I am trying to validate an Instagram username, that the user should enter. I want to find out whether an account with the username exists or if not. I have tried it this way:
final request = await http.get('https://www.instagram.com/$username/');
if (request.statusCode != 404) {
I also looked at a similar question: Check if instagram account name is available
The link that is mentioned in the answer:(https://www.instagram.com/username/?__a=1) works fine in the browser
(If the username exists, it shows all the information of the account, if it doesn't it shows two brackets that are empty)
but in my code I don't get statusCode 404 I get statusCode 200.
I also can't catch an error.
It is the same with the link from my code (https://www.instagram.com/$username/), I get statusCode 200.
Is there a different way that I have not yet considered?
Thanks for your answers in advance!
It's just a http request, if you are getting a success status so check the body in the request, for example if you get a success code but the body is empty {} you can decode the body response and check it in this way:
void checkUser() async {
final request = await http.get('https://www.instagram.com/fakeUserExample/?__a=1');
final decodeData = json.decode(request.body);
print(".:: User Not Found ::.");
Don't forget to import the import 'dart:convert';
Hope it helps.
is there a way to check is URL is existing or not in http request?
I am working on an accounting app it should sold for many company, so in Sign in page each ueser has to add hes own domain to connect with his company api and data, my question is here if user add worng domain or typing somthing else that is not kind of URL, how can handle it?
is there any way to definde that url is not working or not existing?
and in postman if typing anything insted of url, it say could not sed request. no response no error nothing.
Future _checkUrl(String url) async {
http.Response _urlResponse = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
if (_urlResponse.statusCode == 200) {
return true;
else {
return false;
_checkUrl("https://stackoverf").then((value) => {
while http request details can easily be inspected in browser dev tools(for web app), I tried to explore, where I can find the same for requests sent in flutter App, but couldn't locate it.
like for example - I can see the actual response from api by print(response), but I am talking about complete request response including headers.
I am using VScode IDE for Flutter.
I want to view the headers sent like response.header. reason for the same is like I am using flutter cahe manager and the issue I am facing is like I have set the -cache control max-age=1.
so the flutter should try to fetch the same every time I access the page, which it is doing, but it is serving the page from the cache and then fetching the request. so if there is any change is on server side, it doesn't reflect when first open the page, but shows the change on every second visit.
so what I want is like if the flutter gets 304 response from server, it will serve from the cache else it should serve from the fetched data. but it is not happening.
also the response.header is not showing response code like it is 200 or 304, so that flutter can fetch or serve from cache.
Actual code being used is like this:
Future<MyUserProfile> fetchMyUserProfile() async {
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final userid = prefs.getString('user_id');
var userProfile = await DefaultCacheManager().getSingleFile("url");
final response = await userProfile.readAsString();
if (response != '') {
// If the server did return a 200 OK response,
// then parse the JSON.
return MyUserProfile.fromJson(json.decode(response));
} else {
// If the server did not return a 200 OK response,
// then throw an exception.
throw Exception('Failed to load Profile');
Don't wanna be rude, but the information you are looking for is quite easy to find... That is if you look in the right place, like official documentation.
HttpResponse class ... headers → HttpHeaders Returns the response
headers. [...] read-only
http.Response response = await http.get(url...
EDIT: Answering the sub-question that was added to the original question.
To check what the status code is you simply access it via response.statusCode
http.Response response = await http.get(url...
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// do something
} else if (response.statusCode == 304) {
// do something else
} else {
// handle this
i have the follow function:
Future<Null> _loadORDER(String menssage) async {
var enZona =await ApiClient.zonaNum(menssage, apiKey);
print('enZona: $enZona');
if (enZona == 'true') {
the print give me the follow message: "enZona: Instance of 'Response'"
if i test the response from postman of the api query is working normally and give me: true ,
then i hope that the print result will be : "enZona: true"
but i don't know how i do to wait the response of the ApiClient before continue with the conditional (if)
thanks for your help!
thanks i add the .body but i get the same response, the apiclient code is the follow:
final response = await http.get(baseUrl + '/shop/order/$message',
headers: {HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: apiKey});
print("enZona: $response.body");
return response;
the print value for this is: enZona: Instance of 'Response'.body
You should do print("enZona: ${response.body}"); with the curly bracket, or you can assign response.body to some variable first.
final foo = response.body; print(foo);
If you go to the pub.dev documentation for the Response class, you will see that Response is more than the content of the response. It is a wrapper class that also includes information such as the statusCode of the response, the headers, etc.
When you saw the response in Postman, you only cared about the content of the response, that is, the body of the response. What you are looking for in your code is not the enZona instance of Response, but the body of the enZona response.
Therefore, you have to swap enZona by enZona.body when trying to access the contents of your response.
I am using the email verification feature that Parse offers and would like my users to be able to resend the email verification if it fails to send or they cannot see it. Last I saw, Parse does not offer an intrinsic way to do this (stupid) and people have been half-hazzerdly writing code to change the email and then change it back to trigger a re-send. Has there been any updates to this or is changing the email from the original and back still the only way? Thanks
You should only need to update the email to its existing value. This should trigger another email verification to be sent. I haven't been able to test the code, but this should be how you do it for the various platforms.
// Swift
PFUser.currentUser().email = PFUser.currentUser().email
// Java
// JavaScript
Parse.User.current().set("email", Parse.User.current().get("email"));
You have to set the email address to a fake one save and then set it back to the original and then parse will trigger the verification process. Just setting it to what it was will not trigger the process.
if let email = PFUser.currentUser()?.email {
PFUser.currentUser()?.email = email+".verify"
PFUser.currentUser()?.saveInBackgroundWithBlock({ (success, error) -> Void in
if success {
PFUser.currentUser()?.email = email
Poking around the source code for Parse server, there doesn't seem to be any public api to manually resend verification emails. However I was able to find 2 undocumented ways to access the functionality.
The first would be to use the internal UserController on the server (for instance from a Cloud function) like this:
import { AppCache } from 'parse-server/lib/cache'
Cloud.define('resendVerificationEmail', async request => {
const userController = AppCache.get(process.env.APP_ID).userController
await userController.resendVerificationEmail(
return true
The other is to take advantage of an endpoint that is used for the verification webpage:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:5000/api/apps/press-play-development/resend_verification_email" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{ "username": "7757429624" }'
Both are prone to break if you update Parse and internals get changed, but should be more reliable than changing the users email and then changing it back.
We were setting emails to an empty string, but found that there was a race condition where 2 users would hit it at the same time and 1 would fail because Parse considered it to be a duplicate of the other blank email. In other cases, the user's network connection would fail between the 2 requests and they would be stuck without an email.
Now, with Parse 3.4.1 that I'm testing, you can do (for Javascript):
BUT NOTE that it will throw error if user is already verified.
To resend the verification email, as stated above, you have to modify then reset the user email address. To perform this operation in secure and efficient way, you can use the following cloud code function:
Parse.Cloud.define("resendVerificationEmail", async function(request, response) {
var originalEmail = request.params.email;
const User = Parse.Object.extend("User");
const query = new Parse.Query(User);
query.equalTo("email", originalEmail);
var userObject = await query.first({useMasterKey: true});
if(userObject !=null)
userObject.set("email", "tmp_email_prefix_"+originalEmail);
await userObject.save(null, {useMasterKey: true}).catch(error => {response.error(error);});
userObject.set("email", originalEmail);
await userObject.save(null, {useMasterKey: true}).catch(error => {response.error(error);});
response.success("Verification email is well resent to the user email");
After that, you just need to call the cloud code function from your client code. From Android client, you can use the following code (Kotlin):
fun resendVerificationEmail(email:String){
val progress = ProgressDialog(this)
progress.setMessage("Loading ...")
val params: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap<String,String>()
params.put("email", email)
ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground("resendVerificationEmail", params,
FunctionCallback<Any> { response, exc ->
if (exc == null) {
// The function executed, but still has to check the response
Toast.makeText(baseContext, "Verification email is well sent", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
} else {
// Something went wrong
Log.d(TAG, "$TAG: ---- exeception: "+exc.message)
"Error encountered when resending verification email:"+exc.message,
This is regarding Sendgrid incoming mail webhook, I have referred this URL SendGrid incoming mail webhook - how do I secure my endpoint, and got some idea how to go about this, but, as I am new to MVC / WebAPI, could anyone give me the controller method code snippet to catch the JSON format HTTP post and save to my application folder.
This is the solution I found after googling and with slight modifications:
[HttpPost, HttpGet]
[EnableCors(origins: "*", headers: "*", methods: "*")]
public async Task Post()
if (Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent("form-data"))
//To get complete post in a string use the below line, not used here
string strCompletePost = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
string strFrom = context.Request.Form.GetValues("from")[0];
string strEmailText = context.Request.Form.GetValues("email")[0];
string strSubject = context.Request.Form.GetValues("subject")[0];
//Not useful I guess, because it always return sendgrid IP
string strSenderIP = context.Request.Form.GetValues("sender_ip")[0];
catch (Exception ex)
I tried, retrieving the values as
String to = context.Request.Params["to"];
but, the value returned is not consistent, i.e. most of the times it is returning null and occasionally returns actual value stored in it.
If anyone have a better solution, please let me know.
Thank you
If for some reason ["to"] doesn't work for you, try to get ["envelope"] value,
which looks like