How to adjust position of CAShapeLayer based upon device size? - swift

I'm attempting to create a CAShapeLayer animation that draws an outline around the frame of a UILabel. Here's the code:
func newQuestionOutline() -> CAShapeLayer {
let outlineShape = CAShapeLayer()
outlineShape.isHidden = false
let circularPath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: questionLabel.frame, cornerRadius: 5)
outlineShape.path = circularPath.cgPath
outlineShape.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
outlineShape.strokeColor = UIColor.yellow.cgColor
outlineShape.lineWidth = 5
outlineShape.strokeEnd = 0
return outlineShape
func newQuestionAnimation() {
let outlineAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
outlineAnimation.toValue = 1
outlineAnimation.duration = 5
newQuestionOutline().add(outlineAnimation, forKey: "key")
The animation performs as expected when running on the simulator for an iPhone 11 which is the device size that I used in the storyboard. However when running the project on a different device with different screen dimensions (like iPhone 8 plus) the shape is drawn out of place and not around the UILabel as it should be. I used autolayout to horizontally and vertically center the UILabel to the center of the view so the UILabel is centered no matter what device.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

A shape layer is not a view, so it is not subject to auto layout. And any time you say something like roundedRect: questionLabel.frame you are making yourself dependent on what questionLabel.frame is at that moment, which is a huge mistake because that is exactly what is not determined until auto layout determines what the frame will be (and can change later if auto layout changes its mind due to changing conditions, such as rotation etc.)
There are two kinds of solution:
Host the shape layer in a view. Now you have something that is subject to autolayout. You will still need to redraw the shape layer whenever the view changes its frame, but you can detect that and perform the redraw.
Implement your view controller's viewDidLayoutSubviews to detect that auto layout has just done its work. Respond by (for example) removing the shape layer and making a new one based on the current conditions.


Viewport? or Camera? of Field of View? changes on rotating iOS device

I have a 3d world using a SceneKit view in my app.
I need to support all iOS devices and orientations.
I do not understand 3d maths, matrices nor really understand cameras and stuff, yet I've built a 3d world, and I have a camera that works, and orbits with a Pan Gesture an object at the centre of the world.
My problem is that when I rotate the device from portrait to landscape the SceneKit view automatically changes it's perspective (of what I'm not sure - the camera? or the world itself?) and the object that looked like it was close, now goes way back into the distance.
What I want to happen is that regardless of rotation the 'viewport'? or camera? or world perspective? stays the same and the distance the camera is from the object doesn't "look" different i.e. the object visually stays at the same place.
I have not done any matrix manipulations or set up anything complicated.
I understand that the units of SceneKit are metres, so my object is in the correct size, and the camera is the right number of metres from it... it looks 'correct'
What I don't understand is why it all changes in landscape.
Yes, the SceneKit view is using AutoLayout constraints to hug the edges of the screen.
Here is my camera setup:
private func setupCamera() -> SCNNode {
let camera = SCNCamera()
camera.usesOrthographicProjection = false
camera.orthographicScale = 9
camera.zNear = 0.01
camera.zFar = 9500
camera.focalLength = 50
camera.focusDistance = 33
camera.fieldOfView = 100
let cameraNode = SCNNode()
cameraNode.position = SCNVector3(x:0, y:0, z: 500.0) = camera
self.cameraNode = cameraNode
let cameraOrbit = SCNNode()
return cameraOrbit
The only way I've found to 'fix' this is to make the SceneKit view always be a square and sized so that it's always the largest of the devices width or height and keep it's centre in the screen's centre.
But this approach isn't working with other parts of the app, so instead I know I need to do this 'properly'.
So would someone please provide the code or tell me what I need to understand so that in the function that gets called when the device rotates i.e. override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) then I can correct this automatic change and keep the view's 'perspective' the same.
Thank you.
After 4 days of playing with constraints, manually moving the frame and all sorts of stuff, I have fixed it.
I constrained the scenekitview to the superview with 0 constants, so it's always the size of the screen.
Then ALL I had to do to solve this is ONE LINE... sigh.
I just had to halve the 'sensorHeight' and then it worked perfectly.
if UIDevice.current.orientation == .landscapeLeft ||
UIDevice.current.orientation == .landscapeRight
self.cameraNode?.camera?.sensorHeight = 12
self.cameraNode?.camera?.sensorHeight = 24
Because of the constraints to the screen size, the default Field of View meant that you have a fish-eye effect.
Dropping the FoV to almost half cured this and now objects rotate without distortions:
camera.fieldOfView = 50
From ios11 you can also tell scenekit which projection to use.
This solved it for me and is aspect ratio independent.
camera.projectionDirection = isPortrait ? .vertical : .horizontal

Rotating UIControl with CAGradientLayer not updating correctly Swift

Rather than using a normal button, I subclassed a UIControl because I needed to add a gradient to it. I also have a way to add a shadow and an activity indicator (not visible in the image below) as a stateful button to stop users hammering the button if (for example) an API call is being made.
It was really tricky to try to get the UIControl to rotate, and to be able to do this I added the shadow as a separate view to a container view containing the UIControl so a shadow could be added.
Now the issue is the control does not behave quite like a view on rotation - let me show you a screen grab for context:
This is mid-rotation but is just about visible to the eye - the image shows that the Gradient is 75% of the length of a blue UIView in the image.
In order to perform this rotation I remove the shadowview and then change the frame of the gradient frame to its bounds, and this is the problem.
func viewRotated() {
shadowView!.frame = self.frame
shadowView!.layer.masksToBounds = false
shadowView!.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 3)
shadowView!.layer.shadowRadius = 3
shadowView!.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.3
shadowView!.layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: self.bounds, byRoundingCorners: .allCorners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 20, height: 20)).cgPath
shadowView!.layer.shouldRasterize = true
shadowView!.layer.rasterizationScale = UIScreen.main.scale
self.gradientViewLayer.frame = self.bounds
self.selectedViewLayer.frame = self.bounds
self.insertSubview(shadowView!, at: 0)
So this rotation method is called through the parent view controller:
override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)
coordinator.animate(alongsideTransition: { context in
context.viewController(forKey: UITransitionContextViewControllerKey.from)
//inform the loginButton that it is being rotated
}, completion: { context in
// can call here when completed the transition
I know this is the problem, and I guess it is not happening at quite the right time to act the same way as a UIView. Now the issue is that I have tried many things to get this to work, and my best solution (above) is not quite there.
It isn't helpful to suggest to use a UIButton, to use an image for the gradient (please don't suggest using a gradient image as a background for a UIButton, I've tried this) or a third party library. This is my work, it functions but does not work acceptably to me and I want to get it to work as well as a usual view (or at least know why not). I have tried the other solutions above as well, and have gone for my own UIControl. I know I can lock the view if there is an API call, or use other ways to stop the user pressing the button too many times. I'm trying to fix my solution, not invent ways of getting around this issue with CAGradientLayer.
The problem: I need to make a UIControlView with a CAGradientLayer as a background rotate in the same way as a UIView, and not exhibit the issue shown in the image above.
Full Example:
Here is working code:
These are my recommendations to your code:
1. A proper place for setting size and the position of sublayers
The size of a view, namely your button, is determined after the layout is done. What you should do is just to set the proper size of sublayers after the layout. So I recommend you to set the size and position of the gradient sublayers in layoutSubviews.
override func layoutSubviews() {
let center = CGPoint(x: self.bounds.width / 2, y: self.bounds.height / 2)
selectedViewLayer.bounds = self.bounds
selectedViewLayer.position = center
gradientViewLayer.bounds = self.bounds
gradientViewLayer.position = center
2. You don’t need to use an extra view to draw shadow
Remove shadowView and just set the layer properties:
layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 3)
layer.shadowRadius = 3
layer.shadowOpacity = 0.3
layer.shadowColor =
clipsToBounds = false
If you have to use an extra view to draw shadow, then you can add the view once in init() and set the proper size and position in layoutSubviews or you can just programmatically set auto layout constraints to the superview.
3. Animation duration & timing function
After setting proper sizes, your animation of the gradient layers and the container view doesn’t sync well.
It seems that:
During the rotation transition, coordinator(UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) has its own transition duration and easing function.
And the duration and easing function are applied automatically to all the subviews (UIView).
However, those values are not applied to the CALayer without an associated UIView. Consequently, it uses the default timing function and duration of CoreAnimation.
To sync the animations, explicitly set the animation duration and the timing function like below:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)
// Swift 4
extension UIView.AnimationCurve {
var timingFunction: CAMediaTimingFunction {
let functionName: CAMediaTimingFunctionName
switch self {
case .easeIn:
functionName = kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn as CAMediaTimingFunctionName
case .easeInOut:
functionName = kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut as CAMediaTimingFunctionName
case .easeOut:
functionName = kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseOut as CAMediaTimingFunctionName
case .linear:
functionName = kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear as CAMediaTimingFunctionName
return CAMediaTimingFunction(name: functionName as String)

How to edit high resolution images with Core Graphics?

I'm trying to draw a path on a high resolution image, that's nothing complicated for an iPhone but if I add shadow to my path everything lags. It lags only when I work on images with a certain resolution (2000 x 3000) even less.
The Storyboard vies are:
-Scroll View
-Image View
-Draw View
So I have the DrawingView on top of the ImageView when I need to draw.
So the ImageView and the DrawView (view.bounds.size) have the same resolution as the image (e.g. 2000 x 3000) (there's the problem).
I'm drawing on a view with a high resolution.
I'm not directly calling drawRect: but only calling setNeedsDisplay() inside touchesBegan() and touchesMoved() after doing some operations (path.moveToPoint, path.addCurveToPoint, array operations) and adding points to my array.
In drawRect: I essentially have:
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
path.lineCapStyle = .Round
path.lineJoinStyle = .Round
path.lineWidth = 60.0
context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
CGContextAddPath(context, path.CGPath)
CGContextSetShadowWithColor(context, CGSizeZero, 14.0, UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor) // <-- with this shadow it lags a lot.
My path is a UIBezierPath().
Any ideas to improve the speed?
I followed what #brimstone said. I now have ImageView with a lower resolution, but have to apply my drawn path to the high resolution image.
(I'm trying to hand crop an image with the path that the user draws)
In this code I already got my closed path:
let layer = CAShapeLayer()
layer.path = path.CGPath
self.imageToEditView.layer.mask = layer
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
let croppedCGImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image.CGImage!, CGPathGetBoundingBox(path.CGPath))
let croppedImage = UIImage(CGImage: croppedCGImage!)
self.imageToEditView.image = croppedImage
self.imageToEditView.layer.mask = nil
imageToEditView.bounds.size = low resolution
imageEdited.size = high resolution
I need to set the hight resolution (I think) when i renderInContext. But how can I change the resolution of the imageView now?
Try downsizing it for the user to draw over (doesn't make a huge difference on small iPhone screens for user experience), then apply the edits to the high-res image.
To downsize images, either use UIImagePNGRepresentation, which may make your image sufficiently smaller, or (if you're still having memory issues), try using techniques in this tutorial and this answer to make it even smaller.
Then, you can take the content of what they've drawn and apply it to the high-res image.
Alternatively, look at high-res optimisation techniques by Apple:

Borders not covering background

I've got a UILabel is using a border the same color as a background which it is half obscuring, to create a nice visual effect. However the problem is that there is still a tiny, yet noticeable, sliver of the label's background color on the OUTSIDE of the border.
The border is not covering the whole label!
Changing the border width doesn't change anything either, sadly.
Here's a picture of what's going on, enlarged so you can see it:
And my code follows:
iconLbl.frame = CGRectMake(theWidth/2-20, bottomView.frame.minY-20, 40, 40)
iconLbl.font = UIFont.fontAwesomeOfSize(23)
iconLbl.text = String.fontAwesomeIconWithName(.Info)
iconLbl.layer.masksToBounds = true
iconLbl.layer.cornerRadius = iconLbl.frame.size.width/2
iconLbl.layer.borderWidth = 5
iconLbl.layer.borderColor = topBackgroundColor.CGColor
iconLbl.backgroundColor = UIColor.cyanColor()
iconLbl.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
Is there something I'm missing?
Or am I going to have to figure out another to achieve this effect?
List of things I've tried so far!
Changing layer.borderWidth
Fussing around with clipsToBounds/MasksToBounds
Playing around the the layer.frame
Playing around with an integral frame
No fix was found! I used a workaround by extending this method on to my UIViewController
func makeFakeBorder(inputView:UIView,width:CGFloat,color:UIColor) -> UIView {
let fakeBorder = UIView()
fakeBorder.frame = CGRectMake(inputView.frame.origin.x-width, inputView.frame.origin.y-width, inputView.frame.size.width+width*2, inputView.frame.size.height+width*2)
fakeBorder.backgroundColor = color
fakeBorder.clipsToBounds = true
fakeBorder.layer.cornerRadius = fakeBorder.frame.size.width/2
fakeBorder.addSubview(inputView) = CGPointMake(fakeBorder.frame.size.width/2, fakeBorder.frame.size.height/2)
return fakeBorder
I believe this is the way a border is drawn to a layer in iOS. In the document it says:
When this value is greater than 0.0, the layer draws a border using the current borderColor value. The border is drawn inset from the receiver’s bounds by the value specified in this property. It is composited above the receiver’s contents and sublayers and includes the effects of the cornerRadius property.
One way to fix this is to apply a mask to a view's layer, but I found out that even if so we still can see a teeny tiny line around the view when doing snapshot tests. So to fix it more, I put this code to layoutSubviews
class MyView: UIView {
override func layoutSubviews() {
let maskInset: CGFloat = 1
// Extends the layer's frame.
layer.frame = layer.frame.inset(dx: -maskInset, dy: -maskInset)
// Increase the border width
layer.borderWidth = layer.borderWidth + maskInset
layer.cornerRadius = bounds.height / 2
layer.maskToBounds = true
// Create a circle shape layer with true bounds.
let mask = CAShapeLayer()
mask.path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: bounds.inset(dx: maskInset, dy: maskInset)).cgPath
layer.mask = mask
CALayer's mask

How to Scale UIBezierPath to Fit Current View (in Swift)

I've created a class that draws a coffee mug using code I imported from PaintCode and I applied this class to a view. Using #IBDesignable, I can see in my storyboard that the mug is being drawn inside the view, however the overall shape is too big. I could redraw the shape in code so that it fits the current size of the view, but isn't there a way to scale the shape after it is drawn so that as my view changes size on different devices the shape is scaled correctly?
I've looked into CGContextScaleCTM(aRef, <#sx: CGFloat#>, <#sy: CGFloat#>) but I am not sure how to convert the CGRect of my view's bounds to the right scale factor
I didn't want to post all of it, but my drawing code begins like this
bezierPath.moveToPoint(CGPointMake(64.8, 52.81))
bezierPath.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(58.89, 43.44), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(64.21, 48.28), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(62.11, 44.95))
bezierPath.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(56.82, 42.76), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(58.24, 43.13), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(57.55, 42.9))
This goes on then
bezierPath.miterLimit = 4
bezierPath.usesEvenOddFillRule = true;
Then there are are two other chunks of drawing code for drawing two little lines for the coffee steam. I append these two paths to the original bezierPath, then I set a fill color and fill the whole shape.
In code you can just scale your paths as you want using this UIBezierPath swift extension PaintCodeScale.
e.g rect).moveCenter(to:
Since I used PaintCode to generate my drawing code, I found a way to implement #dasdom's suggestion using help from the app.
In PaintCode there is a "frame" tool which you can place around your drawing. This enables constraints for your artwork so that the vectors are re-drawn relative to the frame size. The frame is a variable that is exported along with your code when you bring it into Xcode. When I added the drawing code to my class in Xcode and then added the class to my view in Storyboard, Xcode automatically scaled the frame to the view size and thus the drawing code within my class was also autmatically resized to fit my view. Now, the artwork will be automatically re-drawn to fit whatever view I add my class to. The automatic re-sizing may be occurring due to the "Automatically resize subviews" option that is enabled in Storyboard for the view that I have applied my graphics class to.
func scalePath(path: UIBezierPath) -> UIBezierPath {
let w1: CGFloat = path.bounds.size.width
let h1: CGFloat = path.bounds.size.height
let w2: CGFloat = self.frame.width
let h2: CGFloat = self.frame.height
var s: CGFloat = 1.0
// take the smaller one and scale 1:1 to fit (to keep the aspect ratio)
if w2 <= h2 {
s = w2 / w1
} else {
s = h2 / h1
path.apply(CGAffineTransform(scaleX: s, y: s))
return (path)