Random Image when pressing a button in SwiftUI [closed] - swift

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to make a random image appear on the screen, when I am pressing a button. I have three images which I want to be randomly shown, when I press the button. How do I do this?

If you are using an Array you can use the .randomElement(). Here's a simple example using the symbols from SF Symbols.
struct RandomImage: View {
#State var random: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
Image(systemName: random)
Button(action: {
self.random = chooseRandomImage()
}) {
Text("Another one!")
var images = ["sun.max.fill", "moon.fill", "star.fill"]
func chooseRandomImage() -> String {
let array = images
let result = array.randomElement()!
return result


How can i import view which bring a closure with itself in SwiftUI? [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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Here is my code, it does not work:
struct ContainerView<MyContent: View>: View {
let myContent: () -> MyContent
#State private var myValue: String = ""
var body: some View {
myContent() { value in
myValue = value
I want make this logic works, when I am bringing my view as myContent to body, I want be able to bring a string value with it like in code! I am not looking for reaching my goal with other ways, the goal of this question is be able to access value like in code as clouser.
Warning: I'm not sure what the use-case of this is -- it's not clear what problem is trying to be solved here, but there's likely a better fit that trying to make something like this work. This answer, though, does solve the compilation errors presented above.
Your syntax inside body implies that you want a trailing closure on myContent, but it's not defined in the signature. This would solve the compilation error:
struct ContainerView<MyContent: View>: View {
let myContent: (#escaping (String) -> Void) -> MyContent
#State private var myValue: String = ""
var body: some View {
myContent() { value in
myValue = value
Call site:
ContainerView { closure in
Button("Test") {

Initialize swift/swiftui var with 3 conditions [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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I am trying to initialize a var with a couple of conditions
struct BreadCrumbCard: View {
var selection:String
var isSelected: Bool
var color = Color("Gray")
if(isSelected){ //error is here
color = Color("Yellow")
}else if(!selection.isEmpty){
color = Color("Green")
color = Color("Gray")
var body: some View{
"Expected declaration"
I've been searching for some time now but I can't find a way to do this or an alternative, I'm sure this must be obvious but I am new to swift. How can I initialize this variable with these conditions?
You can't put control code in a struct's or class's top-level scope, it must always be placed inside a function or similar context.
There's several ways to solve this problem, one way would be to use a computed property:
struct BreadCrumbCard: View {
var selection: String
var isSelected: Bool
var color: Color {
if isSelected { //error is here
return Color("Yellow")
} else if !selection.isEmpty {
return Color("Green")
} else {
return Color("Gray")
var body: some View{

Can you upload a custom struct to a Firestore using Swift [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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I am creating an app where I have a custom struct called Piece. This piece has a string name, a string location, and a map/ dict. Is there a way to save this to Firestore?
Example code but this is what I will need to upload.
struct Piece {
name = 2222
location = "Drawer-1"
quantities = ["blue" : 1, "red" : 3]
This is my first post ever so sorry if I do things wrong format-wise.
yes - this is possible. I wrote a long blog post about this: Mapping Firestore Data in Swift - The Comprehensive Guide.
In your case, here is how you would do this:
First, make your struct (and the Quantity struct) codable:
struct Piece: Codable {
#DocumentID var id: String?
var name: Int // are you sure that a field containing a number like 2222 should be called "name"?
var location: String
var quantities: [Quantity]
struct Quantity: Codable {
var color: String
var amount: Int
Then, create a class for accessing Firestore. You can name it PieceStore or PieceRepository, whatever you like.
class PieceStore {
func addPiece(piece: Piece) {
let collectionRef = db.collection("pieces")
do {
let newDocReference = try collectionRef.addDocument(from: piece)
print("Piece stored with new document reference: \(newDocReference)")
catch {
See the blog post for more details about fetching data using one-time fetches and snapshot listeners (which will give you that cool real-time sync that Firestore is famous for).

How can I scan and read qr codes in swift UI [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've searched a lot on this but have only found in UIKit and I am unable to convert this to SwiftUI
There is no specific SwiftUI component for this purpose. But you can embed a UIKit component in a SwiftUI View and use that.
Here is a nice example implementation of that.
https://github.com/twostraws/CodeScanner by Paul Hudson
Example usage also by Paul Hudson:
import CodeScanner
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var isShowingScanner = false
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
self.isShowingScanner = true
}) {
Text("Show Scanner")
.sheet(isPresented: $isShowingScanner) {
CodeScannerView(codeTypes: [.qr], simulatedData: "Some simulated data", completion: self.handleScan)
private func handleScan(result: Result<String, CodeScannerView.ScanError>) {
self.isShowingScanner = false
switch result {
case .success(let data):
print("Success with \(data)")
case .failure(let error):
print("Scanning failed \(error)")

Swift - Merging 2 arrays of objects with a key [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm new to Swift programming and been working on an app fir a couple of weeks now, and I'm stuck at a crucial moment in the development.
I'm fetching data from a URL that returns a JSON. It is decoded and the data o is stored in an array.
I do the same thing with another URL.
Now I'm trying to initialize my final object wich will be a combination of 2 objects contained in each of the arrays.
Each array is a dictionary and each objects has a property call id.
I can't figure how I can go through each arrays to check for the id of each objects to match and then initialize a new object by combining the data from each object (look at the code below, it will make more sense hopefully)
I tried a for ... in but I couldn't access the id property and compare it. I tried to do a for ... in inside a for ... in to compare the id value: no success too.
On top of this, the initialization is also a challenge. I tried to implement something like this:
self.mergedList = (//result of the loops).map(MergedViewModel.init)
Here an example of the 2 objects
class MergeInformationViewModel {
var id = "1234"
var information = "This Is My Name"
class MergeDataViewModel {
var id = "1234"
var data = "Some very important data"
The object I'm trying to initialize
class MergedViewModel {
let mergedViewData: MergeDataViewModel
let mergedViewInformation: MergeInformationViewModel
init(data: MergeDataViewModel, information: MergeInformationViewModel) {
self.mergedViewData = data
self.mergedViewInformation = information
var id: String {
return self.mergedViewData.id
var information: String {
return self.mergedViewInformation.information
var data: String {
return self.mergedViewData.data
Finally the class handling the initialization. I'm working on a SwiftUI project
class MergedListViewModel: ObservableObject {
init() { mergingAndInit() }
#Published var mergedList = [MergedViewModel]()
var mergeInformationList = [MergeInformationViewModel]()
var mergeDataList = [MergeDataViewModel]()
func mergingAndInit() {
the final result would look something like this
class MergedViewModel {
var id = "1234"
var information = "This Is My Name"
var data = "Some very important data"
How can I implement the func mergingAndInit() into my code?
Thanks in advance.
I figure it out!
for mergedI in mergeInformationList {
for mergedD in mergeDataList {
if mergedI.id == mergedD.id {
self.mergedList.append(MergedViewModel(data: mergedD, information: mergedI))