Get-Counter not retrieving valid details - powershell

I am trying to retrieve I/O details from the task manager using PowerShell. Below is the script that I am trying to use as of now and have had partial success with the same.
$gc = get-counter -ComputerName $($service.ServerName) "\Process($Tservicename)\IO Other Bytes/sec" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$OtherBytes=$gc.CounterSamples|Select cookedvalue
Here $serviceName & ServerName is looped through. Below are the issues that I am facing.
I am unable to retrieve IO Other bytes details for all the service, I am running the script in admin mode so the access shouldn't be an issue.
Will the above script give the cumulative result in case there is more than process is executing, for eg for the chrome.exe there would be multiple services running, will it provide an cumulative value. If not how I extract details for each process of the chrome.
-- Updated Question--
We are using Get-Counter cmdlet to retrieve the IO read and write bytes details. This returns 0 for most of the process, is this due to being unable to access system process or due to the access issue.
-- Answer--
After researching a bit realized that value retrieved by the cmdlet is based on that particular instance, which is why we need to sampling of the data by using the SampleInterval. However my requirement was sufficed by using the RawValue
parameter since I was looking for the value post the server startup as a cumulative value.
List item

Two important things to understand here:
There's not a 1-to-1 relationship between service names and process names
Performance counter object instance names don't use process ID's (by default at least)
That means you need to do two levels of instance translation to make sense of the counters:
Translate Service to Process ID - we can use Win32_Service WMI class for this
Translate Process ID to Process counter instances - we can use the Process(*)\ID Process counter value for this
function Get-ServiceCounter
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
$Computername = '.'
$ID = Get-CimInstance Win32_Service -Filter "Name = '${ServiceName}'" -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |Select -Expand ProcessID
if(-not $ID){
Write-Error "Could not resolve process for service '${ServiceName}'"
$Instance = Get-Counter -ComputerName $ComputerName "\Process(*)\ID Process" |Where-Object CookedValue -eq $ID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if(-not $Instance){
Write-Error "Could not performance counter instance for Process ID ${ID}"
Get-Counter ($InstanceName -replace '\\id process',"\${ValueName}") -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


While Loop with Break Statement in PowerShell [duplicate]

I am trying to build my own script to check some Windows services (status and start mode) and I am facing an issue on the IF ...
For example even if the service is "Running", it will never run the code inside the IF...
let me share my code below (I am a newbie on powershell so be gentle xD)
For info, I will do more actions inside the IF and ELSE, it is just for the example.
# import computers list, 1 by line
$Computers = get-content .\computers.txt
# define variable of services we want to check
$ServiceNetbios = "netbt"
# define variable to ask credentials
$Cred = Get-Credential
# declare Function to open a session a remote computer
Function EndPSS { Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession }
# by xxx #
# 2022-02-03 #
# loop for each computer imported from the file
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
# show name of computer in progress
# connect remotely to the computer
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer -Credential $Cred
# check Netbios service
$StatusServiceNetbios = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-Service -Name $Using:ServiceNetbios | select -property * }
# Check Netbios service started or not
write-host $StatusServiceNetbios.Status
if ($StatusServiceNetbios.Status -eq 'Running')
Write-host "IF Running"
write-host "IF NOT Running"
and what return my script :
Running (<= the variable $StatusServiceNetbios.Status )
IF NOT Running (<= the ELSE action)
Thanks you in advance for your help,
this drive me crazy and maybe this is very simple...
To complement Cpt.Whale's helpful answer, this is likely to be caused by the serialization and deserialization done by Invoke-Command:
using namespace System.Management.Automation
$service = Get-Service netbt
$afterInvokeCmd = [PSSerializer]::Deserialize(([PSSerializer]::Serialize($service)))
$service.Status -eq 'Running' # => True
$afterInvokeCmd.Status -eq 'Running' # => False
$afterInvokeCmd.Status.Value -eq 'Running' # => True
$afterInvokeCmd.Status.ToString() -eq 'Running' # => True
To put some context to my answer, this is a nice quote from about_Remote_Output that can better explain why and what is happening:
Because most live Microsoft .NET Framework objects (such as the objects that PowerShell cmdlets return) cannot be transmitted over the network, the live objects are "serialized". In other words, the live objects are converted into XML representations of the object and its properties. Then, the XML-based serialized object is transmitted across the network.
On the local computer, PowerShell receives the XML-based serialized object and "deserializes" it by converting the XML-based object into a standard .NET Framework object.
However, the deserialized object is not a live object. It is a snapshot of the object at the time that it was serialized, and it includes properties but no methods.
This is probably because of the way powershell creates service objects - (Get-Service netbt).Status has a child property named Value:
# so Status is never -eq to 'Running':
$StatusServiceNetbios.Status -eq 'Running'
# use the Value property in your If statement instead:
$StatusServiceNetbios.Status.Value -eq 'Running'

Get-WmiObject not functioning properly in foreach loop

I am currently trying to write a script that takes a list of Computers joined to our domain, iterate through them one at a time to check if they exist in an Access DB that I created, run WMI queries on them collecting their system info, and add that data to the DB if they aren't already in it. I am successfully able to do so on most of the computers (around half), but some of them say RPC server not found.
I know that some of these errors are due to computers being offline (the firewall is disabled and WMI querying is enabled). The problem is that some of the computers are online, and when I run the Get-WmiObject command on them in the script I get that RPC server error, but when I run the command separately outside of the script I am able to successfully query the information. I have posted the function that is causing the weird behavior and was hoping someone with more programming knowledge would find what noob mistake I am making.
The second problem is that after the first iteration I get the error below saying blank CompName field? The first two iterations work as expected then it just throws a bunch of these errors with the "Computer already exists after".
function Update-Systems {
$PSCredential = Get-Credential
$Comp = (Get-ADComputer -Filter * | select -ExpandProperty Name)
foreach ($Computer in $Comp) {
$RecordSet.Find("CompName = '$Computer'")
$RecordCheck = $RecordSet.Fields.Item("CompName").Value
if (!$RecordCheck) {
"Collecting Data for $Record"
$SystemProp = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Credential $PSCredential -ComputerName: $Computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("DateRan") = Get-Date
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("Domain") = $SystemProp.Domain
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("CompName") = $SystemProp.Name
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("Model") = $SystemProp.Model
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("Manufacturer") = $SystemProp.Manufacturer
} else {
"Computer already exists"
Most likely Get-WmiObject fails to query information from a remote computer. Since you instructed the cmdlet to just carry on in case of an error (-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) the variable $SystemProp ends up empty when an error occurs, because of which $SystemProp.Name evaluates to $null as well.
You could work around the issue by assigning $Computer rather than $SystemProp.Name to the recordset, at least as a fallback like this:
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("CompName") = if (-not $SystemProp) {
} else {
However, a better approach would be to do proper error handling:
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
try {
$SystemProp = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Credential $PSCredential -ComputerName $Computer
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("DateRan") = Get-Date
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("Domain") = $SystemProp.Domain
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("CompName") = $SystemProp.Name
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("Model") = $SystemProp.Model
$RecordSet.Fields.Item("Manufacturer") = $SystemProp.Manufacturer
} catch {
Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Continue
You could also retry a couple times before giving up.

What's the fastest way to get online computers

I'm writing a function which returns all Online Computers in our network, so I can do stuff like this:
Get-OnlineComputers | % { get-process -computername $_ }
Now I basically got my function ready, but it's taking way too long.
I want to only return Computers which have WinRM active, but I also want to provide the option to get every computer even those which haven't got WinRM set up (switch parameter).
This is my function. first it creates a pssession to the domaincontroller, to get all computers in our LAN. then foreach computer, it will test if they have WinRM active or if they accept ping. if so, it gets returned.
$session = New-PSSession Domaincontroller
$computers = Invoke-Command -Session $session { Get-ADComputer -filter * } | select -ExpandProperty Name
$computers | % {
if ($IncludeNoWinRM.IsPresent)
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$ping = Test-NetConnection $_
if ($ping.PingSucceeded -eq 'True')
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$WinRM = Test-WSMan $_
if ($WinRM)
Is this the best way I can go to check my online computers? Does anyone have a faster and better idea?
Very Quick Solution is using the -Quiet Parameter of the Test-Connection cmdlet:
so for example:
$ping = Test-Connection "Computer" -Quiet -Count 1
if ($ping)
if it's not enough fast for you, you can use the Send Method of the System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
here's a sample function:
Function Test-Ping
Param($computer = "")
$ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
$Online = $true
$Online = $False
Return $Online
Regarding execute it on multiple computers, I suggest using RunSpaces, as it's the fastest Multithreading you can get with PowerShell,
For more information see:
Runspaces vs Jobs
Basic Runspaces implemenation
Boe Prox (master of runspaces) has written a function which is available from the Powershell Gallery. I've linked the script below.
He uses many of the answers already given to achieve the simultaneous examination of 100s of computers by name. The script gets WMI network information if test-connection succeeds. It should be fairly easy to adapt to get any other information you want, or just return the result of the test-connection.
The script actually uses runspace pools rather than straight runspaces to limit the amount of simultaneous threads that your loop can spawn.
Boe also wrote the PoSH-RSJob module already referenced. This script will achieve what you want in native PoSH without having to install his module.

How to run a command against multiple servers simultaneously in Powershell

I am looking for a way to restart three services on multiple servers simultaneously. I know how to restart services against a list of servers by using a loop but as I have many servers it would take a long time to wait for each service on each server to restart in a sequential order. Is there a way to send restart service command to all servers at once instead of waiting for each server?
You could try to work with jobs. Jobs are run in the background and you have to retrieve them with Get-Job to see their status. Please read the information to Powershell jobs on these two sites:
Your code would look something like this:
$servernames | ForEach-Object {Start-Job -Name "Job-$_" -Scriptblock {"Enter your code here -Computername $_"}}
This will create a background job for each servername. As already mentioned you can see the status using the cmdlet Get-Job. To get the result use the cmdlet Receive-Job.
you can use the invoke-command cmdlet
invoke-command -computername computer1,computer2,computer3 {restart-service servicename}
I use and improove a multi-thread Function, you can use it like :
$Script = {
restart-service servicename -Computername $Computername
#('Srv1','Srv2') | Run-Parallel -ScriptBlock $Script
include this code in your script
function Run-Parallel {
This is a quick and open-ended script multi-threader searcher
Improove by Alban LOPEZ 2016
This script will allow any general, external script to be multithreaded by providing a single
argument to that script and opening it in a seperate thread. It works as a filter in the
pipeline, or as a standalone script. It will read the argument either from the pipeline
or from a filename provided. It will send the results of the child script down the pipeline,
so it is best to use a script that returns some sort of object.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
This is where you provide the PowerShell ScriptBlock that you want to multithread.
The ItemObj represents the arguments that are provided to the child script. This is an open ended
argument and can take a single object from the pipeline, an array, a collection, or a file name. The
multithreading script does it's best to find out which you have provided and handle it as such.
If you would like to provide a file, then the file is read with one object on each line and will
be provided as is to the script you are running as a string. If this is not desired, then use an array.
This allows you to specify the parameter for which your input objects are to be evaluated. As an example,
if you were to provide a computer name to the Get-Process cmdlet as just an argument, it would attempt to
find all processes where the name was the provided computername and fail. You need to specify that the
parameter that you are providing is the "ComputerName".
This allows you to specify additional parameters to the running command. For instance, if you are trying
to find the status of the "BITS" service on all servers in your list, you will need to specify the "Name"
parameter. This command takes a hash pair formatted as follows:
#{"key" = "Value"}
#{"key1" = "Value"; "key2" = 321; "key3" = 1..9}
This allows you to add additional switches to the command you are running. For instance, you may want
to include "RequiredServices" to the "Get-Service" cmdlet. This parameter will take a single string, or
an aray of strings as follows:
#("RequiredServices", "DependentServices")
This is the maximum number of threads to run at any given time. If ressources are too congested try lowering
this number. The default value is 20.
.PARAMETER SleepTimer_ms
This is the time between cycles of the child process detection cycle. The default value is 200ms. If CPU
utilization is high then you can consider increasing this delay. If the child script takes a long time to
run, then you might increase this value to around 1000 (or 1 second in the detection cycle).
.PARAMETER TimeOutGlobal
this is the TimeOut in second for listen the last thread, after this timeOut All thread are closed, only each other are returned
.PARAMETER TimeOutThread
this is the TimeOut in second for each thread, the thread are aborted at this time
List of PSModule name to include for use in ScriptBlock
List of PSSapin name to include for use in ScriptBlock
1..20 | Run-Parallel -ScriptBlock {param($i) Start-Sleep $i; "> $i sec <"} -TimeOutGlobal 15 -TimeOutThread 5
Both of these will execute the scriptBlock and provide each of the server names in AllServers.txt
while providing the results to GridView. The results will be the output of the child script.
gc AllServers.txt | Run-Parallel $ScriptBlock_GetTSUsers -MaxThreads $findOut_AD.ActiveDirectory.Servers.count -PSModules 'PSTerminalServices' | out-gridview
[ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock = $null,
$InputParam = $Null,
[HashTable] $AddParam = #{},
[Array] $AddSwitch = #(),
$MaxThreads = 20,
$SleepTimer_ms = 100,
$TimeOutGlobal = 300,
$TimeOutThread = 100,
[string[]]$PSSapins = $null,
[string[]]$PSModules = $null,
$Modedebug = $true
$ISS = []::CreateDefault()
ForEach ($Snapin in $PSSapins){
[void]$ISS.ImportPSSnapIn($Snapin, [ref]$null)
ForEach ($Module in $PSModules){
$RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $MaxThreads, $ISS, $Host)
$Jobs = #()
#ForEach ($Object in $ItemObj){
if ($ItemObj){
Write-Host $ItemObj -ForegroundColor Yellow
$PowershellThread = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock)
If ($InputParam -ne $Null){
$PowershellThread.AddParameter($InputParam, $ItemObj.ToString()) | out-null
$PowershellThread.AddArgument($ItemObj.ToString()) | out-null
ForEach($Key in $AddParam.Keys){
$PowershellThread.AddParameter($Key, $AddParam.$key) | out-null
ForEach($Switch in $AddSwitch){
$PowershellThread.AddParameter($Switch) | out-null
$PowershellThread.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
$Handle = $PowershellThread.BeginInvoke()
$Job = [pscustomobject][ordered]#{
Handle = $Handle
Thread = $PowershellThread
object = $ItemObj.ToString()
Started = Get-Date
$Jobs += $Job
$GlobalStartTime = Get-Date
$continue = $true
While (#($Jobs | Where-Object {$_.Handle -ne $Null}).count -gt 0 -and $continue) {
ForEach ($Job in $($Jobs | Where-Object {$_.Handle.IsCompleted -eq $True})){
$out = $Job.Thread.EndInvoke($Job.Handle)
$out # return vers la sortie srandard
#Write-Host $out -ForegroundColor green
$Job.Thread.Dispose() | Out-Null
$Job.Thread = $Null
$Job.Handle = $Null
foreach ($InProgress in $($Jobs | Where-Object {$_.Handle})) {
if ($TimeOutGlobal -and (($(Get-Date) - $GlobalStartTime).totalseconds -gt $TimeOutGlobal)){
$Continue = $false
#Write-Host $InProgress -ForegroundColor magenta
if (!$Continue -or ($TimeOutThread -and (($(Get-Date) - $InProgress.Started).totalseconds -gt $TimeOutThread))) {
$InProgress.thread.Stop() | Out-Null
$InProgress.thread.Dispose() | Out-Null
$InProgress.Thread = $Null
$InProgress.Handle = $Null
#Write-Host $InProgress -ForegroundColor red
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SleepTimer_ms
$RunspacePool.Close() | Out-Null
$RunspacePool.Dispose() | Out-Null

Need to check for the existence of an account if true skip if false create account

I am trying to create local user on all servers and I want to schedule this as a scheduled task so that it can run continually capturing all new servers that are created.
I want to be able to check for the existence of an account and if true, skip; if false, create account.
I have imported a module called getlocalAccount.psm1 which allows me to return all local accounts on the server and another function called Add-LocaluserAccount
which allows me to add local accounts these work with no problems
when I try and run the script I have created the script runs but does not add accounts
Import-Module "H:\powershell scripts\GetLocalAccount.psm1"
Function Add-LocalUserAccount{
param (
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
foreach ($comp in $ComputerName){
if ($Description){
if ($PasswordNeverExpires){
$flag=$User.UserFlags.value -bor 0x10000
$usr = "icec"
$rand = New-Object System.Random
$computers = "ServerA.","ServerB","Serverc","ServerD","ServerE"
Foreach ($Comp in $Computers){
if (Test-Connection -CN $comp -Count 1 -BufferSize 16 -Quiet){
$admin = $usr + [char]$,122) + [char]$,122) + [char]$,122) + [char]$,122)
Get-OSCLocalAccount -ComputerName $comp | select-Object {$ -like "icec*"}
if ($ -eq $false) {
Add-LocalUserAccount -ComputerName $comp -username $admin -Password "password" -PasswordNeverExpires
Write-Output "$comp online $admin"
} Else {
Write-Output "$comp Offline"
Why bother checking? You can't create an account that already exists; you will receive an error. And with the ubiquitous -ErrorAction parameter, you can determine how that ought to be dealt with, such as having the script Continue. Going beyond that, you can use a try-catch block to gracefully handle those exceptions and provide better output/logging options.
Regarding your specific script, please provide the actual error you receive. If it returns no error but performs no action check the following:
Event Logs on the target computer
Results of -Verbose or -Debug output from the cmdlets you employ in your script
ProcMon or so to see what system calls, if any, happen.
On a sidenote, please do not tag your post with v2 and v3. If you need a v2 compatible answer, then tag it with v2. Piling on all the tags with the word "powershell" in them will not get the question answered faster or more effectively.
You can do a quick check for a local account like so:
Get-WmiObject Win32_UserAccount -Filter "LocalAccount='true' and Name='Administrator'"
If they already exist, you can either output an error (Write-Error "User $UserName Already exists"), write a warning (Write-Warning "User $UserName Already exists"), or simply silently skip the option.
Please don't use -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue. Ever. It will hide future bugs and frustrate you when you go looking for them.
This can very easily be done in one line:
Get-LocalUser 'username'
Therefore, to do it as an if statement:
if((Get-LocalUser 'username').Enabled) { # do something }
If you're not sure what the local users are, you can list all of them:
Get-LocalUser *
If the user is not in that list, then the user is not a local user and you probably need to look somewhere else (e.g. Local Groups / AD Users / AD Groups
There are similar commands for looking those up, but I will not outline them here