ECS with Route 53 Service discovery - amazon-ecs

According to AWS documentation:
You can configure Service Discovery for an ECS Service that is behind
a Load Balancer, but Service Discovery traffic is always routed to the
Task and not the Load Balancer.
If this the case, how does the load balancing happens here?
Also, without the Load Balancer, how does the service discovery works, will the traffic routed to a random Container Instances?

TL;DR Yes, the traffic will be sent to random instances.
When you use ECS Service Discovery, you have two options for discovering your services. One is via Route 53 DNS, which in case of ECS Service Discovery leverages Multivalue Routing Policy, so that your client application receives up to eight healthy endpoints, selected at random.
The other option is to use Cloud Map DiscoverInstances API, which returns up to 100 endpoints for a given service name, selected at random.


Use an existing microservice architecture with kubernetes

I've an existing microservice architecture that uses Netflix Eureka and zuul services,
I've deployed a pod that successfully registers on the discover server but when I hit the API it gives a timeout, what I can think is that while registering on the Discovery server the container IP is given because of which it is not accessible.
Is there a way to either map the correct address or redirect the call to the proper URL looking for a easy way, as this needs to be done on multiple services
I think you should be rethinking your design in Kubernetes way! Your Eureka(service discovery), Zuul server (API gateway/ Loadbalancer) are really extra services that you really don't need in the Kubernetes platform.
For Service discovery and load-balancing, you can use Services in Kubernetes.
From Kubernetes documentation:
An abstract way to expose an application running on a set of Pods as a
network service. With Kubernetes, you don't need to modify your
application to use an unfamiliar service discovery mechanism. Kubernetes gives Pods their own IP addresses and a single DNS name for a set of Pods and can load-balance across them.
And for API gateway, you can think about Ingress in Kubernetes.
There are different implementations for Ingress Controllers for Kubernetes. I'm using Ambassador API gateway implementation.

Amazon ECS service access and load balancing in microservice architecture

Can someone explain the load balancing mechanism in AWS ECS for me? I clearly understand how inter service communication is handled within a kubernetes cluster, there is an automatic load balancer applied when accessing a defined internal service. This means Container/Pod scalability is simply predefined:
when a Pod-1A from within the service-A is accessing another Pod-1B
from within a different Service-B (Service to Service communication)
this call is automatically load balanced to this Pod-1B from
So with service Registry in kubernetes we simply need to define Services and communication is automatically load balanced to the available Pods within the services.
So assuming that Pods are equal to Tasks and Services are equal to Services in AWS ECS, how is this load balancing mechanism handled wihtin ECS? Do we really need to apply an Elastic Load balancer at the task/pod level manually compared to kubernetes? (So that we need to define manually a load balancer for every service, to make this service and its tasks with its container scalable?)
What is the reason in AWS ECS, to define a service which instantiates
multiple replicas of a Task, when no load balancer has been defined?
Will the traffic be routed only to the same Task replica (Container)
all the time? (No scaling at all?)
Please note, this is not about access from external ip addresses, where an ingress controller is needed. I am talking about microservices where each service exposes its own http api to communicate with other services within the cluster (internal microservice Application), typically there is an API Gateway handling external traffic (ingress controller).

Can i use a GCP HTTPS Load Balancer to route between a bucket backend and a Kubernetes service?

i wanted to understand what are my load balancing options in a scenario where i want to use a single HTTPS Load Balancer on GCP to serve some static content from a bucket and dynamic content using a combination of react front end and express backend on Kubernetes.
Additional info:
i have a domain name registered outside of Google Domains
I want to serve all content over https
I'm not starting with anything big. Just getting started with a more or less hobby type project which will attract very little traffic in the near future.
I dont mind serving my react front end, express backend from app engine if that helps simplify this somehow. however, in such a case, i would like to understand if i still want something on kubernetes, will i be able to communicate between app engine and kubernetes without hassles using internal IPs. And how would i load balance that traffic!!
Any kind of network blueprint in the public domain that will guide me will be helpful.
I did quite a bit of reading on NodePort/LoadBalancer/Ingress which has left me confused. from what i understand, LoadBalancer does not work with HTTP(S) traffic, operates more at TCP L4 Level, so probably not suitable for my use case.
Ingress provisions a dedicated Load Balancer of its own on which i cannot put my own routes to a backend bucket etc, which means i may need a minimum of two load balancers? and two IPs?
NodePort exposes a port on all nodes, which means i need to handle load balancing myself even if my HTTPS Load balancer routing can somehow help.
Any guidance/pointers will be much appreciated!
EDIT: Found some information on Network Endpoint Groups (NEG) while researching. Looking promising. will investigate. Any thoughts about taking this route?
EDIT: Was able to get this working using a combination of NEGs and Nginx reverse proxies.
In order to resolve your concerns please start with:
Choosing the right loadbalncer:
Network load balancer (Layer 4 load balancing or proxy for applications that rely on TCP/SSL protocol) the load is forwarding into your systems based on incoming IP protocol data, such as address, port, and protocol type.
The network load balancer is a pass-through load balancer, so your backends receive the original client request. The network load balancer doesn't do any Transport Layer Security (TLS) offloading or proxying. Traffic is directly routed to your VMs.
Network loadbalancers terminatese TLS on backends that are located in regions appropriate to your needs
HTTP(s) loadbalancer is a proxy-based, regional Layer 7 load balancer that enables you to run and scale your services behind a private load balancing IP address that is accessible only in the load balancer's region in your VPC network.
HTTPS and SSL Proxy load balancers terminate TLS in locations that are distributed globally.
An HTTP(S) load balancer acts as a proxy between your clients and your application. If you want to accept HTTPS requests from your clients
You have the option to use Google-managed SSL certificates (Beta) or to use certificates that you manage yourself.
Technical Details
When you create an Ingress object, the GKE Ingress controller configures a GCP HTTP(S) load balancer according to the rules in the Ingress manifest and the associated Service manifests. The client sends a request to the HTTP(S) load balancer. The load balancer is an actual proxy; it chooses a node and forwards the request to that node's NodeIP:NodePort combination. The node uses its iptables NAT table to choose a Pod. kube-proxy manages the iptables rules on the node. Routes traffic is going to a healthy Pod for the Service specified in your rules.
Per buckets documentation:
An HTTP(S) load balancer can direct traffic from specified URLs to either a backend bucket or a backend service.
Bucket should be public while using Loadbalncer- Creating buckets bucket
During LoaBalancer set-up you can choose backend service and backend bucket. You can find more information in the docs.
Please take a look also for this two tutorials here and here how to build application using cloud storage.
Hope this help.
Additional resources:
Loadbalancers, Controllers

AWS ECS Service Discovery for multiple tasks

If I have an ECS service, which can scale out, or always runs more than one task, is load balancing handled by the built-in service discovery?
I mean, if my service A is running 3 tasks, and another service B is making requests using the domain name, generated for A by service discovery, how will it decide where a request goes?
From this Medium article, it appears that route 53 is going to use its own catalog of healthy instances to determine which service to route to. So yes, load balancing will occur in that way.

Fabric Service availability on start

I have a scenario where one of our services exposes WCF hosts that receive callbacks from an external service.
These hosts are dynamically created and there may be hundreds of them. I need to ensure that they are all up and running on the node before the node starts receiving requests so they don't receive failures, this is critical.
Is there a way to ensure that the service doesn't receive requests until I say it's ready? In cloud services I could do this by containing all this code within the OnStart method.
My initial thought is that I might be able to bootstrap this before I open the communication listener - in the hope that the fabric manager only sends requests once this has been done, but I can't find any information on how this lifetime is handled.
There's no "fabric manager" that controls network traffic between your services within the cluster. If your service is up, clients or other services inside the cluster can choose to try to connect to it if they know its address. With that in mind, there are two things you have control over here:
The first is whether or not your service's endpoint is discoverable by other services or clients. This is the point at which your service endpoint is registered with Service Fabric's Naming Service, which occurs when your ICommunicationListener.OpenAsync method returns. At that point, the service endpoint is registered and others can discover it and attempt to connect to it. Of course you don't have to use the Naming Service or the ICommunicationListener pattern if you don't want to; your service can open up an endpoint whenever it feels like it, but if you don't register it with the Naming Service, you'll have to come up with your own service discovery mechanism.
The second is whether or not the node on which your service is running is receiving traffic from the Azure Load Balancer (or any load balancer if you're not hosting in Azure). This has less to do with Service Fabric and more to do with the load balancer itself. In Azure, you can use a load balancer probe to determine whether or not traffic should be sent to nodes.
I added some info about the Azure Load Balancer to our documentation, hope this helps: