Why is all the Powershell output not written to txt file - powershell

I have the following Powershell script that I am running in Powershell Core:
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Filter *.pbix |
Sort-Object -Property LastAccessTime |
Select-object -Property Name, FullName, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime -Last 10
>> files.txt
Opening the file files.txt there are no columns for LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime - why is this and how do I amend the script so they are included in the text file?

Two asides:
>> is a (virtual) alias for Out-File -Append; if the intent is not to append (to a preexisting file) but to only capture the current command's (entire) output, use just > / Out-File without -Append.
Out-File and therefore also > / >> capture the for-display representation of the input objects in a file, which is not suitable for subsequent programmatic processing. For the latter, use a cmdlet that produces structured output, such as Export-Csv.
That said, it's reasonable to expect Out-File to capture all for-display data, given that a file rather than the display is the target.
Regrettably, as of PowerShell [Core] v7.0, Out-File / > / >> are (still) sensitive to the console (terminal) window's width and capture only as much as would currently fit on the screen.
You can use Out-File with the -Width parameter to work around that:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Filter *.pbix |
Sort-Object -Property LastAccessTime |
Select-object -Property Name, FullName, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime -Last 10 |
Out-File -Width ([int]::MaxValue-1) files.txt # Add -Append, if needed.
Note: As of v7.0, [int]::MaxValue-1 is seemingly the highest value accepted; [int]::MaxValue is quietly ignored. Also, be sure not to use such a high value in Windows PowerShell, where each output line is unconditionally right-space-padded to that length, which would result in excessively large files.


Powershell export contains breaks and spaces [duplicate]

I have the following Powershell script that I am running in Powershell Core:
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Filter *.pbix |
Sort-Object -Property LastAccessTime |
Select-object -Property Name, FullName, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime -Last 10
>> files.txt
Opening the file files.txt there are no columns for LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime - why is this and how do I amend the script so they are included in the text file?
Two asides:
>> is a (virtual) alias for Out-File -Append; if the intent is not to append (to a preexisting file) but to only capture the current command's (entire) output, use just > / Out-File without -Append.
Out-File and therefore also > / >> capture the for-display representation of the input objects in a file, which is not suitable for subsequent programmatic processing. For the latter, use a cmdlet that produces structured output, such as Export-Csv.
That said, it's reasonable to expect Out-File to capture all for-display data, given that a file rather than the display is the target.
Regrettably, as of PowerShell [Core] v7.0, Out-File / > / >> are (still) sensitive to the console (terminal) window's width and capture only as much as would currently fit on the screen.
You can use Out-File with the -Width parameter to work around that:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Filter *.pbix |
Sort-Object -Property LastAccessTime |
Select-object -Property Name, FullName, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime -Last 10 |
Out-File -Width ([int]::MaxValue-1) files.txt # Add -Append, if needed.
Note: As of v7.0, [int]::MaxValue-1 is seemingly the highest value accepted; [int]::MaxValue is quietly ignored. Also, be sure not to use such a high value in Windows PowerShell, where each output line is unconditionally right-space-padded to that length, which would result in excessively large files.

File Size with Powershell

What I am trying to do is create a PS script to see when a certain folder has a file over 1GB. If it found a file over 1GB, I want it to write a log file with info saying the name of the certain file and its size.
This works but not fully, if the file is less than 1GB I don't want a log file. (right now this will display the file info for over 1GB but if its less that 1GB it still creates a log file with no data). I don't want it to create a log for anything less than 1GB.
Any idea on how to do that?
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Tomcat6.0.20\logs -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Where-Object {$_.Length -gt 1GB} |
Sort-Object length -Descending |
Select-Object Name,#{n='GB';e={"{0:N2}" -F ($_.length/ 1GB)}} |
Format-List Name,Directory,GB > C:\Users\jensen\Desktop\FolderSize\filesize.log`
First, set a variable with the term/filter you're after and store the results
$items = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Tomcat6.0.20\logs -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Where-Object {$_.Length -gt 1GB} |
Sort-Object Length -Descending |
Select-Object Name,#{n='GB';e={"{0:N2}" -F ($_.length/ 1GB)}}
Then pipe that to Out-File to your desired output path. This example will output a file to the Desktop of the user running the script, change as needed:
$items | Out-File -FilePath $ENV:USERPROFILE\Desktop\filesize.log -Force
The -Force parameter will overwrite an existing filesize.log file if one already exists.
To make sure you don't write blank files you should collect the minimal starting results that match your filter, and test them to see if they contain anything at all.
Then if they on;t you can ed the script, but if they do you can go on to do the sort and select the data and output it to a log file.
# Collect Matching Files
$Matched = GCI -Path "C:\Tomcat6.0.20\logs" -File -R -ErrorA "SilentlyContinue" | ? {
$_.Length -gt 1GB
# Check is $Matched contains Results before further processing, otherwise, we're done!
IF ([bool]$Matched) {
# If here, we have Data so select what we need and output to the log file:
$Matched | Sort Length -D | FT Name,Directory,#{
n="GB";e={"{0:N2}" -F ($_.Length/ 1GB)}
} -Auto | Out-File "C:\Users\jensen\Desktop\FolderSize\filesize_$(Get-Date -F "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss").log"
In the above script, I fixed the $. to be $_., and separated Matching the 1GB files from Manipulating them, and Outputting them to a file.
We simply test if any files were matched at 1 GB by checking to see if the Variable has any results or is $NULL/undefined.
If so, there is no need to take any further action.
Only when 1Gb files are matched do we quickly sort them, and select the details you wanted, but instead we'll just Use Format-Table (FT) with -Auto-size to get nice looking output that is much easier to review for this sort of data.
(Note Format-Table selects and formats the info into a table in one step, saving the unnecessary step of using Select to get the data and then piping (|) it to Format-list or Format-Table, as that just adds a bit of a redundant step. Select-Object is best used when you will need to do further steps with that data that require "object-oriented" operations in future steps.)
Then we pipe that output to save it all to a Log file using Out-File, and I also changed the log file name to contain the current date and time in ISO format filesize_$(Get-Date -F "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss").log So you can save each run and review them later and won't want to have one gigantic file or have no history of runs.

Powershell Output File column too narrow

I am trying to list current installed applications and the DisplayVersion keeps getting its column shortened when I want it to show as normal on one line. It runs fine when running the code in a PS session but when running from a ps1 script file, the output for DisplayVersion is 1 character wide with NewLines for each integer.
$FormatEnumerationLimit = -1
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* |
Select-Object Publisher, DisplayName, DisplayVersion |
Where {$_.DisplayName} |
Sort-Object -Property Publisher,DisplayName,DisplayVersion |
Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap > $FullFileName
Considering the exact suggestion from LotPings, I am making this as an answer because it makes more sense to dump it in File using out-file & use Encoding instead of redirection.
Replace this:
Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap > $FullFileName
Out-File $FullFileName -Width 300 -Encoding Ascii

Select-Object omitting output from Select-String powershell

I wrote a Powershell script that looks for a string (such as ERROR) in log files and grabs those lines and outputs those lines to a file, for simpler reading and such (the industry I'm in has VERY large log files), but I'm having an issue. Before, when the (relevant) part of the code looked like this:
Select-String -Path "$file" -Pattern "$string" -CaseSensitive | Out-File -filepath $filepath
It would output the file path, the line number, and then the actual line, making for a very cluttered file. Well I only needed the line and the line number, so I did this:
Select-String -Path "$file" -Pattern "$string" -CaseSensitive | Select-Object -Property LineNumber,Line | Out-File -filepath $filepath
Which would return lines looking like this:
978 2017-07-10 10:46:11,288 ERROR [Music...
That is the line number then the line, with the line only totaling 35 characters.
Before I piped Select-String to Select-Object, the script would output the whole line, but now with Select-Object it omits some output. I tried adding -verbose parameters to both Select-String and Select-Object, but that did nothing.
Can you try this :
Select-String -Path "test.xml" -Pattern "ERROR" -CaseSensitive | ft -Property LineNumber,Line -Wrap | Out-File -FilePath c:\out.txt
The reason for your problem is screen buffer length(increasing powershell screen buffer width) ,you can change it as well but the above snippet is simpler and effective

Listing full address path with Windows PowerShell

I have a small script that searches through all files in a directory using something like this;
Get-ChildItem $location -recurse | select-string -pattern $pattern | select-object Path, FileName, LineNumber > C:\test.txt
The problem I have is that the Path gets enshortened, like this;
C:\program files\new folder\new f...
How can I get it to display the full path?
Just so it's clear why you saw the truncating behavior, the default formatter picked is Format-Table which divies up the current host width into three equally sized columns and if the data is wider than that it gets truncated. Another way of doing this:
gci $location -r | select-string $pattern |
Format-Table Path, FileName, LineNumber -Auto |
Out-File C:\test.txt -width 512
made it possible, thanks to BartekB and denty on freenode's #powershell