Reportportal integration working with Stable Karate Version 0.9.5? - junit4

We are trying to integrate ReportPortal with Karate 0.9.5 with Junit 4 Runner. Does the current ReportPortal agent-java-karate supports Karate 0.9.5 ? does anyone manage to use the following agent and got it working with karate 0.9.x version ?


.NET 6 Integration tests in Visual Test give error - The specified version of Microsoft.NetCore.App or Microsoft.AspNetCore.App was not found

I have migrated an integration test project from .Net Framework 4.8 to .NET6. The tests are running fine in local development machine. But when the same code is run using visual studio test task in Azure Devops release pipeline it is giving me the following error
HTTP Error 500.31 - ANCM Failed to Find Native Dependencies.
The specified version of Microsoft.NetCore.App or Microsoft.AspNetCore.App was not found.
Based on some of the suggestions for similar issue, I installed .Net 6 core runtime using use .net core task, and also gave console options as below to force the runtime version, but the error doesn't go away. The project is configured to run on Any CPU.
console options: /Platform:x64 /Framework:.NetCoreApp,Version=v6.0 /logger:trx;LogFileName=netcore-results.trx

Test Task Failing in Azure DevOps

I have a build pipeline in Azure DevOps which has the following tasks and uses a hosted agent.
Now, when I run it the Test task fails with the following message.
Testhost process exited with error: It was not possible to find any compatible framework version
The framework 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.App', version '2.2.0' was not found.
How can I install version 2.2.0 in the hosted agent?
You can add a “Use .NET Core” task and specify version of .NET Core SDK or runtime to install. Here is a sample:
- task: UseDotNet#2
displayName: 'Use .NET Core runtime 2.2.0'
packageType: runtime
version: 2.2.0
In addition,we have deprecated .NET Core 2.2 on 19 June for Windows, Ubuntu and macOS images. This change is because 2.2 version of .NET Core has been deprecated in January, 2020. As we try only to keep the versions which are not End Of Line (2.1, 3.0 and 3.1). You can find more detailed information in this ticket: .

How do I update swift tools version?

I am following a server side swift tutorial and I am currently trying to dockerize my project.
when running the command docker run -v $PWD:/swift-project -w /swift-project server-build /swift-utils/ build release to run the build image and Im getting the following error:
/swift-project: error: package at '/swift-project' is using Swift tools version 5.2.0 but the installed version is 5.0.0
If I wanted to keep the swift-tools-version at 5.2 in my Package.swift, how would I update from version 5.0 to 5.2?

App Engine python flexible environment 3.6 or 3.7?

On the runtime for the flexible python environment is said to be 3.6. However on it is said to be 3.7.
My build is reported to fail as it depends on a package that requires 3.7 (using gcloud app deploy). So at least my build is using 3.6.
Is this an error in the doc or is also 3.7 available in the flex env?
Update 1
Although the feedback says the default python3 interpreter in the flex env is 3.7, I did have following error when trying to deploy my app when dependent on a module that requires 3.7:
Step #1: <my-dep-module> requires Python '>=3.7' but the running Python is 3.6.8
When I remove that dependency and I build I also see 3.6 mentioned in the build output:
Step #1: ---> f186f86e42ea Step #1: Step 2/9 : LABEL python_version=python3.6 Step #1: ---> Running in 7b76fdee165b
Step #1: Removing intermediate container 7b76fdee165b Step #1: ---> 482717f31b28
Step #1: Step 3/9 : RUN virtualenv --no-download /env -p python3.6 Step #1: ---> Running in b1d15ba3568d
Step #1: Running virtualenv with interpreter /opt/python3.6/bin/python3.6
Thus somehow gcloud app deploy is building using 3.6 nevertheless?
You can set the Python interpreter's version to the latest supported Python 3.x release, which is currently 3.7.2, in the app.yaml file by specifying the runtime_config element like so:
runtime: python
env: flex
python_version: 3
You could set it to other versions by specifying 3.6 or 3.5 as documented here but 3 at this time refers to 3.7.2.
You can set for App Engine flex any version you want in the app.yaml as you can see here. If you just mention 3 at :
python_version: <version number>
It will take by default the latest version possible ( now, 3.7.2 )

Nunit 3.2.1 Tests not discovered on Visual Studio Test explorer

This is my configuration:
Visual Studio Enterprise 2015
NUnit 3.2.1
NUnit3 Test Adapter 3.0.10 (Installed as Extensions and Updates as well as through nuget package manager in project)
Target Framework is set to 4.5
Build succeeds fine but test discovery shows an error and 0 tests are discovered.
Error log:
Exception NUnit.Engine.NUnitEngineException, Exception thrown discovering tests in C:\projects\~
The NUnit 3.0 driver does not support the portable version of NUnit.
Use a platform specific runner.
NUnit Adapter Test discovery complete.
Discover test finished: 0 found
When running the NUnit 3 Adapter (correct name) version 3.0.10, you are using NUnit 3.0.1 to run your tests. If the tests use the 3.2.1 framework, then there is some chance of an incompatibility. NUnit runners are always backward compatible. For example, you could use NUnit 3.2 to run NUnit 3.0 tests, but the reverse is not true.
The message you are seeing is actually misleading and was changed in the code recently. It assumes you are runing a portable test when a serialization exception occurs.