PUT request from Postman is not being received by Java Controller - rest

I've written multiple REST Endpoints in my Controller [GET, POST and PUT].
GET and POST calls are working fine. But when I try to hit PUT request from Postman, my java controller is not able to receive that request. There is no error message. Response body is empty. Response code in Postman is 200, OK.
Here is my PUT Endpoint which is not able to get request from Postman:
#PutMapping(value = "/devRegistration")
public Object deviceRegistration(HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
#RequestBody(required = false) Map<String, Object> jsonBody ){
ResponseEntity<Object> response = null;
System.out.println("jsonBody = "+jsonBody);
devService.deviceRegistration(httpRequest, jsonBody);
return response;
Here is my GET Endpoint which is working fine:
#GetMapping(value = "/checkRegistration")
public void checkRegistration(HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
#RequestParam("appId") String appId, #RequestParam("offset") String offset ){
Map<String, Object> jsonBody = new HashMap<String, Object>();
jsonBody.put("appId", appId);
jsonBody.put("offset", offset);
service.checkRegistration(httpRequest, jsonBody);
Postman URL with Headers and Body for PUT request is :
In Body:
app_Id : some value
offset : some value
Headers are:
But, System.out.println() is not being executed in PUT Endpoint.
Let me know, if any other info. is required.

I found the answer.
Actually, I need to pass the params in the Body as raw form instead of form-data in Postman.
It worked now.


Calling API from Saleforce is giving error code 500

I have a REST API to callout from Salesforce.
The authorization of the API is through access token.
I am able to get the access token through POST request in Salesforce. Also tested from Postman through that token and able to get a successful response.
I am using the below code to callout the API using the access token:
String endpoint_x = '*****';//Putting my endpoint here
Http httpObject;
HttpResponse response;
String accessToken;
accessToken = MyUtilityClass.getAccessToken();
jsonBody = json.serializePretty('', true);//Yes, My JSON is empty
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
request.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer '+accessToken);
httpObject = new Http();
response = httpObject.send(request);
System.debug('Response=' + response);
Getting Response value as below:
System.HttpResponse[Status=Internal Server Error, StatusCode=500]
I have tried putting '{}' in the Jsonbody. Added 'Content-Type' in header but nothing worked.
Where should I lookout for this?
In the Postman, I was not putting anything in the body, and getting a successful response.
To get the same behaviour, I was using empty string in Apex, like this:
jsonBody = json.serializePretty('', true);
But the parser was not working correctly.
To solve this, I created a class without any field:
class ClassForEmptyBody{
And used object of that class in the serializer:
ClassForEmptyBody classForEmptyBodyObject = new ClassForEmptyBody();
jsonBody = json.serializePretty(classForEmptyBodyObject , true);
Why are you passing json body if nothing is in there. Just skip setbody code and try.

flutter get request with parameter

I am using Client() from http.dart. I am able to post with parameter but I have no idea how to do get with parameter. Post has body that takes the parameter but get doesn't.
I have tried
This is my client
Client httpClient = Client();
var response = await httpClient.get("controller/action/{parameter here}"
I hope this should solve your problem
fetchData() async {
Client httpClient = Client();
var response =
await httpClient.get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos/$counter');
i think you are saying that you want any kind of data to be sent to the server with GET request too,
you can not do it simply,
may be your parameter are the header of the Get ,
try passing your parameters in the header of GET

C#.Net RestSharp client - passing auth token

I am writing a REST client in C#.Net using RestSharp. There are two API calls - one is "Auth" call and second is "getKey" call. The "Auth" call throws back a "Auth token"in the response, and I'd like to parse that token from the response, and pass it as an header to the second "getkey" call. Please advise with examples
I have given some sample to achieve your scenario. Please use the below example and do the modification as per your requirement.
RestUtils Class:
Add the Request Header, If your application is expected some additional headers.
class RestUtils
private static readonly RestClient _restClient = new RestClient();
public static void SetBaseURL(String host)
_restClient.BaseUrl = new Uri(host);
public static string GetResponse(String endpoint, String token)
var request = new RestRequest(endpoint, Method.GET);
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
request.AddHeader("Authorization", token);
IRestResponse response = _restClient.Execute(request);
return response.Content;
public static string GetToken(String endpoint)
var request = new RestRequest(endpoint, Method.GET);
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
IRestResponse response = _restClient.Execute(request);
return response.Content;
In your test class you can add the below steps and you can get the result as expected. First two lines will be executed and give the authentication token as output. So, you can use the retrieved token in the subsequent lines for other API. In another way, you can create one property class and set the retrieved token value .So, that you can access the token from various class.
//Specify the Base URI of your Token Specific API
//Specify the End Point of your Token Specific API
String token = RestUtils.GetToken("/oauth2/token");
//Specify the Base URI of your actual Test API
String response = RestUtils.GetResponse(token);

Adding API key to header for WCF service to check

I am implementing an api key for a basic web service I have. I am using an implementation found here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/rjacobs/2010/06/14/how-to-do-api-key-verification-for-rest-services-in-net-4/
I know I have it all implemented and setup correctly on the service side but I am not sure how to pass the API key from my client. When I debug the web service upon request I don't get anything returned for my HttpRequestMessage query string. Here is code:
Web service auth manager:
public string GetAPIKey(OperationContext oc)
// get the request
var request = oc.RequestContext.RequestMessage;
// get HTTP request message
var requestProp = (HttpRequestMessageProperty)request.Properties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name];
// get the actual query string
NameValueCollection queryParams = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(requestProp.QueryString);
// return APIKey if there, NameValueCollection returns null if not present
return queryParams[APIKEY];
Client consumption (the part that matters):
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
client.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
Console.WriteLine(client.UploadString("http://my_local_host/my.svc/myCall", "POST", data));
During debug, the web service is always getting empty queryParams in the NameValueCollection because the query string is empty. How do I add to that query string during the request made from the client?
Solved. The solution was to not try to pull from the HttpRequestMessageProprty.QueryString but to just pull from the headers.
public string GetAPIKey(OperationContext oc)
// get the request
var request = oc.RequestContext.RequestMessage;
// get HTTP request message
var requestProp = (HttpRequestMessageProperty)request.Properties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name];
// get the actual query string
NameValueCollection queryParams = requestProp.Headers;
// return APIKey if there, NameValueCollection returns null if not present
return queryParams["APIKey"];

eBay REST API Get Offers Authetication Error

I am attempting to get eBay product IDs using the GetOffers request by sending it a product SKU.
My code is below, the problem I am currently having is that when I try to test this code is returns a 401 unauthorized. It's not returning any specific error code or anything descriptive.
I know my access token is valid I can't find any good examples on how to use this request.
public string getEbayOffers(string sku)
HttpResponseMessage response;
string accessToken = "tokenhere";
string param = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(accessToken));
string url = $"sell/inventory/v1/offer?sku={sku}";
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://api.ebay.com/");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", param);
response = client.GetAsync(url).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
return null;
No need to convert your token to base64. The correct format should be "Bearer YOUR_USER_TOKEN". Replace YOUR_USER_TOKEN with your own token string.
Access token should be enough for getting offers but maybe you can try to use user token if above doesn't work.