How to set value from different field or collection from specific document in Mongo shell - mongodb

I have colection "ttn_data" with doc:
"_id" : ObjectId("Some_different_ID"),
"dev_id" : "e0e1e20102030405",
"payload_fields" : {"temp_C" : 28.308}
and collection "records" with doc
"_id" : ObjectId("5ed8af72c377d5b209597981"),
"temp_C_different" : ""
I would like to set temp_C_different value from temp_C in ttn_data collection so the return after update query would be
"_id" : ObjectId("5ed8af72c377d5b209597981"),
"temp_C_different" : "28.308"
I try this method:
try { db.records.updateMany( { "_id" : ObjectId("5ed8af72c377d5b209597981") },
{ $set: { "temp_C_different" : db.ttn_data.temp_C.value } } ); }
catch (e) { print(e); }
but it sets "temp_C_different"value to some metadata info from database. What is the write way to do that kind of update?


PyMongo bulk_write UpdateOne only runs last operation

Got a weird bug that I can't quite figure out.
I have some pymongo code that looks like this:
from pymongo import UpdateOne
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
def update_image_locations(user_key, dataset_key, preset_name,
db = docdb_client.db
col = db.col
operations = []
query = {'ownerKey': user_key, 'imageInfo.datasetKey': dataset_key}
for key_and_coords in keys_and_coords:
query['key'] = key_and_coords['key']
query, {
'$set': {
'imageInfo.presets.%s.coords' % preset_name:
if len(operations) > 0:
print(col.bulk_write(operations, ordered=False).bulk_api_result)
# This section fails with a KeyError.
cursor = col.find({
'ownerKey': user_key,
'imageInfo.datasetKey': dataset_key
}, {'imageInfo': 1}
for doc in cursor:
If I print out the bulk_write output, I get the following.
{'writeErrors': [], 'writeConcernErrors': [], 'nInserted': 0, 'nUpserted': 0, 'nMatched': 65, 'nModified': 65, 'nRemoved': 0, 'upserted': []}
which as far as I can tell is exactly what I expect.
However, I get KeyError failures for all but the last document in the collection when I try to iterate through the documents that should ostensibly have the new field. If I then go into the actual mongodb shell, I can confirm that only the last operation from the bulk_write seems to have actually gone off.
Based on the bulk_api_result I would expect that all of the documents would be updated, instead of only the last one. What's going on?
As requested, before and after queries. I'm not showing the full doc because there's a lot of vector embedding info that's going to muddle things.
> db.user_uploads.find({}, {'imageInfo.presets': 1})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979a"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979b"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979c"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979d"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979e"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979f"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f97a0"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f97a1"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f97a2"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f97a3"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979a"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979b"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979c"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979d"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979e"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f979f"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f97a0"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f97a1"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f97a2"), "imageInfo" : { } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("6074792104cc23375a8f97a3"), "imageInfo" : { "presets" : { "preset_one" : { "coords" : [ 2.229365348815918, 1.4654869735240936 ] } } } }
Turns out the answer has to do with how the query is constructed. Specifically, this works:
for key_and_coords in keys_and_coords:
query = {'key': key_and_coords['key']}
query, {
'$set': {
'imageInfo.presets.%s.coords' % preset_name:
and this fails:
query = {}
for key_and_coords in keys_and_coords:
query['key'] = key_and_coords['key']
query, {
'$set': {
'imageInfo.presets.%s.coords' % preset_name:
I think what's happening here is some async javascript-esque magic, where the query object is passed by reference to the bulk operation which then executes them once all of the bulk operations are in place. Since the query is passed by reference, the actual key value gets overwritten each time until the last one (which is also why only the last object is updated). Unfortunately this was tough to catch because printing out the queries and the operations both looked fine, but the async kicked in at execution. Still, not really an issue with pymongo after all.
Thanks to everyone who responded!

MongoDB querying nested documents

I have records like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5f99cede36fd08653a3d4e92"),
"accessions" : {
"sample_accessions" : {
"5f99ce9636fd08653a3d4e86" : {
"biosampleAccession" : "SAMEA7494329",
"sraAccession" : "ERS5250977",
"submissionAccession" : "ERA3032827",
"status" : "accepted"
"5f99ce9636fd08653a3d4e87" : {
"biosampleAccession" : "SAMEA7494330",
"sraAccession" : "ERS5250978",
"submissionAccession" : "ERA3032827",
"status" : "accepted"
How do I query by the mongo id in sample_accessions? I thought this should work but it doesn't. What should I be doing?
The id is a key and check whether key is exists or not use $exists, customize response using project to get specific object
"accessions.sample_accessions.5f99ce9636fd08653a3d4e86": {
$exists: true
{ sample_doc: "$accessions.sample_accessions.5f99ce9636fd08653a3d4e86" }

Remove by _id inside a nested array, inside of a collection

this is my mongoDb footballers collection :
"_id" : ObjectId("5d83b4a7e5511f28847f1884"),
"prenom" : "djalil",
"pseudo" : "dja1000",
"email" : "",
"selectionned" : [
"_id" : "5d83af3be5511f28847f187f",
"role" : "footballeur",
"prenom" : "Gilbert",
"pseudo" : "Gilbert",
"_id" : "5d83b3d5e5511f28847f1883",
"role" : "footballeur",
"prenom" : "Xavier",
"pseudo" : "xav4544",
"_id" : ObjectId("5d83afa8e5511f28847f1880"),
"prenom" : "Rolande",
"pseudo" : "Rolande4000",
"email" : "",
"selectionned" : [
"_id" : "5d83b3d5e5511f28847f1883",
"role" : "footballeur",
"prenom" : "Xavier",
"pseudo" : "xav4544",
How could I delete each selectionned people who has the 5d83b3d5e5511f28847f1883 _id through all of the collection?
I do need xavier to deseappear from any 'selectionned' array , just like doing a 'delete cascade' in SQL language
This is what I've tried with no luck :
function delete_fb_from_all(fb){
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID; //working
var idObj = ObjectId(fb._id); //working
try {
db.collection('footballers').remove( { "selectionned._id" : idObj } );
console.log('All have been erased');
} catch (e) {
And this too is not working :
db.collection('footballers.selectionned').remove( { "_id" : idObj } );
i really dont know how to do this.
i'm trying out this right now :
db.collection.update({'footballers.selectionned': idObj }, {$pull: {footballers:{ selectionned: idObj}}})
This is the error :
TypeError: db.collection.update is not a function
I think that the solution is maybe there :
i'm currently trying ou this :
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID; //working
var idObj = ObjectId(fb._id); //working
try {
{ },
{ $pull: { selectionned: { _id: idObj } } },
{ multi: true }
} catch (e) {
Specifiying the email, it is now working, I guess the problem was comin from the _id field :
try {
{ },
{ $pull: { selectionned: { email: } } },
{ multi: true }
} catch (e) {
Object ID :
The issue is may be on your object id creation. No need to make string-id with mongoDB object id.
// No need
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
var idObj = ObjectId(fb._id);
// do as normal string
db.collection('footballers').remove( { "selectionned._id" : fb._id } );

Collection modified within cursor.foreach() is removed after completion

I'm trying to iterate through a collection to build a new collection (hits_col) with counts of entries from the first collection. The code I've written so far appears to work as the iteration is happening, however, once the .forEach() method is finished the new collection (hits_col) gets removed.
RAW_COL.find({}, {fields: {created_time: 1}}).forEach(function (doc) {
var date = moment.unix(doc.created_time).format("YYYYMMD");
var hitCOUNT = hits_COL.findOne({'_id': date});
try {
if(tags === undefined) {
hits_COL.insert({'_id': date, 'hits': 1}, function (err, id) {
if(err == null) console.log("Entry " + id + " was created.");
else console.log(err);
} else {
hitCOUNT.hits = hitCOUNT.hits + 1;
hits_COL.update({'_id': date}, {'hits': tags.hits});
} catch (err) {throw err;}
While RAW_COL is iterating I can go to my collection and check the current entries and all is well.
meteor:PRIMARY> db.hits.find()
{ "_id" : "20160121", "hits" : 7887 }
{ "_id" : "20160120", "hits" : 7417 }
{ "_id" : "20160122", "hits" : 7533 }
{ "_id" : "20160124", "hits" : 8047 }
{ "_id" : "20160123", "hits" : 8262 }
{ "_id" : "20160125", "hits" : 7579 }
{ "_id" : "20160126", "hits" : 2111 }
{ "_id" : "20160119", "hits" : 7594 }
{ "_id" : "20160118", "hits" : 7788 }
{ "_id" : "20160117", "hits" : 7746 }
{ "_id" : "20160116", "hits" : 7609 }
{ "_id" : "20160115", "hits" : 3348 }
However, after the forEach() function is finished the collection is removed or something and the same mongo call returns nothing.
meteor:PRIMARY> db.hits.find()
What am I missing here?
Thanks for any and all help!
The above code was proceeded with
Meteor.startup(function () { hits_COL.remove({}); });
Which is called after the the forEach() call.

Mongo nested query with keys

Need help on MongoDB nested query. Below is my mongo collection.
Preference collection
"_id" : "user123",
"preferences" : {
"product-1" : {
"frequency" : "Weekly",
"details" : {
"email" : {
"value" : "On"
"product-2" : {
"preferencesFor" : "mpc-other",
"preferencesForType" : "Product",
"details" : {
"email" : {
"value" : "Off"
"product-3" : {
"preferencesFor" : "mpc-other",
"preferencesForType" : "Product",
"details" : {
"email" : {
"value" : "On"
Product Collection
"_id" : "product-1",
"name" : "Geo-Magazine"
"_id" : "product-2",
"name" : "History-Magazine"
"_id" : "product-3",
"name" : "Science-Magazine"
product-1, product-2... are keys from a Map.
The keys are stored in another collection Product Collection.
Can I create a nested query to cross-reference the product keys from another table?
I need the output in the below table format. Please suggest.
user123 product-1 email On
user123 product-2 email Off
user123 product-3 email On
I tried the below but can't get result. Please suggest.
var cursor = db.productSummary.find();
var sku =;
var skuCol = "preferences."+sku+"";
var skuVal = "preferences."+sku+"";
db.marketingPreferences.find( {}, {_id:1, skuCol:1, skuVal:1});
> var myCursor = db.productSummary.find();
> while(myCursor.hasNext()){
var sku =;
var skuCol = "preferences."+sku+"";
var skuVal = "$preferences."+sku+"";
var result = db.marketingPreferences.aggregate([{"$project":{"_id":1,value:skuVal,preferences:{$literal: sku}}}],{allowDiskUse: true});
{ "_id" : "user123", "preferences" : "product-1", "value" : "On" }
{ "_id" : "user123", "preferences" : "product-2", "value" : "Off" }
{ "_id" : "user123", "preferences" : "product-3", "value" : "On" }
There's a difference between MongoDB and normal SQL DB. Firstly, when you query a MongoDB collection, it doesn't return a row as it will in a SQL db. What you get here is a document similar to JSON.
Also when you use : 1 it wont return you the word 'email', rather it will return you the value ie. {"value" : "On" }.
Using this: db.preference.find({},{"_id":1,"":1})
you will be able to get two details which are user123 and On and you can get product-1 from your previous query. You can store these values in a variable and keep printing them to obtain the table necessary. Also you would need another cursor to store the result of the second second query that you would do.
Here's what your query will produce if it was single standalone query:
> db.preference.find({},{"_id":1,"":1})
"_id": "user123",
"preferences": {
"product-1": {
"details": {
"email": {
"value": "On"
public static void test(){
MongoCollection<Document> collection = getDatadase().getCollection("product");
MongoCollection<Document> pref = getDatadase().getCollection("pref");
List<Document> allDocList = collection.find().into(new ArrayList<Document>());
for(Document doc:allDocList){
String preferences = doc.get("_id")+"";
String sku = "$preferences."+preferences+"";
Document aggregation = new Document().append("$project", new Document().append("_id", 1).append("value", sku));
List<Document> pipeline = new ArrayList<Document>();
List<Document> aggList = pref.aggregate(pipeline).into(new ArrayList<Document>());
for(Document doc1:aggList){
System.out.println(doc1.append("preferences", preferences));
This Will return
Document{{_id=user123, value=On, preferences=product-1}}
Document{{_id=user123, value=Off, preferences=product-2}}
Document{{_id=user123, value=On, preferences=product-3}}