SAGA and local transactions with Kafka and Postgres in Spring Boot - spring-data-jpa

Haven't worked with SAGAs and spring-kafka (and spring-cloud-stream-kafka-binder) for a while.
Context: there are several (3+) Spring-boot microservices that have to span business transaction in order to keep data in eventually consistent state. They use Database-per-Service approach (each service stores data in Postgres) and collaborate via Kafka as an Event-Store.
I'm going to apply SAGA (either choreography or orchestration approach, let's stick to the first one) to manage transaction over multiple services.
The question is: how to support local transactions when using RDBMS (Postgres) as a data store along with Kafka as an Event-Store/messaging middleware?
In nowadays, does actually spring-kafka support JTA transactions and would it be enough to wrap RDBMS and Kafka Producer into #Transactional methods? Or do we still have to apply some of Transactional microservices patterns (like Transactional Outbox, Transaction Log Tailing or Polling Publisher)?
Thanks in advance

Kafka does not support JTA/XA. The best you can do is "Best Effort 1PC" - see Dave Syer's Javaworld article; you have to handle possible duplicates.
Spring for Apache Kafka provides the ChainedKafkaTransactionManager; for consumer-initiated transactions, the CKTM should be injected into the listener container.
The CKTM should have the KTM first, followed by the RDBMS, so the RDBMS transaction will be committed first; if it fails, the Kafka tx will roll back and the record redelivered. If the DB succeeds but Kafka fails, the record will be redelivered (with default configuration).
For producer-only transactions, you can use #Transactional. In that case, the TM can just be the RDBMS TM and Spring-Kafka will synchronize a local Kafka transaction, committing last.
See here for more information.


Direct Kafka Topic to Database table

Is there a way to automatically tell Kafka to send all events of a specific topic to a specific table of a database?
In order to avoid creating a new consumer that needs to read from that topic and perform the copy explicitly.
You have two options here:
Kafka Connect - this is the standard way to connect your Kafka to a database. There are a lot of connectors. In order to choose one:
The best bet is to use the specific one for your database that is maintained by confluent.
If you don't have a specific one, the second best option is to use the JDBC connector.
Direct ingestion from the database if your database supports it (for instance Clickhouse, and MemSQL are able to load data coming from a Kafka topic). The difference between this and Kafka connects is this way it is fully supported and tested by the db vendor and you need to maintain less pieces of infrastructure.
Which one is better? It depends on:
your data volume
how much you can (and need !) to paralelize the load
and how much you can tolerate downtime or latencies.
Direct ingestion from DB is usually from one node (consumer) to Kafka.
It is good for mid-low volume data traffic. If it fails (or throttles), you might have latency issues.
Kafka connect allows you to insert data in parallel into the db using several workers. If one of the worker fails, the load is redistributed among the others. If you have a lot of data, this probably the best way to load it into the db, but you'll need to take care of the kafka connect infrastructure unless you're using a managed cloud offering.

Which messages should be published to a Kafka topic, and when?

I have some few services, like Catalog Service, Customer Service, Recommendations Service, Order Taking Service and so on ..., each service has its own Keyspace in a Cassandra database.
I have two questions:
1 - For a change in a service: should I first publish the change's event (or record) to Kafka and then consume it from that same service in other to update its database, or should I update its database first and then publish the record to Kafka ?
2 - How to choose which change to publish to Kafka, should I publish all updates to Kafka, even those without interest for others services, like "attribute X updated to Y for product Z" ?
1) I would suggest you always try to read your writes. Which operation is more likely to succeed? A replicated ack from Kafka, or a durable Cassandra upsert? If you think Kafka is more durable, then you'd write it there then use a tool like Kafka Connect to write it down to Cassandra (assuming you really need Cassandra over a Global KTable, that's up for debate)
2) There's no straightforward answer. If you think data will ever be consumed in ways that might be relevant, then produce it. Think about it like an audit log of any and all events. If you want to build an idempotent system that always knows latest state of any product and all changes that happened, then you can either store the whole object each time as (id, product) pairs where you holistic update the entire product, or you can store each delta of what changed and rebuild state from that

Using Apache Kafka to maintain data integrity across databases in microservices architecture

Has anyone used Apache Kafka to maintain data integrity across microservice architecture which each service has its own database? I have been searching around and there was some posts mentioned about using Kafka but I'm looking for more details such as in how Kafka was used. Do you have to write code for producer and consumer (say for Customer database as producer and Orders database as consumer so that if a Customer is deleted in the Customer database then the Orders database somehow need to know that so it will delete all Orders for that Customer as well).
Yes, you'll need to write that processing code
For example, one database would be connected to a CDC reader to emit all changes to a stream (the producer), which could be fed into a KTable or custom consumer to write upserts/deletes into a local cache of another service. I mention it ought to be a cache rather than a database is because when the service restarts, you potentially miss some events, or duplicate others, so the source of the materialized view should ideally be Kafka itself (via a compacted topic)

Is Kafka a message queue and can Kafka be used as the database?

Some places mentioned Kafka is the publish-subscribe messaging. Other sources mentioned Kafka is the Message Queue. May I ask the differences between those and can Kakfa be used as the database?
There are 2 patterns named Publish-Subscribe and Message Queue. There are some places discussed the differences. here
Kafka especially supports both of these 2 patterns. For the publish-subscribe pattern, Kafka has publisher/subscriber which supported this pattern. The publisher sends messages to one topic and the subscriber can subscribes and receives messages on that one. For the queueing pattern, Kafka has a concept named Consumer Group. Within the same consumer group, all consumers will share jobs hence balancing the workload.
Because of the flexible design from the start, Kafka is broadly used for many software patterns while designing the system.
Personally, I would not call Kafka itself a database but you can use Kafka as the storage, especially through some mechanisms such as the log compaction. Ref1 Ref2
Kafka is a storage at base like a database but without indexes, where every query is a full scan of your data. Kafka it store data in files that can not be modified. Ex if you use event sourcing you can save all event of your system in Kafka and reprocess all events when your system have a bug.
Imagine that Kafka can split a very huge file(10TB or more) on multiple server and provide a way to read that file in a distributed manner using partitions( more partition you have, more application can read in parallel).
Because its a storage, Kafka can also be used as a message queue or as a publish-subscribe system.

Kafka and microservices - Architecture questions

In a Microservices based architecture, who writes to Kafka? services themselves or the Microservices databases? I've been thinking about this and see pros and cons to both approaches but leaning towards having database write to Kafka topics because
Database and data in the Kafka topic won't go out of sync in case write to Kafka fails for whatever reason
Application teams won't have to have one more step to worry about
Applications can keep focusing on the core function rather than worrying about Kafka.
Thanks for your inputs
As cricket_007 has been saying, databases typically cannot write to Apache Kafka themselves; instead, you'd need a change data capturing services such as Debezium in order to stream data changes from the database into Kafka (disclaimer: I'm the lead of Debezium).
Such an approach allows to ensure (eventual) consistency between a service's own database and Kafka messages sent to other services. On specific CDC application I'd recommend to look into is the outbox pattern. The idea there is to not capture changes to the service's actual business tables, but instead work with a separate "outbox table", into which the service writes specific messages meant for consumption by other services. CDC would then be used to sent these events from that table to Kafka.
This approach avoids exposing internal data structures to outside consumers while also avoiding the issues of "dual writes" which a service would suffer from when directly writing to its database and Kafka. In Debezium there's some means of built-in support for the outbox pattern via a message transformation that helps to route the events from the outbox table into event-type specific Kafka topics.
Not all services need a database, they just emit data (logs, metrics, sensors, etc)
So, the answer would be either.
Plus, I'm not sure what database directly can export to Kafka, so you'd have some other service like Debezium deployed which would be polling those CDC records off the database
Application developers still have to "worry" about how to deserialize their data, how many partitions are in the topic so they can scale out consumption, manage offsets, among other things