I have been using cloudinary to store my pdf files the use firebase as my backend. However, am having this issue with it. When I use http.get on the link provided by cloudinary https://res.cloudinary.com/cloudname/raw/upload/vxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I get ascii data instead of the pdf file. I have tried to write the data as string to a file with .pdf extension that has not worked. I have tried to convert it to bytes then write to the file as bytes and that has not worked either. Any help on how I can save this file on android using flutter It would be a great help.
await http.post('https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/${DotEnv().env['cloud_name']}/raw/upload',body: { "file": "data:raw/pdf;base64,$pdf", "upload_preset": DotEnv().env['upload_preset']} );
var response = await http.get('https://res.cloudinary.com/<cloudname>/raw/upload/v1590958359/gsvxe4zp7bb6yyldrccu');
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final path2 = directory.path;
File x = File('$path2/trial.pdf');
Here is the code as I currently have it. pdf in this case is the base64 encoding of the pdf. The link I have here in http.get is from a file I had already uploaded.
Thanks for adding the additional details.
Firstly, I would recommend you change the resource_type from raw to image. In addition, please update the MIME type in your Base64 Data URI to application/pdf.
The URL you then get from Cloudinary upon a successful upload will be to a PDF resource which means you can download it with a simple cURL request or via any HTTP library.
For example, using the secure_url to the asset returned in the Upload API Response to download the file to my_test_file.pdf -
curl -s https://res.cloudinary.com/demo/image/upload/multi_page_pdf.pdf --output my_test_file.pdf
I'm using Dio for API calls. my question is I have chosen an image from the file and named as "path+flower.jpg". So in the Multipart request, we have one parameter Filename. While saving the image to S3 what will the image name flower.png or flower_one.jpg?
MultipartFile.fromFile("path+flower.png", filename: "flower_one.jpg"),
Dio multipart request has:
filePath in which you can give path of image (it is required parameter)
filename is optional parameter
if you provide filename image will be saved with that filname
in your case image will be saved as:
I am following the pdf Dart Package where it shows how to save a PDF file:
// On Flutter, use the [path_provider](https://pub.dev/packages/path_provider) library:
// final output = await getTemporaryDirectory();
// final file = File("${output.path}/example.pdf");
final file = File("example.pdf");
await file.writeAsBytes(await pdf.save());
What I am looking to do is send a PDF through Sendgrid with uses Base64 encoding as the attachment. This is what I have done but with an error:
Uint8List unitEncodedPDF = await pdf.save();
String baseEncodedPDF = base64Encode(unitEncodedPDF);
I then use baseEncodedPDF and pass it to the content key in the body for the Sendgrid POST.
What I think I need to fix my "The attachment content must be base64 encoded." error message:
Save the PDF file as a File object in Dart like in the pdf package tutorial, and then convert the 'file' to Uint8List and then finally Base64.
My problem:
File.writeAsBytes saves an actual file to the phone's storage, the information is sensitive and I don't want it saved on the user's phone but send through the API. How do I save the PDF file as a File object to use it as a variable to Base64 encode it, without writing an actual file onto the storage?
-why dont you create a global variable in class and set your data into it and send it through api
-or delete file after it sent to API with encrypted name and file extension this would make it hard to user to locate manually
I am currently using Flutter and Dart to try to send an image to a web service, after which I wait for a JSON response. The below links show the Postman request that I am trying to mimic.
An image of Postman with the headers required
An image of Postman with the body
I think the issue I am having is either not setting the headers of my request correctly, or not encoding the image correctly.
Currently I am getting a HTTP 400 error.
I have tried following these suggested solutions on StackOverflow but have been getting the HTTP 400 error.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Try this. I'd suggest creating yourself a plain Dart project, if you haven't already. This way you can test things without the need of the phone emulator, etc.
main() async {
http.MultipartRequest request =
new http.MultipartRequest('POST', Uri.parse(url));
request.headers['Prediction-Key'] = '3f4a......'; // todo - insert real value
new http.MultipartFile.fromBytes(
filename: 'somefile', // optional
contentType: new MediaType('image', 'jpeg'),
http.StreamedResponse r = await request.send();
If the file is on disk, not in memory, then use the fromPath named constructor instead. Experiment with different media types. I've used image/jpeg, but you could try application/octet-stream.
As an aside, in your first screenshot you show a content type, but Postman ignores this as the overall content type is overridden by multipart-form. Uncheck that row in Postman to prove this.
There was another question recently on SO, where the server was incorrectly expecting headers to be case sensitive. In postman, try again with lowercase prediction-key to prove that the server doesn't mind lowercase headers (which is what Dart uses).
NetSuite Restlet PDF file encoding issue
The above thread seems to be giving a solution to outputing a pdf with a NetSuite RESTlet. As far as I know, you cannot output a pdf from a restlet, so I'm very confused. I am using a restlet to generate a report and the information ultimately needs to output to a pdf so I was trying to see if there was a work around. I tried the answer code from the above thread and I got the expected error:"error code: INVALID_RETURN_DATA_FORMAT error message:Invalid data format. You should return TEXT."
Am I missing something? Is there a way to export xml to a pdf with a NetSuite RESTlet?
The thread you reference discusses how to generate a PDF file in Netsuite. If you want to return a PDF from a RESTLet you will have to return it as a member of a JSON object. e.g.:
var pdfFile = genPDF(); // base this on the sample
fileName: pdfFile.getName(),
fileContent: nlapiEncrypt(pdfFile.getValue(), 'base64')
And then your receiver will have to create the actual file.
Recall that RESTLets are for application-to-system communications. If you are trying to return a PDF to a browser you should probably be using a Suitelet.
If this is part of a larger app and you need the RESTLet then review this post: Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript for options to display the RESTLet response.
Reading through that answer, it appears you'll need to encode/convert the PDF to string format before returning, so you'll need to use base64 encoding.
The NS method nlapiEncrypt(content, 'base64') seems like it might be a good place to start.
Another avenue to investigate, which I haven't tried, is to first save the PDF in the file cabinet, then to return a public link to that file. You'll need to make sure the file has the correct permissions.
I'm uploading a file using curl:
curl -X POST --data-binary #/home/me/my_file.jpb localhost:9001/upload
And here is how to store it:
def upload = Action(parse.temporaryFile) {
request =>
import java.io.File
val f = new File("tmp/someName") // how do I get the name of the file being uploaded?
request.body.moveTo(f, true)
Ok("File uploaded\n")
Note that files can be in any format. I want to get the name of the actually uploaded file. I tried request.body.file.getName but it returns gibberish.
How do I do that?
I am fairly certain you cannot get the file name from the binary stream you are uploading via curl. You need to explicitly provide the file name separately.
The options I can think of are these:
If your Content-Type header is instead multipart/form-data, then the process is quite simple as described here
Upload JSON with a String for the file name and a binary portion for the file.