IntelliJ Scala: import works in test folder but not in main folder - scala

I have an IntelliJ project in scala with the following directory structure (I've renamed files/directories for simplicity):
| |
| +--main
| | |
| | +--scala
| | |
| | +--'X'
| | |
| | +--'Y.scala'
| +--test
| |
| +--scala
| |
| +--'X'
| |
| +--'YSuite.scala'
The issue I'm having is that I'm able to import things in the YSuite.scala file that I'm not able to in YSuite.scala - specifically, the scala.collections.parallel packages. I just have no idea how or why I can import in the test file, but not in the parallel application file. I need them in the main file for implementation. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Screenshots are of the Y.scala file, YSuite.scala file, as well as the build.sbt file, if they help at all.
As can be seen, the red text indicates that I wasn't able to import it in Y.scala - when I hover over it with my mouse, it simply says cannot resolve symbol parallel. However, I've run the test file with some implementation of the parallel package, which runs with no problems.

a solution that seems to have worked for me:
step 1: File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart
step 2: build again/spin up sbt


Decision table x/y/z/foo.xls is in folder x/y/z but declares package 'Import'

I've got a simple decision table, like so:
|RuleSet |x.y.z | |
|Import |x.y.z.SomeClass | |
|RuleTable |theRules | |
|Name | Condition | Action |
|... | | |
When I import this into Business Central, I get this warning:
File 'x/y/z/foo.xls' is in folder 'x/y/z' but declares package 'Import'
If I build a kjar and use that in a Java program, I get the same warning.
Everything works fine, but I don't understand this warning. Is there something wrong in the layout of the decision table?

Service Loader config file doesn't explode properly

So I am writing a webapp in Eclipse and I want to use the serviceloader in one of my classes. Question is where to put the META-INF/services stuff. From here ( I found:
But the ideal way is to have it in your plugin's jar file. E.g if you
have a plugin bundled as WEB-INF/lib/myplugin.jar, and your plugin
class is com.example.plugin.MyPlugin Then the jar should have a
So I have in the module containing the serviceloader stuff, the source: src/main/java/ containing
vcs.validation.* (containing the source code)
a folder: META-INF/services/vcs.validation.javatests.JavaTest containing:
Test1 (which reads vcs.validation.javatests.Test1) and
Test2 (which reads vcs.validation.javatests.Test2)
(The interface vcs.validation.javatests.JavaTest has two implementing classes Test1 and Test2)
However, when I package the whole webapp as a war and deploy in tomcat the web-app/WEB-INF/classes/ folder does not contain any META-INF/services/. What am I doing wrong here?
Structure should be:
| Module
| | src
| | main
| | java
| | [ source code]
| | resources
| | services
| | [service files]
instead of:
| Module
| | src
| | main
| | java
| | [source code]
| | services
| | [service files]
In this way the service files are no longer exploded to webapp/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services but just live in the jar in which they are packaged according to:

Emacs source code navigation features

I am working on a large c++ project. I am working with emacs for the last six months.
I have try to configure CEDET so as to be able to navigate easily but i have found some problems.
1.- Sometimes semantic does not find some symbols and sometimes he don't ... i do not know clearly which files is semantic indexing.
I have tried to use EDE (following the instructions in this paper, but i have found some problems also...
I have multiple version ( Releases) of the same project, each one in its own folder. How can i tell emacs which project i am working with?
How can i tell ede where to look for my header files? Can I specify just a root directory and semantic will search for header files in all the subdirectories?
2.- I was working with vim+cscope some time ago and i remember there was a way to navigate back in the stack of symbols (Ctrl-t). Is there anything like this in emacs?
P.D.> Some data to make the question more clear.
I have multiple releases of the same project.
Each one has its own root directory.
Each project has multiple modules each one inside a subdirectory.
There are headers file in each module.
| |
| \makefile
| \ Module-001
| | |
| | \makefile
| | \subdir-001
| | | \header-001.h
| | | \header-002.h
| | \subdir-002
| | | \header-003.h
| \ Module-002
| | |
| | \makefile
| | \subdir-003
| | | \header-004.h
| | | \header-005.h
| | \subdir-004
| | | \header-006.h
| |
| \makefile
| \ Module-001
| | |
| | \makefile
| | \subdir-001
| | | \header-001.h
| | | \header-002.h
| | \subdir-002
| | | \header-003.h
| \ Module-002
| | |
| | \makefile
| | \subdir-003
| | | \header-004.h
| | | \header-005.h
| | \subdir-004
| | | \header-006.h
This is the configuration about EDE i have in my .emacs
;; Cedet load commands
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/emacs-dir/cedet/cedet")
(load-file "~/emacs-dir/cedet/cedet/common/cedet.el")
;; EDE: activating mode.
(global-ede-mode t)
;; Projects definition
(ede-cpp-root-project "Release-001"
:name "Release-001"
:file "~/Release-001/makefile"
:include-path '("/"
:system-include-path '("~/exp/include")
:spp-table '(("SUSE9" . "")
(ede-cpp-root-project "Release-002"
:name "Release-002"
:file "~/Release-002/makefile"
:include-path '("/"
:system-include-path '("~/exp/include")
:spp-table '(("SUSE9" . "")
Just to let you know ... I am working with the console version ( -nw) of emacs.
Your configuration is basically correct, except for the :include-path for your projects.
If a given source file says:
#include "Module-001/subdir-002/header-003.h"
then it is ok. If the include says:
#include "subdir-002/header-003.h"
then your :include-path should have
:include-path '("/Module-001" )
in it.
As for which things does semantic index, it will index your current file, and all includes it can find. Use the semantic-decoration mode to see which headers EDE has found for you to determine if your configuration is accurate.
It will also index all files in the same directory as the one you are editing, but only in idle time, so if you don't let Emacs be idle, it won't get around to it.
You can speed the indexing operations up if you use CScope as Bozhidar suggests. You can then enable the CScope support in both EDE and the Semantic database. The inclusion of CScope support in Semantic DB is recent, however, so you would need the CVS version of CEDET. That would make sure the whole thing was indexed.
To navigate backward, investigate the help for semantic-mru-bookmark-mode. This tracks your progress through your files on a named location basis that is quite handy and always works.
I had used in the past the Emacs Code Browser when working on C++ projects and I found it very satisfactory - in a addition to great files and code structure navigation you get excellent VCS integration(different icons according to current state of a file in the project). In conjunction with ECB I used cscope for Emacs, since you mentioned in for vim, you'll probably want to use it in Emacs as well.
Alternatively if you want a simpler solution you might have a look at Emacs Nav. It supports some fancy stuff as well and has no dependency to semantic and speedbar - you'll only have to use etags/ctags to index your project.

Best Practices for Project Feature Sub-Modules with Mercurial and Eclipse?

I have a couple of ANT projects for several different clients; the directory structure I have for my projects looks like this:
L___validation_commons-sub-proj <- JS Library/Module
| L___java
| | L___jar
| L___old_stuff
| L___src
| | L___css
| | L___js
| | L___validation_commons
| L___src-test
| L___js
L___v_file_attachment-sub-proj <- JS Library/Module
| L___java
| | L___jar
| L___src
| | L___css
| | L___js
| L___src-test
| L___js
L___z_business_logic-sub-proj <- JS Library/Module
| L___java
| | L___jar
| L___src
| L___css
| L___js
L____master-proj <- Master web-deployment module where js libraries are compiled to.
| L___jar
| L___src
| L___AntTasks
| L___build
| | L___classes
| | L___com
| | L___company
| L___dist
| L___nbproject
| | L___private
| L___src
| L___com
| L___company
| L___css
| | L___blueprint
| | | L___plugins
| | | | L___buttons
| | | | | L___icons
| | | | L___fancy-type
| | | | L___link-icons
| | | | | L___icons
| | | | L___rtl
| | | L___src
| | L___jsmvc
| L___img
| | L___background-shadows
| | L___banners
| | L___menu
| L___js
| | L___approve
| | L___cart
| | L___confirm
| | L___history
| | L___jsmvc
| | L___mixed
| | L___office
| L___stylesheets
| L___swf
Within the working copy the modules compile the sub-project into a single Javascript file that is placed in the Javascript directory of the master project.
For example, the directories:
...all are combined and minified (sort of like compiled) into a different Javascript filename in the _master-proj/js directory; and in the final step the _master-proj is compiled to be deployed to the server.
Now in regards to the way I'd like to set this up with hg, what I'd like to be able to do is clone the master project and its sub-projects from their own base-line repositories into a client's working-copy, so that modules can be added (using hg) to a particular customer's working copy.
Additionally however, when I do make some changes to/fix bugs in one customer's working copy, I would like to be able to optionally push the changes/bug fixes back to the master project/sub-project's base-line repository, for purposes of eventually pulling the changes/fixes into other customer's working copies that might contain the same bugs that need to be fixed.
In this way I will be able to utilize the same bug fixes across different clients.
However...I am uncertain of the best way to do this using hg and Eclipse.
I read here that you can use hg's Convert Extension to split a sub-directory into a separate project using the --filemap option.
However, I'm still a little bit confused as to if it would be better to use the Convert Extension or if it would be better to just house each of the modules in their own repository and check them out into a single workspace for each client.
Yep, it looks like subrepos are what you are looking for, but I think maybe that is the right answer for the wrong question and I strongly suspect that you'll run into similar issues that occur when using svn:externals
Instead I would recommend that you "publish" your combined and minified JS files to an artefact repository and use a dependency manager such as Ivy to pull specific versions of your artefacts into your master project. This approach give you far greater control over the sub-project versions your master project uses.
If you need to make bug fixes to a sub-project for a particular client, you can just make the fixes on the mainline for that sub-project, publish a new version (ideally via an automated build pipeline) and update their master project to use the new version. Oh, you wanted to test the new version with the their master project before publishing? In that case, before you push your fix, combine and minify your sub-project locally, publish it to a local repository and have the client's master project pick up that version for your testing.

Moving From Eclipse to Visual Studio 2008

After working in Eclipse for the past 3 years and memorizing all of the great shortcut keys and features, my new job has me moving back to Visual Studio. I've found some listings of shortcut keys on VS, but am looking for a comprehensive guide mapping Eclipse features to Visual Studio. Does anyone know of a good tutorial aimed at helping Eclipse users transition to VS?
Because of the lack of information out there on this, let's start a community wiki answer. Please add additional information on migration tips to this answer. Please avoid 3rd party plug-ins such as ReSharper in the answer.
Shortcut Keys
| Command | Eclipse shortcut | VS.NET shortcut |
| Delete line | Ctrl-D | Ctrl-L |
| Comment line | Ctrl-/ | Ctrl-K-C |
| Uncomment line | Ctrl-/ | Ctrl-K-U |
| Toggle editor tabs | Ctrl-F6 | Ctrl-F6 |
| Goto Line | Ctrl-L | Ctrl-G |
| Goto Definition | Ctrl-Click or F3 | F12 |
| Find next | Ctrl-K | F3 |
| Find previous | Ctrl-Shift-K | Shift-F3 |
| Go backward | Alt-LeftArrow | Ctrl-minus |
| Go forward | Alt-RightArrow | Ctrl-Shift-minus |
| Find usage | Ctrl-Shift-G | Ctrl-K-R |
| Rename | Alt-Shift-R | Ctrl-R-R |
| Refactor | Alt-Shift-T | none |
| Open Type | Ctrl-Shift-T | Ctrl-, |
| Navigate To | Ctrl-Shift-R | Ctrl-, |
This will sound flippant, but assuming you're going to be using C#, the most important point is: buy ReSharper. At that point you'll have a lot of what you're used to - integrated unit tests, find resource, find type (with Camel-casing etc), better Intellisense and more.
After that, learn that the most important keyboard shortcuts are Ctrl-. for "give me the list of things you can do for me automatically" and Alt-Enter which is the same but for ReSharper suggestions.
There are various ReSharper and VS shortcut key cheat sheets on the web - I suspect you can find those as quickly as I can :)
I've been slowly customizing my Visual Studio 2008 to create a few tricks like when I used Eclipse. I recommend these two as a starting point:
Rock Scroll - Text Highlight with an enhanced scroll bar. Very neat tool to help you visually locate where a variable is used along the code:
Quick Open File - create a shortcut that you like and voila, you can quickly access any file in your project:
I've blogged about this here: