Convert certain columns that are recurring to rows in postgres - postgresql

I have a table in Postgres that has ~50 million rows. I need to convert certain columns to rows.
I need to unpivot certain columns for individuals that repeat as an individual column and repeat the non-individual variables against the respective ID -
The following is the output I need -
Id appreciate any help on this.

50 million rows is not a big deal in Greenplum but returning that many rows to a client is kind of pointless. I'm guessing you want to create a new table for this new output. You are also going to be creating a table that is 2x larger because you are taking a single row and turning it into 2.
create table new_table as
select id, mid_1 as mid, name_1 as name, age_1 as age, location
from your_table
union all
select id, mid_2 as mid, name_2 as name, age_2 as age, location
from your_table
distributed by (id);


Speed up query with multiple conditions

I have a sql table of 5,000,000 entries with 5 columns over which I need to make a 4-condition (TEXT type) select. The table has columns id, name, street, city, zip and my select looks like this
SELECT id FROM register WHERE name=%s AND zip=%s AND city=%s AND street=%s
Problem is, i need to speed up this query, because i need to do 80 000 of this queries and now it takes half a day.
The %s placeholders imply that all four of your columns are varchar or text. If so, then the following index might help:
CREATE INDEX idx ON register (name, zip, city, street, id)
The first four parts of the index cover the WHERE clause, and the fifth part covers the id column which is needed for the SELECT clause.

Divide count of Table 1 by count of Table 2 on the same time interval in Tableau

I have two tables with IDs and time stamps. Table 1 has two columns: ID and created_at. Table 2 has two columns: ID and post_date. I'd like to create a chart in Tableau that displays the Number of Records in Table 1 divided by Number of Records in Table 2, by week. How can I achieve this?
One way might be to use Custom SQL like this to create a new data source for your visualization:
SELECT created_table.created_date,
FROM (SELECT TRUNC (created_at) AS created_date, COUNT (*) AS created_count
FROM Table1) created_table
(SELECT TRUNC (post_date) AS posted_date, COUNT (*) AS posted_count
FROM Table2) posted_table
ON created_table.created_date = posted_table.posted_date
This would give you dates and counts from both tables for those dates, which you could group using Tableau's date functions in the visualization. I made created_table the first part of the left join on the assumption that some records would be created and not posted, but you wouldn't have posts without creations. If that isn't the case you will want a different join.

Join two tables where both joined columns have a large set of different values

I am currently trying to join two tables, where both of the tables have very many different in the columns I am joining.
Here's the tsql
from AVG(Position) as Position from MonitoringGsc_Keywords as sk
Join GSC_RankingData on sk.Id = GSC_RankingData.KeywordId
groupy by sk.Id
The execution plan shows me, that it takes very much time to perform the join. I think it is because a huge group from the first table has to be compared with a huge group of values in the second table.
MonitoringGsc_Keywords.Id has about 60.000 different values
GSC_RankingData hat about 100.000.000 Values
MonitoringGsc_Keywords.Id is Primary-Key of MonitoringGsc_Keywords GSC_RankingData.KeywordId is indexed.
So, what can i do to increase performance?
Is Position column from GSC_RankingData table? If yes then JOIN is redundant and query should looks like this:
SELECT AVG(rd.Position) as Position
FROM GSC_RankingData rd
GROUP BY rd.KeywordId;
If Position column is in GSC_RankingData table then index on GSC_RankingData should include this column and looks like this:
CREATE INDEX IX_GSC_RankingData_KeywordId_Position ON GSC_RankingData(KeywordId) INCLUDE(Position);
You should check indexes fragmentation for this tables, to do this you could use this query:
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(db_id(), object_id('MonitoringGsc_Keywords'), null, null, 'DETAILED')
if avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 5% and < 30% then
ALTER INDEX [index name] on [table name] REORGANIZE;
if avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= 30% then
ALTER INDEX [index name] on [table name] REBUILD;
It could be problem with statistics, you could check it with query:
sp.stats_id, name, filter_definition, last_updated, rows, rows_sampled,
steps, unfiltered_rows, modification_counter
FROM sys.stats AS stat
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_stats_properties(stat.object_id, stat.stats_id) AS sp
WHERE stat.object_id = object_id('GSC_RankingData');
check last update date, rows count, if it not be current then update statistics. Also it could be possible that statistics not exist, then you must create it.

Updating multiple rows in one table based on multiple rows in a second

I have two tables, table1 and table2, both of which contain columns that store postgis geometries. What I want to do is see where the geometry stored in any row of table2 geometrically intersects with the geometry stored in any row of table1 and update a count column in table1 with the number of intersections. Therefore, if I have a geometry in row 1 of table1 that intersects with the geometries stored in 5 rows in table2, I want to store a count of 5 in a separate column in table one. The tricky part for me is that I want to do this for every row of column 1 at the same time.
I have the following:
UPDATE circles SET intersectCount = intersectCount + 1 FROM rectangles
WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(cirlces.geom, rectangles.geom);
...which doesn't seem to be working. I'm not too familiar with postgres (or sql in general) and I'm wondering if I can do this all in one statement or if I need a few. I have some ideas for how I would do this with multiple statements (or using for loop) but I'm really looking for a concise solution. Any help would be much appreciated.
something like:
update t1 set ctr=helper.ctr
from (
select, count(*) as cnt
from t1, t2
where st_intersects(t1.col, t2.col)
group by
) helper
btw: Your version does not work, because a row can get updated only once in a single update statement.

SQLite - a smart way to remove and add new objects

I have a table in my database and I want for each row in my table to have an unique id and to have the rows named sequently.
For example: I have 10 rows, each has an id - starting from 0, ending at 9. When I remove a row from a table, lets say - row number 5, there occurs a "hole". And afterwards I add more data, but the "hole" is still there.
It is important for me to know exact number of rows and to have at every row data in order to access my table arbitrarily.
There is a way in sqlite to do it? Or do I have to manually manage removing and adding of data?
Thank you in advance,
It may be worth considering whether you really want to do this. Primary keys usually should not change through the lifetime of the row, and you can always find the total number of rows by running:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name;
That said, the following trigger should "roll down" every ID number whenever a delete creates a hole:
CREATE TRIGGER sequentialize_ids AFTER DELETE ON table_name FOR EACH ROW
UPDATE table_name SET id=id-1 WHERE id >;
I tested this on a sample database and it appears to work as advertised. If you have the following table:
id name
1 First
2 Second
3 Third
4 Fourth
And delete where id=2, afterwards the table will be:
id name
1 First
2 Third
3 Fourth
This trigger can take a long time and has very poor scaling properties (it takes longer for each row you delete and each remaining row in the table). On my computer, deleting 15 rows at the beginning of a 1000 row table took 0.26 seconds, but this will certainly be longer on an iPhone.
I strongly suggest that you re-think your design. In my opinion your asking yourself for troubles in the future (e.g. if you create another table and want to have some relations between the tables).
If you want to know the number of rows just use:
SELECT count(*) FROM table_name;
If you want to access rows in the order of id, just define this field using PRIMARY KEY constraint:
and get rows using ORDER BY clause with ASC or DESC:
SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY id ASC;
Sqlite creates an index for the primary key field, so this query is fast.
I think that you would be interested in reading about LIMIT and OFFSET clauses.
The best source of information is the SQLite documentation.
If you don't want to take Stephen Jennings's very clever but performance-killing approach, just query a little differently. Instead of:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = ?
Note that OFFSET is zero-based, so you may need to subtract 1 from the variable you're indexing in with.
If you want to reclaim deleted row ids the VACUUM command or pragma may be what you seek,