ElementNotInteractableError: element not interactable in selenium-side-runner but not in selenium IDE - selenium-ide

I am running a Selenium .side file in selenium-side-runner and get
ElementNotInteractableError: element not interactable
(Session info: chrome=83.0.4103.61)
Same browser version, with selenium IDE runs fine.
How can I debug that?
Even the session closes after the selenium-side-runner test so I do not have a chance to look at the current state of the website.
I did not find an option like "leave session open after failure".

It looks like the IDE does a better job at implicit waiting than the side-runner. As a workaround I added pause statements to wait for the elements which are dynamically loaded.
See also https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/selenium-users/XzDQ95w9OVg
I think this is the closest issue https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium-ide/issues/643


Not able to click link text in selenium web driver execuiton

I am trying to click hyperlink called "order create" in my application.I have used following code.When I execute this step in eclipse debug mode or selenium IDE, I am able to click particular link.However when I try to execute via Java mode in eclipse, my code is not able to click this link.Do we have any other option to click this link?(i.e wait and click something)
Driver.findElement(By.xpath(//*[#href='link' and text()='Create Order'])).click();
You can use explicit wait with expected condition elementToBeClickable to wait for the element to be clickable
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(Driver, 10);
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//*[#href='link' and text()='Create Order']"))).click();
Hi if your drivers clicks before page load then there is a synchronization issue
simplest way to avoid synchronization issue is use of universal wait i.e implicit wait which says driver instance to wait for a maximum of defined (time seconds) before sending any error.
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
in above code you are telling driver instance to wait a maximum of 20 seconds for the individual webelements in the current session.Note above wait is applicable for all webelements.
I have used Thread.sleep(2000); before my test step.It has solved my issue.

GWT Selenium Tests sometimes fails

we currently have a nice problem with our selenium tests in a gwt powered gui.
The application contains two sections (filter and grid). Our tests sometimes fails with a NoSuchElementException.
Crazy is the following: I stop the test in eclipse with a breakpoint and inspect the page with firefox firebug or any other addon. And okay - I cannot find the desired element. But (without restarting the application or any other changes in eclipse), if i try again and search the element it is there and a resume in eclipse the test goes green. For me it seems like a synchronize problem in firefox.
A explicitly wait command
new WebDriverWait(getDriver(), 10).until(condition);
has the only effect, that the timeout (10 seconds) happens.
As I said - sometimes the test is green and sometimes it fails.
Has anybody an idea?
Sounds like you load some data asynchronous (RPC) from the server? The data and thus the element which presents the data in the UI is not there yet, when Selenium is looking for it. Depending on how long your queries take on the database or what latency you have on the network the wait time may vary from test-run to test-run.
I have a workaround for this problem and would share this.
The following piece of code is executed before the explicit wait command is running.
Window window = getDriver().manage().window();
Dimension dimension = window.getSize();
Dimension tmp = new Dimension(dimension.getWidth() - 1, dimension.getHeight());
I figured out, that the DOM is in "synchronized" state after the browser window is resized. So I decrement the width and than set it back to the old value.
If anybody has a better suggestion - let us know ;-)

Handling pop ups using selenium with perl

I want a solution for the following scenario:
In a page I am uploading an xml and while clicking on the upload button I am going to recieve an pop up for confirmation (I am able to detect this), after this again I am recieving an pop up which I am not able to detect (The page is still getting loaded in the browser ). Kindly help me to sort this out .
I have tried with many solutions for this like: get window ids,titles .
You can you use -
This retrieves the message of a JavaScript confirmation dialog generated duringthe previous action. By default, the confirm function will return true, having the same effectas manually clicking OK. This can be changed by prior execution of thechooseCancelOnNextConfirmation command. If an confirmation is generatedbut you do not get/verify it, the next Selenium action will fail.
NOTE: under Selenium, JavaScript confirmations will NOT pop up a visibledialog.
NOTE: Selenium does NOT support JavaScript confirmations that aregenerated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visibledialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until you manually clickOK.
Returns the message of the most recent JavaScript confirmation dialog.
You should always refer to WWW::Selenium - Perl Client while working with perl and RC.
I have found what is the problem #amey ...I am tring to upload an file which is not actually not permitted due to some security issues with firefox... There was actually an work around for this
.....Which will not work with latest Selenium RC with Firefox since firefox have removed the support for enablePrivilege
So it is a mandate to shift to WEBDRIVER it seems.............
Thanks for your support....
my solution was using the function:
$driver->execute_script("Events.invokeEvent('UserDetailPage:UserDetailScreen:UserDetailToolbarButtonSet:UserDetailToolbarButtons_DeleteUserButton_act', true);");
analyzing what the javascript code does when the Accept button was pressed. and executing that code in the function.

Selenium waitForDOMToLoad()?

Selenium's open command implicitly waits for the whole page to load, including images, etc.
How do I just wait for the DOM to load, like jQuery's .ready() method?
Currently, I'm using waitForElementPresent, but is there a better alternative?
I think you may try to do the following
Tweak the selenium source code to stop it raising page reloaded flag.
Use custom command or getEval to check if the dom is loaded and proceed.

Eclipse RAP - Firefox doesn't forget session

We've got an Eclipse RAP application that's behaving a bit strangely in Firefox - two distinct problems.
When you browse around, you can click on a button in one part of the system. This opens a popup window like so:
IWorkbenchBrowserSupport bs;
bs = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getBrowserSupport();
int style = IWorkbenchBrowserSupport.AS_EXTERNAL;
IWebBrowser b = bs.createBrowser(style, getRandomID(), "Hello world", "");
b.openURL(new URL(...));
where the URL is another servlet in the application. This servlet is in the same runtime, but has nothing to do with RAP - it takes a binary blob from in-memory storage and dumps it in the output stream.
Problem 1: This causes the HTTP session to die in firefox, and shows the "session expired" RAP error page with a link to restart the session.
Problem 2: Now, when you click on the link to restart the session, it shows the application's dialog again, but the session expired error is shown again the moment you do anything. This prevents the user from using the system again, unless Firefox is closed down completely and restarted. A quick peek with FireBug reveals that the JSESSIONID passed by Firefox does not change.
Has anyone seen this before?
How long is the dumping of the stream to the output? May it cause a timeout? As RAP uses Javascript calls, it might be much shorter than the normal timeout time.
For problem 2: Firefox caches a lot of things; and if the Javascript execution hangs, it might cause such problems.
Are these problems present in other browsers? It might be a good idea to check with the internal browser (or any other browser with a different rendering engine).
It turns out that if a RAP application opens a popup window pointing to a servlet in the application itself, inside the current HTTP servlet context, the session is killed. Fixed by creating a dummy HTTP context for the servlet in question.
If you need to deliver content from within the same application, you should use a service handler instead. See this FAQ: