For testing purposes I am using a Pre-Action Script for my tests (that cleans a database for Webservices tests).
For now I am printing the output inside a file located in my test folder, following this SO post ( Xcode scheme pre-action script not running ).
# Pre Build Output
exec > ${PROJECT_DIR}/MyProjectTests/TestLogs.log 2>&1
echo "=== PRE-ACTION SCRIPT ==="
However this is not really handy to have to open a log file via command line whenever a test set is launched to see what happened.
Is there a way to redirect Pre-Action script's output directly inside XCode console?
Thanks a lot
I have abc.jar file to deploy and run in remote machine.
I have transferred the file using jenkins, now what I have done is, call a a.bat batch file on remote machine using psexec in Execute Windows Batch Command.
a.bat executes the abc.jar
When the jar begins execution, the command prompt texts are stored in a file.
using java -jar abc.jar >> a.log 2>&1
Now what I want is to display the a.log contents in the jenkins console when the jar file is being executed
(the file is continuously being written and I want to show it in jenkins console as it is being written)
I have tried to do it using parallel processing by calling start twice, one for calling batch file, another using type for displaying.
But when I use start I get Process leaked file descriptor .
Is there any other way I can achieve this. Be it calling powershell or scheduled task in jenkins.
You need to look for tee equivalents in windows , there are few like GNU utilities for Win32, however if you have cygwin you can still use tee which will easy the prcoess.
Now the wuestion arises how to run my jar file on cygwin from jenkins ?
you can still use execute windows[batch] shell. and add cygwin installation path to the PATH variable and start using linux command like a BOSS.
or you can use powershell tee in built command from batch.
I have a perl file ( which does some DB operations.
While testing, its working fine.
I execute this file as a background process by using the command
perl &
Its working properly for some days.
But after some days ,the file execution get stopped.
How can I find the reason or view the error?
I checked the log file "/var/log/httpd/error_log", but can't find anything.
I keep the perl file in a server, which runs in Cent OS.
Any one have idea?
There is no 'perl error log'
But you can define a destination for output to be saved to, just run your script like this:
perl >> /var/log/some-log-file.log 2>&1 &
This will redirect STDOUT (normal shell output) and STDERR (error output) to /var/log/some-log-file.log instead of to the terminal.
You may also wish to use nohup in order to have the script ignore HANGUP (logout) signals, which could be causing your unexpected terminations:
nohup perl >> /var/log/some-log-file.log 2>&1 &
Obviously, whichever user you run the script as will need to have write access to the log file.
I am having trouble launching an executable that I have created from a shell script. I would like to automate testing by running the program many times with different command line options to verify it is working.
When I type echo $SHELL, /bin/sh is displayed.
The following is my shell script:
echo "Running first test."
exit 0
When I run the script (sh, with myProgram in the same directory, I see the following output:
Running first test.
: not foundsh: line 4:
When executing the program ./myProgram, it runs as expected with no command line options.
I have also tried:
./myProgram &
myProgram &
based on answers to somewhat similar questions, but they all result in the above error message.
Your newlines are goofed. Use dos2unix to fix.
why don't you try using the full path?
e.g., if myProgram is in /home/user1/bin, you can try /home/user1/bin/myProgram instead of ./myProgram. This should work.
You can also add the path to path variable, $PATH and directly call myProgram from anywhere.
Run "export PATH=$PATH:/home/user1/bin" on your terminal without the quotes. Note that this affects only your current termial session. If you want to permanently add the path, update your .bashrc file in your home directory with the following line:
I'm developing a Nagios plugin in Perl (no Nagios::Plugin, just plain Perl). The error condition I'm checking for normally comes from a command output, called inside the plugin. However, it would be very inconvenient to create the error condition, so I'm looking for a way to feed test output to the plugin to see if it works correctly.
The easiest way I found at the moment would be with a command line option to optionally read input from a file instead of calling the command.
if($opt_f) {
open(FILE, $opt_f);
#output = <FILE>;
close FILE;
else {
#output = `my_command`;
Are there other, better ways to do this?
Build a command line switch into your plugin, and if you set -t on the command line, you use your test command at /path/to/test/command, else you run the 'production' command at /path/to/production/command
The default action is production, only test it the switch indicating test mode is present.
Or you could have a test version of the command that returns various status for you to test (via a command line argument perhaps).
You put the test version of mycommnd in some test directory (/my/nagois/tests/bin).
Then you manipulate the PATH environment variable on the command line that runs the test.
$ env PATH=/my/nagois/tests/bin:$PATH
The change to $PATH will only last for as long as that one command executes. The change is localized to the subshell that is spawned to run the plugin.
The backticks used to execute the command will cause the shell to use the PATH to locate the command, and that will the the test version of the command, which lives in the directory that is now the first one on the search path.
let me know if I wasn't clear.
New answer for new method.
I have scrip contain command line:
set dir=%1
cd %dir%
echo successful
When run this script, file test.bat (this file run phpunit) run complete then this script don't run command line echo successful.
So, how to try run to eof script.
Use call test.bat.
When you try running a batch file from another batch like in your question control does not pass back to your calling batch.
Side note: I'd usually use pushd/popd for going into directories from batch files. At least I prefer when a batch file doesn't have a side-effect on the shell I'm working on (similar rationale for setlocal). Also this solves the problem when you pass a directory on another drive (although you could do cd /d in that case.