Accessing context in flutter - flutter

I have a screen with a form that displays a drop-down list of counties.
When the screen initially loads I want to set the default to the current country.
class _SignInScreenState extends State<SignInScreen> {
final formKey = new GlobalKey<FormState>();
String countryCode = _CountryCode();
_countryCode() {
Locale myLocale = Localizations.localeOf(context);
return myLocale.countryCode;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {...
This results in the following error: "Only static members can be accessed in initializers". I researched this and it stated the solution was to initialise variables in initState(), as shown below:
initState() {
countryCode = _countryCode();
This does not produce an error however in the widget tree the value of countryCode is null whereas in the widget tree _countryCode() displays "US" correctly.
If I set the value of countryCode in init states does this not mean it will be reset every time the widget tree is redrawn?

The main purpose of initState is for initializing variables and it'll only be called when the widget gets destroyed, so as long as dispose method of the widget is not called your variable which was initialized through initState would be alive and you can use it in build method.
Regarding build method, so whenever you change something in widget Flutter will call build method and rerender the widget through it's returned content and it has nothing to do with initState., this is essentially called 'Hot Reload'. Hope this resolves your query.
More info here:
Change your code to :
class _SignInScreenState extends State<SignInScreen> {
final formKey = new GlobalKey<FormState>();
String countryCode;
initState() {
Locale myLocale = Localizations.localeOf(context);
countryCode = myLocale.countryCode;
// use variable here...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {...


Child widget not updating parent widget when child parameter changes

I have a child stateful widget that isn't updating the parent widget when an update to one of the parameters occurs.
The parent widget (OtherListVIew) is used to display a list of items on a PaginatedGrid with each item having a checkbox. The problem is that when a user views the page and there are selected items that are retrieved by the _retrieveItems() the changes do not reflect since at this point the ui is already rendered on the screen with the original empty list. These retrieved values do not reflect on OtherListView (_selectedItems is then used to display the checked items).
In this child widget I have the code
List<String> _selectedItems= [];
void didChangeDependencies() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
_retrieveItems(); // this function retrieves items and reinitializes _selectedItems
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SomeListView(
key: _listViewKey,
selectedItems: _selectedItems,
SomeListView looks as below
class SomeListView extends OtherListView {
const SomeListView ({super.key, super.selectedItems});
State<SomeListView > createState() => SomeListViewState();
class SomeListViewState extends OtherListViewState<SomeListViewState> {
// override some method here from OtherListView for customization purposes
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
OtherListView is the parent class that contains the PaginatedGrid that renders the passed _selectedItems to the UI. Why is it that after the _selectedItems have been refetched they are not reflecting on OtherListView? Is this an issue with my state management?
I have attempted using didUpdateWidget under OtherListView and indeed I can see the new values under the newWidget but they are not rendered on the UI. What I'm I missing?
void didUpdateWidget(covariant T oldWidget) {
if (widget.selectedItems != oldWidget.selectedItems) {'OtherListView selected items have been updated.');
OtherListView extends StatefulWidget {
final List<String>? selectedItems;
const OtherListView({Key? key,this.selectedItems})
: super(key: key);
// ...
honestly i don't understand your code but the problem you are facing the parameter is not updating because with setState it will only rebuild the parameter/state/variables that are in the same screen/class widget where the setState is called so you have to raise your parameter to the parent screen then pass it to the child with constructor and create a constructor in your child for function onTap for example then in the parent screen you use that onTap and called setState inside

Which is better when using provider instance in a new widget?

Let's say I've written my code as below.
I've got a provider called SampleProvider, and I'm using it in my main widget.
class SampleProvider extends ChangeNotifier {}
class MainWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
SampleProvider provider = Provider.of<SampleProvider>(context);
And then, I want to make a new widget and use this provider in the new widget.
There will be two choices.
First, I just instantiate another provider in the new widget as below.
class NewWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
SampleProvider provider = Provider.of<SampleProvider>(context);
Or, I can send it from the main widget to the new widget as a constructor parameter.
Like this:
class NewWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final SampleProvider provider;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
I guess the first option is better because flutter draws a widget based on its build context, but I'm not sure.
I've googled it quite long, but there was no success.
Can anybody tell me whether I am right or wrong? Or Do they have no difference?
Prefer the first solution, it's easier to refactor.
Suppose you need move NewWidget in your widget tree, you also need to modify the "paramter pass" code if you choose second solution, which is not necessary with first solution.
One of Provider pacakage's purpose is avoid passing parameter deep in the widget tree by the way.
Depend on preference not like first or second one.
Have an exception when obtaining Providers inside initState. What can I do?
This exception happens because you're trying to listen to a provider from a life-cycle that will never ever be called again.
It means that you either should use another life-cycle (build), or explicitly specify that you do not care about updates.
As such, instead of:
initState() {
you can do:
Value value;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final value =<Foo>.value;
if (value != this.value) {
this.value = value;
which will print value whenever it changes (and only when it changes).
Alternatively, you can do:
initState() {
Yes, I believe the first option is the better way, of the top of my head I can't think of any situation in which you would prefer the second option to the first.
If you don't use new widget as children of any other widget , first choice is better .
otherwise , second is better .

Does StatefulWidget not rebuild State every time it has new data?

The widget TrainsPage is added to the build graph in main.dart, when the corresponding menu button is clicked. This is done twice: once when _routes is empty and a second time when _routes is filled.
Widget pageSelector() {
if (_selectedIndex == 2) {
return new TrainsPage(routes: _routes);
} else
return Text("");
In TrainsPage.dart, I have the code for the stateful widget TrainsPage.
class TrainsPage extends StatefulWidget {
const TrainsPage({Key? key, required this.routes}) : super(key: key);
final List<RSRoute> routes;
_TrainsPageState createState() => _TrainsPageState();
class _TrainsPageState extends State<TrainsPage> {
List<RSRoute> _routes = List.empty();
void initState() {
this._routes = new List<RSRoute>.from(widget.routes);
Now, the second time, TrainsPage gets called in main.dart (now with routes filled), initState() of _TrainsPageState is not called, which is responsible to read the data in routes. And because routes was empty the first time, there is nothing in display on the trains page.
Why does TrainsPage not rebuild _TrainsPageState, when it clearly got new data in the constructor?
This is exactly why the State exists : to keep the state of the current context alive even when the widget is rebuild.
If it was recreated each time the statefull widget is rebuild it could not keep the state of its own variables.
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
var _someStateVariable = 0;
void build(BuildContext context){
// here an action that increment _someStateVariable
Here _someStateVariable would be reset to 0 at each rebuild. Or if we wanted a StateFullWidget in the first place it's because we'll update this variable later and want to keep its updated value through the multiple widget rebuilds.
If you don't have such state variable to maintain maybe you don't need a StateFullWidget here.
Now to the solution to your problem : you can override didUpdateWidget instead of initstate since it will be called at each widget rebuild :
void didUpdateWidget() {
_routes = new List<RSRoute>.from(widget.routes);

Clear TextField without controller in Flutter

My screen has multiple textfields, about 15 or so. I don't want to use TextEditingController due to performance reasons as the number of TextFields are likely to grow and I need to pass data from one widget to another back and forth. So I am using OnChanged method of the TextField and am setting a variable which will be used from the parent widget through a function. Now when I click on reset on the parent widget, how do I clear all the values in the TextField controls without using TextEditingController?
class Parent extends StatelessWidget {
String txt='';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
class Foo extends StatelessWidget {
final Function myfunction;
const Foo(this.myfunction);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TextField(
onChanged: (text) {
myfunction( text);
You should try to declare all textfields with:
final TextEditingController name = TextEditingController();
final TextEditingController age = TextEditingController();
Create one method like this :
resetAll() {
then you call resetAll on reset button like below:
onPressed:() => resetAll()
It's not possible, but the text Fields will be reset if you dispose and reopen the screen holding the text Fields.

Assign value of TextEditingController inside buildMethod

i have some questions about which is the correct way of creating TexEditingController;
Assuming that i want to create a controller with a fixed text, so i can do like this :
TextEditingController bioEditorController = new TextEditingController(text:"dummy");
Now my questions is this:
if i'm usign a stateful widget i can create this controller ad assign an initial text by doing this :
TextEditingController bioEditorController;
void initState() {
bioEditorController = new TextEditingController(text: "dummy");
but if i'm not using a stateful widget is it correct to make something like this :
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
TextEditingController bioEditorController =
new TextEditingController(text:;
What i mean is it correct to create this controller inside the build method, if i do like this it works , but i think that probably is not the best way of doing this things, also becauze i know that controller should also disposed....
I really need some help about clarifying this. Thanks
You are correct in assuming that doing that in the build method is not ideal. You have way less control over how many times the build method runs vs initState.
And while it's generally true that you would need a stateful widget when dealing with TextEditingControllers (or hooks), if you use GetX state management it's absolutely fine, and preferred to not bother with a stateful widget just because you need a TextEditingController.
Another benefit of this way is very easy access to the value of the TextEditingController from anywhere else in the app.
Here's a quick example. This is a class where you can keep all your TextEditingControllers.
class TextController extends GetxController {
RxString textfieldString = ''.obs; // observable String
TextEditingController textController;
// this onInit replaces initState of a stateful widget
onInit() {
textController = TextEditingController(text: 'dummy');
// adding a listener that automatically updates the textfieldString with the textfield value
textController.addListener(() {
textfieldString.value = textController.text;
Initialize the controller in your main or anytime before you actually use it. This is when the onInit from that class is called.
Here's Page1 a stateless widget with an already initialized TextEditingController
class Page1 extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final controller = Get.find<TextController>(); // finding same initialized controller
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: TextFormField(
controller: controller.textController, // using TextEditingConroller from GetX class
And here's a quick example of a text widget on a different page automatically updating anytime the user types into the TextFormField
class Page2 extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final controller =
Get.find<TextController>(); // finding same instance of controller
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
// this Obx widget rebuilds based on any updates
child: Obx(
() => Text(controller.textfieldString.value),
So no matter where you are in your app, you can access the value of that TextFormField and you don't have to use a stateful widget. The GetxController will be removed from memory when not in use.
At this point the only time I ever need to use a stateful widget is when I need the AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.
Even animations can be done with stateless widgets in GetX by adding SingleGetTickerProviderMixin to a Getx class and doing everything there that would normally clutter up your stateful widget.