Abstract class with Change Notifier - flutter

I would like to use a Change Notifier with my abstract class but do not think I have this set up correctly. Here is what I am doing:
abstract class Foo with ChangeNotifier {
num get barValue;
class FooUtil implements Foo {
num _barNum = 0;
num get barVale => _barNum;
// assume this gets called every 10 seconds.
class Main() {
Foo _foo = FooUtil();
Main() {
_foo.addListener(() {
I would like Main to be able to use the listener but this does not seem to work. Am I using the ChangeNotifier wrong in this instance? Is there a method that would work better?

You are missing a few overrides to conform to ChangeNotififier:
void addListener(listener) {
// TODO: implement addListener
// TODO: implement barValue
num get barValue => throw UnimplementedError();
void dispose() {
// TODO: implement dispose
// TODO: implement hasListeners
bool get hasListeners => throw UnimplementedError();
void notifyListeners() {
// TODO: implement notifyListeners
void removeListener(listener) {
// TODO: implement removeListener
You will have to implement them before you can use the Class like that.


How do I integrate flutter_bloc with method channels?

I've started using flutter_bloc package instead of redux to try it out, but I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to call flutter bloc events when receiving things from native (Android/iOS). It was easier with redux because in my parent MyApp widget of my main.dart file, I passed in the redux store to a custom class I created, and dispatched methods from the said class (called MethodChannelHandler).
void main() {
runApp(new MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
final Store<AppState> store = Store<AppState>(
// ... redux stuff ...
void initState() {
// sauce
class MethodChannelHandler {
Store<AppState> store;
MethodChannelHandler(this.store) {
// Handle method calls from native
Future _handleMethod(MethodCall call) async {
if (call.method == A_METHOD) {
store.dispatch("something from native")
NOTE: I'm inept when it comes to programming vocabulary so please, if possible, please give me a small snippet of example code like I have or link me to some GitHub repo I can refer to instead of giving me a block of text I'm probably not going to understand.
In very simple way it's look like this:
class App extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider<SomeBloc>(
create: (_) {
final bloc = SomeBloc(); //Create bloc
MethodChannelHandler(bloc); //Add method handler
return bloc;
lazy: false,
child: Text("Content"),
class SomeBloc extends Bloc {
SomeBloc() : super(SomeInitState());
Stream mapEventToState(event) async* {
if (event is SomeEvent) {
//Handle SomeEvent
class MethodChannelHandler {
final SomeBloc someBloc;
MethodChannelHandler(this.someBloc) {
// Handle method calls from native
Future _handleMethod(MethodCall call) async {
if (call.method == A_METHOD) {
someBloc.add(SomeEvent("something from native"));

flutter_bloc - hook into onClose, onCreate lifecycle events for specific cubit

I want to hook into the lifecycle events of my cubits.
I notice the blocObserver has onClose and onCreate, however that is for observing all cubit's lifecycle events. How do I hook into these events just for a specific cubit? For example the equivalent of overriding onClose inside a cubit.
My implementation of ChessMax's answer:
class VpCubit<T> extends Cubit<T> {
VpCubit(T initial) : super(initial);
void onClose() => print('');
Future<void> close() async {
if (onClose != null) {
return super.close();
class LoggedOutNickNameCubit extends VpCubit<int> {
: super(0);
void onClose() {
void onCreate() {
One possible solution is to filter out events in the observing hook. Every event of BlocObserver has a reference to a cubit/bloc instance that sends the event. So you can compare it with the reference with your specific cubit/bloc instance. And if references are equal you can handle it somehow. Something like this:
class MyObserver extends BlocObserver {
final Cubit<Object> _cubit;
MyObserver(this._cubit) : assert(_cubit != null);
void onClose(Cubit cubit) {
if (cubit == _cubit) {
// do whatever you need
Another way is to create your own cubit/bloc subclass. Override the methods you want to listen to. And use your own BlocObserver like class to notify this specific cubit/bloc listeners. Something like this:
class MyObserver {
final void Function() onClose;
class MyBloc extends Bloc<MyEvent, MyState> {
final MyObserver _observer;
MyBloc(this._observer) : super(MyInitial());
Future<void> close() async {
if (_observer != null && _observer.onClose != null) {
return super.close();
Also, I think, it's possible to write a generic cubit/bloc wrapper base class like above. And then use it as a base class for all your cubits/blocs classes instead.

How to use ChangeNotifier with a abstract class in Flutter?

In my dart application, I wanted to use ChangeNotifier for my authentication class.
I have an abstract class and another class implements the methods.
abstract class AuthBase {
Future<void> signIn(String email, String password);
Future<void> signUp(String email);
Future<void> signOut();
class Auth with ChangeNotifier implements AuthBase {
As you can see ChangeNotifier is not used with the base class.
What I would like to do is use ChangeNotifier with the abstract class. But not sure how to override the methods in Auth class;
void addListener(listener) {
// TODO: implement addListener
void dispose() {
// TODO: implement dispose
// TODO: implement hasListeners
bool get hasListeners => throw UnimplementedError();
void notifyListeners() {
// TODO: implement notifyListeners
void removeListener(listener) {
// TODO: implement removeListener
Can someone provide some help with this?
Provider documentation has an example for that case: https://github.com/rrousselGit/provider#can-i-consume-an-interface-and-provide-an-implementation
abstract class ProviderInterface with ChangeNotifier {
class ProviderImplementation with ChangeNotifier implements ProviderInterface {
class Foo extends StatelessWidget {
build(context) {
final provider = Provider.of<ProviderInterface>(context);
return ...
create: (_) => ProviderImplementation(),
child: Foo(),

FLUTTER: How to know if user has quit quit app?

I want to know when a user shutdown my app and I want to call a function before closing it. I heard about widget binding observer but I don't know if it is the right choice. Do you have documentation or code example about this functionnality ?
You can use this repository and detect when the application is destroyed.
class TestRoute extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _TestRouteState();
class _TestRouteState extends StateWithLifecycle<TestRoute> {
void initState() {
// You need to set the tag id before the super. InitState () method
tagInStateWithLifecycle = "_TestRouteState";
void onCreate() {
// todo
void onResume() {
// todo
void onPause() {
// todo
void onDestroy() {
// todo

ChangeNotifier mounted equivalent?

I am extract some logic from Stateful Widget to Provider with ChangeNotifier: class Model extends ChangeNotifier {...}
In my Stateful Widget I have:
if (mounted) {
setState(() {});
How I can check if Widget is mounted in Model?
For example how I can call:
if (mounted) {
A simple way is pass 'State' of your Stateful Widget as a parameter to your 'Model'.
Like this:
class Model extends ChangeNotifier {
YourState yourState;
bool get _isMounted => yourState.mounted;
class YourState extends State<YourStatefulWidget> {
Model model;
void initState() {
model = Model(this);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// your code..
I think you don't need to check the State is mounted or not. You just need to check the Model has been already disposed. You can override dispose() method in ChangeNotifier:
class Model extends ChangeNotifier {
bool _isDisposed = false;
void run() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10));
if (!_isDisposed) {
void dispose() {
_isDisposed = true;
And don't forget dispose Model when the State is disposed:
class YourState extends State {
Model model;
void initState() {
model = Model();
void dispose() {
/// Your build code...
Or you can use ChangeNotifierProvider in package Provider, it will help you to dispose Model automatically.
class YourState extends State {
Model model;
void initState() {
model = Model();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider<Model>(
builder: (build) => model,
child: Container(
child: Consumer<Model>(
builder: (context, model, widget) => Text("$model"),
as long as you wrap your widget with the provider model state
and as it is known once your widget is disposed
the provider model that is wrapping it already get disposed by default
so all you have to do is to define a variable isDisposed and modify the notifyListeners
as below
MyState with ChangeNotifier{
// to indicate whether the state provider is disposed or not
bool _isDisposed = false;
// use the notifyListeners as below
void dispose() {
_isDisposed = true;
Just use a custom ChangeNotifier class.
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
class CustomChangeNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
bool isDisposed = false;
void notifyListeners() {
if (!isDisposed) {
void dispose() {
isDisposed = true;
you can just override notifyListeners like this
class Model extends ChangeNotifier {
void notifyListeners() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((t) {
print("skip notify after ${t.inMilliseconds}ms");
no need additional variables / constructor modification