Calculate acceleration from data points - plc

I have a servo motor, and this servo motor I would like to make it follow a "motion pattern" as closely as possible, and use the same value for acceleration and deceleration.
The attach picture illustrates the "motion pattern" (Y = velocity, X = Time)
motion pattern:
accelerates 0m/s to 0.100m/s.
constant velocity 0.100m/s for 4 sec.
decelerates to negative ?m/s.
accelerates to 0m/s, and motor position = 0.
How can i calculate the acceleration and deceleration?
What i have tried so far is:
Time = (total time - constant velocity time) 10 - 4 = 6sec.
Distances = (total distances - constant velocity distances ) 1 - 0.4 = 0.6meter.
acceleration = (2 * distances / (time^2) 2 * 0.6 / sqr(6) = 0.0333m/s.
But with this acceleration it over shoots in the negative direction by 500mm.

Take a look at the PLC Open motion function blocks, for example the MC_MoveRelative and the MC_MoveContinuesRelative block:
(Beckhoff documentation)
As Sergey already stated you can use those blocks to create a motion profile by entering all the parameters you need and integrating the blocks in a step chain.


Gravity in accelerometric measurements

I have taken from a data set the values ​​of x and z of activity (e.g. walking, running) detected by an accelerometer. Since the data collected also contains the gravity values, I removed it with the following filter in Matlab:
fc = 0.3;
fs = 50;
x = ...;
y = ...;
z = ...;
[but,att] = butter(6,fc/(fs/2));
gx = filter(but,att,x);
gy = filter(but,att,y);
gz = filter(but,att,z);
new_x = x-gx;
new_y = y-gy;
new_z = z-gz;
A = magnitude(new_x,new_y,new_z);
Then I calculated the magnitude value and plotted the magnitude value on a graph.
However, every graph, even after removing gravity, starts with a magnitude of 1g (9.8 m / s ^ 2), why? Should not it start at 0 since I removed gravity?
You need to wait for the filter value to ramp up. Include some additional data that you don't graph at the beginning of the file for this purpose.
How accurate do your calculations need to be? With walking and running the angle of the accelerometer can change, so the orientation of the gravity vector can change throughout the gait cycle. How much of a change in orientation you can expect to see depends on the sensor location and the particular motion you are trying to capture.

Unity predict endpoint from current velocity

My rocket's rigidbody velocity is Vector2(0,100) when I call a function. How can I calculate the world coordinate (enpoint) when the velocity reaches 0?
Gravity should be included in the formula.
It sounds like you want the integral of the velocity function, which should provide the total distance respective to time.
Your velocity is going to be v = (100 - ('t'ime * 'g'ravity)). We can solve for time like t = (-v + 100)/g -> t = (0 + 100)/g = 100/g. So you should reach zero velocity at t = 100/g (assuming all the same units).
The integral of your velocity will give you distance traveled. An integral calculator is here:
The integral function of your velocity is 100t - (g*t^2)/2
From zero to a particular time t, you can just plug and play. So for example, if for a particular gravity you reach zero velocity at t = 10 seconds, you will have traveled (100 * 10) - ((g * 10^2)/2) distance. (so for gravity 9, you would get 1000 - (9 * 100)/2 = 550 units
Edit: To be clear - first you want to calculate how long it takes to get to velocity zero at a particular starting velocity and gravity:
t = vStart/g
Then plug that time value into the integral function above:
distance = (vStart * t) - ((g * t^2)/2)
(or clearly you could turn it into one function by replacing t with vStart/g in the second function, but if I were coding I would definitely calculate them in two steps to provide a sanity check in case my units were wrong)

Compass Heading from Magnetometer on other axis

I am building a small device that also uses magnetometer data in order to calculate the compass heading. The LSM9DS0 IMU sensor works great if the heading is calculated as a yaw (if the sensor is on a flat surface).
I have 3D printed a shell in which i am going to assemble all the electronics. My problem is that it is poorly designed and the IMU sensor is not on a flat surface, but it has to stay on 90 degrees. So by this, the Z axis is no more my way to calculate the yaw (or heading), but it changed to Y.
In order to calculate the heading on Z, i was using this formula:
heading.value = atan2((float), (float);
if(heading.value < 0) heading.value += 2*PI;
if(heading.value > 2*PI) heading.value -= 2*PI;
heading.value *= 180/PI;
...where my is the magnetometer Y and mx the magnetometer X
Now, I don't know how to calculate the heading based on other axis.
I know this thread hasn't been active for a while, but during my search I came across this publication by NXP which explains the solution really nicely.
In brief:
Align the accelerometer readings (G) and the magnetometer readings (B) so they follow the NED coordinate system with the x-axis pointing forward and the y and z-axis to the right and down, respectively.
Calculate the roll and pitch
// Using atan2 to restrict +/- PI
const roll = Math.atan2(Gy, Gz)
// Using atan to restrict to +/- PI/2
const pitch = Math.atan(-Gx / (Gy * Math.sin(roll) + Gz * Math.cos(roll)))
Calculate the yaw / compass heading (here Vx, Vy, Vz correspond to the Hard-Iron effects that can be calculated separately as discussed in this publication):
// Using atan2 to restring to +/- PI
let yaw = Math.atan2( (Bz-Vz)*Math.sin(roll) - (By-Vy)*Math.cos(roll),
(Bx-Vx)*Math.cos(pitch) + (By-Vy)*Math.sin(pitch)*Math.sin(roll) + (Bz-Vz)*Math.sin(pitch)*Math.cos(roll))
Correct the heading to [0, 2*PI)
if( yaw < 0 ) {
yaw += 2*Math.PI

Earth goes out of orbit in java simulation

Firstly I'm very new to java, apologies. I'm trying to simulate the Earth going around the sun. After plotting the results, its apparent the Earth spirals out of orbit just after one revolution!
I've checked and double checked the constants such as the mass of the sun and the Earth as well as the initial velocity and position. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong the equations are also correct confirmed by colleagues and the lecturer.
Code consists of 4 classes:
y += yVelocity * timeStep;
x += xVelocity * timeStep;
As you are using discrete timesteps, you must not only add the velocity to your position, but also the effect that acceleration will have on your velocity during that time.
yAccel = Sun.componentY();
xAccel = Sun.componentX();
y += (yVelocity + yAccel * timeStep * 0.5) * timeStep;
x += (xVelocity + xAccel * timeStep * 0.5) * timeStep;
yVelocity += yAccel * timeStep;
xVelocity += xAccel * timeStep;
This assumes the acceleration to remain constant throughout the duration of the timestep, which in reality it doesn't. Still, it should get much closer to the goal you want to achieve.
Using integrals you should be able to model the real behaviour perfectly (ignoring floating point issues).
Acceleration, velocity and position can all be expressed using integrals, which then you should be able to solve for the per-frame simulation range of t to t+dt. I've found that a trial license of Mathematica can be very helpful in such situations.

Calibrating an accelerometer

I have a device which contains an accelerometer. I'm looking for calibrating my 3D accelerometer.
I'm proceeding as follows:
The first time, I put my device in a flat position (rest) and I obtained these values :
x = -0.02
y = -0.02
z = -1.02
I applied Pythagoras's theorem to calculate total acceleration : A = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
Normally, when I subtract -1 (9.8 m/s2) from A, it should give 0 m/s but in my case it gives me : 0.01, so can I consider that my accelerometer is calibrated with a litle error = 0.01 or should I subtract 0.01 from all my outputs data for each axes.
Thanks in advance
Yes, data acceleration is 3 bytes. x,y,z in order did you mean line this