Struggling with basic Swift logic (Working with constants, variables and loops) - swift

I want to use 2 Strings that I get with those two "loops" from firebase and use them in another "loop" to upload them with a bunch of other Information.
My problem is, that I somehow can't get the values of fullname and pfp that I downloaded, into the upload to firebase.
Any ideas on how to solve this issue?
func sendToFire(){
let combined = "\(userID)" + "\(number)"
let docRef = db.collection("posts").document(combined)
let description = self.textPost.text
let nameRef = db.collection("users").document(userID)
var fullname = ""
var pfp = ""
if fireImage == nil {
nameRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document{
fullname = document.get("fullname") as! String
print("Coulnt get fullname")
nameRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document{
pfp = document.get("profileimage") as! String
print("Couldn't get profileimage")
docRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists {
print("Post ID already taken")
} else {
print("Post Document gets created")
"description": description!,
"likes": self.likes,
"postType": 0,
"profileImage": pfp,
"uid": self.userID,
"username": fullname
]) { err in
if let err = err {
print("Error writing document: \(err)")
} else {
print("Post Document successfully written!")

Add document.exists in the if let
nameRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists{
fullname = document.get("fullname") as! String
print("Coulnt get fullname")
nameRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists{
pfp = document.get("profileimage") as! String
print("Couldn't get profileimage")
Check the actual key names in the response fullname and profileimage.


firestore fetch subcollection

I'm trying to fetch subcollection of my users document with code below
func readData(){
let userId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
self.db.collection("users/\(userId)/saved").getDocuments { (snapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
if let userId != nil {
for document in snapshot!.documents {
let docId = document.documentID
let cty = document.get("city") as! String
let ccode = document.get("code") as! String
let countr = document.get("country") as! String
print(cty, ccode, countr,docId)
but my code doesn't print anything, I don't understand the problem, documents exsist, see picture below
You're using illegal syntax with the userId check in the snapshot return but the logic flow is the bigger problem. I would recommend you check if the user is signed in before grabbing the subcollection and checking if there is a viable snapshot instead of checking the state of authentication.
func readData() {
guard let userId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
db.collection("users/\(userId)/saved").getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
guard let snapshot = snapshot else {
if let error = error {
for doc in snapshot.documents {
guard let city = doc.get("city") as? String,
let code = doc.get("code") as? String,
let country = doc.get("country") as? String else {
continue // continue document loop
let docId = doc.documentID
print(city, code, country, docId)

Await function Swift/SwiftUI

I'm new in swift and SwiftUI and i have a big problem, I hope someone can help me. In fact, I have a function were I use a call to firebase Db, but the function end before the response of firebase. So is there any way to do like an await in swift ? I try to find by myself but everything I try doesn't work.
I put a sample of code, it's maybe going to be clearer.
extension SessionStore {
func checkReferralCode(){
let docRef = db.document(user.referredBy)
docRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists {
let otherUser = self.changeReferralUserInformation(dataDescription: document)
self.user.moneyBalance = 1
} else {
print("No referral Code")
self.firestoreError = "referralCode_unvalid"
self.user.referredBy = ""
func doInscriptionInformation() {
if (self.user.referredBy != "") {
if (self.firestoreError == "" ) {
/* it's always go in this way but 1 secs after the firestoreError change */
} else {
The output it's gonna be :
$> No referral Code
I found an answer using semaphore, here the link of the tutorial
Here the code
func checkReferralCode(semaphore: DispatchSemaphore){
let docRef = self.db.document(self.user.referredBy)
docRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists {
let otherUser = self.changeReferralUserInformation(dataDescription: document)
self.user.moneyBalance = 1
} else {
self.firestoreError = "referralCode_unvalid"
self.user.referredBy = ""
func doInscriptionInformation() {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1) .userInteractive).async {
if (self.user.referredBy != "") {
self.checkReferralCode(semaphore: semaphore)
if (self.firestoreError == "" ) {
else {
print("No good referral code")
Hope that can help someone
make docRef a variable of the class instead of a local variable like so:
class WhateverClassNameYouHave: InheritedClass {
let docRef : DocRef (whatever type it is)
func checkCode() {
self.docRef = /* get firebase doc */
/* Call to firebase function */
docRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
/* Do my stuff*/
} else {
/*change variable to error*/
self.firestoreError = "referralCode_unvalid"
/*But the fonction end before the response of firebase so my self.firestoreError isn't update */

Access variable outside of function Swift

How can I get the value from firstName from the inside:
func saveImage(name: String, postURL:URL, completion: #escaping ((_ url: URL?) -> ())){
//Get sspecific document from current user
let docRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("users").whereField("uid", isEqualTo: Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid ?? "")
var firstName = ""
// Get data
docRef.getDocuments { (querySnapshot, err) in
var firstName = ""
if let err = err {
print("ERROR: ")
} else if querySnapshot!.documents.count != 1 {
print("More than one documents or none")
} else {
let document = querySnapshot!.documents.first
let dataDescription = document?.data()
firstName = dataDescription?["firstname"] as! String
// This uploads the data
let dict = ["title": postDescriptionTitle.text!,
"description": postDescription.text!,
"Address": addressField.text!,
"Zipcode": zipcodeField.text!,
"timestamp": [".sv":"timestamp"],
"postUrl": postURL.absoluteString]
as [String: Any]
It looks like it's out of scope, how can I store it or access it without storing it in another variable?
As you can see, I'm trying to upload the variable firstName to the database. So in this part:
I should be getting the value so I can give it to Author
Just move the "upload data" part inside the completion block like this:
func saveImage(name: String, postURL:URL, completion: #escaping ((_ url: URL?) -> ())) {
//Get sspecific document from current user
let docRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("users").whereField("uid", isEqualTo: Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid ?? "")
// Get data
docRef.getDocuments { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("ERROR: ")
} else if querySnapshot!.documents.count != 1 {
print("More than one documents or none")
} else {
let document = querySnapshot!.documents.first
let dataDescription = document?.data()
let firstName = dataDescription?["firstname"] as! String
// This uploads the data
let dict = ["title": self.postDescriptionTitle.text!,
"description": self.postDescription.text!,
"Address": self.addressField.text!,
"Zipcode": self.zipcodeField.text!,
"timestamp": [".sv":"timestamp"],
"Author": firstName,
"postUrl": postURL.absoluteString] as [String: Any]
Also for what are you using the completion argument in your saveImage function?

What is the proper way to return a firestore documentID in swift?

I would like to create a function that will return a documentID given a value of a field. I am getting tired of my nested functions. Is there a simple way to have one function that returns the ID ?
Here is what I have been doing. It is an ugly pattern.
public class func getAccountItems(accountName:String) {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
let userId: String! = defaults.string(forKey: "UserUUID")
.whereField("users." + userId, isEqualTo: true)
.limit(to: 1)
.getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
var documentID:String? = nil
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
print("\(document.documentID) => \(")
documentID = document.documentID
if(documentID != nil){
do {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
let portfolioId: String! = defaults.string(forKey: listDocKey)
db.collection("Portfolios").document(portfolioId).collection("Accounts").whereField("name", isEqualTo: accountName)
.getDocuments(){ (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
if querySnapshot!.documents.count == 1 {
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
.getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
var items:[INDX01FirestoreService.PortfolioItem] = []
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
print("\(accountName): \(document.documentID) => \(")
let pi = try! FirestoreDecoder().decode(INDX01FirestoreService.PortfolioItem.self, from:
items.append(pi )
} NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "AccountItemsReceived"), object: nil, userInfo: ["items": items])
print ("Error count is \(querySnapshot!.documents.count)")
Since Firestore is an async call I either do it this way or I send a notification. I don't like sending notifications all over the place.
Cant post a comment but one thing why do you have so much db references
let db = Firestore.firestore()
this should give you id of the document like you have
documentID = document.documentID
Post here how your data structure looks like and what ids you want to get also have in mind you should store id in each document.
I try to help you.
I decided to just store the documentID in UserDefaults as that handles most of the use cases. Otherwise I do the above, search, find, then process

swift firestore check if documents exists

using swift and firestore I want to check the "Taken User Names" collection to see if a username has been taken and if it has alert the user it taken otherwise if it's still available I want to create the file.
The gist of what I want to do is outlined below, I can save the data no problem though its the checking to see if its document exists then taking action that I cannot figure out
func nextButtonPressed(){
let db = Firestore.firestore()
if usernameTextField.text != ""{
guard let username = usernameTextField.text else { return }
let docRef = db.collection("Taken User Names").document(username)
// check if username exists{
//if exists alert user "sorry user name taken
} else {
// if user name doesn't exist
db.collection("Taken User Names").document("trinidad")
.setData(["Taken User Name" : (username)]) {
(error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
} else {
print("document was succesfully created and written")
In a cleaner way:
let docRef = db.collection("collection").document("doc")
docRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if document.exists {
print("Document data: \(")
} else {
print("Document does not exist")
func nextButtonPressed(){
let db = Firestore.firestore()
nextButton.isEnabled = false
if usernameTextField.text != ""{
guard let username = usernameTextField.text else { return }
guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
let docRef = db.collection("Taken User Names").document(username)
docRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document {
if document.exists{
print("Document data: \(")
self.alertTheUser(title: "Username Taken", message: "please choose again")
self.nextButton.isEnabled = true
} else {
print("Document does not exist")
try the following:
let db = Firestore.firestore()
guard let username = userNameTextField.text else { return }
let docRef = db.collection("users").whereField("username", isEqualTo: username).limit(to: 1)
docRef.getDocuments { (querysnapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Document Error: ", error!)
} else {
if let doc = querysnapshot?.documents, !doc.isEmpty {
print("Document is present.")