Group items inside of another group - mongodb

I want to group the following collection by category and sum its total value, then create a subcategory attribute, on same structure, summing subcategories if more than one equal.
"_id": 1,
"date": ISODate("2019-10-10T00:00:00.000Z"),
"description": "INTERNET BILL",
"credit": "",
"debit": "-100.00",
"category": "home",
"subcategory": "internet",
"__v": 0
"_id": 2,
"date": ISODate("2019-10-10T00:00:00.000Z"),
"description": "WATER BILL",
"credit": "",
"debit": "-150.00",
"category": "home",
"subcategory": "water",
"__v": 0
"_id": 3,
"date": ISODate("2019-10-10T00:00:00.000Z"),
"description": "MC DONALDS",
"credit": "",
"debit": "-30.00",
"category": "food",
"subcategory": "restaurants",
"__v": 0
"_id": 4,
"date": ISODate("2019-10-10T00:00:00.000Z"),
"description": "BURGER KING",
"credit": "",
"debit": "-50.00",
"category": "food",
"subcategory": "restaurants",
"__v": 0
"_id": 5,
"date": ISODate("2019-10-10T00:00:00.000Z"),
"description": "WALMART",
"credit": "",
"debit": "-20.00",
"category": "food",
"subcategory": "groceries",
"__v": 0
Desireble output:
"_id": "home",
"total": "-250.00",
"subcategory" : [
{"id": "internet", "total": "-100"},
{"id": "water", "total": "-150"}
"_id": "food",
"total": "-100.00",
"subcategory" : [
{"id": "restaurants", "total": "-80"},
{"id": "groceries", "total": "-20"}
With the following query, I've almost achieved it, but I haven't find a way to sum values on subcategories.
{"date" : { "$gte" : new Date("11-10-2019"), "$lte": new Date("2019-10-11") }}
{$group: {
_id: "$category",
total: { $sum: { $toDouble: { $cond: { if: { $ne: [ "$debit", ""] }, then: "$debit", else: "$credit" } } } },
subcategories: { $addToSet: {id: "$subcategory" }},

You can to $group twice (by subcategory first):
$group: {
_id: { category: "$category", subcategory: "$subcategory" },
total: { $sum: { $toDouble: "$debit" } }
$group: {
_id: "$_id.category",
total: { $sum: "$total" },
subcategories: { $push: { id: "$_id.subcategory", total: "$total" } }
Mongo Playground


MongoDB Select By Group along with that Count Unique match exclude array and object fields Get data sort by latest objects

I have a collection where from the backend user can input multiple same name bikes but with different registration number but in front-End I want them to be grouped by matching the same name but as user updates separately display image changes but I want only one display image as it is 1 vehicle
provided there is a node created I will implement it we can sort it by the latest and take the price and image of it
Activa -2 Count
KTM -1 Count
but there is a catch.
Activa 2 bikes but I want only count 2 and the price as it is the same in an array I want only 1 and the same applies to displayimage here display image file path is different but I want the latest one only Sharing data below
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62e69ee3edfe4d0f3cb4994a",
"bikename": "KTM",
"bikenumber": "KA05HM2034",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-2020-honda-city-exterior-8-1659281111883.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 1
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62dba8418ef8f51f454ed757",
"bikename": "Activa",
"bikenumber": "KA05HM2033",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-v_activa-i-deluxe-1658562557459.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 0
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62d7ff7e70b9ab38c6ab0cb1",
"bikename": "Activa",
"bikenumber": "KA05HM2223",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"afterfreekmprice": 22,
"descreption": "Activa",
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-v_activa-i-deluxe-1658322798414.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 0
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62dba8418ef8f51f454ed757",
"bikename": "Activa",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-v_activa-i-deluxe-1658562557459.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 0
"count": 2
"price": [
"Description": "Hourly",
"Price": "1"
"Description": "Daily",
"Price": "11"
"Description": "Monthly",
"Price": "111"
"_id": "62e69ee3edfe4d0f3cb4994a",
"bikename": "KTM",
"bikebrand": {
"id": 1,
"label": "Honda"
"freekm": 234,
"displayimage": {
"file": "bike-2020-honda-city-exterior-8-1659281111883.jpg",
"file_path": "",
"idx": 1
"count": 1
You can use the aggregation pipeline,
$sort by _id in descending order
$group by bikename and get the first root document that is latest one in root and count total documents in count
$project to show required documents
{ $sort: { _id: -1 } },
$group: {
_id: "$bikename",
root: { $first: "$$ROOT" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
$project: {
_id: "$root",
count: 1
You can use $group for this:
{$group: {
_id: "$bikename",
count: {$sum: 1},
data: {$first: "$$ROOT"}
{$set: {"data.count": "$count"}},
{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$data"}}
See how it works on the playground example

How to sum the balance and income using MongoDB?

I have a document exchange_history like:
"_id": {"$oid": "611fd7059ec255088af94e4d"},
"amount": {"$numberDecimal": 1.2},
"exchange_time": {"$date": "2021-08-20T16:02:00.448Z"},
"user_id": "60ef435299b1760752cbafe1"
"_id": {"$oid": "611fed2a31ef85394c4f9b10"},
"amount": {"$numberDecimal": 1.02},
"exchange_time": {"$date": "2021-08-20T16:02:00.448Z"},
"user_id": "60ef435299b1760752cbafe1"
"_id": {"$oid": "6120b47d4cf35f7f70312a71"},
"amount": {"$numberDecimal": -1},
"exchange_time": {"$date": "2021-08-21T08:08:16.397Z"},
"user_id": "60ef435299b1760752cbafe1"
"_id": {"$oid": "6120b4834cf35f7f70312a72"},
"amount": {"$numberDecimal": -2},
"exchange_time": {"$date": "2021-08-21T08:08:16.397Z"},
"user_id": "60ef435299b1760752cbafe1"
"_id": {"$oid": "6120b4e94cf35f7f70312a73"},
"amount": {"$numberDecimal": 10},
"exchange_time": {"$date": "2021-08-21T08:08:16.397Z"},
"user_id": "611df4d9ece358586d212d91"
How to calculate the balance (sum amount) and income (sum amount where amount is greater than 0) by user_id at the same time using MongoDB?
My MongoDB version is 4.4. Pls help me!
Try this ...
Document :
"_id": {
"oid": "611fd7059ec255088af94e4d"
"amount": {
"numberDecimal": 1.2
"exchange_time": {
"date": "2021-08-20T16:02:00.448Z"
"user_id": "60ef435299b1760752cbafe1"
"_id": {
"oid": "611fed2a31ef85394c4f9b10"
"amount": {
"numberDecimal": 1.02
"exchange_time": {
"date": "2021-08-20T16:02:00.448Z"
"user_id": "60ef435299b1760752cbafe1"
"_id": {
"oid": "6120b47d4cf35f7f70312a71"
"amount": {
"numberDecimal": -1
"exchange_time": {
"date": "2021-08-21T08:08:16.397Z"
"user_id": "60ef435299b1760752cbafe1"
"_id": {
"oid": "6120b4834cf35f7f70312a72"
"amount": {
"numberDecimal": -2
"exchange_time": {
"date": "2021-08-21T08:08:16.397Z"
"user_id": "60ef435299b1760752cbafe1"
"_id": {
"oid": "6120b4e94cf35f7f70312a73"
"amount": {
"numberDecimal": 10
"exchange_time": {
"date": "2021-08-21T08:08:16.397Z"
"user_id": "611df4d9ece358586d212d91"
Code :
$group: {
_id: "$user_id",
balance: {
$sum: "$amount.numberDecimal"
income: {
$sum: {
$cond: [
$gt: [
And Output:
"_id": "611df4d9ece358586d212d91",
"balance": 10,
"income": 10
"_id": "60ef435299b1760752cbafe1",
"balance": -0.78,
"income": 2.2199999999999998
Try mongoplayground

How to have multiple nested arrays in an array

I have the collection data from a csv file with header. When i run my query
_id: { "SHOP": "$SHOP" },
isLinkedTo: { $push: { "PERSON": "$PERSON", "CITY": "$CITY", "ROOM": "$ROOM", "STYLE": "$STYLE", "hasDonated": {"DATE": "$DATE", "OBJECT": "$OBJECT", "COST": "$COST", "COLOR": "$COLOR", "PAYMENT": "$PAYMENT"}}}
{ $out: "ties"}
{ allowDiskUse: true }
I have like result:
"_id": {
"Shop": "FirstShopNameCovered"
"isLinkedTo": [{
"PERSON": "Carleen",
"CITY": "Rome",
"ROOM": "Kitchen",
"hasDonated": {
"DATE": "2019-10-11",
"OBJECT": "Set of dishes",
"COST": 72,
"COLOR": "White",
"PAYMENT": "Credit card"
}, {
"PERSON": "Carleen",
"CITY": "Rome",
"ROOM": "Kitcher",
"hasDonated": {
"DATE": "2018-10-26",
"OBJECT": "Set of chairs",
"COST": 353,
"COLOR": "Grey",
"PAYMENT": "Coupon"
}, {
"PERSON": "Pernick",
"CITY": "Venezia",
"ROOM": "Bathroom",
"STYLE": "Minimalist",
"hasDonated": {
"DATE": "2018-09-18",
"OBJECT": "Mirror",
"COST": 68,
"COLOR": "Brown",
"PAYMENT": "Credit card"
You can see that there is replicated the Person "PERSON": "Carleen" with all data with 2 different arrays hasDonated.
I wish have something like this result, with person not replicated that contains all hasDonated arrays where he is present:
"_id": {
"Shop": "NameCovered"
"isLinkedTo": [{
"PERSON": "Carleen",
"CITY": "Rome",
"ROOM": "Kitchen",
"STYLE": "RetrĂ²",
"hasDonated": {
"DATE": "2019-10-11",
"OBJECT": "Set of dishes",
"COST": 72,
"COLOR": "White",
"PAYMENT": "Credit card"
"DATE": "2018-10-26",
"OBJECT": "Chair",
"COST": 53,
"COLOR": "Grey",
"PAYMENT": "Coupon"
}, {
"PERSON": "Pernick",
"CITY": "Venezia",
"ROOM": "Bathroom",
"STYLE": "Minimalist",
"hasDonated": {
"DATE": "2018-09-18",
"OBJECT": "Mirror",
"COST": 68,
"COLOR": "Brown",
"PAYMENT": "Credit card"
How can I do to have the result like this?
First we need to $unwind to flat the array. Then group the hasDonated using $group where unique is found by combination of "_id" and "PERSON" as you mentioned.
"$unwind": "$isLinkedTo"
$group: {
_id: {
_id: "$_id",
per: "$isLinkedTo.PERSON"
isLinkedTo: {
$first: {
PERSON: "$isLinkedTo.PERSON",
CITY: "$isLinkedTo.CITY",
ROOM: "$isLinkedTo.ROOM",
hasDonated: {
$addToSet: "$isLinkedTo.hasDonated"
$addFields: {
_id: "$_id._id",
"isLinkedTo.hasDonated": "$hasDonated"
$project: {
hasDonated: 0
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
isLinkedTo: {
$push: "$isLinkedTo"
Working Mongo playground

merge two objects of different collections and get specific data in Mongodb

I have two collections, products and orders.
products collection look like this.
"_id": "5efb56741c32133bf43ea9aa",
"title": "Xyz",
"image": "172e4eb73415b3cc8540e651.jpg",
"quantity": "1 Ltr",
"price": 1500,
"status": true,
"creationDate": "2020-06-30T15:12:52.570Z",
"__v": 0
"_id": "5f0079bd27a734424cb3069a",
"title": "abc",
"image": "122e4eb73413b3cc854n42n1.jpg",
"quantity": "500 ml",
"price": 700,
"status": true,
"creationDate": "2020-06-30T15:12:52.570Z",
"__v": 0
orders collection look like this.
"_id": "5efca937def27b74fc9f6aa6",
"products": [
"Date": "2020-07-01T15:14:36.630Z",
"_id": "5efca937def27b74fc9f6aa8",
"productId": "5efb56741c32133bf43ea9aa",
"productQuantity": 2
"Date": "2020-07-01T15:14:36.630Z",
"_id": "5efca937def27b74fc9f6aa7",
"productId": "5f0079bd27a734424cb3069a",
"productQuantity": 1
"totalQuantity": 3,
"totalPrice": 3700,
"creationDate": "2020-07-01T15:18:15.756Z",
"__v": 0
"_id": "5efca897def27b74fc9f6aa2",
"products": [
"Date": "2020-07-01T15:14:36.630Z",
"_id": "5efca897def27b74fc9f6aa3",
"productId": "5f0079bd27a734424cb3069a",
"productQuantity": 1
"totalQuantity": 1,
"totalPrice": 700,
"creationDate": "2020-07-01T15:15:35.422Z",
"__v": 0
using this two collections how can I get result like this:
"_id": "5efca937def27b74fc9f6aa6",
"products": [
"Date": "2020-07-01T15:14:36.630Z",
"_id": "5efca937def27b74fc9f6aa8",
"productId": "5efb56741c32133bf43ea9aa",
"productQuantity": 2,
"title": "Xyz",
"image": "172e4eb73415b3cc8540e651.jpg",
"quantity": "1 Ltr",
"price": 1500
"Date": "2020-07-01T15:14:36.630Z",
"_id": "5efca937def27b74fc9f6aa7",
"productId": "5f0079bd27a734424cb3069a",
"productQuantity": 1,
"title": "abc",
"image": "122e4eb73413b3cc854n42n1.jpg",
"quantity": "500 ml",
"price": 700
"totalQuantity": 3,
"totalPrice": 3700,
"creationDate": "2020-07-01T15:18:15.756Z",
"__v": 0
"_id": "5efca897def27b74fc9f6aa2",
"products": [
"Date": "2020-07-01T15:14:36.630Z",
"_id": "5efca897def27b74fc9f6aa3",
"productId": "5f0079bd27a734424cb3069a",
"productQuantity": 1,
"title": "abc",
"image": "122e4eb73413b3cc854n42n1.jpg",
"quantity": "500 ml",
"price": 700
"totalQuantity": 1,
"totalPrice": 700,
"creationDate": "2020-07-01T15:15:35.422Z",
"__v": 0
I got the result using this query.
{ "$unwind": "$products" },
$lookup: {
from: 'products',
localField: "products.productId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "product"
"$addFields": {
"products": { $mergeObjects: [{ $arrayElemAt: ["$product", 0] }, "$$ROOT.products"] }
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"products": { "$push": "$products" },
"totalQuantity": { $first: '$totalQuantity' },
"totalPrice": { $first: '$totalPrice' },
"creationDate": { $first: '$creationDate' }

How to use aggregate for group by in mongodb

I have collection that contains documents with below schema.
"categoryId": "1234",
"sellerId": "2323",
"productId": "121",
"rating": 1
"categoryId": "1235",
"sellerId": "2323",
"productId": "122",
"rating": -1
"categoryId": "1234",
"sellerId": "2323",
"productId": "123",
"rating": -1
"categoryId": "1235",
"sellerId": "2323",
"productId": "124",
"rating": 1
"categoryId": "1234",
"sellerId": "2323",
"productId": "125",
"rating": 1
"categoryId": "1234",
"sellerId": "2325",
"productId": "125",
"rating": 1
The rating can have values 1 or -1. I want to find all documents grouped by categoryId and sum of the ratings.
Example Result:
{categoryId: 1234, positiveRatingCount: 2, negativeRatingCount: 1}
This is what I have done so far:
$match: {sellerId: "2323" }
$group: {
_id: "$categoryId",
count: { $sum: "rating" }
I get the following result. I am able to group by category but not able to figure out to get count of positive and negative ratings.
"_id": "1234",
"count": 3
"_id": "1235",
"count": 2
You need to use $sum with the conditions($cond) where the rating is $gt or $lt then 0
{ "$match": { "sellerId": "2323" } },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$categoryId",
"positiveRatingCount": {
"$sum": { "$cond": [{ "$gt": [ "$rating", 0 ] }, "$rating", 0 ] }
"negativeRatingCount": {
"$sum": { "$cond": [{ "$lt": [ "$rating", 0 ] }, "$rating", 0 ] }
"_id": "1235",
"negativeRatingCount": -1,
"positiveRatingCount": 1
"_id": "1234",
"negativeRatingCount": -2,
"positiveRatingCount": 3