Rundeck operation from Slack - rundeck

I'm running Terraform script from Rundeck. When I run terraform plan, complete output should go to slack. If everything is fine, I need to approve it in slack. Then it should run terraform apply.

You can design a job that executes the terraform plan (step) with slack notification, and using this app call another job that executes terraform apply (as the same way of the first job). At the moment of call your terraform scripts, maybe a good idea is to use -auto-approve argument to avoid the interactive behavior on Rundeck, another alternative is using expect to execute your terraform scripts.


Reversing the flow of jobs in a workflow

I'm working on some terraform logic and using github workflows to deploy multiple components in a sequential manner like job2(alb) depending on the completion of job1(creation of VPC). This works fine during the apply phase. However if I were to delete the infra using terraform destroy the sequence of jobs fails as job1 can't be successfull without job1.
Is there a way to enable the execution of the workflow in the bottom-up approach based on input?
I know that we can leverage terraform to deploy these components and handle the dependencies at terraform level. This is an example of a use case I'm working on.
You can control the flow of jobs by using the keyword “needs”. Read the docs here:

Waiting on job "x" to finish in pipeline "1" before running job "x" in pipeline "2" (Azure DevOps)

We're using SonarQube for tests, and there's one token it uses, as long as one pipeline is running, it goes fine, but if I run different pipelines (all of them have E2E tests as final jobs), they all fail, because they keep calling a token that expires as soon as its used by one pipeline (job). Would it be possible to have -all- pipelines pause at job "x" if they detect some pipeline running job "x" already? The jobs have same names across all pipelines. Yes, I know this is solved by just running one pipeline at a time, but that's not what my devs wanna do.
The best way to make jobs run one by one is set demands for your agent job to run on a specific self-hosted agent. Just as below, set a user-defined capabilities for the self-hosted agent and then require run on the agent by setting demands in agent job.
In this way, agent jobs will only run on this agent. Build will run one by one until the previous one complete.
Besides, you could control if a job should run by defining approvals and checks. By using Invoke REST API check to make a call to a REST API such as Gets a list of builds, and define the success criteria as build count is zero, then, next build starts.

Azure DevOps Agent - Custom Setup/Teardown Operations

We have a cloud full of self-hosted Azure Agents running on custom AMIs. In some cases, I have some cleanup operations which I'd really like to do either before or after a job runs on the machine, but I don't want the developer waiting for the job to wait either at the beginning or the end of the job (which holds up other stages).
What I'd really like is to have the Azure Agent itself say "after this job finishes, I will run a set of custom scripts that will prepare for the next job, and I won't accept more work until that set of scripts is done".
In a pinch, maybe just a "cooldown" setting would work -- wait 30 seconds before accepting another job. (Then at least a job could trigger some background work before finishing.)
Has anyone had experience with this, or knows of a workable solution?
I suggest three solutions
Create another pipeline to run the clean up tasks on agents - you can also add demand for specific agents (See here by Agent.Name -equals [Your Agent Name]. You can set frequency to minutes, hours, as you like using cron pattern. As while this pipeline will be running and taking up the agent, the agent being cleaned will not be available for other jobs. Do note that you can trigger this pipeline from another pipeline, but if both are using the same agents - they can just get deadlocked.
Create a template containing scripts tasks having all clean up logic and use it at the end of every job (which you have discounted).
Rather than using static VM's for agent hosting, use Azure scaleset for Self hosted agents - everytime agents are scaled down they are gone and when scaled up they start fresh. This saves a lot of money in terms of sitting agents not doing anything when no one is working. We use this option and went away from static agents. We have also used packer to create the VM image/vhd overnight to update it with patches, softwares required, and docker images cached.
For those discovering this question, there's a much better way: run your self-hosted agent with the --once flag, documented here.
You'll need to wrap it in your own bash script, but something like this works:
while :
echo "Performing pre-job setup..."
echo "Waiting for job..."
./ --once
echo "Cleaning up..."
sleep 2
Another option would be to use a ScaleSet VM setup which preps a new agent for each run and discards the VM when the run is done. It can prepare new VMs in the background while the job is running.
And I suspect you could implement your own IMaintenanceProvirer..

Azure terraform pipeline

I hope somebody can help me to solve this issue and understand how to implement the best approach.
I have a production environment running tons of azure services (sql server, databases, web app etc).
all those infra has been created with terraform. For as powerful as it is, I am terrified on using it in a pipeline for 1 reason.
Some of my friend, often they do some changes to the infra manually, and having not having those changes in my terraform states, if I automate this process, it might destroy the resource ungracefully, which is something that I don't want to face.
so I was wondering if anyone can shade some light on the following question:
is it possible to have terraform automated to check the infra state at every push to GitHub, and to quit if the output of the plan reports any change?
change to make clear my example.
Lets say I have a terraform state on which I have 2 web app, and somebody manually created a 3 web app on that resource group, it develops some code and push it to GitHub.My pipeline triggers, and as first step I have terraform that runs a terraform plan and/or terraform apply, if this command reports any change, I want it to quit the pipeline(fail) so I will know there is something new there, and if the terraform plan and/or terraform apply return there are no changes to the infra, is up to date to continue with the code deployment.
thank you in advance for any help and clarification.
Yes, you can just run
terraform plan -detailed-exitcode
If the exit code is != 0, you know there are changes. See here for details.
Let me point out that I would highly advise you to lock down your prod environment so that nobody can do manual changes! Your CI/CD pipeline should be the only way to make changes there.
Adding to the above answer, you can also make use of terraform import command just to import the remote changes to your state file. The terraform import command is used to import existing resources into Terraform. Later run plan to check if the changes are in sync.

Who has done gitops with aws ssm and secrets parameters in codepipeline?

Just wondering who has implemented the use of github and updating ssm parameters and secrets within a codepipeline and what's the best practices around that.
I was thinking of putting some cli commands in a shell script in github and use codepipeline to migrate it. Any thoughts?
Whenever a command or API execution is required in CodePipeline, think about these 3 options (i.e. Actions):
CodeBuild (best to execute a command)
Lambda (More suited for API execution)
Custom Action (for advanced usage, you control the action completely)
So based on this, I would say CodeBuild will be the easiest option for your use case to run the command. Use a "latest" "curated image" so the execution is fastest for your CodeBuild job.