sqldeveloper won't start with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory" error - oracle-sqldeveloper

I cannot open my sqldeveloper at the first time with the following error message, and the application just hangs on startup.
However, if I leave it there and try to open it again, then it works. If I close it and then open it again, then I will have the same error.
Does anyone know what the issue is and how to fix it? Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.

I've not seen this before, but
Find your product.conf file
In Windows, it's under your OS User, AppData, Roaming, sqldeveloper, 17.4 folder.
In OS X/Linux, it's in $HOME/.sqldeveloper/17.4
Add this line
AddVMOption -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1G
Save, try opening SQLDev again.


VSCode crashes on startup (code: -1073741818)

Yesterday, VSCode (1.67.1) decided that it was unable to start (crashes immediately) and spits out the error code -1073741818. I have the option to reopen or close but nothing happens regardless of the option chosen. Thought it might be an issue with the file/folder I was opening but no success opening any files/folders at all. Tried to disable GPU, disable extensions and re-install but all lead to the same error code. Tried to move to Atom, but, oddly enough, the same issue occurred. Discovered Atom and VSCode are both based on Electron and that Electron has previously had issues with Nvidia drivers (currently running 512.77) so I tried to install previous versions of the drivers that were working but no success. I finally gave up and moved the code to another system and everything works flawlessly.
So now I that I have some time, I am trying to figure out what went wrong and where to go from here. My uninformed, uneducated guess is it is driver related but I am not sure how to resolve it. I was able to successfully use VSCode earlier in the day with no issue. The system went into stand-by mode and upon return, the issue began. Any suggestions/guidance on where to start would be greatly appreciated.
VSCode Crash Window
Welcome to the community! I think this is caused by an corrupt installation of vscode, try to restart your computer and maybe reinstall vscode by going to, https://code.visualstudio.com.
If that does not help maybe try to submit an issue on the vscode github here: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode.
How to submit an issue on github:
Find the menu bar where it has multiple menus, it should have: "code", "pull requests" and "issues".
Click on "issues" button.
Click "new issue" to create an issue.
Then click "bug report" and enter details to file issue.
Once ready click submit issue to submit your issue in github.
Also, you'll need a github account to create a issue, signup here: https://github.com/
I hope this helps!
Please check if you've installed any additional extensions which may be causing the VSCode to crash.
My VS code keeps crashing when opening it
I had the same problem. First, it used to crash once every 10 minutes, then it started crashing 10 times a minute after a few hours. It just stopped working that day.
I don't know how it was resolved but it did automatically resolve.
I searched for the solution but the VS code on GitHub was already closed. If applicable take a rest and let your PC calm down also. Then if the problem doesn't get resolved, try contacting the developer team.

VSCode complains in jsconfig.js that node_modules/source-map/source-map can not be found

See the below error and jsconfig.json file contents:
I have no idea what the problem is... The "source-map" file the error is referring to DOES exist at the given path.
Note, that everything works fine and as expected, so the error does not seem to cause any problems.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Run the Developer: Reload Window command in VSCode, or close & re-open VSCode. That solved it for me.

My VS code keeps crashing when opening it

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but the problem did not dissappear. It seems that when I open the app, more than 20 windows open at the same time, causing the app to crash. Here is a screenshot:
I've searched on the internet for what else to do, but I didn't come across any solution.
The solution was to start VS Code from the command prompt with the following command:
code --disable-extensions --max-memory=12288mb
Then to close all open tabs and correctly exit VS Code without any open files.
Hopefully this helps someone!
I tried all the fixes above when my Ubuntu install of VS Code crashed repeatedly at startup. The only thing that worked for me was deleting the entire ~/.config/Code/Backups folder. Back it up first, just in case!
I had the same issue with the latest version of VSCODE. Then i tried installing "Downloads: Windows: User" one from https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_52. It worked. I am not sure of the root cause.
I observed that after installing the extension 'Django Template Support' the VSCode started crashing.
I tried by installing the latest version of VSCode too. Still the VSCode did crash.
Once after uninstalling that extension, VSCode is working fine.
May be, we should note the change which has made the VScode to crash (though, it shouldn't, I believe.)

Python IDLE refuse to launch

Python Idle recently straight up refuse to launch, launching it from start menu or its own folder does nothing. Repairing and reinstalling does nothing, nor does running it in older versions of windows does anything.
No changes were made to the program before this. It could be due to a windows update but highly doubted it.
normally, I would get error messages or something. But nothing this time, it doesn't even show up in task manager.
Try deleting the idlerc folder in your profile directory.
This should fix the problem
Example folder directory:

I can't save a file in Visual Studio Code which is checked out from TFS

I want to edit a file that's checked in to TFS using Visual Studio Code, but even though I've checked it out (from within Visual Studio) I get an error when I try to save it:
"Failed to save 'myfile.cfc': A system error occured (EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'd:...\myfile.cfc')".
I've tried different file types and ensured that the Read-only attribute is off on the file, but I still can't save anything. (I can do a Save-As and edit & save that file all I want, but of course I'm not going to do that).
Does anyone know what I can do?
Sorry for the late reply - running VS Code as administrator fixed the problem.
Too bad it gives you a misleading error message.
Are you running VSCode as an admin explicitly? If not, and if UAC is enabled, this could cause the behavior that you're seeing.