Grafana overwrite existing dashboard via API - grafana

I'm trying to overwrite existing grafana dashboard via API, like this :
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://api_key:xxx/api/dashboards/db" -d #test.json
And i'm facing an issue with versioning, cannot overwrite the same dashboard with my json :
{"message":"The dashboard has been changed by someone else","status":"version-mismatch"}⏎
Is there a way to avoid this and force overwriting ?
Thanks !

That really depends what is in your test.json file. I expect correct dashboard model, so you just need to add a few fields to the top level, e.g.:
"overwrite": true,
"message": "my saved message, which will be available in the version history"
See API doc -

Increment version field one time or several.
"uid": "hDfaY-fGk",
"version": 20 <-this one. Make it 21, 22, 23


VMWare REST Api - access VM host details via REST API

I'm using the VMWare REST API (/api/vcenter/host) to query information about the VM Hosts registered on a vCenter. At the moment I can only seem to get basic info like this :
"host": "host-10",
"name": "",
"connection_state": "CONNECTED",
"power_state": "POWERED_ON"
but the Powershell "Get-VMHost | Format-List" has much more useful information such as ESXi version, hardware specs etc.
Can I get this kind of information via the REST API as well?
Yes you can get that kind of information, depending on exactly what info you are wanting. The REST API references are here that you can use to look up what you need.
For example if you want to know what software is installed you can do something like this.
export basepw=$(echo -n 'administrator#vsphere.local:{password}' | base64)
export token3=$(curl -k -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic ${basepw}" https://{vCenterIP}/api/session/ | tr -d '"')
curl -k -X GET -H "vmware-api-session-id: ${token}" "https://{vCenterIP}/api/esx/software" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "auth_type": "EXISTING", "host": "{host-##}"}' | jq .
It looks like vSphere 8 has more options that might fit what you want, like extracting the config
From the looks, some other SDKs would be more developed that the REST API current state. Personally I like govmomi and pyvmomi and both have a CLI tool that can get you started pretty fast. The cli tool for govmomi, govc, doesn't require anything extra to run, so it is fairly portable and might help you with what you are doing.

Unable to import test results to jira via rest api

i'm using the following curl command to import the output.xml file into jira test execution key and receiving error as below. I'm sure the test execution key is existing in jira and the project id is also correct. Any pointers?
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u userid:pass -F "file=#output.xml" "https://server/rest/raven/latest/import/execution/robot?projectKey=PROJKEY+and+testExecKey=TESTEXNKEY" -o error.txt
The error i receive is as below
The User "userid" does not have permission to create issues
Why does it try to create new issue while the issue already exists? And why does it say the user doesn't have access when the access is there?
You probably mean Xray add-on and you probably use the same request per their documentation. The problem seems to be with your parameter syntax. It should be .../robot/?projectKey=PROJKEY&testExecKey=TESTEXNKEY (i.e. & instead of +and+).
Plus I would explicitly specify it's a POST request: curl -X POST ....
But their error message is not clear, anyway. I don't have Xray available right now, but if you keep having troubles, I would recommend checking with their support.

How to remove a Github Environment

My question is about cleaning up the "Environments" tab on a Github repository.
I previously deployed via Heroku, using automatic deployment from two separate Github branches (one for staging, one for production).
This created a tab "Environments" on the repository, in which both Heroku environments were shown - exactly as intended.
Once I started to dive into Heroku pipelines, I have now configured the app to be promoted to production from staging, so the production environment no longer auto-deploys from a branch.
The Environments tab on my Github repo has no way to remove the environment that I no longer use. I can't seem to find any place on Github or Heroku to make Github "forget" this deployment environment.
I hope my question is clear enough; if I can elaborate on anything, please let me know.
I made a little webpage/script too, to automate the process (I don't have Python installed, and I didn't see that someone else had already made a script), and this is online and putting your info will do the process automatically.
Stackblitz - Github Deployments deleter
Edit 18/07/2020: I copied the script from Stackblitz to a local snippet code in here too, just in case Stackblitz disappears:
// RECOMMENDED: Disconnect HEROKU from Github before doing this (though not strictly necessary, I think).
//See for more info.
const TOKEN = ""; // MUST BE `repo_deployments` authorized
const REPO = "your-repo"; // e.g. "monorepo"
const USER_OR_ORG = "your-name"; // e.g. "your-name"
const URL = `${USER_OR_ORG}/${REPO}/deployments`;
const AUTH_HEADER = `token ${TOKEN}`;
const getAllDeployments = () =>
fetch(`${URL}`, {
headers: {
authorization: AUTH_HEADER
}).then(val => val.json());
const makeDeploymentInactive = id =>
fetch(`${URL}/${id}/statuses`, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
state: "inactive"
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Accept: "application/vnd.github.ant-man-preview+json",
authorization: AUTH_HEADER
}).then(() => id);
const deleteDeployment = id =>
fetch(`${URL}/${id}`, {
method: "DELETE",
headers: {
authorization: AUTH_HEADER
}).then(() => id);
.then(res => {
console.log(`${res.length} deployments found`);
return res;
.then(val =>{
}) => id))
.then(ids => Promise.all( => makeDeploymentInactive(id))))
.then(res => {
console.log(`${res.length} deployments marked as "inactive"`);
return res;
.then(ids => Promise.all( => deleteDeployment(id))))
.then(res => {
console.log(`${res.length} deployments deleted`);
return res;
.then(finalResult => {
const appDiv = document.getElementById("app");
appDiv.innerHTML = `
Removed Deployments: ${finalResult.length}
<p>(Open up the console)</p>
h2 {
font-family: Lato;
<div id="app">
<h1>Github Deployment's Cleaner</h1>
<p> You need to put the parameters in!</p>
There doesn't seem to be UI for it, but you can do it using the GitHub API.
You should probably disconnect GitHub and Heroku before doing this.
First, go to your GitHub account settings, then developer settings, then personal access tokens. Create a new token that has repo_deployments allowed. After it's generated, save the hexadecimal token, you'll need it for the upcoming API requests.
For these examples I'll assume that your username is $aaaa and your repo name is $bbbb and your access token is $tttt. Replace these with your actual username and repo name and access token. Or just use shell variables to store the actual values which will let you paste the code blocks directly.
First, list all the deployments on your repo:
Each deployment has an id integer. Note it, and replace $iiii in the upcoming code blocks with that ID. Or create another shell variable for it.
Now you have to create an "inactive" status for that deployment:
curl$aaaa/$bbbb/deployments/$iiii/statuses -X POST -d '{"state":"inactive"}' -H 'accept: application/vnd.github.ant-man-preview+json' -H "authorization: token $tttt"
And now you can delete the deployment forever:
curl$aaaa/$bbbb/deployments/$iiii -X DELETE -H "authorization: token $tttt"
If you have multiple deployments, send the first request to see all the deployments that remain, and then you can delete those too if you want.
After you delete all the deployments, the environments button on the GitHub repo will disappear.
Information sourced from the GitHub deployments documentation and the GitHub oauth documentation. This worked for me.
This will not answer the OP question, I thought it would at first, but it didn't behave as I had expected. Therefore, I'm adding this answer as a community wiki.
GitHub seems to have two notions of "Environments", the one the OP means are "public environments", but GitHub also seems to have some kind of "private environments".
I'm adding my experience as an answer below because it is really confusing.
You can access "private environments" through "Settings > Environments". (E.g:
You can then delete each environment. It'll prompt a confirm dialog. Upon confirm, the environment will be destroyed.
I deleted the "staging" and "production" environments.
But the public environments still continue to exist, alongside all their deployments. (and this is not what the OP wants)
Public environments still contains "staging" and "production".
I've made an interactive python script which can delete specific environments by name (which was my issue) or all of your deployments. Check it out and let me know if it works for you:
This will also actually delete all of your deployments even if you have more than 30 unlike the other scripts here because it goes through the paginated response data from Github's API and doesn't just use the first page.
Based on Cadence's answer, I built the following bash script. Just set the appropriate parameters and let it run.
The token requires repo_deployment OAuth scope.
for id in $(curl -u $user:$token$user/$repo/deployments\?environment\=$env | jq ".[].id"); do
curl -X POST -u $user:$token -d '{"state":"inactive"}' -H 'accept: application/vnd.github.ant-man-preview+json'$user/$repo/deployments/$id/statuses
curl -X DELETE -u $user:$token$user/$repo/deployments/$id
I Expect Your already got the answer for your question This answer is for those who wan't to Remove The Environments Tab from There GitHib Repo
As I Understand
If You Want to Remove the Environments Tab Shown on The Right Side of The Screen
If You Want to Remove Specific Environments
Remove Environments Tab
To Remove Entire Tab
On Your Repo Page Click on Settings Button
Uncheck the Mark on Environments
It Will Remove The Environments Tab from the Right Side
Remove Specific Environments
For Removing Specific Environment
Click on SettingsClick On EnvironmentsHere You Can Remove a Specific Environment
Reply from GitHub for Removing of Environments from Private Repo
Hi Deekshith,
Thanks for writing in!
As it turns out, the Environments feature is an enterprise-only feature for private repositories, however, they still get created as a side effect of Deployments in private repositories.
This means that though you'd be able to create Deployments in a private repository, you won't be able to manage (e.g delete, add rules e.t.c) the deployment Environments. I'm afraid this is currently the expected behaviour. Our engineers are still discussing how best to help users who'd want to delete environments in non-enterprise private repositories, such as in your case. We’ll be sure to update you as soon as there’s any news to share.
Sorry that we could not be of more help with this -- please let us know if you have any questions at all!
GitHub Support
I've built an online tool to help out removing deployments
I ran into the same problem and found #spersico's code very handy, but needed a bit more tooling/feedback. I iterated on #spersico code to add a bit of frontend.
Same as #spersico's version, all calls are made client side (and are visible in your console/network logs).
Project is opensource on Github and has a hosted version on Netlify which can be used instantly:
Unfortunately, it seems that the 'Deployments' dashboard is currently in beta, which means that they may not have a feature yet.
Read here.
I've just used this Python script: 5 minutes and I removed my unwanted environment:
There is a discussion in GitHub Community:
Please, vote up the feature.
Using GitHub CLI:
gh api "repos/${org}/${repo}/deployments?environment=${env}" \
| jq -r ".[].id" \
| xargs -n 1 -I % sh -c "
gh api -X POST -F state=inactive repos/${org}/${repo}/deployments/%/statuses
gh api -X DELETE repos/${org}/${repo}/deployments/%
I don't know if this was posted already but I definitely didn't want do delete my 40+ deployments manually so I created following script, feel free to use it too :)
REPO=<your GH name>/<your project name>
TOKEN=<your personal access token>
for deployment in $(curl$REPO/deployments | jq -r '.[] | #base64'); do
DEPLOYMENT_ID=$(echo "$deployment" | base64 --decode | jq -r '.id')
curl "$REPO/deployments/$DEPLOYMENT_ID/statuses" \
-d '{"state":"inactive"}' \
-H 'accept: application/vnd.github.ant-man-preview+json' \
-H "authorization: token $TOKEN"
for deployment in $(curl$REPO/deployments | jq -r '.[] | #base64'); do
DEPLOYMENT_ID=$(echo "$deployment" | base64 --decode | jq -r '.id')
curl "$REPO/deployments/$DEPLOYMENT_ID" \
-H "authorization: token $TOKEN"
You can remove the environment from a repository if its public. But in case of private repositories, either you have to make it public or use the github API. Both works, but here is my approach for deleting the environments.
I created an npm package (here) for the same. Just get the github access token, with repo_deployments scope enabled.
Now run npx delete-github-environment and select the environment that you want to delete. If everything went right, your environment will be deleted.
PS: Here's my github repo - (github), feel free to contribute to the code.
To remove a Github Environment go to Settings -> Environments -> and click the trashcan icon next to the Environment you want to delete (see picture below).
More can be read about it from the Github official documentation:
Deleting an Environment

Rest API to get list of artifacts from Nexus OSS 3.x Repository

I have created a raw repository in Nexus 3.x and I'm able to upload artifacts to the same. Now I want get the list of all artifacts residing inside that repo using Rest API.
Any help is appreciated.
in the current Nexus3.14.0-04 the REST API has become final (no longer "beta") and the curl you need is:
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/service/rest/v1/components?repository=central" -H "accept: application/json"
this will return each "component" (group, name, version) with all its assets = each individual file (pom, sha1, md5, jar) who constitue the component
The result is a JSON string.
If instead you want to perform a COMPONENTS search - based on a groupId, artifactId - you can use this curl:
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/service/rest/v1/search?repository=central&format=maven2&maven.groupId=com.fasterxml.jackson.core&maven.artifactId=jackson-core&maven.extension=jar" -H "accept: application/json"
this returns COMPONENTS with child ASSETS.
The variant to retrieve only the ASSETS, without grouping them by COMPONENT, is GET /service/rest/v1/search/assets?repository=central&format=maven2&maven.groupId=com.fasterxml.jackson.core&maven.artifactId=jackson-core&maven.extension=jar
You can use the - still in beta - new API for Nexus. It's available by default on the version 3.3.0 and more: http://localhost:8082/swagger-ui/
Basically, you retrieve the json output from this URL: http://localhost:8082/service/siesta/rest/beta/assets?repositoryId=YOURREPO
Only 10 records will be displayed at a time and you will have to use the continuationToken provided to request the next 10 records for your repository by calling: http://localhost:8082/service/siesta/rest/beta/assets?continuationToken=46525652a978be9a87aa345bdb627d12&repositoryId=YOURREPO
More information here:

Cannot set more than one Meta data with OpenStack Swift Object

I am trying to set metadata with a Object stored in Swift Container. I am using following command (note that my container is 'container1' and object is 'employee.json':
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" -H 'X-Object-Meta-metadata1: value' $STORAGE_URL/container1/employee.json
It works fine with one metadata. But whenever, I am trying to set more than one metadata issuing several curl commands, only the last metadata value is actually set.
I think, there should not be a limit that you can set only one metadata for a swift object. Am I doing anything wrong?
FYI: I am using Havana release of Openstack Swift.
Thank you.
I think, I have figured it out... Its my bad that I did not read documentation sincerely.
It [1] says, "A POST request will delete all existing metadata added with a previous PUT/POST."
So, I tried this and it worked...
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" -H 'X-Object-Meta-p1:[P1]' -H 'X-Object-Meta-p2:[P1]' $STORAGE_URL/container1/employee.json
Here, instead of two POST requests, now I have set multiple metadata in a single POST request.
Again, thanks.