Unable to find a way to customize the spinner and clearButton in asyncTypeHead in react-bootstrap-typehead <AsyncTypehead> - react-bootstrap-typeahead

Spinner refers to the spinner that appears on the input on the right corner when isLoading = {true}.
clearButton refers to the clearButton to clear data in input box.

You can customize those items by passing your own components via the typeahead's child render prop:
<Typeahead ... >
{({ onClear, selected }) => (
<div className="rbt-aux">
{!!selected.length && <MyClearButton onClick={onClear} />}
{!selected.length && isLoading && <MySpinner />}
Working example: https://codesandbox.io/s/rbt-custom-aux-components-gn3kn
Note that the .rbt-aux classname is used internally to position the built-in clear button and loader components and can be re-used. You may also add your own styles to position the custom components however you want.


ClearButton in react-bootstrap-typeahead with 2 X superimposed

I have a graphical bug with the ClearButton provided by react-bootstrap-typeahead. I wanted to replace it with another button (for instance the CloseButton from Bootstrap). Unfortunately, the CloseButton is not clickable.
Graphical bug
What do I do wrong ?
import { CloseButton } from "react-bootstrap";
import { Typeahead, ClearButton } from "react-bootstrap-typeahead";
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
import "react-bootstrap-typeahead/css/Typeahead.css";
placeholder="look for projects"
{({ onClear, selected }) => (
<div className="rbt-aux">
{!!selected.length && <CloseButton onClick={onClear} />}
try to change rbt-close-content css class
I used react-bootstrap-typeahead/css/Typeahead.bs5.css instead.
It seems like there may be two different issues here:
1. The clear button isn't clickable.
This is happening because .rbt-aux has pointer-events: none; set to avoid blocking clicks on the input. The default close button then has pointer-events: auto; to enable clicks on the button. You'll need to add something similar, or define your own element to position the clear button that doesn't remove pointer-events.
.rbt-aux .btn-close {
pointer-events: auto;
2. There are two instances of the clear button being rendered in the component.
I'm not sure why this is happening. Based on your code sample, there should only be one button rendering. If you plan on rendering a custom clear button, be sure not to set the clearButton prop on the typeahead (or set it to false, which is the default).

Need proper way to render jsx component inside Leaflet popup when using geojson pointToLayer function

Hi is there any way to pass jsx component to bindPopup function so I can push redux commands on button click?
geoJsonPoint: Feature<Point, DeviceProperties>,
) => {
const marker = L.marker(latlng);
markerIcon({ variant: geoJsonPoint.properties.relation }),
const sddds = (
<div className="font-quicksand">
onClick={() => {
Open device details
return marker;
I know I can use react leaflet component but that way I cant pass props into every marker options (I mean marker as layer).
So this has been discussed a bit. There is an issue in the react-leaflet repo discussing this, whose conclusion is to simply use vanilla JS within the bindPopup method to create your popup. I don't like this solution at all, especially when you're trying to use very react oriented event handlers (like react-redux actions) from within a popup.
The question React-leaflet geojson onEachFeature popup with custom react component was asked, which you may have read, as you use react's renderToString method in your code. But as you've probably discovered, this does not maintain any interactivity or JS that your JSX may include. The answerer there came up with the idea of using a modal instead of a popup, but that doesn't exactly answer your question or truly using JSX in a popup based off of a point-layer geojson.
Ultimately, you will not be able to return JSX from the pointToLayer function that is interactive. I think this would be a nice feature that react-leaflet doesn't currently implement. Within the closure of the pointToLayer function, there's no good way to directly write fully functional JSX.
I played with this for a bit, trying to harness pointToLayer and save the feature of each iteration to state, and then render a Marker with Popup from that, but it got me thinking - why bother? Just ditch the GeoJSON component altogether and render your Markers and Popups directly from the JSON object. Like this:
{myGeoJson.features.map((feature, index) => {
return (
onClick={() => { yourReduxAction() }}
Click meeee
Working sandbox
In this way, you need to work a little harder by manually transforming your GeoJSON into Markers with Popups, but not nearly as hard as trying to bend over backwards by going from JSX (<GeoJSON />) to vanilla JS (pointToLayer) back to JSX (<Popup />).
These are two solutions I have come to and want to share if someone is having same problem.
My problem with using leaflet-react Popup component is that it will not pass geojson properties to marker layer when I just map over geojson object because react-leaflet Marker does not have api for feature like geojson layer does and I need to access those properties via marker layers in other parts of map.
Solution 1:
Use ReactDOM.render() inside pointToLayer method, react will show warning about pure functions but it will work. You just shoud not render imported component because it will complain about store and redux provider, instead paste component code inside render. If you want to avoid warnings create another function / hook and render code inside its useEffect() to container (div or something).
Here is example:
const popup = L.popup();
const marker = L.marker(latlng);
const container = L.DomUtil.create('div');
<a onClick={() => dispatch(setDevice(geoJsonPoint.properties))}></a>
return marker;
With custom hook / function:
const useRenderPopup = (props) => {
const container = L.DomUtil('div');
const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
useEffect(() => {
<a onClick={() => dispatch(setDevice(props.geoJsonPoint.properties))}></a>
return container;
and just call this function like popup.setContent(useRenderPopup(someprop)), this way there will be no warning.
Solution 2:
Render everything static with renderToString() and other stuff that need to trigger redux update attach event listeners.
const popup = L.popup();
const marker = L.marker(latlng);
const link = L.DomUtil.create('a');
const container = L.DomUtil.create('div');
const content = <DeviceSummary {...geoJsonPoint.properties} />;
marker.setIcon(markerIcon({ variant: geoJsonPoint.properties.relation }));
link.addEventListener('click', () =>
link.innerHTML = 'Show device details';
container.innerHTML = renderToString(content);
return marker;
Here DeviceSummary component is static so I render it as a string and later append link with redux callback added as event listener to it.
(both solutions except custom function example goes into pointToLatyer method inside geoJSON layer)

How to change expansion panel icon position to the left?

In my app, the expansion arrow has to be in the left side of the panel.
But, by default it's displaying in the right side.
This :
expandIcon={<ExpandMoreIcon />}
IconButtonProps={{edge: 'start'}}
Doesn't made it.
Granted, you can't (easily) change the order in which the components appear in the HTML. However, there is a way using only CSS. ExpansionPanelSummary uses display: flex; you can therefore set the order property on the icon to make it appear to the left of the content.
This can be achieved with either useStyles or withStyles (Or possibly using plain CSS, but I haven't tried it); here's how you'd go about using the latter:
import withStyles from "#material-ui/core/styles/withStyles";
const IconLeftExpansionPanelSummary = withStyles({
expandIcon: {
order: -1
You can then write the rest of your code using IconLeftExpansionPanelSummary instead of ExpansionPanelSummary when you want the icon to appear to the left. Don't forget to set IconButtonProps={{edge: 'start'}} on the component for proper spacing.
expandIcon: classes.expandIcon,
expanded: classes.expanded
disableRipple: true
You can add class and use flex-direction
accordionSummary: {
flexDirection: 'row-reverse'
It's simple
add class on <ExpansionPanelSummary> like this
<ExpansionPanelSummary className={classes.panelSummary}>
add css against this class in jss like this
panelSummary:{flexDirection: "row-reverse"},
In case using css
add class on <ExpansionPanelSummary> like this
<ExpansionPanelSummary className="panelSummary">
add css against this class in jss like this
.panelSummary{flex-direction: row-reverse;}
you can get the expansion panel icon on left by removing it from expandIcon and add it as a children in Summary something like this
<ExpansionPanel defaultExpanded={true}>
<ExpansionPanelSummary aria-controls="panel1a-content">
{this.state.expanded ? <RemoveIcon/> : <ExpandIcon />}
<Typography component='h4' variant='h4'>My Expansion Panel</Typography>
<ExpansionPanelsDetails />
The challenge is that the order is hardcoded into the codebase and you will not be able to use the ExpansionPanel as is.
If you look at the implementation, you will find the code as below
<div className={clsx(classes.content, { [classes.expanded]: expanded })}>{children}</div>
{expandIcon && (
className={clsx(classes.expandIcon, {
[classes.expanded]: expanded,
As you see the <div> contains the text and then the IconButton is displayed.
So, you may have to work with what's provided out of the box or create your own Component based on what material-UI provides.
Hope that helps.
You can modify the CSS class like this:
notice the absolute position, in this way you can move the div that contains the icon whatever position you want with 'left' or 'right' properties
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
ExpansionPanelSummaryExpandedIcon: {
'& div.MuiExpansionPanelSummary-expandIcon': {
position: 'absolute',
right: '5%',
and then use in the ExpansionPanelSummary
expandIcon={<ExpandMoreIcon />}

Customizing fullpage.js to skip section(s) dynamically

The question is simple but i'm not able to make a script by myself for what i need...
I am actually using a script ( fullpage.js ) who toggle some classes into a container ( in my case switching from fp-viewing-1 to fp-viewing-x ) when you scroll down/up between sections.
I need to make a script that listen from this container and toggle a new class into a div ONLY when a class ( in my case fp-viewing-3 ) is added to this container ( from the fullpage.js script of course ).
Any way to make it?
I need to make a script that listen from this container
That's not the way to go for it.
If you want to use the status class, then just create a new class based on the previous ones as explained in this fullpage.js tutorial.
Create a conditional CSS class that will only get applied when its parent class matches your requirement.
Something like this, for example, would only apply the red color to element with myClass when you are in section 1 slide 0.
.fp-viewing-1-0 .myClass{
color: red;
<div id="fullpage">
<div class="section"></div>
<div class="section myClass"></div>
<div class="section"></div>
If for some other reason (use of plugins etc) you really need to add the class dynamically, then go for fullpage.js callbacks onLeave or afterLoad:
onLeave: function(index, nextIndex, direction){
var destination = $('.section').eq(nextIndex - 1);
This is the solution to my problem.
Fullpage works as intended except for section 2.
Section 2 will be usable only scrolling down, the script ignore it when scrolling up.
$(document).ready(function() {
onLeave: function(index, nextIndex, direction){
var destinationToIgnore = $('.fp-section').hasClass('ignore');
if(destinationToIgnore && direction =='up'){
var destination = nextIndex = 1
afterLoad: function(anchorLink, index){
var loadedSection = $(this);
if(index !== 1){
if(index == 3){

React-Google-Maps DirectionsRenderer Panel

When using the react-google-maps wrapper, does anyone know how to use "panel" as a prop in the directions renderer to display a panel that shows text instructions for a route that has been mapped.
Was able to render a directions panel by setting props to:
(props =>
<GoogleMap defaultZoom={7}>
{props.directions && <DirectionsRenderer directions={props.directions}
panel={ document.getElementById('panel') } />}
<div id="panel"></div>