wildfly 16 and the warning 'com.sun.faces.flow.FlowDiscoveryCDIHelper is deprecated from CDI 1.1!' - wildfly

I am seeing this warning in Wildfly 16:
17:28:43,353 WARN [org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap] (MSC service thread 1-4) WELD-000146: BeforeBeanDiscovery.addAnnotatedType(AnnotatedType<?>) used for class com.sun.faces.flow.FlowDiscoveryCDIHelper is deprecated from CDI 1.1!
I see the following post here: https://developer.jboss.org/thread/280071
is there some way on how to get rid of this warning, using the Spring Framework 3.x.


wildfly-preview-25.0.0.Final - ERROR Module "org.jboss.weld.core" version 3.1.5.Final

Trying to move from wildfly-25.0.0.Final (Jakarta EE 8 Full) to wildfly-preview-25.0.0.Final (Preview EE 9.1).
After adding my:
org/hibernate/ ...
org/jboss/ ...
I have WELD:
org/jboss/weld/3.1.4 ...
org/jboss/weld/4.0.0.Final ...
Error "Failed to link" at:
16:13:54,578 INFO [org.jboss.as.webservices] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 80) WFLYWS0002: Activating WebServices Extension
16:13:54,578 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.microprofile.opentracing] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 70) WFLYTRACEXT0001: Activating MicroProfile OpenTracing Subsystem
16:13:54,578 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 81) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([("subsystem" => "weld")]): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed to link org/jboss/weld/exceptions/DeploymentException (Module "org.jboss.weld.core" version 3.1.5.Final from local module loader #7a1234bf (finder: local module finder #2f62ea70 (roots: /usr/local/Cellar/wildfly-as/wildfly-preview-25.0.0.Final/modules,/usr/local/Cellar/wildfly-as/wildfly-preview-25.0.0.Final/modules/system/layers/base))): javax/enterprise/inject/spi/DeploymentException
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:1012)
at org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader.doDefineOrLoadClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:423)
at org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader.defineClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:555)
at org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader.loadClassLocal(ModuleClassLoader.java:339)
at org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader$1.loadClassLocal(ModuleClassLoader.java:126)
at org.jboss.modules.Module.loadModuleClass(Module.java:753)
at org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader.findClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:247)
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.performLoadClassUnchecked(ConcurrentClassLoader.java:410)
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.performLoadClass(ConcurrentClassLoader.java:398)
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.loadClass(ConcurrentClassLoader.java:116)
at org.jboss.as.weld#25.0.0.Final//org.jboss.as.weld.WeldSubsystemAdd.performBoottime(WeldSubsystemAdd.java:86)
at org.jboss.as.controller#17.0.1.Final//org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractBoottimeAddStepHandler.performRuntime(AbstractBoottimeAddStepHandler.java:119)
at org.jboss.as.controller#17.0.1.Final//org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractAddStepHandler$1.execute(AbstractAddStepHandler.java:164)
at org.jboss.as.controller#17.0.1.Final//org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext.executeStep(AbstractOperationContext.java:1045)
at org.jboss.as.controller#17.0.1.Final//org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext.processStages(AbstractOperationContext.java:777)
at org.jboss.as.controller#17.0.1.Final//org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext.executeOperation(AbstractOperationContext.java:466)
at org.jboss.as.controller#17.0.1.Final//org.jboss.as.controller.ParallelBootOperationStepHandler$ParallelBootTask.run(ParallelBootOperationStepHandler.java:384)
at org.jboss.threads#2.4.0.Final//org.jboss.threads.ContextClassLoaderSavingRunnable.run(ContextClassLoaderSavingRunnable.java:35)
at org.jboss.threads#2.4.0.Final//org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor.safeRun(EnhancedQueueExecutor.java:1990)
at org.jboss.threads#2.4.0.Final//org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor$ThreadBody.doRunTask(EnhancedQueueExecutor.java:1486)
at org.jboss.threads#2.4.0.Final//org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor$ThreadBody.run(EnhancedQueueExecutor.java:1348)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
at org.jboss.threads#2.4.0.Final//org.jboss.threads.JBossThread.run(JBossThread.java:513)
Can see WELD 3.1.5 # https://weld.cdi-spec.org/news/2020/08/12/weld-315Final/
Which version of WELD should I use? 3.1.5 or 4.0.0.Final? Also where do I configure it?
(2) See 'Typo'.
Type on https://weld.cdi-spec.org/download/ for WELD 4.0.2 Finak:
WELD 4.0.2.Finak
Also error with "Download":
Not Found
The requested URL /weld/4.0.2.Finak was not found on this server.
Should be:
Weld 4.x is the major version of Weld implementing EE 9 (e.g. with jakarta namespaces).
However, you don't need to declare this dependency manually. WildFly always contains Weld and the EE 9 variant is no different.
You can easily verify that by unpacking Wildfly distribution and looking into /modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/weld
(2) See 'Typo'.
Thanks for pointing this out, I have fixed the broken link on Weld website.

Deploy Fuse Camel Project on EAP

I build a simple Camel Project with a SOAP Web Service that writes a file and sends the response: it's packaged as bundle and I deployed it successfully on Karaf, you can find the source here
Firefox Send
Then I'd like to convert this project in a WAR module and deploy it on Fuse on EAP: following these instructions
Apache Camel: Tutorial on using Camel in a Web Application
I modified (in pom.xml) bundle -> war, I moved applicationContext.xml under src/main/webapp, and I created a web.xml with the Spring context loader: when I install the WAR I see (on server logs) that the Camel route is started but the SOAP WS isn't exposed
10:03:40,981 INFO [org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) Apache Camel 2.15.1 (CamelContext: camelId) is starting
10:03:40,994 INFO [org.apache.camel.management.ManagedManagementStrategy] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) JMX is enabled
10:03:41,120 INFO [org.apache.camel.impl.converter.DefaultTypeConverter] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) Loaded 197 type converters
10:03:41,339 INFO [org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) AllowUseOriginalMessage is enabled. If access to the original message is not needed, then its recommended to turn this option off as it may improve performance.
10:03:41,339 INFO [org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) StreamCaching is not in use. If using streams then its recommended to enable stream caching. See more details at http://camel.apache.org/stream-caching.html
10:03:41,370 INFO [org.apache.cxf.wsdl.service.factory.ReflectionServiceFactoryBean] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) Creating Service {http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans}CamelHelloWorldService from WSDL: classpath:wsdl/Hello.wsdl
10:03:41,732 INFO [org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ServerImpl] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) Setting the server's publish address to be /CamelHelloWorld
10:03:41,764 INFO [org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) Route: route2 started and consuming from: Endpoint[cxf://bean:helloWorldEndpointId]
10:03:41,764 INFO [org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) Total 1 routes, of which 1 is started.
10:03:41,764 INFO [org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) Apache Camel 2.15.1 (CamelContext: camelId) started in 0.783 seconds
10:03:41,764 INFO [org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 2131 ms
10:03:41,826 INFO [org.jboss.as.server] (HttpManagementService-threads - 2) JBAS015859: Deployed "camel-hello-world-0.0.21-SNAPSHOT.war" (runtime-name : "camel-hello-world-0.0.21-SNAPSHOT.war")
To be honest I see this exception too
10:03:39,711 WARN [org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 75) Ignored XML validation warning: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 6; columnNumber: 419; SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value = ' http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring/camel-spring.xsd http://camel.apache.org/schema/cxf http://camel.apache.org/schema/cxf/camel-cxf.xsd http://camel.apache.org/schema/cxf/camel-cxf-spring.xsd' must have even number of URI's.
at org.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.createSAXParseException(ErrorHandlerWrapper.java:196)
at org.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.warning(ErrorHandlerWrapper.java:97)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(XMLErrorReporter.java:386)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(XMLErrorReporter.java:322)
but I think it's only a warning.
Does anyone have any idea?
Thanks in advance
The 'must have even number of URI's' exception is because you have a superfluous entry for camel-cxf-spring.xsd at the end of the xsi:schemaLocation.
You may find it better to base your code on the Camel Tomcat CXF example as it demonstrates how to set up CXFServlet in web.xml. You'll need this is you want the CXF consumer to work. E.g like this:
If you're using Fuse on EAP 7.0 or 7.1, you can avoid the Spring ContextLoaderListener and CXFServlet as the app server takes care of bootstrapping Spring & CXF for you. There's an example project here.

Changing Liferay war file context root on JBoss EAP

I am trying to deploy Liferay 6.2 CE GA4 WAR file on my JBoss EAP 6.4 server with a specified context root. We already have an application with the context defined as "/" and this is what Liferay defaults to. I have tried following with no luck:
Specifying /liferay as the context root in jboss-web.xml
Creating portal-ext.properties in WEB-INF/classes and including portal.ctx=/liferay
Adding -
to web.xml
Ultimately I want http://localhost:8080/liferay to bring me to the Liferay application, not http://localhost:8080. Does anyone have any other suggestions or things that worked for them? I can post full file contents if it would shed more light on my problem.
UPDATE: Here is my JBoss server.log where it is trying to register the context:
16:15:52,652 INFO [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-9) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "liferay.war" (runtime-name: "liferay.war")
16:16:04,500 INFO [org.jboss.web] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 324) JBAS018210: Register web context: /liferay
16:16:04,547 INFO [org.jboss.as.server] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) JBAS015859: Deployed "liferay.war" (runtime-name : "liferay.war")
16:16:04,547 INFO [org.jboss.as.controller] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) JBAS014774: Service status report
JBAS014776: Newly corrected services:
service jboss.deployment.unit."liferay-fresh.war".component."com.liferay.alloy.taglib.alloy.AioTag".START (no longer required)
service jboss.deployment.unit."liferay-fresh.war".component."com.liferay.alloy.taglib.alloy.AutoCompleteTag".START (no longer required)
service jboss.deployment.unit."liferay-fresh.war".component."com.liferay.alloy.taglib.alloy.ButtonItemTag".START (no longer required)

JBoss 7 and Camel 2.11 - BeanManager complaining about "non-portable behaviour"

I'm using camel 2.11-SNAPSHOT in an ear which is running on JBoss AS 7.1.
When deploying the app and while the routes are being constucted (in a #Singleton #Startup bean, using an #Injected CdiCamelContext) i get a lot of warnings (ca. 30) like this in my server log:
2013-03-20 16:40:55,153 WARNING [org.apache.deltaspike.core.api.provider.BeanManagerProvider] (MSC service thread 1-2) When using the BeanManager to retrieve Beans before the Container is started, non-portable behaviour results!
and after the the context has been started i get this WARNINGs:
2013-03-20 16:40:56,339 WARNING [org.apache.deltaspike.core.api.provider.BeanManagerProvider] (Camel (camel-2) thread #1 - file:///tmp/exchange/tmobile/in) When using the BeanManager to retrieve Beans before the Container is started, non-portable behaviour results!
What does it mean? I couldn't find anything useful on google. Is it a bug? Did i configure camel wrong?
It is simply a warning from Apache Deltaspike that the bean manager was accessed before the container was booted. It seems Camel's integration with CDI uses some non-portable features, but assuming that they know what they're doing, it could be nothing.

Orbeon deployment on JBoss AS 7

We are trying to deploy Orbeon Forms 3.9 on JBoss AS 7 and getting the following errors:
15:34:36,621 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[default-host].[/adg-xforms]] (MSC service thread 1-2) Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.orbeon.oxf.webapp.OrbeonServletContextListenerDelegate: org.orbeon.oxf.common.OXFException: no implementation of regexp was found.
at org.orbeon.oxf.webapp.OrbeonServletContextListenerDelegate.contextInitialized(OrbeonServletContextListenerDelegate.java:43) [orbeon.jar:]
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.contextListenerStart(StandardContext.java:3368) [jbossweb-7.0.1.Final.jar:7.0.2.Final]
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:3821) [jbossweb-7.0.1.Final.jar:7.0.2.Final]
at org.jboss.as.web.deployment.WebDeploymentService.start(WebDeploymentService.java:70) [jboss-as-web-7.0.2.Final.jar:7.0.2.Final]
at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.startService(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1824)
at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.run(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1759)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886) [:1.6.0_25]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908) [:1.6.0_25]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) [:1.6.0_25]
15:34:36,670 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext] (MSC service thread 1-2) Error listenerStart
15:34:36,670 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext] (MSC service thread 1-2) Context [/adg-xforms] startup failed due to previous errors
15:34:36,682 ERROR [stderr] (MSC service thread 1-2) Starting Orbeon Forms CE
15:34:36,693 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[default-host].[/adg-xforms]] (MSC service thread 1-2) Exception sending context destroyed event to listener instance of class org.orbeon.oxf.webapp.OrbeonServletContextListenerDelegate: org.orbeon.oxf.common.OXFException: Could not initialize class com.sun.msv.datatype.xsd.AnyURIType
at org.orbeon.oxf.webapp.OrbeonServletContextListenerDelegate.contextDestroyed(OrbeonServletContextListenerDelegate.java:52) [orbeon.jar:]
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStop(StandardContext.java:3465) [jbossweb-7.0.1.Final.jar:7.0.2.Final]
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.stop(StandardContext.java:3970) [jbossweb-7.0.1.Final.jar:7.0.2.Final]
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:3888) [jbossweb-7.0.1.Final.jar:7.0.2.Final]
at org.jboss.as.web.deployment.WebDeploymentService.start(WebDeploymentService.java:70) [jboss-as-web-7.0.2.Final.jar:7.0.2.Final]
at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.startService(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1824)
at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.run(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1759)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886) [:1.6.0_25]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908) [:1.6.0_25]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) [:1.6.0_25]
Do you support JBoss AS 7 or anyone tried deploying orbeon on this app server.
I just added xsdlib-20030225.jar to lib directory (It's just one I had to hand ;-O). This is a HACK, I don't know what it affects and don't know if there are any side effects...but it works so far ;-)
This was tested with JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final "Brontes".
Follow the following steps:
for Orbeon Forms PE
unzip orbeon.war
place your license.xml file under WEB-INF/resources/config/license.xml
re-zip orbeon.war
start a standalone server with bin/standalone.sh
drop orbeon.war into the JBoss standalone/deployments folder
The joy of class loaders. Some code in MSV tries to load com.sun.msv.datatype.xsd.AnyURIType, which shouldn't fail as this class is in WEB-INF/lib/msv-xsdlib-20070407_orbeon_20100309.jar. I suspect that because of the way the class loaders is structured in JBoss, Orbeon ends up using a version of MSV coming from JBoss which is unable to load AnyURIType which is a jar that only comes with Orbeon. But I might be wrong on this.
This type of application-server specific question can be rather time consuming to resolve. So I would recommend you to use Tomcat or to get Orbeon to resolve this for you under a Development Support subscription.