Mercurial plugin not available? - plugins

After install new version(2.0.0) of scm-manager I saw only 2 version control Git and subversion in the combobox when I create new repository.
in the old version (1.6) I can set the Mercurial via setting but now I can't see any setting about Mercurial.
is the Mercurial deprecated in the new version? if not how to set it?
only scm-server not detect the Mercurial but if you get scm-webapp from scm-server and run under tomcat, it detect the Mercurial and you can see in the combobox when you create new repository.

finally, i found the solution, I must set manually, after the scm-server start,
go to -> Administration -> Setting -> Mercurial and set the values of two fields:
HG Binary: set to mercurial folder installed (e.g C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe)
Python Binary: set to python 2.7 folder (e.g C:\Python27\python.exe)
I don't know why scm-server not detect Mercurial and scm-webapp detect it !!


Is it possible to change Eclipse Git location and point it to Source tree embedded Git?

I want to change default Eclipse Git executable location with SourceTree installed embedded Git executable.
But in eclipse where is the configuration to change git path ?
Reason I am doing this is ,Source Tree has latest Git but separate installed version is not latest (As I don't have installation right and Through Source Tree I can update Embedded version easily).
Eclipse uses EGit which relies on JGit (a java implementation of Git).
That is why you don't see a git.exe path to set. (As opposed to SourceTree, which can use an embedded or a "system" Git)
You can only specify a Git path in order for EGit to respect your Git system config.
Eclipse has its own GIT. It relay on the EGIT project .
Source tree other other hand can use internal git or System git.
You can take the git version installed by git and try to replace it (replace the EGIT git.exe)
I recommend reading this answer by #VonC as well
Using native git not jgit in Eclipse git?

How do I SVN copy files or projects in Subclipse?

I am working with Java projects in Eclipse (Juno), using Subclipse for version control.
I've noticed that when I copy a file or a project, the resulting copy will not be under version control.
I can add the files to version control as a second step, but that will break their Subversion history.
Usually, I want to preserve the history: I want a way to copy files and projects in Eclipse that will issue a svn copy command.
How can I achieve this?
Update: I tried it on a project again; it seems that a svn cp was issued.
In which case my question becomes: how can I disable that?
Whenever I want to make a copy of code I use the branch feature, this would keep the history intact. It is available under (Right-Click on resource) -> Team -> Branch/Tag.

Comparing different versions of a Java project

I am not an experienced Java developer and I am currently modifying and re-building a plugin project. I am about to adopt a versioning control system (e.g. Subclipse), however I already have several versions of such project. My intention is that to check how these versions differs from each other and I was wondering what is the best approach into this. I work with Eclipse IDE.
Thank indeed,
Subclipse just connects Eclipse with a Subversion repository. You have to have a Subversion repository somewhere for Subclipse to work.
Assuming you have a Subversion repository, you commit the oldest version first. You create a Eclipse workspace on you computer that you'll use to communicate with Subversion. First, you copy the oldest version of your project into the Eclipse workspace. Then you commit the workspace. You update your workspace by copying each saved version to your Eclipse workspace in turn, and commit.
That way, the source control will be able to show you the differences between each saved version.
Ctrl click on the root of the two projects, Right click, then Compare With -> Each Other
Pro tip: use a better source control system than svn, like Bazaar, Git, or Mercurial

Tortoise equivalent 'replace with latest from repository"?

I have a PC for Windows development and Linux box for Android development. Our source control is Subversion and I use TortoiseSVN on Windows and Subclipse plug-in in Eclipse on Linux.
Sometimes I'll edit a file for some experiment but I don't want to keep the changes. In Subclipse all I have to to is "Replace with latest from Repository" to bring it back in line with the latest committed code.
What's the equivalent of this in TortoiseSVN? Is there a simple one-step way to replace my local file with the current latest in the repository?
N.B. I don't want to do an "Update" because according to the documentation that will merge in others' changes. I want a complete replacement.
Thanks in advance.
I don't think there's a one-step action for that.
Right-click on working copy folder TortoiseSVN -> Revert & choose the files which should have their local changes undone, and then do a TortoiseSVN -> Update.
Use svn revert or the same command of TortoiseSVN context menu: and then svn update the working copy,
Ultimate solution: svn checkout a fresh working copy or do it though TortoiseSVN context menu.
Try Right Click the item > Tortoise SVN > Update to revision... > select Head Revision and you are done!!!

How to set up Mercurial on Snow Leopard with Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse with C++ plugins on my macbook, trying some practice projects to improve my skills. I'd also like to test out Mercurial and get a taste of DVCS. Unfortunately, Eclipse + Mercurial + OSX seems to be a rare enough combination that there isn't a lot of helpful documentation out there.
What I've done so far:
Installed Mercurial SCM
Installed the HgEclipse plugin
Installed GnuPG
Set path to GnuPG and hg executables in Eclipse preferences > Team > Mercurial
I know I can turn a directory into an hg repository by navigating to that directory in terminal and using
hg init
and then I can add files with
hg add
hg commit
This should give me an hg repo with my files in it. So far, so good...but now I begin to falter.
How do I get HgEclipse pointed to my repo? My synchronize view has a Mercurial option, but when I select it, the Next button is grayed out, and the Finish button doesn't do anything...
Ideally, I would like to set up two local repositories, one personal and one "team" repo, so I can really evaluate Hg as this seems to be the popular configuration. Does HgEclipse only support commits to a single repo, or can it commit to the local repo and push to the "team" repo?
Any other suggestions from DVCS vets on how best to set up my environment?
To point eclipse at your local repo there are two main ways.
File -> Import -> Mercurial -> Clone (Starting a new Project from a repo)
(right click Project) -> Team -> Share Project -> Mercurial
(see How to turn on Mercurial in existing Eclipse project ?)
When you are up and running you can Push/Pull to another repository via the Team push/pull menu item.
(right click Project) -> Team -> Pull ...
(right click Project) -> Team -> Push ...
Ran through the setup steps again, following this excellent guide and everything is now working. I had a little trouble getting my brain around the fact that the eclipse workspace is itself a repository. With that set up, I was able to commit changes and push to another repository very easily.