whatever validation/restriction you need during that creation. Then just create your objects from that list. If N is really large, you might want to consider a dictionary (or a mutable set of some sort) instead of a list for initialPositions, to help speed up the membership testing, but it's still the same concept...

World.QueryAABB giving incorrect results in libgdx

I'm trying to implement mouse selection for my game. When I QueryAABB it looks like it's treating objects much larger than they really are.
Here's what's going on in the image
The blue box is an actor containing a body that I'd like to select
The outline on the blue box is drawn by Box2DDebugRenderer
The mouse selects a region on the screen (white box), this is entirely graphical
The AABB is converted to meters and passed to QueryAABB
The callback was called for the blue box and turned it red
The green outline left behind is a separate body to check if my conversions were correct, this is not used for the actual selection process
It seems to be connected to my meter size, the larger it is, the more inaccurate the result is. At 1 meter = 1 pixel it works perfectly.
Meter conversions
val MetersToPixels = 160f
val PixelsToMeters = 1/MetersToPixels
def toMeters(n: Float) = n * PixelsToMeters
def toPixels(n: Float) = n * MetersToPixels
In the image I'm using MetersToPixels = 160f so the inaccuracy is more visible, but I really want MetersToPixels = 16f.
Relevant selection code
val x1 = selectPos.x
val y1 = selectPos.y
val x2 = getX
val y2 = getY + getHeight
val (l,r) =
if (x2 < x1)
val (b,t) =
if (y2 < y1)
world.QueryAABB(selectCallback, toMeters(l),toMeters(b), toMeters(r),toMeters(t))
This code is inside the act method of my CursorActor class. And selectPos represents the initial point where the use pressed down the left mouse button and getX and getY are Actor methods giving the current position. The next bit sorts them because they might be out of order. Then they are converted to meters because they are all in pixel units.
selectCallback: QueryCallback
override def reportFixture(fixture: Fixture): Boolean = {
fixture.getBody.getUserData match {
case selectable: Selectable =>
selected += selectable
case _ => true
Selectable is a trait that sets a boolean flag internally after the query which helps determines the color of the blue box. And selected is a mutable.HashSet[Selectable] defined inside of CursorActor.
Other things possibly worth noting
I'm new to libgdx and box2d.
The camera is scaled x2
My Box2DDebugRenderer uses the camera's combined matrix multiplied by MetersToPixels
From what I was able to gather, QueryAABB is naturally inaccurate for optimization. However, I've hit a roadblock with libgdx because it doesn't have any publicly visible function like b2testOverlap and from what I understand, there's no plan for there to be one any time soon.
I think my best solution would probably be to use jbox2d and pretend that libgdx's physics implementation doesn't exist.
Or as noone suggested I could add it to libgdx myself.
I decided to go with a simple solution of gathering the vertices from the fixture's shape and using com.badlogic.gdx.math.Intersector against the vertices of the selection. It works I guess. I may stop using QueryAABB all together if I decide to switch to using a sensor for the select box.

quickest way to get started with cairo

I have taken passing shots at learning Cairo in the past, but always moved on in favor of some other graphics library. My problem is that I can't find a good tutorial that gives me a simple display for my surface. I have always ended up digging through GTK or QT documentation about things that have nothing to do with what I want to do. I want to learn Cairo, not a massive OO architecture.
What is a bare bones wrapper to give me a cross-platform window with a Cairo canvas to draw on?
I have used cairo for virtually anything involving drawing. I work at a medical software company, so I prototype scientific data visualization and other things.
I have usually three ways to display my drawings:
A GTK drawing area created with a Python script and GTK;
A PNG image displayed directly on screen using Python Image Library show() method;
A PNG image saved to disk, also via Python Image Library.
A simple script derived from cairographics examples, which actually I use as a template for any new project, is:
import gtk
class Canvas(gtk.DrawingArea):
def __init__(self):
super(Canvas, self).__init__()
self.connect("expose_event", self.expose)
def expose(self, widget, event):
cr = widget.window.cairo_create()
rect = self.get_allocation()
# you can use w and h to calculate relative positions which
# also change dynamically if window gets resized
w = rect.width
h = rect.height
# here is the part where you actually draw
cr.line_to(w/2, h/2)
window = gtk.Window()
canvas = Canvas()
Or if you prefer not to deal with GUI toolkits, you can create and display an image on screen, and optionally save it to file:
import cairo, Image
width = 800
height = 600
surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
cr = cairo.Context(surface)
# optional conversion from screen to cartesian coordinates:
cr.translate(0, height)
cr.scale(1, -1)
# something very similar to Japanese flag:
cr.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
cr.arc(width/2, height/2, 150, 0, 6.28)
im = Image.frombuffer("RGBA",
(width, height),
0,1) # don't ask me what these are!
#'filename', 'png')
An answer to a related question demonstrates a very simple setup in Gtk2HS to draw on a drawingArea with Cairo.
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
main :: IO ()
main = do
window <- windowNew
drawingArea <- drawingAreaNew
containerAdd window drawingArea
drawingArea `onExpose` (\_ -> renderScene drawingArea)
window `onDestroy` mainQuit
windowSetDefaultSize window 640 480
widgetShowAll window
renderScene :: DrawingArea -> IO Bool
renderScene da = do
dw <- widgetGetDrawWindow da
renderWithDrawable dw $ do setSourceRGBA 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0
moveTo 100.0 100.0
showText "HelloWorld"
return True
Simply pass your Cairo animation routine to renderWithDrawable dw in renderScene.