Launching tests in containers on Kubernetes - kubernetes

I'm building a test automation tool that needs to launch a set of tests, collect logs and results. My plan is to build container with necessary dependency for test framework and launch them in Kubernetes.
Is there any application that abstracts complexity of managing the pod lifecycle and provides a simple API to achieve this use-case preferably through API? Basically my test scheduler need to deploy a container in kubernetes, launch a test and collect log files at the end.
I already looked at Knative and kubeless - they seem to be complex and may over-complicate what I'm trying to do here.

Based on information you provided all I can recomend is kubernetes API itself.
You can create a pod with it, wait for it to finish and gather logs. If thats all you need, you don't need any other fancy applications. Here is a list of k8s client libraries.
If you don't want to use client libraries you can always use REST api.
If you are not sure how to use REST api, run kubectl commands with --v=10 flag for debug output where you can see all requests between kubectl and api-server as a reference guide.
Kubernetes also provided detailed documentation for k8s REST api.

Try looking at, it was built for those purposes.
And you can talk to the API server via the rest API same as in every k8s cluster.


Kubernetes beginner: trigger simple actions between apps

Very simple question, I have a front-end app running in kubernetes. I would like to create a back-end containerized app that would also be in kubernetes obviously.
User actions in the frontend would need to trigger the execution of a command on the backend (echo success! for example). The UI also needs to know what was the command's output.
What is the best way to implement this in k8s?
Either through an internal service, or the two apps can also be in the same pods.
Perhaps there is some kind of messaging involved with applications such as rabbitMQ?
That depends on your application how you are planning.
Some people host frontend on bucket and from there send HTTP request to backend or so.
You can keep frontend and backend in different PODs or in a single POD also.
For example, if you are using the Node JS with express, you can run as simple API service POD also and keep frontend with it also to serve.
You can use the K8s service name for internal communication instead of adding the Message broker(RabbitMQ, Redis also can be used) unless your web app really needs it.
I would also recommend checking out the :
Github repo of application :
Official example :

Export logs of Kubernetes cronjob to a path after each run

I currently have a Cronjob that has a job that schedule at some period of time and run in a pattern. I want to export the logs of each pod runs to a file in the path as temp/logs/FILENAME
with the FILENAME to be the timestamp of the run being created. How am I going to do that? Hopefully to provide a solution. If you would need to add a script, then please use python or shell command. Thank you.
According to Kubernetes Logging Architecture:
In a cluster, logs should have a separate storage and lifecycle
independent of nodes, pods, or containers. This concept is called
cluster-level logging.
Cluster-level logging architectures require a separate backend to
store, analyze, and query logs. Kubernetes does not provide a native
storage solution for log data. Instead, there are many logging
solutions that integrate with Kubernetes.
Which brings us to Cluster-level logging architectures:
While Kubernetes does not provide a native solution for cluster-level
logging, there are several common approaches you can consider. Here
are some options:
Use a node-level logging agent that runs on every node.
Include a dedicated sidecar container for logging in an application pod.
Push logs directly to a backend from within an application.
Kubernetes does not provide log aggregation of its own. Therefore, you need a local agent to gather the data and send it to the central log management. See some options below:
ELK Stack
You can find all logs that PODs are generating at /var/log/containers/*.log
on each Kubernetes node. You could work with them manually if you prefer, using simple scripts, but you will have to keep in mind that PODs can run on any node (if not restricted), and nodes may come and go.
Consider sending your logs to an external system like ElasticSearch or Grafana Loki and manage them there.

Is it Possible to Dynamically Launch a Container from another Container in Kubernetes

Here's my scenario,
I want to launch a Job in Kubernetes, the first container that runs will look through a list of custom resources, and launch each of the containers defined in that resource to completion. I don't know whats in the list ahead of time, I only know when the job is kicked off.
Is this possible? Can someone point me to something that shows how to do it?
You can use the Kubernetes Client Libraries to create any Kubernetes resource from inside your code (given that it has the correct service account of course if RBAC is configured in your cluster).
If you want to run a container to completion, a Kubernetes Job would be the best fit.
It is possible to manage jobs programmatically using the kubernetes client-go project.
Here are some examples.
To create a job to completion, refer:
Job APIs
Batch client APIs
Custom resources definitions can be managed using the kubernetes apiextensions-apiserver project.
To manage custom resources definitions, refer:
CRD API tests
To create custom resources, refer:
This link has steps to access kubernetes API from inside a pod

Start Kubernetes job from within service

I'm kinda new to Kubernets and I think I understand the basics of the whole system but most of the stuff I have read was about how to use kubectl to start a service and deployment and stuff.
But in my use case I have this web API running (built in core) that takes a request, does some processing and depending on the input data has to start a secondary process.
A Kubernetes job with restart policy OnFailure seemed to be the way to implement those secondary processes but I can't find any resources on how the web server can be used to start this job.
You can use Kubernetes API to create a Job(or any kubernetes resource) from your application running inside the cluster. You can either install kubectl inside your applications's container and call it from your application code or use a kubernetes client library( to talk to kubernetes API server.
See the following answer for more details:
Kubernetes - Finding out how many replicas there are in a service?

Application monitoring in Azure Kubernetes cluster using new relic

Requirement - New Relic monitoring for an application running in pods as part of a kubernetes cluster.
I have installed Kube-state-metrics on my cluster and able to see kubernetes dashboard using newrelic insights.
Also, need to configure the Application monitoring for the same. Following for the same.
Have some questions for the same -
Can this be achieved using kube-state-metrics ?
Do I need to have separate yaml file for each pod containing license key?
Do I need to make changes in my application also or adding the information in spec will work?
Do I need to install Java agent in every pod? If yes, will it eat resources?
Somehow, Installation of application monitoring is becoming complex. Please explain the exact requirement of installation
You didn't mention your stack, you should follow instructions on their site for your language. Typically you just pull in their agent library and configure credentials to get started. You should not have a reason to tell your pods apart, so the agent credentials should be the same for all pods
Installing agents at infrastructure will let you have infrastructure data. So you'll get alerts if you're running out of memory/space/cpu and such. Infrastructure agent cannot possibly know about application data. If you want application performance data (apm) you need to install the agent at the application level too and you'll get data such as http request rates, error rates and response times if it's a webserver. You can also annotate current transaction with data which is all application specific. They have a bunch of client agents, see if there's one for your stack. For example all you need for a nodejs service is require('newrelic') at the top of your app and configuration