Common Lisp locally shadow function with same name - macros

I've had this question more than once before.
Generic Question
Is it possible to transparently locally shadow a function f with a wrapper of it with the same name f?
I.e., how to locally have (f wrapped-args...) expand to (f args...)?
Flet seems to let us do so, but has limitations, namely, the resulting wrapper is not setf-able. Is it possible to do so without resorting to flet?
Ideally there would be a macro that lets us write the "wrapped" f calls and it expands the code to the original "non-wrapped" f call.
At first I believed macrolet could be that, for it says in the documentation that it first expands the macro and then applies setf on the expanded form, but I'm not being able to use it (keep reading below).
This is useful in contexts where some paremeters are implicit and should not be repeated over and over, for more DRY code.
In my previous question (let-curry) there's a particular example of that. Attempting to "automatically" assign some of the parameters of the functions (let-curry).
Caveats of flet
I got some excellent answers there, however, I hit some limitations. By resorting to flet to accomplish such local "shadowing" of the function name to a wrapper over it, such wrappers are not setf-able, thus, such wrappers cannot be used as flexibly as the original function, only to read values, not write.
Concrete question
With the link above, how can one write the macro flet-curry and have the wrapper functions be setf-able?
Bonus: Can that macro expand the wrapped calls to the original ones with 0 runtime overhead?
I tried taking the selected answer in that post and using macrolet instead of flet to no avail.
Thank you!
I was asked to give a concrete example for this generic question.
Comments of wishes in the code:
(locally (declare (optimize safety))
(defclass scanner ()
:initarg :source
:accessor source
:type string)
:initform nil
:accessor tokens
:type list)
:initform 0
:accessor start
:type integer)
:initform 0
:accessor current
:type integer)
:initform 1
:accessor line
:type integer))
(:metaclass checked-class)))
(defun lox-string (scanner)
"Parse string into a token and add it to tokens"
;; Any function / defmethod / accessor can be passed to let-curry
;; 1. I'd like to add the accessor `line` to this list of curried methods:
(let-curry scanner (peek at-end-p advance source start current)
(loop while (and (char/= #\" (peek))
(not (at-end-p)))
;; 2. but cannot due to the incf call which calls setf:
(if (char= #\Newline (peek)) (incf (line scanner))
(when (at-end-p)
(lox.error::lox-error (line scanner) "Unterminated string.")
(return-from lox-string nil))
(advance) ;; consume closing \"
(add-token scanner 'STRING (subseq (source)
(1+ (start))
(1- (current))))))
Meaning I'd like let-curry to transform any call of the curried functions in that block from
(f arg1 arg2 ...)
(f scanner arg1 arg2 ...)
in place, as if I'd written the latter form and not the former in the source code. If that were the case with some ?macro?, then it would be setf-able by design.
It seems a macro would be the right tool for this but I don't know how.
Thanks again :)
P.S.: If you need access to the full code it's here: (scanner.lisp)

Binding with macrolet is not trivial since:
Once you bind f in a macrolet, if it expands as (f ...), you are going to have infinite macroexpansion.
Also, you could expand the macrolet as (apply #'f ...) (which is great, since APPLY can be a SETF place1), but then you have errors because #'f is bound to a local macro, not the original function. If, however, you first evaluate #'f, bind it to a hidden variable, then define a macro that applies the variable's value, SETF APPLY complains (at least in SBCL) that the function must not be a symbol (ie. dynamically computed).
1: For example (let ((x (list 0 1 2))) (prog1 x (setf (apply #'second list ()) 9)))
But you don't need macrolet, since you can bind SETF functions in FLET; here is what you could write manually if you wanted to redefine some functions locally:
(defun lox-string (scanner)
((peek () (peek scanner))
(at-end-p () (at-end-p scanner))
(advance () (advance scanner))
(line () (line scanner))
((setf line) (n) (setf (line scanner) n))
(source () (source scanner))
(start () (start scanner))
(current () (current scanner)))
while (and (char/= #\" (peek))
(not (at-end-p)))
(if (char= #\Newline (peek))
(incf (line))
(when (at-end-p)
(error "Unterminated string at line ~a" (line)))
(add-token scanner 'STRING (subseq (source)
(1+ (start))
(1- (current))))))
Expand as FLET
The following macro expands as inlinable flets and handles SETF functions in a special way, since the first argument is always the value being set:
(defmacro with-curry ((&rest fn-specs) prefix &body body)
with args = (gensym)
and n = (gensym)
and prefix = (alexandria:ensure-list prefix)
for f in fn-specs
collect (if (and (consp f) (eq 'setf (first f)))
`(,f (,n &rest ,args) (apply #',f ,n ,#prefix ,args))
`(,f (&rest ,args) (apply #',f ,#prefix ,args)))
into flets
finally (return
`(flet ,flets
(declare (inline ,#fn-specs))
For example:
(let ((scanner (make-instance 'scanner)))
(with-curry (start (setf start)) scanner
(setf (start) (+ (start) 10))))
This macroexpands as:
(FLET ((START (&REST #:G849)
((SETF START) (#:G850 &REST #:G849)
(APPLY #'(SETF START) #:G850 SCANNER #:G849)))
(LET* ((#:NEW1 (+ (START) 10)))
Inlining FLET
The inline declaration is a request (the compiler may ignore it) to replace each calls to the function by its body (parameters are substituted by the function call arguments; it looks like β-reduction in lambda-calculus).
When the compiler recognizes it, it is as-if you defined the code as a macrolet, removing the need to call a function. When inlining is in effect, apply will see during compilation both the function object to call and all the arguments, so the compiler can emit code as-if you wrote directly all parameters.
Let's test that with SBCL, first with a notinline declaration to explicitly prevent inlining:
(lambda ()
(declare (optimize (debug 0) (safety 0)))
(flet ((p (&rest args) (apply #'print args)))
(declare (notinline p))
(p 0) (p 1))))
The output of the disassembler is a bit long, and I won't claim I understand what happens exactly; there is a first segment that apparently allocates memory (for the local function?):
; disassembly for (LAMBDA ())
; Size: 187 bytes. Origin: #x53F0A5B6 (segment 1 of 2) ; (LAMBDA ())
; 5B6: 49896D28 MOV [R13+40], RBP ; thread.pseudo-atomic-bits
; 5BA: 4D8B5D68 MOV R11, [R13+104] ; thread.alloc-region
; 5BE: 498D4B10 LEA RCX, [R11+16]
; 5C2: 493B4D70 CMP RCX, [R13+112]
; 5C6: 0F878C000000 JNBE L8
; 5CC: 49894D68 MOV [R13+104], RCX ; thread.alloc-region
; 5D0: L0: 498D4B07 LEA RCX, [R11+7]
; 5D4: 49316D28 XOR [R13+40], RBP ; thread.pseudo-atomic-bits
; 5D8: 7402 JEQ L1
; 5DA: CC09 INT3 9 ; pending interrupt trap
; 5DC: L1: C7410117001050 MOV DWORD PTR [RCX+1], #x50100017 ; NIL
; 5E3: 488BDD MOV RBX, RBP
; 5E6: 488D5424F0 LEA RDX, [RSP-16]
; 5EB: 4883EC10 SUB RSP, 16
; 5EF: 48891A MOV [RDX], RBX
; 5F2: 488BEA MOV RBP, RDX
; 5F5: E82F000000 CALL L4
; 5FA: 49896D28 MOV [R13+40], RBP ; thread.pseudo-atomic-bits
; 5FE: 4D8B5D68 MOV R11, [R13+104] ; thread.alloc-region
; 602: 498D4B10 LEA RCX, [R11+16]
; 606: 493B4D70 CMP RCX, [R13+112]
; 60A: 775A JNBE L9
; 60C: 49894D68 MOV [R13+104], RCX ; thread.alloc-region
; 610: L2: 498D4B07 LEA RCX, [R11+7]
; 614: 49316D28 XOR [R13+40], RBP ; thread.pseudo-atomic-bits
; 618: 7402 JEQ L3
; 61A: CC09 INT3 9 ; pending interrupt trap
; 61C: L3: C641F902 MOV BYTE PTR [RCX-7], 2
; 620: C7410117001050 MOV DWORD PTR [RCX+1], #x50100017 ; NIL
; 627: EB03 JMP L5
; 629: L4: 8F4508 POP QWORD PTR [RBP+8]
... followed by a second segment which looks like it actually defines and call the local function (?):
; Origin #x53F0A62C (segment 2 of 2) ; (FLET P)
; 62C: L5: 488BF4 MOV RSI, RSP
; 62F: L6: 4881F917001050 CMP RCX, #x50100017 ; NIL
; 636: 7412 JEQ L7
; 638: FF71F9 PUSH QWORD PTR [RCX-7]
; 63B: 488B4901 MOV RCX, [RCX+1]
; 63F: 8D41F9 LEA EAX, [RCX-7]
; 642: A80F TEST AL, 15
; 644: 74E9 JEQ L6
; 646: CC0A INT3 10 ; cerror trap
; 649: 04 BYTE #X04 ; RCX
; 64A: L7: 488B053FFFFFFF MOV RAX, [RIP-193] ; #<FUNCTION PRINT>
; 651: FF2425A8000052 JMP QWORD PTR [#x520000A8] ; TAIL-CALL-VARIABLE
; 658: L8: 6A11 PUSH 17
; 65A: FF142550000052 CALL QWORD PTR [#x52000050] ; CONS->R11
; 661: E96AFFFFFF JMP L0
; 666: L9: 6A11 PUSH 17
; 668: FF142550000052 CALL QWORD PTR [#x52000050] ; CONS->R11
; 66F: EB9F JMP L2
Anyway, it is very different from the disassembly output of the inline case:
(lambda ()
(declare (optimize (debug 0) (safety 0)))
(flet ((p (&rest args) (apply #'print args)))
(declare (inline p))
(p 0) (p 1))))
This prints:
; disassembly for (LAMBDA ())
; Size: 45 bytes. Origin: #x540D3CF6 ; (LAMBDA ())
; CF6: 4883EC10 SUB RSP, 16
; CFC: B902000000 MOV ECX, 2
; D01: 48892C24 MOV [RSP], RBP
; D05: 488BEC MOV RBP, RSP
; D08: B8C2283950 MOV EAX, #x503928C2 ; #<FDEFN PRINT>
; D0F: BA02000000 MOV EDX, 2
; D14: B902000000 MOV ECX, 2
; D19: FF7508 PUSH QWORD PTR [RBP+8]
; D1C: B8C2283950 MOV EAX, #x503928C2 ; #<FDEFN PRINT>
The above is shorter, and directly calls print.
It is equivalent to the disassembly where inlining is done by hand:
(disassemble (lambda ()
(declare (optimize (debug 0) (safety 0)))
(print 0) (print 1)))
; disassembly for (LAMBDA ())
; Size: 45 bytes. Origin: #x540D4066 ; (LAMBDA ())
; 66: 4883EC10 SUB RSP, 16
; 6A: 31D2 XOR EDX, EDX
; 6C: B902000000 MOV ECX, 2
; 71: 48892C24 MOV [RSP], RBP
; 75: 488BEC MOV RBP, RSP
; 78: B8C2283950 MOV EAX, #x503928C2 ; #<FDEFN PRINT>
; 7F: BA02000000 MOV EDX, 2
; 84: B902000000 MOV ECX, 2
; 89: FF7508 PUSH QWORD PTR [RBP+8]
; 8C: B8C2283950 MOV EAX, #x503928C2 ; #<FDEFN PRINT>
; 91: FFE0 JMP RAX

While I have not been following this in detail, note that setf does not have to be a problem here.
Consider this:
(defclass grunga-object ()
;; grunga objects have grungas, but they may be unbound
((grunga :accessor object-grunga :initarg :grunga)))
(defgeneric object-has-valid-grunga-p (o)
;; Does some object have a valid grunga?
(:method (o)
(defmethod object-has-valid-grunga-p ((o grunga-object))
;; grunga object's grungas are valid if they are bound
(slot-boundp o 'grunga))
(defun grunga (object &optional (default 'grunga))
;; get the grunga of a thing
(if (object-has-valid-grunga-p object)
(object-grunga object)
(defun (setf grunga) (new object)
;; set the grunga of a thing
(setf (object-grunga object) new))
Now this will work fine:
(defun foo (o)
(flet ((grunga (object)
(grunga object 3)))
(setf (grunga o) (grunga o))
and (grunga (foo (make-instance 'grunga-object))) will return 3. In this case the local grunga function calls the global one, while (setf grunga) – a different function – is called directly.
If you want to override the (setf grunga) function you can do that as well:
(defun bar (o &optional (exploded-value 'exploded))
(flet ((grunga (object)
(grunga object 3))
((setf grunga) (new object &optional (exploding t))
(setf (grunga object) (if exploding (cons exploded-value new) new))))
(setf (grunga o t) (grunga o))
And now (grunga (bar (make-instance 'grunga-object) 'crunched)) is (cruched . 3). In this case both grunga and (setf grunga) are local functions which call their global counterparts.
Note that this may be more complicated with setf forms defined by define-setf-*: I never use those if I can possibly avoid it.


Lisp - Functions passed into another function as arguments and called from within a Let

I am learning Lisp and, just for practice/education, am trying to define a function that will
ask the user to enter a number until they enter an integer > 0 [copied from Paul Graham's Ansi Common Lisp]
print that number and subtract 1 from it, repeat until the number hits 0, then return.
I am trying to do this via passing 2 functions into a higher-order function - one to get the number from the user, and another recursive [just for fun] function that prints the number while counting it down to 0.
Right now my higher-order function is not working correctly [I've tested the first 2 and they work fine] and I cannot figure out why. I am using SBCL in SLIME. My code for the 3 functions looks like this:
(defun ask-number ()
(format t "Please enter a number. ")
(let ((val (read))) ; so val is a single-item list containing the symbol 'read'?
(cond ; no here read is a function call
((numberp val)
((< val 0) (ask-number))
(T val)))
(t (ask-number))))))
(defun count-down (n)
((eql n 0) n)
(format t "Number is: ~A ~%" n)
(let ((n (- n 1)))
(count-down n))))))
(defun landslide (f1 f2)
(let (x (f1))
(format t "x is: ~A ~%" x)
(f2 x)))))
but calling slime-eval-defun in landslide yields:
; (F1)
; The variable F1 is defined but never used.
; (F1 F2)
; (LET (X (F1))
; (PROGN (FORMAT T "x is: ~A ~%" X) (F2 X)))))
; The variable F1 is defined but never used.
; The variable F2 is defined but never used.
; (F2 X)
; undefined function: COMMON-LISP-USER::F2
; compilation unit finished
; Undefined function:
; F2
; caught 4 STYLE-WARNING conditions
I have tried several [what I consider] obvious modifications to the code, and they all fail with different warnings. Calling the function like (landslide (ask-number) (count-down)), ask-number prompts for user input as expected, but then SLIME fails with
invalid number of arguments: 0
I know I have to be missing something really obvious; can someone tell me what it is?
First: You are missing a set of parens in your let:
You have (let (x (f1)) ...) which binds 2 variables x and f1 to nil.
What you want is (let ((x (f1))) ...) which binds 1 variable x to the values of function call (f1)
Second: Common Lisp is a "lisp-2", so to call f2 you need to use funcall: (funcall f2 ...).
Finally: all your progns are unnecessary, and your code is hard to read because of broken indentation, you can use Emacs to fix it.
Before I reach an error in landslide, there are some notes about this code:
Your first function is hard to read- not just because of indentation, but because of nested cond.
You should always think about how to simplify condition branches- using and, or, and if you have only two branches of code, use if instead.
There are predicates plusp and minusp.
Also, don't forget to flush.
I'd rewrite this as:
(defun ask-number ()
(format t "Please enter a number. ")
(let ((val (read)))
(if (and (numberp val)
(plusp val))
Second function, count-down.
(eql n 0) is zerop
cond here has only two branches, if can be better
cond has implicit progn, so don't use progn inside cond
let is unnecessary here, you can use 1- directly when you call count-down
Suggested edit:
(defun count-down (n)
(if (zerop n) n
(format t "Number is: ~A ~%" n)
(count-down (1- n)))))
Also, this function can be rewritten using loop and downto keyword, something like:
(defun count-down (n)
(loop for i from n downto 0
do (format t "Number is: ~A ~%" i)))
And finally, landslide. You have badly formed let here and as Common Lisp is Lisp-2, you have to use funcall. Note that let has also implicit progn, so you can remove your progn:
(defun landslide (f1 f2)
(let ((x (funcall f1)))
(format t "x is: ~A ~%" x)
(funcall f2 x)))
Then you call it like this:
(landslide #'ask-number #'count-down)

How to write simple LISP macro to return output of a specified form (from the list of forms)?

I am new to LISP and want to understand, how to write LISP macro code, which evaluates all forms but returns output of only one specified form, where the form to be returned could be specified inside macro or can be a user provided input.
I used following macro and it returns the output of the second form. but it doesn't seem correct, as it doesn't seem to evaluate the first form and I would like to specify which of the two forms to evaluate.
(defmacro testcode () (+ 3 4) (+ 5 6))
(macroexpand-1 (testcode))
Macros are syntactical abstractions or syntax sugaring. testcode does it's calculations in macro expansion time and thus you cannot expect the forms to be calculated more than once and (testcode) is synonymous with the "code" 11. To illustrate that lets give it side effects:
(defmacro testcode ()
(print "expanding testcode")
(+ 3 4) ; dead code. Never gets used
(+ 5 6))
(defun test ()
; prints "expanding testcode"
; ==> 11 (doesn't print anything)
; ==> 11 (still doesn't print anything, Why?)
(disassemble 'test)
; ==>
; 0 (const 0) ; 11
; 1 (skip&ret 1)
So test literally is the same as (defun (test) 11).
So what are macros? Well if you have written this and noticed there is a pattern:
(let ((it (heavy-cpu-function var)))
(when it
(do-something-with-it it)))
You can say this is a thing I create syntax for:
(defmacro awhen (predicate-expression &body body)
`(let ((it ,predicate-expression))
(when it
(macroexpand-1 '(awhen (heavy-cpu-function var)
(do-something-with-it it)))
; ==>
; (let ((it (heavy-cpu-function var)))
; (when it
; (do-something-with-it it)))
So instead of writing the first you use awhen and Common Lisp changes it to the first. You are using a lot of macros since a lot of syntax in Common Lisp are macros:
(macroexpand-1 '(and (a) (b) (c)))
; ==>
; (cond ((not (a)) nil)
; ((not (b)) nil)
; (t (c)))
(macroexpand-1 '(cond ((not (a)) nil)
((not (b)) nil)
(t (c)))
; ==>
; (if (not (a))
; nil
; (if (not (b))
; nil
; (c)))

Catch-22 situation with Common Lisp macros

Often when I try to write a macro, I run up against the following difficulty: I need one form that is passed to the macro to be evaluated before being processed by a helper function that is invoked while generating the macro's expansion. In the following example, we are only interested in how we could write a macro to emit the code we want, and not in the uselessness of the macro itself:
Imagine (bear with me) a version of Common Lisp's lambda macro, where only the number of arguments is important, and the names and order of the arguments are not. Let's call it jlambda. It would be used like so:
(jlambda 2
where 2 is the arity of the function returned. In other words, this produces a binary operator.
Now imagine that, given the arity, jlambda produces a dummy lambda-list which it passes to the actual lambda macro, something like this:
(defun build-lambda-list (arity)
(assert (alexandria:non-negative-integer-p arity))
(loop for x below arity collect (gensym)))
(build-lambda-list 2)
==> (#:G15 #:G16)
The expansion of the above call to jlambda will look like this:
(lambda (#:G15 #:16)
(declare (ignore #:G15 #:16))
Let's say we need the jlambda macro to be able to receive the arity value as a Lisp form that evaluates to a non-negative integer (as opposed to receiving a non-negative integer directly) eg:
(jlambda (+ 1 1)
The form (+ 1 1) needs to be evaluated, then the result needs to be passed to build-lambda-list and that needs to be evaluated, and the result of that is inserted into the macro expansion.
(+ 1 1)
=> 2
(build-lambda-list 2)
=> (#:G17 #:18)
(jlambda (+ 1 1) ...body)
=> (lambda (#:G19 #:20)
(declare (ignore #:G19 #:20))
So here's a version of jlambda that works when the arity is provided as a number directly, but not when it's passed as a form to be evaluated:
(defun jlambda-helper (arity)
(let ((dummy-args (build-lambda-list arity)))
`(lambda ,dummy-args
(declare (ignore ,#dummy-args))
(defmacro jlambda (arity &body body)
(subst (car body) 'body (jlambda-helper arity)))
(jlambda 2 (print “hello”)) ==> #<anonymous-function>
(funcall *
==> “hello”
(jlambda (+ 1 1) (print “hello”)) ==> failed assertion in build-lambda-list, since it receives (+ 1 1) not 2
I could evaluate the (+ 1 1) using the sharp-dot read macro, like so:
(jlambda #.(+ 1 1) (print “hello”)) ==> #<anonymous-function>
But then the form cannot contain references to lexical variables, since they are not available when evaluating at read-time:
(let ((x 1))
;; Do other stuff with x, then:
(jlambda #.(+ x 1) (print “hello”))) ==> failure – variable x not bound
I could quote all body code that I pass to jlambda, define it as a function instead, and then eval the code that it returns:
(defun jlambda (arity &rest body)
(let ((dummy-args (build-lambda-list arity)))
`(lambda ,dummy-args
(declare (ignore ,#dummy-args))
(eval (jlambda (+ 1 1) `(print “hello”))) ==> #<anonymous-function>
But I can't use eval because, like sharp-dot, it throws out the lexical environment, which is no good.
So jlambda must be a macro, because I don't want the function body code evaluated until the proper context for it has been established by jlambda's expansion; however it must also be a function, because I want the first form (in this example, the arity form) evaluated before passing it to helper functions that generate the macro expansion. How do I overcome this Catch-22 situation?
In response to #Sylwester 's question, here's an explanation of the context:
I'm writing something akin to an “esoteric programming language”, implemented as a DSL in Common Lisp. The idea (admittedly silly but potentially fun) is to force the programmer, as far as possible (I'm not sure how far yet!), to write exclusively in point-free style. To do this, I will do several things:
Use curry-compose-reader-macros to provide most of the functionality required to write in point-free style in CL
Enforce functions' arity – i.e. override CL's default behaviour that allows functions to be variadic
Instead of using a type system to determine when a function has been “fully applied” (like in Haskell), just manually specify a function's arity when defining it.
So I'll need a custom version of lambda for defining a function in this silly language, and – if I can't figure that out - a custom version of funcall and/or apply for invoking those functions. Ideally they'll just be skins over the normal CL versions that change the functionality slightly.
A function in this language will somehow have to keep track of its arity. However, for simplicity, I would like the procedure itself to still be a funcallable CL object, but would really like to avoid using the MetaObject Protocol, since it's even more confusing to me than macros.
A potentially simple solution would be to use a closure. Every function could simply close over the binding of a variable that stores its arity. When invoked, the arity value would determine the exact nature of the function application (i.e. full or partial application). If necessary, the closure could be “pandoric” in order to provide external access to the arity value; that could be achieved using plambda and with-pandoric from Let Over Lambda.
In general, functions in my language will behave like so (potentially buggy pseudocode, purely illustrative):
Let n be the number of arguments provided upon invocation of the function f of arity a.
If a = 0 and n != a, throw a “too many arguments” error;
Else if a != 0 and 0 < n < a, partially apply f to create a function g, whose arity is equal to a – n;
Else if n > a, throw a “too many arguments” error;
Else if n = a, fully apply the function to the arguments (or lack thereof).
The fact that the arity of g is equal to a – n is where the problem with jlambda would arise: g would need to be created like so:
(jlambda (- a n)
Which means that access to the lexical environment is a necessity.
This is a particularly tricky situation because there's no obvious way to create a function of a particular number of arguments at runtime. If there's no way to do that, then it's probably easiest to write a a function that takes an arity and another function, and wraps the function in a new function that requires that is provided the particular number of arguments:
(defun %jlambda (n function)
"Returns a function that accepts only N argument that calls the
provided FUNCTION with 0 arguments."
(lambda (&rest args)
(unless (eql n (length args))
(error "Wrong number of arguments."))
(funcall function)))
Once you have that, it's easy to write the macro around it that you'd like to be able to:
(defmacro jlambda (n &body body)
"Produces a function that takes exactly N arguments and and evalutes
the BODY."
`(%jlambda ,n (lambda () ,#body)))
And it behaves roughly the way you'd want it to, including letting the arity be something that isn't known at compile time.
CL-USER> (let ((a 10) (n 7))
(funcall (jlambda (- a n)
(print 'hello))
1 2 3))
CL-USER> (let ((a 10) (n 7))
(funcall (jlambda (- a n)
(print 'hello))
1 2))
; Evaluation aborted on #<SIMPLE-ERROR "Wrong number of arguments." {1004B95E63}>.
Now, you might be able to do something that invokes the compiler at runtime, possibly indirectly, using coerce, but that won't let the body of the function be able to refer to variables in the original lexical scope, though you would get the implementation's wrong number of arguments exception:
(defun %jlambda (n function)
(let ((arglist (loop for i below n collect (make-symbol (format nil "$~a" i)))))
(coerce `(lambda ,arglist
(declare (ignore ,#arglist))
(funcall ,function))
(defmacro jlambda (n &body body)
`(%jlambda ,n (lambda () ,#body)))
This works in SBCL:
CL-USER> (let ((a 10) (n 7))
(funcall (jlambda (- a n)
(print 'hello))
1 2 3))
CL-USER> (let ((a 10) (n 7))
(funcall (jlambda (- a n)
(print 'hello))
1 2))
; Evaluation aborted on #<SB-INT:SIMPLE-PROGRAM-ERROR "invalid number of arguments: ~S" {1005259923}>.
While this works in SBCL, it's not clear to me whether it's actually guaranteed to work. We're using coerce to compile a function that has a literal function object in it. I'm not sure whether that's portable or not.
NB: In your code you use strange quotes so that (print “hello”) doesn't actually print hello but the whatever the variable “hello” evaluates to, while (print "hello") does what one would expect.
My first question is why? Usually you know how many arguments you are taking compile time or at least you just make it multiple arity. Making an n arity function only gives you errors when passwd with wrong number of arguments as added feature with the drawback of using eval and friends.
It cannot be solved as a macro since you are mixing runtime with macro expansion time. Imagine this use:
(defun test (last-index)
(let ((x (1+ last-index)))
(jlambda x (print "hello"))))
The macro is expanded when this form is evaluated and the content replaced before the function is assigned to test. At this time x doesn't have any value whatsoever and sure enough the macro function only gets the symbols so that the result need to use this value. lambda is a special form so it again gets expanded right after the expansion of jlambda, also before any usage of the function.
There is nothing lexical happening since this happens before the program is running. It could happen before loading the file with compile-file and then if you load it will load all forms with the macros already expanded beforehand.
With compile you can make a function from data. It is probably as evil as eval is so you shouldn't be using it for common tasks, but they exist for a reason:
;; Macro just to prevent evaluation of the body
(defmacro jlambda (nexpr &rest body)
`(let ((dummy-args (build-lambda-list ,nexpr)))
(compile nil (list* 'lambda dummy-args ',body))))
So the expansion of the first example turns into this:
(defun test (last-index)
(let ((x (1+ last-index)))
(let ((dummy-args (build-lambda-list x)))
(compile nil (list* 'lambda dummy-args '((print "hello")))))))
This looks like it could work. Lets test it:
(defparameter *test* (test 10))
(disassemble *test*)
;Disassembly of function nil
;(CONST 0) = "hello"
;11 required arguments <!-- this looks right
;0 optional arguments
;No rest parameter
;No keyword parameters
;4 byte-code instructions:
;0 (const&push 0) ; "hello"
;1 (push-unbound 1)
;3 (calls1 142) ; print
;5 (skip&ret 12)
Possible variations
I've made a macro that takes a literal number and makes bound variables from a ... that can be used in the function.
If you are not using the arguments why not make a macro that does this:
(defmacro jlambda2 (&rest body)
`(lambda (&rest #:rest) ,#body))
The result takes any number of arguments and just ignores it:
(defparameter *test* (jlambda2 (print "hello")))
(disassemble *test*)
;Disassembly of function :lambda
;(CONST 0) = "hello"
;0 required arguments
;0 optional arguments
;Rest parameter <!-- takes any numer of arguments
;No keyword parameters
;4 byte-code instructions:
;0 (const&push 0) ; "hello"
;1 (push-unbound 1)
;3 (calls1 142) ; print
;5 (skip&ret 2)
(funcall *test* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
; ==> "hello" (prints "hello" as side effect)
Now that I know what you are up to I have an answer for you. Your initial function does not need to be runtime dependent so all functions indeed have a fixed arity, so what we need to make is currying or partial application.
;; currying
(defmacro fixlam ((&rest args) &body body)
(let ((args (reverse args)))
(loop :for arg :in args
:for r := `(lambda (,arg) ,#body)
:then `(lambda (,arg) ,r)
:finally (return r))))
(fixlam (a b c) (+ a b c))
; ==> #<function :lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) (+ a b c)))>
;; can apply multiple and returns partially applied when not enough
(defmacro fixlam ((&rest args) &body body)
`(let ((lam (lambda ,args ,#body)))
(labels ((chk (args)
(cond ((> (length args) ,(length args)) (error "too many args"))
((= (length args) ,(length args)) (apply lam args))
(t (lambda (&rest extra-args)
(chk (append args extra-args)))))))
(lambda (&rest args)
(chk args)))))
(fixlam () "hello") ; ==> #<function :lambda (&rest args) (chk args)>
;;Same but the zero argument functions are applied right away:
(defmacro fixlam ((&rest args) &body body)
`(let ((lam (lambda ,args ,#body)))
(labels ((chk (args)
(cond ((> (length args) ,(length args)) (error "too many args"))
((= (length args) ,(length args)) (apply lam args))
(t (lambda (&rest extra-args)
(chk (append args extra-args)))))))
(chk '()))))
(fixlam () "hello") ; ==> "hello"
If all you want is lambda functions that can be applied either partially or fully, I don't think you need to pass the amount of parameters explicitly. You could just do something like this (uses Alexandria):
(defmacro jlambda (arglist &body body)
(with-gensyms (rest %jlambda)
`(named-lambda ,%jlambda (&rest ,rest)
(cond ((= (length ,rest) ,(length arglist))
(apply (lambda ,arglist ,#body) ,rest))
((> (length ,rest) ,(length arglist))
(error "Too many arguments"))
(t (apply #'curry #',%jlambda ,rest))))))
CL-USER> (jlambda (x y) (format t "X: ~s, Y: ~s~%" x y))
#<FUNCTION (LABELS #:%JLAMBDA1046) {1003839D6B}>
CL-USER> (funcall * 10) ; Apply partially
CL-USER> (funcall * 20) ; Apply fully
X: 10, Y: 20
CL-USER> (funcall ** 100) ; Apply fully again
X: 10, Y: 100
CL-USER> (funcall *** 100 200) ; Try giving a total of 3 args
; Debugger entered on #<SIMPLE-ERROR "Too many arguments" {100392D7E3}>
Edit: Here's also a version that lets you specify the arity. Frankly, I don't see how this could possibly be useful though. If the user cannot refer to the arguments, and nothing is done with them automatically, then, well, nothing is done with them. They might as well not exist.
(defmacro jlambda (arity &body body)
(with-gensyms (rest %jlambda n)
`(let ((,n ,arity))
(named-lambda ,%jlambda (&rest ,rest)
(cond ((= (length ,rest) ,n)
((> (length ,rest) ,n)
(error "Too many arguments"))
(t (apply #'curry #',%jlambda ,rest)))))))
CL-USER> (jlambda (+ 1 1) (print "hello"))
#<CLOSURE (LABELS #:%JLAMBDA1085) {1003B7913B}>
CL-USER> (funcall * 2)
CL-USER> (funcall * 5)
Edit2: If I understood correctly, you might be looking for something like this (?):
(defvar *stack* (list))
(defun jlambda (arity function)
(lambda ()
(push (apply function (loop repeat arity collect (pop *stack*)))
CL-USER> (push 1 *stack*)
CL-USER> (push 2 *stack*)
(2 1)
CL-USER> (push 3 *stack*)
(3 2 1)
CL-USER> (push 4 *stack*)
(4 3 2 1)
CL-USER> (funcall (jlambda 4 #'+)) ; take 4 arguments from the stack
(10) ; and apply #'+ to them
CL-USER> (push 10 *stack*)
(10 10)
CL-USER> (push 20 *stack*)
(20 10 10)
CL-USER> (push 30 *stack*)
(30 20 10 10)
CL-USER> (funcall (jlambda 3 [{reduce #'*} #'list])) ; pop 3 args from
(6000 10) ; stack, make a list
; of them and reduce
; it with #'*

Lisp: defmacro with &optional and &body

I wrote a quick and dirty macro to time lisp code. However, the problem I am facing now is that I wanted to include an optional output-stream in the function. However, I can not figure out how to use both the &optional and &body parameters in the defmacro. I looked for examples but found only those for defun which I think I understand. I am not able to figure out why this is failing for me. Any hints:
(defmacro timeit (&optional (out-stream *standard-output*) (runs 1) &body body)
"Note that this function may barf if you are depending on a single evaluation
and choose runs to be greater than one. But I guess that will be the
caller's mistake instead."
(let ((start-time (gensym))
(stop-time (gensym))
(temp (gensym))
(retval (gensym)))
`(let ((,start-time (get-internal-run-time))
(,retval (let ((,temp))
(dotimes (i ,runs ,temp)
(setf ,temp ,#body))))
(,stop-time (get-internal-run-time)))
(format ,out-stream
"~CTime spent in expression over ~:d iterations: ~f seconds.~C"
#\linefeed ,runs
(/ (- ,stop-time ,start-time)
This is how I intend to use the code:
(timeit (+ 1 1)) ; Vanilla call
(timeit *standard-output* (+ 1 1)) ; Log the output to stdout
(timeit *standard-output* 1000 (+ 1 1)) ; Time over a 1000 iterations.
I think this, found from the hyperspec, on defmacro is a similar idea.
(defmacro mac2 (&optional (a 2 b) (c 3 d) &rest x) `'(,a ,b ,c ,d ,x)) => MAC2
(mac2 6) => (6 T 3 NIL NIL)
(mac2 6 3 8) => (6 T 3 T (8))
EDIT: Keyword arguments
The usage shown above is clearly flawed. Perhaps, this is better:
(timeit (+ 1 1)) ; Vanilla call
(timeit :out-stream *standard-output* (+ 1 1)) ; Log the output to stdout
(timeit :out-stream *standard-output* :runs 1000 (+ 1 1)) ; Time over a 1000 iterations.
How should that work?
How should it be detected that the first thing is the optional stream?
(timeit a) ; is a the optional stream or an expression to time?
(timeit a b) ; is a the optional stream or an expression to time?
(timeit a b c) ; is a the optional stream or an expression to time?
I would avoid such macro arglists.
Usually I would prefer:
(with-timings ()
a b c)
and with a stream
(with-timings (*standard-output*)
a b c)
The first list gives the optional parameters. The list itself is not optional.
That macro should be easier to write.
Generally it may not be necessary to specify a stream:
(let ((*standard-output* some-stream))
(timeit a b c))
You can implement what you want, but I would not do it:
(defmacro timeit (&rest args)
(case (length args)
(0 ...)
(1 ...)
(otherwise (destructuring-bind (stream &rest body) ...))))
Solution: With a non-optional keyword arglist
(defmacro timeit ((&key
(to-stream *standard-output*)
(with-runs 1))
&body body)
"Note that this function may barf if you are depending on a single evaluation
and choose with-runs to be greater than one. But I guess that will be the
caller's mistake instead."
(let ((start-time (gensym))
(stop-time (gensym))
(temp (gensym))
(retval (gensym))
(elapsed-time (gensym)))
`(let* ((,start-time (get-internal-run-time))
(,retval (let ((,temp))
(dotimes (i ,with-runs ,temp)
(setf ,temp ,#body))))
(,stop-time (get-internal-run-time))
(,elapsed-time (/ (- ,stop-time ,start-time)
(format ,to-stream
(concatenate 'string
"~CAverage (total) time spent in expression"
" over ~:d iterations: ~f (~f) seconds.~C")
(/ ,elapsed-time ,with-runs)
Based on Rainer's comments.
Usage pattern:
(timeit nil (+ 1 1)) ; Vanilla case
(timeit (:to-stream *standard-output*) (+ 1 1)) ; Log to stdout
(timeit (:with-runs 1000) (+ 1 1)) ; Evaluate 1000 times
(timeit (:with-runs 1000 :to-stream *standard-output*) (+ 1 1)) ; Evaluate 1000 times and log to stdout
I've of the general opinion that these kind of arguments should generally be provided in a separate list that is the first argument to the macro. This is especially common in the with- type macros. Some other answers have shown how you can do that, but I think it's also a good macro-writing technique to write a functional version first that implements the main functionality, and to then write a macro version. This one isn't too hard, although the approach here does have the potential to add some time increase for function call overhead.
(defun %timeit (function &optional (runs 1) (stream *standard-output*))
(let ((start (get-internal-run-time))
(prog1 (dotimes (i runs ret)
(declare (ignorable i))
(setf ret (funcall function)))
(setf stop (get-internal-run-time))
(format stream "~&Time spent in ~a iterations: ~f seconds."
(/ (- stop start) internal-time-units-per-second)))))
(defmacro timeit ((&optional (runs 1) (stream *standard-output*)) &body body)
`(%timeit #'(lambda () ,#body) ,runs ,stream))
CL-USER> (timeit (10000000) (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
Time spent in 10000000 iterations: 0.148 seconds.

how to get 64 bit integer in common lisp?

I want to write a bitboard in common lisp, so I need a 64 bit integer. How do I get a 64 bit integer in common lisp? Also, are there any libraries that could help me accomplish this without writing everything from scratch?
You can declare your variables to be of type (signed-byte 64) or (unsigned-byte 64):
CL-USER> (typexpand '(unsigned-byte 64))
(INTEGER 0 18446744073709551615)
CL-USER> (typexpand '(signed-byte 64))
(INTEGER -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807)
It depends upon your implementation if it is actually clever enough to really stuff this in 8 consecutive bytes or if it will use a bignum for this. Appropriate optimize-declarations might help.
Here's a (very simple) example of such type declarations, and handling integers in binary:
(let* ((x #b01)
(y #b10)
(z (logior x y)))
(declare ((signed-byte 64) x y z))
(format t "~a~%" (logbitp 1 x))
(format t "~a~%" (logbitp 1 (logior x (ash 1 1))))
(format t "~b~%" z))
Here's a setf-expander definition to get a simple setter for bits in integers, and a corresponding getter:
(define-setf-expander logbit (index place &environment env)
(multiple-value-bind (temps vals stores store-form access-form)
(get-setf-expansion place env)
(let ((i (gensym))
(store (gensym))
(stemp (first stores)))
(values `(,i ,#temps)
`(,index ,#vals)
`(let ((,stemp (dpb ,store (byte 1 ,i) ,access-form))
,#(cdr stores))
`(logbit ,i ,access-form)))))
(defun logbit (index integer)
(ldb (byte 1 index) integer))
These can be used like this:
(let ((x 1))
(setf (logbit 3 x) 1)
==> 9
(let ((x 9))
(setf (logbit 3 x) 0)
==> 1
(logbit 3 1)
==> 0
(logbit 3 9)
==> 1
In portable Common Lisp 'Integers' are as large as you like. There is a more efficient subset of integers called 'fixnums'. The exact range of fixnums is implementation depended. But it is typically not the full 64 bit (on a 64bit architecture) which can be used, since most Common Lisp implementations need type tag bits. For the user there is not much of a difference. Fixnums are a subset of integers and one can add two fixnums and get a not-fixnum integer result. The only differences that may be observable is that computation with non-fixnum integers is slower, needs more storage, ... Generally, if you want to do computation with integers, you don't need to declare that you want to calculate with 64bit. You just use Integers and the usual operations for those.
If you want real 64bit large integers (represented in only 64bits, without tags, etc.) and computation with those, you'll leave the portable ANSI CL capabilities. If and how CLISP supports that, is best asked on the CLISP mailing list.
Example usage of bit vectors/arrays to implement a 8x8 bit-board
(starting with brutally and prematurely optimized code just to show a
way to get tight assembler code):
(defun make-bitboard ()
(make-array '(8 8) :element-type '(mod 2) :initial-element 0))
MAKE-BITBOARD will create a 8x8 bitboard as an array of bits. When
using SBCL, this is internally represented as 1 bit per element (so
you have 64 bits + array instance overhead). If you ask for
optimizations when accessing the board, you'll get fast code.
(declaim (inline get-bitboard))
(defun get-bitboard (bit-board x y)
(declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0))
(type (simple-array (mod 2) (8 8)) bit-board)
(type fixnum x y))
(aref bit-board x y))
(declaim (notinline get-bitboard))
The DECLAIMs are there to allow local
inlining requests for
An example of using GET-BITBOARD:
(defun use-bitboard (bit-board)
(declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0))
(type (simple-array (mod 2) (8 8)) bit-board)
(inline get-bitboard))
(let ((sum 0))
(declare (type fixnum sum))
(dotimes (i 8)
(declare (type fixnum i))
(dotimes (j 8)
(declare (type fixnum j))
(incf sum (the (mod 2) (get-bitboard bit-board i j)))))
Since there is no SET-BITBOARD yet, an example of using USE-BITBOARD is:
(use-bitboard (make-bitboard))
Disassembling USE-BITBOARD (SBCL again, Linux x64) shows that the
compiler inlined GET-BITBOARD:
; disassembly for USE-BITBOARD
; 030F96A2: 31F6 XOR ESI, ESI ; no-arg-parsing entry point
; 6A4: 31D2 XOR EDX, EDX
; 6A6: EB54 JMP L3
; 6A8: 90 NOP
; 6A9: 90 NOP
; 6AA: 90 NOP
; 6AB: 90 NOP
; 6AC: 90 NOP
; 6AD: 90 NOP
; 6AE: 90 NOP
; 6AF: 90 NOP
; 6B0: L0: 31DB XOR EBX, EBX
; 6B2: EB3E JMP L2
; 6B4: 90 NOP
; 6B5: 90 NOP
; 6B6: 90 NOP
; 6B7: 90 NOP
; 6B8: 90 NOP
; 6B9: 90 NOP
; 6BA: 90 NOP
; 6BB: 90 NOP
; 6BC: 90 NOP
; 6BD: 90 NOP
; 6BE: 90 NOP
; 6BF: 90 NOP
; 6C0: L1: 488D04D500000000 LEA RAX, [RDX*8]
; 6C8: 4801D8 ADD RAX, RBX
; 6CB: 4C8B4711 MOV R8, [RDI+17]
; 6CF: 48D1F8 SAR RAX, 1
; 6D2: 488BC8 MOV RCX, RAX
; 6D5: 48C1E906 SHR RCX, 6
; 6D9: 4D8B44C801 MOV R8, [R8+RCX*8+1]
; 6DE: 488BC8 MOV RCX, RAX
; 6E1: 49D3E8 SHR R8, CL
; 6E4: 4983E001 AND R8, 1
; 6E8: 49D1E0 SHL R8, 1
; 6EB: 4C01C6 ADD RSI, R8
; 6EE: 4883C302 ADD RBX, 2
; 6F2: L2: 4883FB10 CMP RBX, 16
; 6F6: 7CC8 JL L1
; 6F8: 4883C202 ADD RDX, 2
; 6FC: L3: 4883FA10 CMP RDX, 16
; 700: 7CAE JL L0
; 702: 488BD6 MOV RDX, RSI
; 705: 488BE5 MOV RSP, RBP
; 708: F8 CLC
; 709: 5D POP RBP
; 70A: C3 RET
Not sure why the compiler put in all those NOPs (leaving space for
instrumentation later? alignments?) but if you look at the code at the
end it's pretty compact (not as compact as hand-crafted assembler, of
Now this is an obvious case of premature optimization. The correct way
to start here would be to simply write:
(defun get-bitboard (bit-board x y)
(aref bit-board x y))
(defun use-bitboard (bit-board)
(let ((sum 0))
(dotimes (i 8)
(dotimes (j 8)
(incf sum (get-bitboard bit-board i j))))
... and then use a profiler when running the game code that uses the
bit-board to see where the CPU bottlenecks are. SBCL includes a nice
statistical profiler.
Starting with the simpler and slower code, with no declarations for
speed, is best. Just compare the size of the code - I started with the
code with plenty of declarations to make the simple code at the end
look even simpler by comparison :-). The advantage here is that you
can treat Common Lisp as a scripting/prototyping language when trying
out ideas, then squeeze more performance out of the code that the
profiler suggests.
The assembly code is obviously not as tight as loading the whole board in
one 64 bit register and then accessing individual bits. But if you
suddenly decide that you want more than 1 bit per square, it's much
easier to change the CL code than to change assembler code (just
change the array type everywhere from '(mod 2) to '(mod 16), for
You want to use bit vectors, which are arbitrary sized arrays of bits, rather than something like a 64 bit integer. The implementation will deal with the internal representations for you.