How to claim & configure Bitnami Docker Discourse data in Kubernetes Persistent volume? - kubernetes

Currently I have bitnami discourse in docker and the data storing in pod, we scale up the pods from 1 to many. Now I am facing error with media uploads, the issue is the pods data are not in sync so I have to mount single volume and shared it between pods. But I want to do that persistent volume claim in kubernetes with the help of azure-storage-class not in docker volume.

I presume you are using your own kubernetes manifest as bitnami aren't supporting discourse chart currently. Mainly, what I understand that you need is a volume that could be accessed by many PODs.
I think you would need read-write-many volume, this is not usually supported by cloud providers but let's give a try in azure.
I hope it helps.


minio for mariadb in kubernetes

I'm running a k3s single node cluster and have the k3s local-path-provisioner as storage. As I want to be able to add nodes in the future, I looked at minio to use on top of the local-path as storage. But I'm not sure if it's the right choice, cause I my workloads primarily use mariadb for data and I read, that an s3 compatible bucket isn't the best for database applications.
I hope you can help me figure this out.
If you don't want to use object storage then here are your options for running a local storage provisioner:
GlusterFS StorageClass
Doesn't have lot of documentation on how to set it up. But if you know your way around GlusterFS It'll be a good option.
t provides a way for the Kubernetes users to utilize the local storage in each node
OpenEBS -> has a local volume storage engine but I think this is not designed to work on a shared volume mount and it end up tying a pod to a specific node since the data "doesn't exist" on the other nodes.
longhorn [recommened]
It creates a dedicated storage controller for each block device volume and synchronously replicates the volume across multiple replicas stored on multiple nodes.
Rook is a storage operators for Kubernetes, It supports multiple storage backends. Don't use the NFS one tho cause we hit a wall when using it with our DBs.

setting up kubernetes cluster and running a database

This is my proposed kubernetes cluster, I want to be able to run Postgresql database, with my nodes accessing storage machine for storing the data, is this using NFS a good option? How best can I run a database instance here?
I recommend you to use helm chart for deploying any kind of data base, it is very handy and easy to deploy, visit the link:
Any way if you want to deploy Postgresql, first of all you need to create persistent volume(pv) and persistent volume claim(pvc), because you choosed NFS for your cluster storage solution. You have to manually create your pv and pvc.
But kubernetes has storage class solution too, it is better to use some kubernetes volume plugin with internal provisioner like glusterfs or cephfs.

Kubernetes cluster Mysql Nodes Storage

We have started setting up a Kubernetes cluster. On Production, we have 4 Mysql Nodes(2 Active Master, 2 Active slaves). Complete servers are on-premise, There is NO cloud providers usage.
Now how do I configure storage? I mean should I use PV / PVC? How will it work. Should I use local PV? Can someone explain to me this?
You need to use PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims in order to achieve that.
A PersistentVolume (PV) is a piece of storage in the cluster that has
been provisioned by an administrator or dynamically provisioned using
Storage Classes.
A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for storage by a user.
Claims can request specific size and access modes (e.g., they can be
mounted once read/write or many times read-only).
Containers are ephemeral. When the container is restarted all the changes made prior to it are lost. Databases, however expect the data is persistent, therefore you need persistent volumes. You have to create a storage claim and the pod must be configured to mount the claimed storage.
Here you will find a simple guide showing how to deploy MySQL with a PersistentVolume. However, I strongly recommend getting familiar with the official docs that I have linked in order to fully understand the concept and adjust the access mode, class, size, etc according to your needs.
Please let me know if that helped.

Apache Kafka - Volume Mapping for Message Log files in Kubernetes (K8s)

When we deploy apache kafka on Linux/Windows, we have log.dirs and properties. on bare metal, the files are saved on the individual host instances. However, when deployed via K8s on public cloud - there must be some form of volume mounting to make sure that the transaction log fils are saved somewhere?
Has anyone done this on K8s? I am not referring to Confluent (because it's a paid subscription).
As far as I understand you are just asking how to deal with storage in Kubernetes.
Here is a great clip that talks about Kubernetes Storage that I would recommend to You.
In Kubernetes you are using Volumes
On-disk files in a Container are ephemeral, which presents some problems for non-trivial applications when running in Containers. First, when a Container crashes, kubelet will restart it, but the files will be lost - the Container starts with a clean state. Second, when running Containers together in a Pod it is often necessary to share files between those Containers. The Kubernetes Volume abstraction solves both of these problems.
There is many types of Volumes, some are cloud specific like awsElasticBlockStore, gcePersistentDisk, azureDisk and azureFile.
There are also other types like glusterfs, iscsi, nfs and many more that are listed here.
You can also use Persistent Volumes which provides an API for users and administrators that abstracts details of how storage is provided from how it is consumed:
A PersistentVolume (PV) is a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned by an administrator. It is a resource in the cluster just like a node is a cluster resource. PVs are volume plugins like Volumes, but have a lifecycle independent of any individual pod that uses the PV. This API object captures the details of the implementation of the storage, be that NFS, iSCSI, or a cloud-provider-specific storage system.
A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for storage by a user. It is similar to a pod. Pods consume node resources and PVCs consume PV resources. Pods can request specific levels of resources (CPU and Memory). Claims can request specific size and access modes (e.g., can be mounted once read/write or many times read-only).
Here is a link to Portworx Kafka Kubernetes in production: How to Run HA Kafka on Amazon EKS, GKE and AKS which might be handy for you as well.
And if you would be interested in performance then Kubernetes Storage Performance Comparison is a great 10min read.
I hope those materials will help you understand Kubernetes storage.

Persistent Storage (Gluster/Other storage) for Kubernetes

I am trying to setup Kubernetes with Gluster using Heketi. After several tries, i am still not able to get it working. I am using RancherOS with Rancher application running on it which manages Kubernetes. I am now looking for alternative approaches.
1) Setup GlusterFS and Heketi on a standalone RHEL host:
In this case, my question is whether it's even possible to manage a Kubernetes cluster present on another set of hosts or do i need to have GlusterFS servers present on the same hosts that Kubernetes manages? If it's the former, then will i have to mount the gluster partition on Kubernetes node?
2) Kubernetes with any other persistent storage provider:
We cannot use cloud providers for sure. Paid ones are also not an option so i was considering Ceph. Anyone with successful implementation and whether we have something similar to Heketi for Ceph setup?
#Technext, we can help you to configure heketi + gluster configuration in kubernetes setup. We have many users who has already configured the same. If you havent tried this please check gluster-kubernetes repo
Can you please let us know the error you are into when you deploy Heketi gluster ? We can try to help you to achieve this target.
Waiting for your reply.