I'm using FFmpeg with PowerShell.
I have a loop that goes through a folder of mpg files and grabs the names to a variable $inputName.
FFmpeg then converts each one to an mp4.
Batch Processing
$files = Get-ChildItem "C:\Path\" -Filter *.mpg;
foreach ($f in $files) {
$inputName = $f.Name; #name + extension
$outputName = (Get-Item $inputName).Basename; #name only
ffmpeg -y -i "C:\Users\Matt\Videos\$inputName" -c:v libx264 -crf 25 "C:\Users\Matt\Videos\$outputName.mp4"
Not Working
Batch Processing with Process Priority
$files = Get-ChildItem "C:\Path\" -Filter *.mpg;
foreach ($f in $files) {
$inputName = $f.Name; #name + extension
$outputName = (Get-Item $inputName).Basename; #name only
($Process = Start-Process ffmpeg -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList '-y -i "C:\Users\Matt\Videos\$inputName" -c:v libx264 -crf 25 "C:\Users\Matt\Videos\$outputName.mp4"' -PassThru).PriorityClass = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass]::AboveNormal;
Wait-Process -Id $Process.id
If I set the Process Priority using Start-Process PriorityClass, the $inputName variable is no longer recognized.
C:\Users\Matt\Videos\$inputName: No such file or directory
Lets go over a few basic things.
In powershell we love piping |, It allows use to pass the information from one command to another command.
A good example of this is the ForEach you have.
Instead of Foreach($F in $Files) you can pipe | into a foreach-object
Get-ChildItem "C:\Path\" -Filter *.mpg | Foreach-Object{
When Piping | a command powershell automatically creates the variable $_ which is the object that is passed in the pipe |
The next thing is there are 2 types of quotes " and '.
If you use ' then everthing is taken literally. Example
$FirstName = "TestName"
'Hey There $FirstName'
Will return
Hey There $FirstName
While " allows you to use Variables in it. Example
$FirstName = "TestName"
'Hey There $FirstName'
Will return
Hey There TestName
Now one last thing before we fix this. In powershell we have a escape char ` aka a tick. Its located beside the number 1 on the keyboard with the tilde. You use it to allow the use of char that would otherwise break out of the qoutes. Example
"`"Hey There`""
Would return
"Hey There"
OK so now that we covered the basics lets fix up the script
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\Matt\Videos\" -Filter *.mpg -File | Foreach-Object{
($Process = Start-Process ffmpeg -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "-y -i `"$($_.FullName)`" -c:v libx264 -crf 25 `"C:\Users\Matt\Videos\$($_.Name)`"" -PassThru).PriorityClass = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass]::AboveNormal;
Wait-Process -Id $Process.id
In the case above I changed
Add -File to the Get-ChildItem to designate that you only want Files returned not folders
Pipe | into a Foreach-Object
Changed the Outside Brackets in the -ArgumentList to be double quotes " instead of literal quotes '
Removed the $InputName and $OutputName in favor of the Foreach-Object variable $_
I have a small script that checks the communication date of the mcafee agent:
$GetLastCommunication = & "C:\Program Files\McAfee\Agent\cmdagent" -i | Select-String -Pattern LastASCTIME | Out-String
$GetLastCommunication = $GetLastCommunication.Replace("`n", "").Replace("`r", "").Replace(" ","")
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
$newagentdir = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse "\\IP\Downloads\" -Include "FramePkg.exe").FullName
$arg = "/forceinstall /install=agent /silent"
Copy-Item -Path $newagentdir -Destination $env:TEMP
Start-Process -Wait $env:TEMP\FramePkg.exe -ArgumentList $arg
while ($GetLastCommunication = "LastASCTime:N/A"){
sleep -Seconds 5
after the installation, the LastASCTime line changes automatically from "N/A" to the time of communication, after 15 to 20 seconds.
I need for him to reload the form when the LastASCTime line changes from N/A to the comm time.
Currently, is getting stuck in the while loop and doesn’t reload the form.
Any ideas why?
Your code is essentially...
$lastKnownState = Get-SomeState
while ($lastKnownState -eq $operationInProgressState)
sleep -Seconds 5
Your loop is waiting 5 seconds between checking if the operation has completed, but because $lastKnownState is just a snapshot of the operation's state and not modified inside the loop, the loop will never terminate.
Instead, you need to actually refresh the state after the timeout...
$lastKnownState = Get-SomeState
while ($lastKnownState -eq $operationInProgressState)
sleep -Seconds 5
$lastKnownState = Get-SomeState
In your code, after correcting the = assignment operator to the -eq comparison operator, that would look like this...
while ($GetLastCommunication -eq "LastASCTime:N/A"){
sleep -Seconds 5
$GetLastCommunication = & "C:\Program Files\McAfee\Agent\cmdagent" -i | Select-String -Pattern LastASCTIME | Out-String
$GetLastCommunication = $GetLastCommunication.Replace("`n", "").Replace("`r", "").Replace(" ","")
Also, instead of chaining calls to Replace() with...
$GetLastCommunication = $GetLastCommunication.Replace("`n", "").Replace("`r", "").Replace(" ","")
...you can use the -replace operator with a regular expression that will match and remove CR, LF, or space characters...
$GetLastCommunication = $GetLastCommunication -replace '[\r\n ]'
Those characters are being escaped for the .NET regular expression engine and not PowerShell, which is why backslashes are used instead of backticks. If what you really want to do is match LF optionally preceded by a CR (i.e. CRLF or LF) that can be matched with \r?\n...
$GetLastCommunication = $GetLastCommunication -replace '\r?\n| '
EDIT2: Final code below
I need help on converting some codes as I am very new to mkvmerge, powershell and command prompt.
The CMD code is from https://github.com/Serede/mkvtoolnix-batch/blob/master/mkvtoolnix-batch.bat
for %%f in (*.mkv) do %mkvmerge% #options.json -o "mkvmerge_out/%%f" "%%f"
What I've managed so far
$SourceFolder = "C:\tmp" #In my actual code, this is done using folder browser
$SourceFiles = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $SourceFolder -File -Include *.mkv
$SourceFiles | foreach
start-process "F:\Desktop\#progs\mkvtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe"
I'd be grateful for any help as I'm having trouble understanding and converting while learning both sides. Thank you very much.
**EDIT 2:**Here's my final working code.
Function Get-Folder($initialDirectory) {
#Prompt to choose source folder
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Windows.Forms')
$FolderBrowserDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$FolderBrowserDialog.Description = 'Choose the video folder'
$FolderBrowserDialog.RootFolder = 'MyComputer'
if ($initialDirectory) { $FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath = $initialDirectory }
[void] $FolderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog()
return $FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath
Function ExitMessage
#endregion Function output
Write-Host "`nOperation complete";
Write-Host -NoNewLine 'Press any key to continue...';
$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown');
($SourceFolder = Get-Folder | select )
#Check for output folder and create if unavailable
$TestFile = "$SourceFolder" + "\mkvmerge_out"
if ((Test-Path -LiteralPath $TestFile) -like "False")
new-item -Path $SourceFolder -name "mkvmerge_out" -type directory
Write-Host 'Folder created';
#Checking for the presence of a Json file
$TestFile = (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $SourceFolder -File -Filter *.json)
if ($TestFile.count -eq 0)
Write-Host 'json file not found';
$TestFile = "$SourceFolder" + "\$TestFile"
#Getting the total number of files and start timer.
[Int] $TotalFiles = 0;
[Int] $FilesDone = 0;
$TotalFiles = (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $SourceFolder -File -Filter *.mkv).count
$PercentFiles = 0;
$Time = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
#Start mkvmerge process with progress bar
$mkvmergeExe = 'F:\Desktop\#progs\mkvtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe'
$JsonFile = "$TestFile" # alternatively, use Join-Path
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $SourceFolder -File -Filter *.mkv | ForEach-Object {
$PercentFiles = [math]::truncate(($FilesDone/$TotalFiles)*100)
Write-Progress -Activity mkvmerge -Status ("{0}% Completed; {1}/{2} done; Time Elapsed: {3:d2}:{4:d2}:{5:d2}" -f $PercentFiles, $FilesDone, $TotalFiles, $Time.Elapsed.Hours, $Time.Elapsed.minutes, $Time.Elapsed.seconds) -PercentComplete $PercentFiles;
Write-Host "Processing $_"
$f = $_.FullName
$of = "$SourceFolder\mkvmerge_out\$($_.Name)"
& $mkvmergeExe -q `#$JsonFile -o $of $f
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $JsonFile #Remove this line if you want to keep the Json file
$PercentFiles = [math]::truncate(($FilesDone/$TotalFiles)*100)
Write-Progress -Activity mkvmerge -Status ("{0}% Completed; {1}/{2} done; Time Elapsed: {3:d2}:{4:d2}:{5:d2}" -f $PercentFiles, $FilesDone, $TotalFiles, $Time.Elapsed.Hours, $Time.Elapsed.minutes, $Time.Elapsed.seconds) -PercentComplete $PercentFiles;
$mkvmergeExe = 'F:\Desktop\#progs\mkvtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe'
$optionsFile = "$SourceFolder\options.json" # alternatively, use Join-Path
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $SourceFolder -File -Filter *.mkv | ForEach-Object {
$f = $_.FullName
$of = "$SourceFolder\mkvmerge_out\$($_.Name)"
& $mkvmergeExe `#$optionsFile -o $of $f
Note that your cmd code assumes that it's operating in the current directory, while your PowerShell code passes a directory explicitly via $SourceFolder; therefore, the options.json file must be looked for in $SourceFolder and too, and the output file path passed to -o must be prefixed with $SourceFolder too which is achieved via expandable strings ("...") .
The main points to consider:
for %%f in (*.mkv) has no direct counterpart in PowerShell; you correctly used Get-ChildItem instead, to get a list of matching files, which are returned as System.IO.FileInfo instances.
However, -Include won't work as intended in the absence of -Recurse (unless you append \* - see this GitHub issue; -Filter does, and is also the faster method, but it has its limitations and legacy quirks (see this answer).
While PowerShell too allows you to execute commands whose names or paths are stored in a variable (or specified as a quoted string literal), you then need &, the call operator, to invoke it, for syntactic reasons.
Inside a script block ({ ... }) passed to the ForEach-Object cmdlet, automatic variable $_ represents the pipeline input object at hand.
$_.FullName ensures that the System.IO.FileInfo input instances are represented by their full path when used in a string context.
This extra step is no longer necessary in PowerShell [Core] 6+, where System.IO.FileInfo instances thankfully always stringify as their full paths.
The # character is preceded by ` (backtick), PowerShell's escape character, because # - unlike in cmd - is a metacharacter, i.e. a character with special syntactic meaning. `# ensures that the # is treated verbatim, and therefore passed through to mkvmerge.
Alternatively, you could have quoted the argument instead of escaping just the #: "#$optionsFile"
See this answer for background information.
You generally do not need to enclose arguments in "..." in PowerShell, even if they contain spaces or other metacharacters.
I have a tool that logs some data onto a file. I'd like to tail the file and send the last line of data via mosquitto_pub.
I've used powershell "Get-Content" command without succes.
Here's my command:
Get-Content -Path "C:\test.txt" -Wait | .\mosquitto_pub.exe -t "Events"
But nothing is published by mosquitto_pub.
If I use Get-Content -Path "C:\test.txt" -Wait
I see the tail of the file in stdout.
What's wrong with my solution?
Read this Q and A.
An alternate approach
$minsToRunFor = 10
$secondsToRunFor = $minsToRunFor * 60
foreach ($second in $secondsToRunFor){
$lastline = Get-Content -Path "C:\test.txt" | Select-Object -last 1
# added condition as per VonPryz's good point
# (otherwise will add lastline regardless of whether it's new or not)
if ($lastline -ne $oldlastline){
.\mosquitto_pub.exe -t "Events" -m "$lastline"
$oldlastline = $lastline
Start-Sleep 100
I am executing the following code attempting to execute the 7z.exe command to unzip files.
$dir contains the user input of the path to the zip file which can contain spaces of course! And $dir\temp2 below is a directory that I previously created.
Get-ChildItem -path $dir -Filter *.zip |
ForEach-Object {
$zip_path = """" + $dir + "\" + $_.name + """"
$output = " -o""$dir\temp2"""
&7z e $zip_path $output
When I execute it I get the following from 7z.exe:
7-Zip [64] 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
Processing archive: C:\test dir\test.zip
No files to process
Files: 0
Size: 0
Compressed: 50219965
If I then copy the value from $zip_path and $output to form my own cmd line it works!
For example:
7z e "c:\test dir\test.zip" -o"c:\test output"
Now, I can reproduce the same message "no files to process" I get when I execute within PowerShell by using the following cmd in cli.
7z e "c:\test dir\test.zip" o"c:\test output"
So, it seems that PowerShell is removing the dash char from my -o option. And yes, it needs to be -o"C:\test output" and not -o "c:\test output" with 7z.exe there is no space between the -o parameter and its value.
I am stumped. Am I doing something wrong or should I be doing this a different way?
I can never get Invoke-Expression (alias = &) to work right either, so I learned how to use a process object
$7ZExe = (Get-Command -CommandType Application -Name 7z )
$7ZArgs = #(
('-o"{0}\{1}"' -f $dir, $_.Name),
('"{0}\{1}"' -f $dir, 'temp2')
[Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo]$7Zpsi = New-Object -TypeName:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo -Property:#{
CreateNoWindow = $false;
UseShellExecute = $false;
Filename = $7ZExe.Path;
Arguments = $7ZArgs;
WindowStyle = 'Hidden';
RedirectStandardOutput = $true
RedirectStandardError = $true
WorkingDirectory = $(Get-Location).Path
$proc = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($7zpsi)
$7ZOut = $proc.StandardOutput
$7ZErr = $proc.StandardError
I was able to duplicate the exact issue and tried numerous combinations escaping the -o switch and escaping quotes " and what not.
But as one answer mentioned Sysinternals, and I used Process Monitor to find out the format it was passing to 7z.exe. Things that work on a plain commandline doesn't work inside PowerShell the same way.
For example, if I tried to construct parameters inside PowerShell just like cmdline it would fail. I.e., -o"C:\scripts\so\new folder" doesn't work. But if you include the -o switch inside quotes then PowerShell passes the string "-oC:\scripts\so\new folder" which 7z.exe is happy to accept. So I learned that 7z.exe would accept both the formats such as
"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe" e "C:\scripts\so\new folder.zip" -o"C:\scripts\so\new folder"
"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe" e "C:\scripts\so\new folder.zip" "-oC:\scripts\so\new folder"
And both examples contain spaces in them.
[string]$pathtoexe = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$dir = "C:\scripts\so"
$output = "$dir\new folder"
Get-ChildItem -path $dir -Filter *.zip | % {
[array]$marguments = "e",$_.FullName,"-o$output";
& $pathtoexe $marguments
Another approach in PowerShell V3 is to escape the PowerShell parsing feature. You can use the --% command to tell PowerShell to stop parsing any more commands like this.
$zipfile = "C:\scripts\so\newfolder.zip"
$destinationfolder = "C:\scripts\so\New Folder"
[string]$pathtoexe = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
& $pathtoexe --% e "C:\scripts\so\newfolder.zip" -o"C:\scripts\so\new folder"
Using the --% syntax, you type commands just like you would type them on the command line. I tested this logic, and it extracts files to the destination folder.
To learn more about --%, check PS> help about_parsing.
The issue with this approach is after --% it is not possible to include a variable. The solution to this issue is to just include the --% as another string variable and pass it like this. And this approach is similar to the commandline approach which wasn't working originally.
[string]$pathtoexe = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$dir = "C:\scripts\so"
$output = "$dir\new folder"
Get-ChildItem -path $dir -Filter *.zip | % {
$zipfile = $_.FullName;
[string]$formatted = [System.String]::Concat("e ", """$zipfile"""," -o""$output""");
[string]$stopparser = '--%';
& $pathtoexe $stopparser $formatted;
Using the excellent Process Explorer from the Windows Sysinternals suite I was able to observe some very interesting behavior. I simplified your command line a little as seen below:
dir -Path $dir -Filter *.zip |
select FullName |
% { & 7za.exe e $_ "-o$dir\tmp" }
This was actually invoking the following command line according to Process Explorer:
C:\temp\7za.exe #{FullName="C:\temp\test.zip"} -oC:\temp\test
Telling PowerShell to expand the FullName property forces it out of the hashmap and treats it as a regular string which 7-Zip can deal with:
dir -Path $dir -Filter *.zip |
select -ExpandProperty FullName |
% { & 7za.exe e $_ "-o$dir\tmp" }
There may still be other issues like dealing with spaces in file names that I really didn't consider or account for, but I thought it was worth adding a note that PowerShell (v2 in this case) wasn't quite passing the parameters as you might expect.
I was trying to write a function that to look for pool tags in .sys files. I created an array of all the directories that had .sys files then looped through them using the sysinternals Strings utility.
This is the array:
$paths = Get-ChildItem \\$server\c$ *.sys -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Select-Object Directory -unique
This was my first attempt at a loop:
foreach ($path in $paths) {
#convert object IO fileobject to string and strip out extraneous characters
[string]$path1 = $path
$path2 = $path1.replace("#{Directory=","")
$path3 = $path2.replace("}","")
$path4 = "$path3\*.sys"
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {strings -s $path4 | findstr $string}
I found some references to the error indicating that in foreach loops, all of the information is stored in memory until it completes its processing.
So I tried this:
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $paths.count; $i++){
[string]$path1 = $paths[$i]
$path2 = $path1.replace("#{Directory=","")
$path3 = $path2.replace("}","")
$path4 = "$path3\*.sys"
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {strings -s $path4 | findstr $string}
But it had the same result. I've read that sending an item at a time across the pipeline will prevent this error/issue, but I'm at a loss on how to proceed. Any thoughts?
Yeah, it is usually better to approach this problem using streaming so you don't have to buffer up a bunch of objects e.g.:
Get-ChildItem \\server\c$ -r *.sys -ea 0 | Foreach {
"Processing $_"; strings $_.Fullname | findstr $string}
Also, I'm not sure why you're using Invoke-Command when you can invoke strings and findstr directly. You typically use Invoke-Command to run a command on a remote computer.