pyspark mllib explainedVariance for linear regression - pyspark

I have a regression linear simple model with 0,84 r2.
how can I interpret the output of this function explainedVariance is 155
explainedVariance = 1 - variance(y - \hat{y}) / variance(y)
What is the meaning of \hat{y} is the prediction?
def explainedVariance(self):
Returns the explained variance regression score.
explainedVariance = 1 - variance(y - \hat{y}) / variance(y)


Reconstructing Sklearn MLP Regression in MatLab

I am using Sklearn to train a MultiLayer Perceptron Regression on 12 features and one output. The StandardScalar() is fit to the training data and applied to all input data. After a training period with architectural optimization, I get a model that is seemingly quite accurate (<10% error). I now need to extract the weights and biases in order to implement the prediction in real time on a system that interacts with a person. This is being done with my_model.coefs_ for weights and my_model.intercepts_ for the biases. The weights are appropriately shaped for the number of nodes in my model and the biases have the appropriate lengths for each layer.
The problem is now that I implement the matrix algebra in MatLab and get wildly different predictions from what my_model.predict() yields.
My reconstruction process for a 2 layer MLP (with 11 nodes in the first layer and 10 nodes in the second):
scale() % elementwise subtract feature mean and divide by feature stdev
scaled_obs = scale(raw_obs)
% Up to this point results from MatLab == Sklearn
weight1 = [12x11] % weights to transition from the input layer to the first hidden layer
weight2 = [11x10]
weight3 = [10x1]
bias1 = [11x1] % bias to add to the first layer after weight1 has been applied
bias2 = [10x1]
bias3 = [1x1]
my_prediction = ((( scaled_obs * w1 + b1') * w2 + b2') * w3 + b3);
I also tried
my_prediction2 = ((( scaled_obs * w1 .* b1') * w2 .* b2') * w3 .* b3); % because nothing worked...```
for my specific data:
Sklearn prediction = 1.731
my_prediction = -50.347
my_prediction2 = -3.2075
Is there another weight/bias that I am skipping when extracting relevant params from my_model? Is my order of operations in the reconstruction flawed?
In my opinion my_prediction = ((( scaled_obs * w1 + b1') * w2 + b2') * w3 + b3); is correct, but there is only 1 missing part and that is activation function. What was the activation function you had passed for the model. By default MLPRegressor have relu as activation function from first layer to third last layer(inclusive). Second last layer doesn't have any activation function. And output layer have a separate activation function which is identity function, basically f(x) = x so you don't have to do anything for that.
If you selected relu or if You didn't at all selected an activation (then relu is default), then you have to do something like this in numpy as np.maximum(0, your_layer1_calculation), I am not sure how this is done in matlab
So final formula would be :
layer1 =, weight0) + bias0
layer2 =, layer1), weight1) + bias1
layer(n-1) =, layer(n-2), weight(n-1)) + bias(n-1)
layer(n) = layer(n-1) # identity function

Fitting a neural network with ReLUs to polynomial functions

Out of curiosity I am trying to fit neural network with rectified linear units to polynomial functions.
For example, I would like to see how easy (or difficult) it is for a neural network to come up with an approximation for the function f(x) = x^2 + x. The following code should be able to do it, but seems to not learn anything. When I run
using Base.Iterators: repeated
using Flux
using Flux: throttle
using Random
f(x) = x^2 + x
x_train = shuffle(1:1000)
y_train = f.(x_train)
x_train = hcat(x_train...)
m = Chain(
Dense(1, 45, relu),
Dense(45, 45, relu),
Dense(45, 1),
function loss(x, y)
Flux.mse(m(x), y)
evalcb = () -> #show(loss(x_train, y_train))
opt = ADAM()
#show loss(x_train, y_train)
dataset = repeated((x_train, y_train), 50)
Flux.train!(loss, params(m), dataset, opt, cb = throttle(evalcb, 10))
println("Training finished")
#show m([20])
it returns
loss(x_train, y_train) = 2.0100101f14
loss(x_train, y_train) = 2.0100101f14
loss(x_train, y_train) = 2.0100101f14
Training finished
m([20]) = Float32[1.0]
Anyone here sees how I could make the network fit f(x) = x^2 + x?
There seem to be couple of things wrong with your trial that have mostly to do with how you use your optimizer and treat your input -- nothing wrong with Julia or Flux. Provided solution does learn, but is by no means optimal.
It makes no sense to have softmax output activation on a regression problem. Softmax is used in classification problems where the output(s) of your model represent probabilities and therefore should be on the interval (0,1). It is clear your polynomial has values outside this interval. It is usual to have linear output activation in regression problems like these. This means in Flux no output activation should be defined on the output layer.
The shape of your data matters. train! computes gradients for loss(d...) where d is a batch in your data. In your case a minibatch consists of 1000 samples, and this same batch is repeated 50 times. Neural nets are often trained with smaller batches sizes, but a larger sample set. In the code I provided all batches consist of different data.
For training neural nets, in general, it is advised to normalize your input. Your input takes values from 1 to 1000. My example applies a simple linear transformation to get the input data in the right range.
Normalization can also apply to the output. If the outputs are large, this can result in (too) large gradients and weight updates. Another approach is to lower the learning rate a lot.
using Flux
using Flux: #epochs
using Random
normalize(x) = x/1000
function generate_data(n)
f(x) = x^2 + x
xs = reduce(hcat, rand(n)*1000)
ys = f.(xs)
(normalize(xs), normalize(ys))
batch_size = 32
num_batches = 10000
data_train = Iterators.repeated(generate_data(batch_size), num_batches)
data_test = generate_data(100)
model = Chain(Dense(1,40, relu), Dense(40,40, relu), Dense(40, 1))
loss(x,y) = Flux.mse(model(x), y)
opt = ADAM()
ps = Flux.params(model)
Flux.train!(loss, ps, data_train, opt , cb = () -> #show loss(data_test...))

non-linear neural network regression - quadratic function is not being estimated correctly

I have mostly used ANNs for classification and only recently started to try them out for modeling continuous variables. As an exercise I generated a simple set of (x, y) pairs where y = x^2 and tried to train an ANN to learn this quadratic function.
The ANN model:
This ANN has 1 input node (ie. x), 2 hidden layers each with 2 nodes in each layer, and 1 output node. All four hidden nodes use the non-linear tanh activation function and the output node has no activation function (since it is regression).
The Data:
For the training set I randomly generated 100 numbers between (-20, 20) for x and computed y=x^2. For the testing set I randomly generated 100 numbers between (-30, 30) for x and also computed y=x^2. I then transformed all x so that they are centered around 0 and their min and max are approximately around -1.5 and 1.5. I also transformed all y similarly but made their min and max about -0.9 and 0.9. This way, all the data falls within that mid range of the tanh activation function and not way out at the extremes.
The Problem:
After training the ANN in Keras, I am seeing that only the right half of the polynomial function is being learned, and the left half is completely flat. Does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening? I tried playing around with different scaling options, as well as hidden layer specifications but no luck on that left side.
Attached is the code I used for everything and the image shows the plot of the scaled training x vs the predicted y. As you can see, only half of the parabola is recovered.
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
seed = 10
n = 100
X_train = np.random.uniform(-20, 20, n)
Y_train = X_train ** 2
X_test = np.random.uniform(-30, 30, n)
Y_test = X_test ** 2
#### Scale the data
x_cap = max(abs(np.array(list(X_train) + list(X_test))))
y_cap = max(abs(np.array(list(Y_train) + list(Y_test))))
x_mean = np.mean(np.array(list(X_train) + list(X_test)))
y_mean = np.mean(np.array(list(Y_train) + list(Y_test)))
X_train2 = (X_train-x_mean) / x_cap
X_test2 = (X_test-x_mean) / x_cap
Y_train2 = (Y_train-y_mean) / y_cap
Y_test2 = (Y_test-y_mean) / y_cap
X_train2 = X_train2 * (1.5 / max(X_train2))
Y_train2 = Y_train2 * (0.9 / max(Y_train2))
# define base model
def baseline_model1():
# create model
model1 = Sequential()
model1.add(Dense(2, input_dim=1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='tanh'))
model1.add(Dense(2, input_dim=1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='tanh'))
model1.add(Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal'))
# Compile model
model1.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
return model1
estimator1 = KerasRegressor(build_fn=baseline_model1, epochs=100, batch_size=5, verbose=0), Y_train2)
prediction = estimator1.predict(X_train2)
plt.scatter(X_train2, prediction)
enter image description here
You should also consider adding more width to you hidden layer. I changed from 2 to 5 and got a very good fit. I also used more epochs as suggested from rvinas
Your network is very sensible to the initial parameters. The following will help:
Change your kernel_initializer to glorot_uniform. Your network is very small and glorot_uniform will work better in consonance with the tanh activations. Glorot uniform will encourage your weights to be initially within a more reasonable range (since it takes into account the fan-in and fan-out of each layer).
Train your model for more epochs (i.e. 1000).

Scipy sparse CSR matrix to TensorFlow SparseTensor - Mini-Batch gradient descent

I have a Scipy sparse CSR matrix created from sparse TF-IDF feature matrix in SVM-Light format. The number of features is huge and it is sparse so I have to use a SparseTensor or else it is too slow.
For example, number of features is 5, and a sample file can look like this:
0 4:1
1 1:3 3:4
0 5:1
0 2:1
After parsing, the training set looks like this:
trainX = <scipy CSR matrix>
trainY = np.array( [0,1,00] )
I have two important questions:
1) How I do convert this to a SparseTensor (sp_ids, sp_weights) efficiently so that I perform fast multiplication (W.X) using lookup:
2) How do I randomize the dataset at each epoch and recalculate sp_ids, sp_weights to so that I can feed (feed_dict) for the mini-batch gradient descent.
Example code on a simple model like logistic regression will be very appreciated. The graph will be like this:
mul = tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse(W, X_sp_ids, X_sp_weights, combiner = "sum") # W.X
z = tf.add(mul, b) # W.X + b
cost_op = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(z, y_true)) # this already has built in sigmoid apply
train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.05).minimize(cost_op) # construct optimizer
predict_op = tf.nn.sigmoid(z) # sig(W.X + b)
I can answer the first part of your question.
def convert_sparse_matrix_to_sparse_tensor(X):
coo = X.tocoo()
indices = np.mat([coo.row, coo.col]).transpose()
return tf.SparseTensor(indices,, coo.shape)
First you convert the matrix to COO format. Then you extract the indices, values, and shape and pass those directly to the SparseTensor constructor.

How to estimate goodness-of-fit using scipy.odr?

I am fitting data with weights using scipy.odr but I don't know how to obtain a measure of goodness-of-fit or an R squared. Does anyone have suggestions for how to obtain this measure using the output stored by the function?
The res_var attribute of the Output is the so-called reduced Chi-square value for the fit, a popular choice of goodness-of-fit statistic. It is somewhat problematic for non-linear fitting, though. You can look at the residuals directly ( for the X residuals and out.eps for the Y residuals). Implementing a cross-validation or bootstrap method for determining goodness-of-fit, as suggested in the linked paper, is left as an exercise for the reader.
The output of ODR gives both the estimated parameters beta as well as the standard deviation of those parameters sd_beta. Following p. 76 of the ODRPACK documentation, you can convert these values into a t-statistic with (beta - beta_0) / sd_beta, where beta_0 is the number that you're testing significance with respect to (often zero). From there, you can use the t-distribution to get the p-value.
Here's a working example:
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats, odr
def linear_func(B, x):
Linear function y = m*x + b
# B is a vector of the parameters.
# x is an array of the current x values.
# x is in the same format as the x passed to Data or RealData.
# Return an array in the same format as y passed to Data or RealData.
return B[0] * x + B[1]
sigma_x = .1
sigma_y = .15
N = 100
x_star = np.linspace(0, 10, N)
x = np.random.normal(x_star, sigma_x, N)
# the true underlying function is y = 2*x_star + 1
y = np.random.normal(2*x_star + 1, sigma_y, N)
linear = odr.Model(linear_func)
dat = odr.Data(x, y, wd=1./sigma_x**2, we=1./sigma_y**2)
this_odr = odr.ODR(dat, linear, beta0=[1., 0.])
odr_out =
# degrees of freedom are n_samples - n_parameters
df = N - 2 # equivalently, df = odr_out.iwork[10]
beta_0 = 0 # test if slope is significantly different from zero
t_stat = (odr_out.beta[0] - beta_0) / odr_out.sd_beta[0] # t statistic for the slope parameter
p_val = stats.t.sf(np.abs(t_stat), df) * 2
print('Recovered equation: y={:3.2f}x + {:3.2f}, t={:3.2f}, p={:.2e}'.format(odr_out.beta[0], odr_out.beta[1], t_stat, p_val))
Recovered equation: y=2.00x + 1.01, t=239.63, p=1.76e-137
One note of caution in using this approach on nonlinear problems, from the same ODRPACK docs:
"Note that for nonlinear ordinary least squares, the linearized confidence regions and intervals are asymptotically correct as n → ∞ [Jennrich, 1969]. For the orthogonal distance regression problem, they have been shown to be asymptotically correct as σ∗ → 0 [Fuller, 1987]. The difference between the conditions of asymptotic correctness can be explained by the fact that, as the number of observations increases in the orthogonal distance regression problem one does not obtain additional information for ∆. Note also that Vˆ is dependent upon the weight matrix Ω, which must be assumed to be correct, and cannot be confirmed from the orthogonal distance regression results. Errors in the values of wǫi and wδi that form Ω will have an adverse affect on the accuracy of Vˆ and its component parts. The results of a Monte Carlo experiment examining the accuracy
of the linearized confidence intervals for four different measurement error models is presented in [Boggs and Rogers, 1990b]. Those results indicate that the confidence regions and intervals for ∆ are not as accurate as those for β.
Despite its potential inaccuracy, the covariance matrix is frequently used to construct confidence regions and intervals for both nonlinear ordinary least squares and measurement error models because the resulting regions and intervals are inexpensive to compute, often adequate, and familiar to practitioners. Caution must be exercised when using such regions and intervals, however, since the validity of the approximation will depend on the nonlinearity of the model, the variance and distribution of the errors, and the data itself. When more reliable intervals and regions are required, other more accurate methods should be used. (See, e.g., [Bates and Watts, 1988], [Donaldson and Schnabel, 1987], and [Efron, 1985].)"
As mentioned by R. Ken, chi-square or variance of the residuals is one of the more
commonly used tests of goodness of fit. ODR stores the sum of squared
residuals in out.sum_square and you can verify yourself
that out.res_var = out.sum_square/degrees_freedom corresponds to what is commonly called reduced chi-square: i.e. the chi-square test result divided by its expected value.
As for the other very popular estimator of goodness of fit in linear regression, R squared and its adjusted version, we can define the functions
import numpy as np
def R_squared(observed, predicted, uncertainty=1):
""" Returns R square measure of goodness of fit for predicted model. """
weight = 1./uncertainty
return 1. - (np.var((observed - predicted)*weight) / np.var(observed*weight))
def adjusted_R(x, y, model, popt, unc=1):
Returns adjusted R squared test for optimal parameters popt calculated
according to W-MN formula, other forms have different coefficients:
Wherry/McNemar : (n - 1)/(n - p - 1)
Wherry : (n - 1)/(n - p)
Lord : (n + p - 1)/(n - p - 1)
Stein : (n - 1)/(n - p - 1) * (n - 2)/(n - p - 2) * (n + 1)/n
# Assuming you have a model with ODR argument order f(beta, x)
# otherwise if model is of the form f(x, a, b, c..) you could use
# R = R_squared(y, model(x, *popt), uncertainty=unc)
R = R_squared(y, model(popt, x), uncertainty=unc)
n, p = len(y), len(popt)
coefficient = (n - 1)/(n - p - 1)
adj = 1 - (1 - R) * coefficient
return adj, R
From the output of your ODR run you can find the optimal values for your model's parameters in out.beta and at this point we have everything we need for computing R squared.
from scipy import odr
def lin_model(beta, x):
Linear function y = m*x + q
slope m, constant term/y-intercept q
return beta[0] * x + beta[1]
linear = odr.Model(lin_model)
data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx=sigma_x, sy=sigma_y)
init = odr.ODR(data, linear, beta0=[1, 1])
out =
adjusted_Rsq, Rsq = adjusted_R(x, y, lin_model, popt=out.beta)