Setting Argon2 algorithm type in Java - password-hash

Argon2 by default uses Argon2id. How can I programatically set a different algorthm type in Java? I mean, how to mention my program should use Argon2i or Argon2d in Java?
I wanted to encode a password. I am using Spring Security jar. Used the below code to create the encoder
Argon2PasswordEncoder encoder = new Argon2PasswordEncoder(DEFAULT_SALT_LENGTH, DEFAULT_HASH_LENGTH, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM, 512, 1000);
This is using argon2id by default. Wanted to know how to set a different algorithm.

You can use Password4j:
int memory = 2048;
int iterations = 10;
int parallelism = 1;
int outputLength = 128;
Argon2 variant = Argon2.D;
Argon2Function argon2 = Argon2Function.getInstance(memory, iterations, parallelism, outputLength, variant);
Hash hash = Password.hash(pwd).addRandomSalt().with(argon2);
You can store the configuration in a properties file as well, so you can just write
Hash hash = Password.hash(pwd).addRandomSalt().withArgon2();
You can find more information in the official documentation.


Trying to use Distributed data parallel on GANs but getting runtime error about an inplace operation

I am trying to train a GAN a machine with 3GPUs using distributed data parallel.
before wrapping my model in the DDP everything works fine but when I wrap it, it givers me the following Runtime Error
RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [128]] is at version 5; expected version 4 instead.
I cloned every related tensor to the gradient to solve the inplace operation (if it is any) but I could not find it.
the part of code with the problem is as follow:
Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
# ----------
# Training
# ----------
def train_gan(rank, world_size, opt):
print(f"Running basic DDP example on rank {rank}.")
setup(rank, world_size)
if rank == 0:
get_dataloader(rank, opt)
print(f"Rank {rank}/{world_size} training process passed data download barrier.\n")
dataloader = get_dataloader(rank, opt)
# Loss function
adversarial_loss = torch.nn.BCELoss()
# Initialize generator and discriminator
generator = Generator()
discriminator = Discriminator()
# Initialize weights
generator_d = DDP(generator, device_ids=[rank])
discriminator_d = DDP(discriminator, device_ids=[rank])
# Optimizers
# Since we are computing the average of several batches at once (an effective batch size of
# world_size * batch_size) we scale the learning rate to match.
optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(generator_d.parameters(), * opt.world_size, betas=(opt.b1, opt.b2))
optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(discriminator_d.parameters(), * opt.world_size, betas=(opt.b1, opt.b2))
losses = []
for epoch in range(opt.n_epochs):
for i, (imgs, _) in enumerate(dataloader):
# Adversarial ground truths
valid = Variable(Tensor(imgs.shape[0], 1).fill_(1.0), requires_grad=False).to(rank)
fake = Variable(Tensor(imgs.shape[0], 1).fill_(0.0), requires_grad=False).to(rank)
# Configure input
real_imgs = Variable(imgs.type(Tensor)).to(rank)
# -----------------
# Train Generator
# -----------------
# Sample noise as generator input
z = Variable(Tensor(np.random.normal(0, 1, (imgs.shape[0], opt.latent_dim)))).to(rank)
# Generate a batch of images
gen_imgs = generator_d(z)
# Loss measures generator's ability to fool the discriminator
g_loss = adversarial_loss(discriminator_d(gen_imgs), valid)
# ---------------------
# Train Discriminator
# ---------------------
# Measure discriminator's ability to classify real from generated samples
real_loss = adversarial_loss(discriminator_d(real_imgs), valid)
fake_loss = adversarial_loss(discriminator_d(gen_imgs.detach()), fake)
d_loss = ((real_loss + fake_loss) / 2).to(rank)
I encountered a similar error when trying to train a GAN with DistributedDataParallel.
I noticed the problem was coming from BatchNorm layers in my discriminator.
Indeed, DistributedDataParallel synchronizes the batchnorm parameters at each forward pass (see the doc), thereby modifying the variable inplace, which causes problems if you have multiple forward passes in a row.
Converting my BatchNorm layers to SyncBatchNorm did the trick for me:
discriminator = torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(discriminator)
discriminator = DPP(discriminator)
You probably want to do it anyway when using DistributedDataParallel.
Alternatively, if you don't want to use SyncBatchNorm, you can set the broadcast_buffers parameter to False, but I don't think you really want to do that, as it means your batch norm stats will not be synchronized among processes.
discriminator = DPP(discriminator, device_ids=[rank], broadcast_buffers=False)

Reducing LUT utilization in a Vivado HLS design (RSA cryptosystem using montgomery multiplication)

A question/problem for anyone experienced with Xilinx Vivado HLS and FPGA design:
I need help reducing the utilization numbers of a design within the confines of HLS (i.e. can't just redo the design in an HDL). I am targeting the Zedboard (Zynq 7020).
I'm trying to implement 2048-bit RSA in HLS, using the Tenca-koc multiple-word radix 2 montgomery multiplication algorithm, shown below (More algorithm details here):
I wrote this algorithm in HLS and it works in simulation and in C/RTL cosim. My algorithm is here:
#define MWR2MM_m 2048 // Bit-length of operands
#define MWR2MM_w 8 // word size
#define MWR2MM_e 257 // number of words per operand
// Type definitions
typedef ap_uint<1> bit_t; // 1-bit scan
typedef ap_uint< MWR2MM_w > word_t; // 8-bit words
typedef ap_uint< MWR2MM_m > rsaSize_t; // m-bit operand size
* Multiple-word radix 2 montgomery multiplication using carry-propagate adder
void mwr2mm_cpa(rsaSize_t X, rsaSize_t Yin, rsaSize_t Min, rsaSize_t* out)
// extend operands to 2 extra words of 0
ap_uint<MWR2MM_m + 2*MWR2MM_w> Y = Yin;
ap_uint<MWR2MM_m + 2*MWR2MM_w> M = Min;
ap_uint<MWR2MM_m + 2*MWR2MM_w> S = 0;
ap_uint<2> C = 0; // two carry bits
bit_t qi = 0; // an intermediate result bit
// Store concatenations in a temporary variable to eliminate HLS compiler warnings about shift count
ap_uint<MWR2MM_w> temp_concat=0;
// scan X bit-by bit
for (int i=0; i<MWR2MM_m; i++)
qi = (X[i]*Y[0]) xor S[0];
// C gets top two bits of temp_concat, j'th word of S gets bottom 8 bits of temp_concat
temp_concat = X[i]*Y.range(MWR2MM_w-1,0) + qi*M.range(MWR2MM_w-1,0) + S.range(MWR2MM_w-1,0);
C = temp_concat.range(9,8);
S.range(MWR2MM_w-1,0) = temp_concat.range(7,0);
// scan Y and M word-by word, for each bit of X
for (int j=1; j<=MWR2MM_e; j++)
temp_concat = C + X[i]*Y.range(MWR2MM_w*j+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*j) + qi*M.range(MWR2MM_w*j+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*j) + S.range(MWR2MM_w*j+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*j);
C = temp_concat.range(9,8);
S.range(MWR2MM_w*j+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*j) = temp_concat.range(7,0);
S.range(MWR2MM_w*(j-1)+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*(j-1)) = (S.bit(MWR2MM_w*j), S.range( MWR2MM_w*(j-1)+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*(j-1)+1));
S.range(S.length()-1, S.length()-MWR2MM_w) = 0;
// if final partial sum is greater than the modulus, bring it back to proper range
if (S >= M)
S -= M;
*out = S;
Unfortunately, the LUT utilization is huge.
This is problematic because I need to be able to fit multiple of these blocks in hardware as axi4-lite slaves.
Could someone please provide a few suggestions as to how I can reduce the LUT utilization, WITHIN THE CONFINES OF HLS?
I've already tried the following:
Experimenting with different word lengths
switching the top level inputs to arrays so they are BRAM (i.e. not using ap_uint<2048>, but instead ap_uint foo[MWR2MM_e])
Experimenting with all sorts of directives: compartmentalizing into multiple inline functions, dataflow architecture, resource limits on lshr, etc.
However, nothing really drives the LUT utilization down in a meaningful way. Is there a glaringly obvious way that I could reduce the utilization that is apparent to anyone?
In particular, I've seen papers on implementations of the mwr2mm algorithm that (only use one DSP block and one BRAM). Is this even worth attempting to implement using HLS? Or is there no way that I can actually control the resources that the algorithm is mapped to without describing it in HDL?
Thanks for the help.

Convert rnorm output of NumericVector with length of 1 to a double?

In the following code I am trying to generate a NumericVector of values from a normal distribution, where every time rnorm() is called each time with a different mean and variance.
Here is the code:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector generate_ai(NumericVector log_var) {
int log_var_length = log_var.size();
NumericVector temp(log_var_length);
for(int i = 0; i < log_var_length; i++) {
temp[i] = rnorm(1, -0.5 * log_var[i], sqrt(log_var[i]));
The line that is giving me trouble is this one:
temp[i] = rnorm(1, -0.5 * log_var[i], sqrt(log_var[i]));
It is causing the error:
assigning to 'typename storage_type<14>::type' (aka 'double') from
incompatible type 'NumericVector' (aka 'Vector<14>')
Since I'm returning one number from rnorm, is there a way to convert this NumericVector return type to a double?
Rcpp provides two methods to access RNG sampling schemes. The first option is a single draw and the second enables n draws using some sweet sweet Rcpp sugar. Under your current setup, you are opting for the later setup.
Option 1. Use just the scalar sampling scheme instead of sugar by accessing the RNG function through R::, e.g.
temp[i] = R::rnorm(-0.5 * log_var[i], sqrt(log_var[i]));
Option 2. Use the subset operator on the NumericVector to obtain the only element.
// C++ indices start at 0 instead of 1
temp[i] = Rcpp::rnorm(1, -0.5 * log_var[i], sqrt(log_var[i]))[0];
The prior option will be faster and better. Why you might ask?
Well, Option 2 creates a new NumericVector, fills it with a call to Option 1, then requires a subset operation to retrieve the value before assigning it to the desired scalar.
In any case, RNG can be a bit confusing. Just make sure to always prefix the function call with the correct namespace (e.g. R:: or Rcpp::) so that you and perhaps future programmers avoid any ambiguity as to what kind of sampling scheme you've opted for.
(This is one of the downside of using namespace Rcpp;)

how to choose protocol-buffer's tags

Here's a real-life example; hand-written .proto file extract:
message StatsResponse {
optional int64 gets = 1;
optional int64 cache_hits = 12;
optional int64 fills = 2;
optional uint64 total_alloc = 3;
optional CacheStats main_cache = 4;
optional CacheStats hot_cache = 5;
optional int64 server_in = 6;
optional int64 loads = 8;
optional int64 peer_loads = 9;
optional int64 peer_errors = 10;
optional int64 local_loads = 11;
I understand everything about it except how the programmer who wrote it chose the tag numbers he was going to use.
The official documentation just notes how these tags are shifted around and encoded to compose a wire type identifier. Yet, in the example above, several fields of the same data type have different tag numbers.
My question is; how do I choose tag numbers if I was going to write a .proto file from scratch?
The number is just an alternative way to identify the field, other than its name. The encoding uses numbers rather than names because they take less space and time to encode. It doesn't matter what number you use as long as you don't change the number later (although, lower numbers take less space on the wire).
Usually, people simply assign numbers sequentially starting from 1. In your example proto, cache_hits is probably a new field that was added after all the others, which is why its number appears "out-of-order".

NEON: loading uint8_t array into 128 bit register

I need to load values from uint8 array into 128 NEON register. There is a similar question. But there were no good answers.
My solution is:
uint8_t arr[4] = {1,2,3,4};
//load 4 of 8-bit vals into 64 bit reg
uint8x8_t _vld1_u8 = vld1_u8(arr);
//convert to 16-bit and move to 128-bit reg
uint16x8_t _vmovl_u8 = vmovl_u8(_vld1_u8);
//get low 64 bit and move them to 64-bit reg
uint16x4_t _vget_low_u16 = vget_low_u16(_vmovl_u8);
//convert to 32-bit and move to 128-bit reg
uint32x4_t ld32x4 = vmovl_u16(_vget_low_u16);
This works fine, but it seems to me that this approach is not the fastest. Maybe there is a better and faster way to load 8bit data into 128 reg as 32bit ?
Thanks to #FrankH. I've came up with the second version using some hack:
uint8x16x2_t z = vzipq_u8(vld1q_u8(arr), q_zero);
uint8x16_t rr = *(uint8x16_t*)&z;
z = vzipq_u8(rr, q_zero);
ld32x4 = *(uint8x16_t*)&z;
It boils down to this assembly (when compiler optimisations are on):
vld1.8 {d16, d17}, [r5]
vzip.8 q8, q9
vorr q9, q4, q4
vzip.8 q8, q9
So there are no redundant stores and it's pretty fast. But still it is about x1.5 slower then the first solution.
You can do a "double zip" with zeroes:
uint16x4_t zero = 0;
uint32x4_t ld32x4 =
Since the vreinterpretq_*() are no-ops, this boils down to three instructions. Don't have a crosscompiler around at the moment, can't validate that :(
Don't get me wrong there ... while vreinterpretq_*() isn't resulting in a Neon instruction, it's not a no-op; that's because it stops the compiler from doing the type of funky things you'd see if you'd instead use widerVal.val[0]. All it tells the compiler is, like:
"you've got a uint8x16x2_t but I want to use only half of that as a uint8x16_t, give me half the registers."
"you have a uint8x16x2_t but I want to use those regs as a uint32x4_t instead."
I.e. it tells the compilers to alias sets of neon registers - preventing stores/loads to/from the stack as you'd get if you do the explicit sub-set access through the .val[...] syntax.
In a way, the .val[...] syntax "is a hack" but the better method, the use of vreinterpretq_*(), "looks like a hack". Not using it results in more instructions and slower/inferior code.