id3 package returning null values - Dart - flutter

I am trying to make a music player in Flutter and it is using the id3 package to read metadata from the given media file. But for some reason it is only reading the first character or returning null for the fields.
This is the code
import 'package:id3/id3.dart';
Map<String, dynamic> meta = {'': ''};
void getMetadata(String path) {
MP3Instance mp3instance = new MP3Instance(path);
if (mp3instance.parseTagsSync()) {
meta = mp3instance.getMetaTags();
String getTitle() {
return meta["Title"];
String getArtist() {
return meta["Artist"];
String getAlbum() {
return meta["Album"];
String getAPIC() {
String apic = meta["APIC"].toString();
int index = apic.indexOf('base64:');
int indexEnd = apic.indexOf('}');
if (index != -1) {
return apic.substring((index + 8), indexEnd);
} else {
return apic;
and I am taking the values in an initState() to inflate the list view as follows
void initState() {
_returnedSongs = returnMusicList();
for (FileSystemEntity entity in _returnedSongs) {
for (String str in path) {
title = getTitle();
artist = getTitle();
album = getAlbum();
apic = getAPIC();
listMusic.add(Music(title, artist, album, apic));

from this issue seems like a bug within the plugin and one of the recommendations is to use flutter_audio_query
A Flutter plugin, Android only at this moment, that allows you query for audio metadata info about artists, albums, songs audio files and genres available on device storage. All work is made using Android native MediaStore API with ContentResolver API and query methods run in background thread. AndroidX support it's OK!


How to send with 'params.put' in Dart or Flutter JsonObjectLite

In java it would be something like this ...
public Request compose(LoginDevice login) {
JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
try {
if (login.granType != null)
params.put("grant_type", login.granType);
if (login.clientId != null)
params.put("client_id", login.clientId);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return (Request)new BaseRequest("oauth/v2/token", params.toString(), new HashSet());
And in Dart and tried something similar but it doesn't work... the parameter 'put' does not exist in JsonObjectLite...
Request compose(LoginDevice login)
JsonObjectLite params = new JsonObjectLite();
try {
if (login.granType != null) {
params.put("grant_type", login.granType);
if (login.clientId != null) {
params.put("client_id", login.clientId);
} on JsonObjectLiteException catch (e) {
return new BaseRequest("oauth/v2/token", params.toString(), new HashSet());
How could I do it? Thank you
The class JsonObjectLite doesn't contain the method put.
How you can understand dart doesn't is Java, in this cases your the class JsonObjectLite has a method called putIfAbsent, the implementation is the following
/// If [isImmutable] is false, or the key already exists,
/// then allow the edit.
/// Throw [JsonObjectLiteException] if we're not allowed to add a new
/// key
void putIfAbsent(dynamic key, Function() ifAbsent) {
if (isImmutable == false || containsKey(key)) {
_objectData.putIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent);
} else {
throw const JsonObjectLiteException('JsonObject is not extendable');
look also the Source code
So an example of code should be the following
import 'package:json_object_lite/json_object_lite.dart';
class AuthorAnswer {
var _username;
var _status;
AuthorAnswer(this._username, this._status);
String get username => _username;
String get status => _status;
int main() {
var author = '#vincenzopalazzo';
var sentences = 'Follow me on Github';
var authorObject = AuthorAnswer(author, sentences);
JsonObjectLite params = new JsonObjectLite();
params.isImmutable = false;
params.putIfAbsent("author", () => authorObject.username);
params.putIfAbsent("sencence", () => authorObject.status);
} on JsonObjectLiteException catch (err){
print('--------- ERROR ----------');
return 0;
You should be set the params.isImmutable = false and after you can add your propriety, with your logic.
In my opinion, I don't see any motivation to use this library, dart have 2 types of the module to implement the serialization, and I think should better use it because on the web exist the documentation, like this dart json, flutter json
Inside the flutter app, there are also the line guides, for the small application you can use dart:convert:json also for the other you can use the json_serializable
I want to add also an example of dart:convert
import "dart:core";
import "dart:convert";
class ClassToJsonOne {
var _propOne;
var _propTwo;
ClassToJsonOne(this._propOne, this._propTwo);
Map<String, dynamic> toJSon() => {
'prop_one': _propOne,
'prop_two': _propTwo
ClassToJsonOne.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json):
_propOne = json['prop_one'],
_propTwo = json['prop_two'];
String toString() => 'First Class: $_propOne, $_propTwo';
class ClassToJsonTwo{
var _propOne;
var _propTwo;
ClassToJsonTwo(this._propOne, this._propTwo);
Map<String, dynamic> toJSon() => {
'prop_one': _propOne,
'prop_two': _propTwo
ClassToJsonTwo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json):
_propOne = json['prop_one'],
_propTwo = json['prop_two'];
String toString() => 'Second Class: $_propOne, $_propTwo';
main(List<String> args) {
print('------- Declare Objecr -------\n');
var objectToJsonOne = ClassToJsonOne('I am the fist object', 'empty');
var objectToJsonTwo = ClassToJsonTwo('I contains the first object', 'empty');
String jsonStringObjOne = jsonEncode(objectToJsonOne.toJSon());
print('\n---------- Object one JSON format ---------\n');
String jsonStringObjTwo = jsonEncode(objectToJsonTwo.toJSon());
print('\n---------- Object one JSON format ---------\n');
print('\n---------- DECODE JSON to OBJECT ---------\n');
var fromJsonObjectOne = jsonDecode(jsonStringObjOne);
var fromJsonObjectTwo = jsonDecode(jsonStringObjTwo);
Inside the classes, you can see the following methods
Map<String, dynamic> toJSon() => {
'prop_one': _propOne,
'prop_two': _propTwo
ClassToJsonTwo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json):
_propOne = json['prop_one'],
_propTwo = json['prop_two'];
The result of the method toJSon, you should be pass to the method of the library jsonEncode and when you go to deserialize you can use the library method jsonDecode(youtStringJSOn) and the result you can pass to the method of your class fromJson.
In addition, you can configure the library json_serializable.
In conclusion, I want to fix my comment
I think the json_serializable worked how GSON, I can make an example for you, on this day.
On flutter, documentation has reported this text
Is there a GSON/Jackson/Moshi equivalent in Flutter?
The simple answer is no.
Such a library would require using runtime reflection, which is disabled in Flutter. Runtime reflection interferes with tree shaking, which Dart has supported for quite a long time. With tree shaking, you can “shake off” unused code from your release builds. This optimizes the app’s size significantly.
Since reflection makes all code implicitly used by default, it makes tree shaking difficult. The tools cannot know what parts are unused at runtime, so the redundant code is hard to strip away. App sizes cannot be easily optimized when using reflection.
Although you cannot use runtime reflection with Flutter, some libraries give you similarly easy-to-use APIs but are based on code generation instead. This approach is covered in more detail in the code generation libraries section.
you can found the source code inside this answer here

Watson keyword spotting unity

I have downloaded the Watson unity SDK and set it up like show in the picture and it works.
My question is how do I add keyword spotting?
I have read this question For Watson's Speech-To-Text Unity SDK, how can you specify keywords?
But I cant for example locate the SendStart function.
The Speech to Text service does not find keywords. To find keywords you would need to take the final text output and send it to the Alchemy Language service. Natural Language Understanding service is still being abstracted into the Watson Unity SDK but will eventually replace Alchemy Language.
private AlchemyAPI m_AlchemyAPI = new AlchemyAPI();
private void FindKeywords(string speechToTextFinalResponse)
if (!m_AlchemyAPI.ExtractKeywords(OnExtractKeywords, speechToTextFinalResponse))
Log.Debug("ExampleAlchemyLanguage", "Failed to get keywords.");
void OnExtractKeywords(KeywordData keywordData, string data)
Log.Debug("ExampleAlchemyLanguage", "GetKeywordsResult: {0}", JsonUtility.ToJson(resp));
Natural Language Understanding has been abstracted in tot he Watson Unity SDK.
NaturalLanguageUnderstanding m_NaturalLanguageUnderstanding = new NaturalLanguageUnderstanding();
private static fsSerializer sm_Serializer = new fsSerializer();
private void FindKeywords(string speechToTextFinalResponse)
Parameters parameters = new Parameters()
text = speechToTextFinalResponse,
return_analyzed_text = true,
language = "en",
features = new Features()
entities = new EntitiesOptions()
limit = 50,
sentiment = true,
emotion = true,
keywords = new KeywordsOptions()
limit = 50,
sentiment = true,
emotion = true
if (!m_NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.Analyze(OnAnalyze, parameters))
Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstanding", "Failed to analyze.");
private void OnAnalyze(AnalysisResults resp, string customData)
fsData data = null;
sm_Serializer.TrySerialize(resp, out data).AssertSuccess();
Log.Debug("ExampleNaturalLanguageUnderstanding", "AnalysisResults: {0}", data.ToString());
Sorry, I didn't realize Speech To Text had the ability to do keyword spotting. Thanks to Nathan for pointing that out to me! I added this functionality into a future release of Speech to Text in the Unity SDK. It will look like this for the Watson Unity SDK 1.0.0:
void Start()
// Create credential and instantiate service
Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url);
_speechToText = new SpeechToText(credentials);
// Add keywords
List<string> keywords = new List<string>();
_speechToText.KeywordsThreshold = 0.5f;
_speechToText.Keywords = keywords.ToArray();
_speechToText.Recognize(_audioClip, HandleOnRecognize);
private void HandleOnRecognize(SpeechRecognitionEvent result)
if (result != null && result.results.Length > 0)
foreach (var res in result.results)
foreach (var alt in res.alternatives)
string text = alt.transcript;
Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText", string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2:0.00})\n", text, ? "Final" : "Interim", alt.confidence));
if (
_recognizeTested = true;
if (res.keywords_result != null && res.keywords_result.keyword != null)
foreach (var keyword in res.keywords_result.keyword)
Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText", "keyword: {0}, confidence: {1}, start time: {2}, end time: {3}", keyword.normalized_text, keyword.confidence, keyword.start_time, keyword.end_time);
Currently you can find the refactor branch here. This release is a breaking change and has all of the higher level (widgets, config, etc) functionality removed.

Powershell - How to print rendered HTML to a network printer? [duplicate]

I would like to create a function in C# that takes a specific webpage and coverts it to a JPG image from within ASP.NET. I don't want to do this via a third party or thumbnail service as I need the full image. I assume I would need to somehow leverage the webbrowser control from within ASP.NET but I just can't see where to get started. Does anyone have examples?
Ok, this was rather easy when I combined several different solutions:
These solutions gave me a thread-safe way to use the WebBrowser from ASP.NET:
This solution gave me a way to convert BMP to JPG:
Bmp to jpg/png in C#
I simply adapted the code and put the following into a .cs:
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class WebsiteToImage
private Bitmap m_Bitmap;
private string m_Url;
private string m_FileName = string.Empty;
public WebsiteToImage(string url)
// Without file
m_Url = url;
public WebsiteToImage(string url, string fileName)
// With file
m_Url = url;
m_FileName = fileName;
public Bitmap Generate()
// Thread
var m_thread = new Thread(_Generate);
return m_Bitmap;
private void _Generate()
var browser = new WebBrowser { ScrollBarsEnabled = false };
browser.DocumentCompleted += WebBrowser_DocumentCompleted;
while (browser.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
private void WebBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
// Capture
var browser = (WebBrowser)sender;
browser.ClientSize = new Size(browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Width, browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Bottom);
browser.ScrollBarsEnabled = false;
m_Bitmap = new Bitmap(browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Width, browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Bottom);
browser.DrawToBitmap(m_Bitmap, browser.Bounds);
// Save as file?
if (m_FileName.Length > 0)
// Save
public static class BitmapExtensions
public static void SaveJPG100(this Bitmap bmp, string filename)
var encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, 100L);
bmp.Save(filename, GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg), encoderParameters);
public static void SaveJPG100(this Bitmap bmp, Stream stream)
var encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, 100L);
bmp.Save(stream, GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg), encoderParameters);
public static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
var codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (var codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
// Return
return null;
And can call it as follows:
WebsiteToImage websiteToImage = new WebsiteToImage( "", #"C:\Some Folder\Test.jpg");
It works with both a file and a stream. Make sure you add a reference to System.Windows.Forms to your ASP.NET project. I hope this helps.
UPDATE: I've updated the code to include the ability to capture the full page and not require any special settings to capture only a part of it.
Good solution by Mr Cat Man Do.
I've needed to add a row to suppress some errors that came up in some webpages
(with the help of an awesome colleague of mine)
private void _Generate()
var browser = new WebBrowser { ScrollBarsEnabled = false };
browser.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true; // <--
browser.DocumentCompleted += WebBrowser_DocumentCompleted;
Thanks Mr Do
Here is my implementation using extension methods and task factory instead thread:
/// <summary>
/// Convert url to bitmap byte array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="url">Url to browse</param>
/// <param name="width">width of page (if page contains frame, you need to pass this params)</param>
/// <param name="height">heigth of page (if page contains frame, you need to pass this params)</param>
/// <param name="htmlToManipulate">function to manipulate dom</param>
/// <param name="timeout">in milliseconds, how long can you wait for page response?</param>
/// <returns>bitmap byte[]</returns>
/// <example>
/// byte[] img = new Uri("").ToImage();
/// </example>
public static byte[] ToImage(this Uri url, int? width = null, int? height = null, Action<HtmlDocument> htmlToManipulate = null, int timeout = -1)
byte[] toReturn = null;
Task tsk = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser() { ScrollBarsEnabled = false };
browser.DocumentCompleted += (s, e) =>
var browserSender = (WebBrowser)s;
if (browserSender.ReadyState == WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
if (htmlToManipulate != null) htmlToManipulate(browserSender.Document);
browserSender.ClientSize = new Size(width ?? browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Width, height ?? browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Bottom);
browserSender.ScrollBarsEnabled = false;
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(browserSender.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Width, browserSender.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Bottom))
browserSender.DrawToBitmap(bmp, browserSender.Bounds);
toReturn = (byte[])new ImageConverter().ConvertTo(bmp, typeof(byte[]));
while (browser.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
}, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
return toReturn;
There is a good article by Peter Bromberg on this subject here. His solution seems to do what you need...
The solution is perfect, just needs a fixation in the line which sets the WIDTH of the image. For pages with a LARGE HEIGHT, it does not set the WIDTH appropriately:
//browser.ClientSize = new Size(browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Width, browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Bottom);
browser.ClientSize = new Size(1000, browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Bottom);
And for adding a reference to System.Windows.Forms, you should do it in .NET-tab of ADD REFERENCE instead of COM -tab.
You could use WatiN to open a new browser, then capture the screen and crop it appropriately.

How can you create a widget inside an android application? (Use App Widget Host class?)

I need to create an application that contains multiple widgets. These are not desktop widgets. I need to be able to interact with these widgets as if they were desktop widgets, but they need to be encased inside a larger application. (Each widget has it's own functionality and behavior when clicked.)
Is this possible in android? Or do I need to create an application and create each object that I'd like to behave like a widget actually as a view?
Ex. The parent app is for a car. Example of "in app" widgets are: oil change history (list of last three oil change dates visible, clicking on a date will open a scan of the receipt, etc.), tire pressure monitor, lap speed history (shows last four laps, pinching and expanding will show more than four), etc.
Can I make each of these objects widgets? Or do they have to be views inside the app?
Edit: The Android developer's App Widget Host page mentions: "The AppWidgetHost provides the interaction with the AppWidget service for apps, like the home screen, that want to embed app widgets in their UI."
Has anyone created their own App Widget Host or worked directly with this class?
Create your appwidget normally
Then in your activity add this code
Call selectWidget() to open popup to pick avaible widget
mAppWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(this);
mAppWidgetHost = new AppWidgetHost(this,;
//select widget
void selectWidget() {
int appWidgetId = this.mAppWidgetHost.allocateAppWidgetId();
Intent pickIntent = new Intent(AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_PICK);
pickIntent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId);
void addEmptyData(Intent pickIntent) {
ArrayList customInfo = new ArrayList();
pickIntent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_CUSTOM_INFO, customInfo);
ArrayList customExtras = new ArrayList();
pickIntent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_CUSTOM_EXTRAS, customExtras);
//Configure the widget
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK ) {
if (requestCode == REQUEST_PICK_APPWIDGET) {
else if (requestCode == REQUEST_CREATE_APPWIDGET) {
else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED && data != null) {
int appWidgetId = data.getIntExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, -1);
if (appWidgetId != -1) {
private void configureWidget(Intent data) {
Bundle extras = data.getExtras();
int appWidgetId = extras.getInt(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, -1);
AppWidgetProviderInfo appWidgetInfo = mAppWidgetManager.getAppWidgetInfo(appWidgetId);
if (appWidgetInfo.configure != null) {
Intent intent = new Intent(AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_CONFIGURE);
intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId);
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CREATE_APPWIDGET);
} else {
//adding it to you view
public void createWidget(Intent data) {
Bundle extras = data.getExtras();
int appWidgetId = extras.getInt(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, -1);
AppWidgetProviderInfo appWidgetInfo = mAppWidgetManager.getAppWidgetInfo(appWidgetId);
AppWidgetHostView hostView = mAppWidgetHost.createView(this, appWidgetId, appWidgetInfo);
hostView.setAppWidget(appWidgetId, appWidgetInfo);
//Update widget
protected void onStart() {
protected void onStop() {
//Now to remove it call this
public void removeWidget(AppWidgetHostView hostView) {
Hope this helps
If you want to embed a specific widget in your app, and know the package name and class name:
public boolean createWidget(View view, String packageName, String className) {
// Get the list of installed widgets
AppWidgetProviderInfo newAppWidgetProviderInfo = null;
List<AppWidgetProviderInfo> appWidgetInfos;
appWidgetInfos = mAppWidgetManager.getInstalledProviders();
boolean widgetIsFound = false;
for(int j = 0; j < appWidgetInfos.size(); j++)
if (appWidgetInfos.get(j).provider.getPackageName().equals(packageName) && appWidgetInfos.get(j).provider.getClassName().equals(className))
// Get the full info of the required widget
newAppWidgetProviderInfo = appWidgetInfos.get(j);
widgetIsFound = true;
if (!widgetIsFound) {
return false;
} else {
// Create Widget
int appWidgetId = mAppWidgetHost.allocateAppWidgetId();
AppWidgetHostView hostView = mAppWidgetHost.createView(getApplicationContext(), appWidgetId, newAppWidgetProviderInfo);
hostView.setAppWidget(appWidgetId, newAppWidgetProviderInfo);
// Add it to your layout
LinearLayout widgetLayout = view.findViewById(;
// And bind widget IDs to make them actually work
boolean allowed = mAppWidgetManager.bindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed(appWidgetId, newAppWidgetProviderInfo.provider);
if (!allowed) {
// Request permission -
Intent intent = new Intent(AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_BIND);
intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId);
intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_PROVIDER, newAppWidgetProviderInfo.provider);
final int REQUEST_BIND_WIDGET = 1987;
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_BIND_WIDGET);
return true;
} Native Module Development

We are using Native Module in order to display our ads to our gaming Application. We are using Mobfox SDK for the integration to our Mobile App. Though I can logcat and seems I can request to the admob, my problem now is how am I going to pass what admob returns by calling it to my javascript file?
public class API {
public static void requestAds(final ForgeTask task, #ForgeParam("pub_id") final String pub_id, #ForgeParam("state") final String state, #ForgeParam("type") final String type){
final AdSize size;
if (pub_id.length() == 0) {
task.error("No Published ID entered");
if (type == "1"){
size = AdSize.BANNER;
}else if (type == "2"){
size = AdSize.IAB_BANNER;
}else if (type == "3"){
}else if (type == "4"){ //my size
size = AdSize.IAB_MRECT;
}else if (type == "5"){
}else if(type == "6"){
size = AdSize.SMART_BANNER;
size = AdSize.BANNER;
task.performUI(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
AdView adView = new AdView(ForgeApp.getActivity(), size, pub_id);
adView.loadAd(new AdRequest());
AdRequest request = new AdRequest();
if(state == "TEST"){
Now, what I want is to get the values of adView.loadAd(request);. How am I going to do it so that I can display and pass it to my js file? For example, I want it to be the return value to my success function(), Is it possible? Can you please guide us on how doing it?
Thanks, waiting for your reply.
To return a value to javascript you can use the success method on the task object passed into your API method. You can call this with a String or a JsonElement. i.e.
task.success("This string will be passed to the success callback in JS");