I am trying get all the projects with its process name. I tried to use the https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/core/projects/list?view=azure-devops-rest-5.1 which lists all projects without process name.
I know that we can get process of each project with its capabilities set to true. But with this approach i need to hit the api equal to total number of projects.
I want to avoid this and get details of project with its process with minimal api hits, may be a single api hit. Is there a way to get both easily?
There isn't such REST API to do it. But you could do it by calling
And the projects' results are in fps > dataProviders > data > ms.vss-admin-web.organization-projects-data-provider > Projects (include process template name).
This is the request of Organization Settings > Projects page. (https://dev.azure.com/{org}/_settings/projects)
I am new into microstrategy an trying to find out the specific metrics(different metrics for different vendors) used in a project and trying to pull the total number of metrics in every group/vendor. How can we do this using the command manager scripts like : LIST ALL METRICS IN FOLDER FOR PROJECT.
Using this command I get multiple like 50k + metrics and my system freezes out. So need help with correct script or some solution.
Try search support in rest API. You can add metric as the query parameter and use page by to query object list.
Looking to READ (not modify) policies across a variety of projects/repositories/refnames (all elements that are query parameters to the call). However I am getting back empty result sets, even for repositories/branches I know have policies.... Using a test environment of my own (where I am Full Administrator) I get the expected results..
So what are the minimum permissions I must request to the production environments to harvest this information???
According to the results of my test, you need to set Project Settings => Repositories =>Policies =>Reserved names to on.
Then when you create Personal Access Tokens, you need to check the Read option of Code at least to get the correct response name "200 OK" and the complete result.
In addition, the user needs to have the reader permission of the project.
How do I list all the agents which are used in a specific environment of a Udeploy application?
The resources within the application environment may have hierarchical relationship with an agent at the leaf level of the resource structure.
I need to list the agents only.
Please note that the getEnvironmentBaseResource gives me only the name of the top most resource layer, but it does not list the entire resource hierarchy till the agents.
You should make a nested call.
First get all environments within the application, with:
And then, get all base resources for an environment with getEnvironmentBaseResources
After that you may parse the response with groovy to get and manipulate the json
TL;DR: How do I relate a release to the tests visible in the Tests tab via the API?
I am running a Release Pipeline which executes tests against the website being deployed. The tests generate files (within my test code) and I want to use the DevOps REST API to attach those files to the Test report associated with the Release.
Note: I am running these tests as smoke tests after release as part of the release pipeline so that I can test the deployed website. This would not be possible as part of the build pipeline.
I can get the release information, but I'm having trouble identifying how to find the related test(s) and attach a file.
Additional: The link in this SO post appears to have been changed and no longer points to the intended page, but now points to the overall documentation for the REST API.
Currently, I believe the process should be:
Get release details
Get test run id
Get test case result id
Create test result attachment
The primary problem is getting the test run id and test case result id from the release information.
I guess I'm a bit late with this, but still.
You are right about the process. Getting Test run ID is possible via accessing logs of corresponding task inside the release. Here's the needed endpoint:
Please note that test run ID and test IDs will only be available after the test run task is finished.
I'd recommend getting release ID, stage ID and deployment phase ID directly from the release by accessing default variables provided by azure devops (e.g. $(Release.ReleaseId), other ones are easily googled) rather than fetching via API and matching by name, cause it takes time and does not return all releases, only 100 first or smth like that.
After this, you need to get TaskID. I found it possible and applicable looking for that by Task Name. Just fetch the release by it's ID via API and look for task which matches needed name using this endpoint:
Going through all the deploySteps, deployPhases, deployJobs to get the task name is a bit cumbersome, but possible (I used LINQ).
After getting these 4 base IDs, you are now able to get logs of the Run tests task. In received log I have used a regex to extract test run ID. Then, having test run ID, you can grab the list of test run results:
To attach some files to a test, you will need this test's AzDo ID. How can you get it? Well, I can think of mapping the tests by their names (you will need to store a list of those beforehand) and then looping through fetched test results and the stored list. After a match is found, get the respective id, and attach anything you want:
I've created an enterprise web service in maximo that uses extsys1. In extsys1 I've created a duplicate of MXPERSONInterface and managed to create a query from it (sync was default). Now when I finished my web service I can succesfully query maximo from soap ui client and get all the person data but what I'd like to know is, can I select which data I want to export in my response ? Like...ignoring everything except name/lastname/email or anything like that.
If anyone did that / knows how with any other mbo any help would be very much appriciated. The thing is I don't want all the raw data being in my response, want to make it as much user-friendly as I can.
There is a way to do import/export of data via Web Services that are
dynamically accessed from external applications.
Another thing to note when you're accessing pre-defined object structures in
this way is that the response will always contain every single field that exists
in that object structure.
I will write down a brief tutorial on how to filter that data so that when
you query your object structure you only get a partition of the data in the response.
For the sake of this tutorial I will use MXPERSON and will export Firstname, Lastname, City,
Country and Postalcode.
First go to Integration > Object Structures > Create New Object Structure.
Name it My_MXPERSON, set to be consumed by INTEGRATION, set Authorized application PERSON and add new row for Source Objects and select Person from object list. Now you can go to More Actions > Include/Exclude Fields. Here you should un-check everything except Firstname, Lastname, City, Country and Postalcode (only them need to be CHECKED). Click save.
Now we need to create an enterprise service by going to Inegration > Enterprise Services > New Enterprise Service. Call your service My_MXPERSON_ES, for Operation set QUERY and for Object
Structure select your My_MXPERSON you created earlyer. Click save.
Next thing is to create a publish channel by going Integration > Publish Channels > New Publish
Channel. Name it My_MXPERSON_PC and for Object Structure select your My_MXPERSON (If you can't find it on the list go to your Object structure and uncheck "Query Only" box. Click save.
Now you have everything set up to create your external system. Integration > External Systems > New External System. name it My_MXPERSON_EXTSYS, set End Point to which format you want your response
to be in, I use MXXMLFILE. On the left side you have 3 typees of queue you need to set up, I have 1 option for first 2 and 2 for last one (select the upper one - ends with cqin). Check Enabled.
Within your External System go to Publish Channels and Select your My_MXPERSON_PC, enable it.
Within your External System go to Enterprise Services and Select your My_MXPERSON_ES, enable it it. Click save.
Last thing you need to do before you're done is to create your web service, go to Integration >
Web Services > New Web Service from Enterprise Service. Name it My_MXPERSON_Query, and select from list My_MXPERSON_EXTSYS_My_MXPERSON_ES, select your Web Service from the list and go to more actions > deploy.
Once your Web Service is deployed you can access the wsdl file from servername/meaweb/wsdl/webservicename.wsdl .
For test here we will use SoapUI to test the wsdl file.
Create a new Soap project and copy / paste the url of the wsdl file. If it loads succesfully paste this in the xml request field.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:max="http://www.ibm.com/maximo">
<max:QueryMy_MXPERSON baseLanguage="EN" transLanguage="EN">
<max:Firstname> Name you want to query </max:Firstname>
Remember to swap "Name you want to query" with the actual name in your table.
Hope this guide helped.
Using Maximo, Go To > Integration > External Systems
In External Systems, pick your system that you want to filter records for
Go to the Publish Channels tab
Click on Data Export
In the Export Condition field, enter your where clause to filter your record set
I referenced these steps from IBM Help:
Normally, I just reference the link. In my experience though, IBM's web site frequently changes URL structure and occasionally goes offline for "maintenance". For accessibility, I am including the text here. No offense to copyright.
Exporting asset disposal data
To provide information for review or for a company that you hire to dispose of assets, you can use the integration framework applications to export a data file with information about assets that you are planning to dispose of.
Before you begin
Before you attempt to export a file, check that the following tasks are completed:
JMS queues are configured. You can use either continuous queue or sequential queue, depending on your business process.
The external system for asset disposal integration is enabled.
The publish channel is enabled.
About this task
The following procedure explains how to export asset disposal data.
1) On the navigation bar, click Go To > Integration > External Systems.
2) On the List tab, select the TAMITEXTSYS external system.
3) On the Publish Channels tab of the External Systems application, select the ITASSETDISPOSAL publish channel and click Data Export.
4) In the Export Condition field in the Data Export window, enter an SQL statement that is appropriate for the Maximo® database that you use. This statement specifies the export condition.
Typically conditions filter by location, by site ID, and by status, as shown in the following example.
location = 'DISPOSAL' and siteid = 'BEDFORD' and status not in ('DECOMMISSIONED','DISPOSED')
The SQL statement must use the database names for attributes as shown in the field help. To view the field help, position the cursor in a field and press Alt+F1. The field help displays the database table and column (attribute) in the following format: ASSET.SITEID, where SITEID is the attribute name.
5) Click OK to export the asset data.
What to do next
The location to which the file is exported depends on the global directory set for the system and on the filedir parameter for the endpoint of the external system. If no global directory is set, look in the root of the application server folder. If no filedir parameter is set for the external system, look in the 'flatfiles' sub-directory. For example,
Another way to locate the file is to search the operating system file structure for TAMITEXTSYS_ITASSETDISPOSALInterface*.dat.