How can i make a plugin execute a command from another plugin? - plugins

i need help in developing pretty simple plugin for miencraft version 1.15.2
Plugin is made to check if user has allready logged for a first time if not:
i adds him to a hashmap (so it wont check him twice) and executes a command on a player to add give him permission from plugin LuckPerms.
I've found out that there is PluginCommand:
But im not quite sure how to use it to make it perform (as server):
/lp user playerName group add groupname
I just can't find how to execute a command so the player will get the permission.
Thanks for your time.

Get luckperms or permissions ex to manage permissions

in your use case the LuckPerms API would make sense to me.
You could use the API to set the Rank of the player loggin in.
LuckPerms api = LuckPermsProvider.get();
For more info check the Wiki


JSON Request is not configure with zap Authentication.

I am using ZAP security testing tool.but at the point of Authentication by username and password of a JSON Request, I face problem to configure these. I checked all links and blogs too. but I can't get the proper step by step solution on it.
Request code:-
Response code:-
That functionality was only just added last week:
If you want to use it, you'll either have to use a weekly:
Or, wait for the next full release (likely 2.8.0).
The corresponding PR to update the help content for the new JSON Authentication functionality is here: if you want to check it out.
You set it up the same way you would for form based authentication. Make sure you define a Logged-in or Logged-out Identifier (or both). Here's some screenshots to help you along:
Manually configure the Authentication for your Context:
Use the Site Tree Context menu(s) to set it up:
Here's an additional help link that might assist you in getting authentication setup:

Is there a Google DFP api to check whether an ad units is active or not?

Is there a Google DFP api to check whether an ad unit is active or not ?
Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks
The google publisher console can help check for active ad units,
It depends on what you mean by "whether an ad unit is active or not". In general it's best to be as descriptive as posible in questions and to include what you've already tried, it saves time in the answers. I'll do my best.
If you're trying to debug whether it was properly loaded on the site, then I'd suggest you debug using the DoubleClick Publisher Console, which you can activate by adding ?googfc to the end of the URL. In there you can check which ad units are called and their status, and you can also follow the execution on the History tab inside the console.
You could also use the Google Publisher Toolbar chrome extension, which has some more information on the ad being rendered, the line item, etc.
Moreover, you could set up an event listener and render information to the developer console.
googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) {;
This code should be included inside the googlgoogletag.cmd.push(function() {}) and below the slot definitions (e.g.: the method defineSlot()).
However, if you want to do is programatically check if an ad unit is active prior to calling it or defining it, then I think you should rephrase the question to be a bit more specific.

Parse Signup Problems

So, I wanted to create a new social media app using Swift and Parse. When I go to the Parse site, and click on dashboard, it gives me a login screen. I don't have an account, so I click on the "I don't have a parse account" button. When I click on that, it just takes me back to the home page. I did manage to get the code and frameworks and stuff that I needed from the docs, but that didn't quite work. It gave me this for the initialize code:
let configuration = ParseClientConfiguration {
$0.applicationId = "YOUR_APP_ID"
$0.server = "http://YOUR_PARSE_SERVER:1337/parse"
In the tutorial I'm watching, rather than "YOUR_APP_ID" and "http://YOUR_PARSE_SERVER:1337/parse" it just had a bunch of letters and numbers, which I would assume are the app ID and Parse server. My guess is, that I need an account to get those. Would that be correct? And, does anyone know why I can't seem to get an account? Thanks. is shutting down, so that's why you are not allowed to create new accounts on the service. Check the blog post.
They open sourced a nodeJS implementation, which you should definitely check out at link, and here is an example to get you started. You can easily use the deploy buttons to host the server on services like Heroku, AWS, Azure, etc. You can also deploy a server locally, for testing purposes.
Although it's true that Parse is discontinuing early next year, you can still setup a new app if you want to use the service for a shorter term project. Replace your code with the following.
Parse.setApplicationId("YOUR-APP-ID", clientKey: "YOUR-CLIENT-ID")
You can find your App ID and Client ID in your app's settings > security & keys.
EDIT: You definitely need an account for this to work.

Google analytics email open tracking with measurement protocol

we tried to track email opens with google analytics and measurement protocol. We exactly followed instructions given in and
The problem is that every email open is counted also as a session which is not correct. Can you give me any advice how we can track opens without recording sessions? Thank you
Every hit in GA always starts a session, so this is not possible. If you don't want it to appear in your normal profile, try setting a pageview with prefix so you can filter them out into a seperate View.
Then set up your filters.
Session begins with any interaction. Don't be sad, it is correct.
You can extend your data with some identifier like virtualpagname or whatever and than make segment or filter.
dt=Email Gate
You can either use datasource parameter:

Codeigniter Facebook app POST method AND query_string

I have a toy facebook app I'm playing with so I can understand how it all works. It's fine if you go the the app like this: (and connect it). But if you then go to it from your facebook page, FB uses the URL
In my log file, I see that FB is POSTing the data and including the /?ref=bookmarks to it's call to my codeigniter system. This is causing it to either say "invalid URI parameters" or give me a 404, depending on if I've edited the system/core/URI.php file to add rawurlencode() to a particular call.
I've tried using mod_rewrite to get rid of the query_string, too, but since it's POSTing, it doesn't appear to be working (though I'm not exactly sure why).
Has anyone else run into this? How did you fix it?
Thanks in advance,
try $config['uri_protocol'] = “PATH_INFO”; and set enable_query_strings = TRUE
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-?=';
in config.php
Because it isn't calling your file by name (just ?ref=bookmarks) the server runs thru the standard default files: index.htm, index.html, index.asp. Because you need to accept a POST, you need a server that allows POSTs to htm & html if you choose to use those. Index.asp will accept POSTs on most servers, and that works for me.
SOLUTION: Add a file (index.asp), that calls the real app that you named in the App settings.