Function to replace text in a file and save it - powershell

I am new programming, I am trying to improve the following code of a script, I was thinking of making a function to improve it but I do not know where to start or if it is the best option.
$replaceText01 = (Get-Content -path $copyFileLocation -Raw) -replace '"INSTANCENAME="TEST""',$NUEVAINESTANCIA
Set-Content $copyFileLocation $replaceText01
$replaceText02 = (Get-Content -path $copyFileLocation -Raw) -replace '"INSTANCEID="TEST""',$NUEVAINESTANCIAID
Set-Content $copyFileLocation $replaceText02
$replaceText03 = (Get-Content -path $copyFileLocation -Raw) -replace "NT Service\SQLAgent#TEST", $CUENTAAGTN
Set-Content $copyFileLocation $replaceText03
$replaceText04 = (Get-Content -path $copyFileLocation -Raw) -replace "NT Service\MSSQL#TEST", $CUENTASQLSER
Set-Content $copyFileLocation $replaceText04
$user = "$env:UserDomain\$env:USERNAME"
write-host $user
$replaceText = (Get-Content -path $copyFileLocation -Raw) -replace "##MyUser##", $user
Set-Content $copyFileLocation $replaceText

First off, I would probably try to read the file only once. Then since you are doing many similar operations, I would put all the data about the operations in an array, and then iterate over those data.
In this code, I first read the file. Then I define all the strings that should be replaced together with the strings that should replace them. Then I use a loop to iterate over the data so that we don't repeat the same code all the time.
$data = Get-Content -Path $copyFileLocation -Raw
$replacements = #(
#("NT Service\SQLAgent#TEST", $CUENTAAGTN),
#("##MyUser##", "$env:UserDomain\$env:USERNAME")
$replacements | ForEach-Object {
$data = $data.Replace($_[0], $_[1])
Set-Content -Path $copyFileLocation -Value $data
It's also possible to get this even shorter if you use the pipeline instead of assigning the data to a variable
$data = Get-Content -Path $copyFileLocation -Raw
#("NT Service\SQLAgent#TEST", $CUENTAAGTN),
#("##MyUser##", "$env:UserDomain\$env:USERNAME")
) | ForEach-Object {
$data = $data.Replace($_[0], $_[1])
Set-Content -Path $copyFileLocation -Value $data
Edit: Missed that you were asking on how to make it into a function.
By looking at what your doing I assume you are modifying an SQL unattended install file, and have named it as such.
A good idea here is to make most of the parameters mandatory, so you are sure the user at least specifies all the required parameters. Maybe you want to specify MyUser later, so this is a good candidate for being a parameter with a default value.
Function Set-SQLInstallFileVariables {
[string]$MyUser = "$env:UserDomain\$env:USERNAME"
$data = Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Raw
#("NT Service\SQLAgent#TEST", $CUENTAAGTN),
#("##MyUser##", $MyUser)
) | ForEach-Object {
$data = $data.Replace($_[0], $_[1])
Set-Content -Path $copyFileLocation -Value $data

The first thing to notice is that you read and write the file over and over again on every replacement, which is not very efficient.
This is not needed; once read the content is in a string variable and can get manipulated in memory multiple times before writing back to file.
One approach is to use string arrays that hold the search and replacement strings.
For this to work properly, both arrays must have the same number of elements.
$inputFile = 'D:\Test\TheFile.txt' # your input file path here ($copyFileLocation)
$outputFile = 'D:\Test\TheReplacedFile.txt' # for safety create a new file instead of overwriting the original
$searchStrings = '"INSTANCENAME="TEST""','"INSTANCEID="TEST""',"NT Service\SQLAgent#TEST","NT Service\MSSQL#TEST","##MyUser##"
# get the current content of the file
$content = Get-Content -path $copyFileLocation -Raw
# loop over the search and replace strings to do all replacements
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $searchStrings.Count; $i++) {
$content = $content -replace [regex]::Escape($searchStrings[$i]), $replaceString[$i]
# finally, write the updated content to a (new) file
$content | Set-Content -Path $copyFileLocation
Another approach would be to use a Hashtable that stores both the search strings and the replacement strings:
$inputFile = 'D:\Test\TheFile.txt' # your input file path here ($copyFileLocation)
$outputFile = 'D:\Test\TheReplacedFile.txt' # for safety create a new file instead of overwriting the original
$hash = #{
"##MyUser##" = "$env:UserDomain\$env:USERNAME"
# get the current content of the file
$content = Get-Content -path $copyFileLocation -Raw
# loop over the items in the hashtable to do all replacements
$hash.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
# the `$_` is an automatic variable you get within a ForEach-Object{}
# It represents a single item on each iteration.
$content = $content -replace [regex]::Escape($_.Key), $_.Value
# finally, write the updated content to a (new) file
$content | Set-Content -Path $copyFileLocation
In both cases, we're using -replace, which is a case-insensitive regex replacement. Because your search strings hold characters that have special meaning in regex (# and \) we need to escape these with [regex]::Escape()
Hope that helps

Here is mine attempt at it. Its not meant to be lean. Rather to be really clear about what it is doing while being full of functions (too many) and stopping you from getting the content multiple times.
After seeing what everyone else answered, their's is better code. Hopefully mine is readable and give you a better idea about using the pipeline and functions :)
Function Replace1 {Process{$_ -replace '"INSTANCENAME="TEST""',$NUEVAINESTANCIA}}
Function Replace2 {Process{$_ -replace '"INSTANCEID="TEST""',$NUEVAINESTANCIAID}}
Function Replace3 {Process{$_ -replace "NT Service\SQLAgent#TEST", $CUENTAAGTN}}
Function Replace4 {Process{$_ -replace "NT Service\MSSQL#TEST", $CUENTASQLSER}}
Function Replace6 {Process{$_ -replace "##MyUser##", $user}}
$user = "$env:UserDomain\$env:USERNAME"
Write-Host $user
Get-Content -path $copyFileLocation | Replace1 | Replace2 | Replace3 | Replace4 | Replace5 | Replace6 | Set-Content -path $copyFileLocation


delete double quotes in an export-csv result using powershell [duplicate]

I would like remove all quotations character in my exported csv file, it's very annoying when i generated a new csv file and i need to manually to remove all the quotations that include in the string. Could anyone provide me a Powershell script to overcome this problem? Thanks.
$File = "c:\programfiles\programx\file.csv"
(Get-Content $File) | Foreach-Object {
$_ -replace """, ""
} | Set-Content $File
Next time you make one, export-csv in powershell 7 has a new option you may like:
export-csv -UseQuotes AsNeeded
It seems many of us have already explained that quotes are sometimes needed in CSV files. This is the case when:
the value contains a double quote
the value contains the delimiter character
the value contains newlines or has whitespace at the beginning or the end of the string
With PS version 7 you have the option to use parameter -UseQuotes AsNeeded.
For older versions I made this helper function to convert to CSV using only quotes when needed:
function ConvertTo-CsvNoQuotes {
# returns a csv delimited string array with values unquoted unless needed
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByDelimiter')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'ByDelimiter')]
[char]$Delimiter = ',',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCulture')]
[switch]$IncludeTypeInformation # by default, this function does NOT include type information
begin {
if ($UseCulture) { $Delimiter = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ListSeparator }
# regex to test if a string contains a double quote, the delimiter character,
# newlines or has whitespace at the beginning or the end of the string.
# if that is the case, the value needs to be quoted.
$needQuotes = '^\s|["{0}\r\n]|\s$' -f [regex]::Escape($Delimiter)
# a boolean to check if we have output the headers or not from the object(s)
# and another to check if we have output type information or not
$doneHeaders = $doneTypeInfo = $false
process {
foreach($item in $InputObject) {
if (!$doneTypeInfo -and $IncludeTypeInformation) {
'#TYPE {0}' -f $item.GetType().FullName
$doneTypeInfo = $true
if (!$doneHeaders -and !$NoHeaders) {
$row = $item.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
# if needed, wrap the value in quotes and double any quotes inside
if ($_.Name -match $needQuotes) { '"{0}"' -f ($_.Name -replace '"', '""') } else { $_.Name }
$row -join $Delimiter
$doneHeaders = $true
$item | ForEach-Object {
$row = $_.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
# if needed, wrap the value in quotes and double any quotes inside
if ($_.Value -match $needQuotes) { '"{0}"' -f ($_.Value -replace '"', '""') } else { $_.Value }
$row -join $Delimiter
Using your example to remove the unnecessary quotes in an existing CSV file:
$File = "c:\programfiles\programx\file.csv"
(Import-Csv $File) | ConvertTo-CsvNoQuotes | Set-Content $File
keeping in mind that this may trash your data if you have embedded double quotes in your data, here is yet another variation on the idea ... [grin]
what it does ...
defines the input & output full file names
grabs the *.tmp files from the temp dir
filters for the 1st three files & only three basic properties
creates the file to work with
loads the file content
replaces the double quotes with nothing
saves the cleaned file to the 2nd file name
displays the original & cleaned versions of the file
the code ...
$TestCSV = "$env:TEMP\Ted.Xiong_-_Test.csv"
$CleanedTestCSV = $TestCSV -replace 'Test', 'CleanedTest'
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $env:TEMP -Filter '*.tmp' -File |
Select-Object -Property Name, LastWriteTime, Length -First 3 |
Export-Csv -LiteralPath $TestCSV -NoTypeInformation
(Get-Content -LiteralPath $TestCSV) -replace '"', '' |
Set-Content -LiteralPath $CleanedTestCSV
Get-Content -LiteralPath $TestCSV
'=' * 30
Get-Content -LiteralPath $CleanedTestCSV
output ...
"hd4130E.tmp","2020-03-13 5:23:06 PM","0"
"hd418D4.tmp","2020-03-12 11:47:59 PM","0"
"hd41F7D.tmp","2020-03-13 5:23:09 PM","0"
hd4130E.tmp,2020-03-13 5:23:06 PM,0
hd418D4.tmp,2020-03-12 11:47:59 PM,0
hd41F7D.tmp,2020-03-13 5:23:09 PM,0
As above, the quotations are valid for csv, but to remove them you need to escape the quote mark in the replace operation as is a special character:
$File = "c:\programfiles\programx\file.csv"
(Get-Content $File) | Foreach-Object {
$_ -replace "`"", ""
} | Set-Content $File
Why are you manually in a text editor read Csv files?
You exported them to that format for a reason. To read them, just import them back in and view them on screen and or Read them back in and send the readout to notepad for reading.
Export-Csv -Path D:\temp\book1.csv
Import-Csv -Path D:\temp\book1.csv |
Clip |
Notepad # then press crtl+v, then save the notepad file with a new name.
If you don't want Csv, then don't export as Csv, just output as a flat-file, using Out-File instead.
Since your last comment to me indicated your final use case. CSV into SQL is a very common thing. A quick web search will show you how even provide you with a script. You should also be looking at the PowerShell DBATools module.
How to import data from .csv in SQL Server using PowerShell?
Importing CSV files into a Microsoft SQL DB using PowerShell
Four Easy Ways to Import CSV Files to SQL Server with PowerShell
Find-Module -Name '*dba*'
Version Name Repository Description
------- ---- ---------- -----------
1.0.101 dbatools PSGallery The community module that enables SQL Server Pros to automate database development and server administration
You mean this...
Get-Content 'D:\temp\book1.csv'
# Results
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\temp' -Filter 'book1.csv' |
ForEach {
$NewFile = New-Item -Path 'D:\Temp' -Name "$($PSItem.BaseName).txt"
Get-Content -Path $PSItem.FullName |
ForEach-Object {
Add-Content -Path $NewFile -Value ($PSItem -replace '"') -WhatIf
What if: Performing the operation "Add Content" on target "Path: D:\Temp\book1.txt".
What if: Performing the operation "Add Content" on target "Path: D:\Temp\book1.txt".
What if: Performing the operation "Add Content" on target "Path: D:\Temp\book1.txt".
What if: Performing the operation "Add Content" on target "Path: D:\Temp\book1.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\temp' -Filter 'book1.csv' |
ForEach {
$NewFile = New-Item -Path 'D:\Temp' -Name "$($PSItem.BaseName).txt"
Get-Content -Path $PSItem.FullName |
ForEach-Object {
Add-Content -Path $NewFile -Value ($PSItem -replace '"')
Get-Content 'D:\temp\book1.txt'
# Results
Of course, you need to use a wildcard for the csv files and use the -Resurse to get all directories and an error handler to make sure you don't have file name collisions.
One solution for dont remove the double quote into the string quoted :
#import file in variable (not necessary if your faile is big repeat this import where i use $ContentFile)
$ContentFile=import-csv $InputFile -Delimiter $delimiter -Encoding utf8
#list of property of csv file
$properties=($ContentFile | select -First 1 | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name
#write header into new file
$properties -join $delimiter | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding utf8
#write data into new file
$ContentFile | %{
$RowObject=$_ #==> get row object
$Line=#() #==> create array
$properties | %{$Line+=$RowObject."$_"} #==> Loop on every property, take value (without quote) inot row object
$Line -join $delimiter #==> join array for get line with delimer and send to standard outut
} | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding utf8 -Append #==> export result to output file
An extra double quote can be used to escape a double quote in a string:
$File = "c:\programfiles\programx\file.csv"
(Get-Content $File) | Foreach-Object { $_ -replace """", "" } | Set-Content $File
After you have exported the CSV file with Export-CSV, you can use Get-Content to load the CSV file into an array of strings, then use Set-Content and replace to remove the quotation marks:
Set-Content -Path sample.csv -Value ((Get-Content -Path sample.csv) -replace '"')
As mklement0 helpfully pointed out, this could potentially corrupt the CSV if some lines need quoting. This solution simply goes through the whole file and replaces every quote with ''.
You could also speed this up with using the -Raw switch with Get-Content, which returns a whole string with the newlines preserved, instead of an array of newline delimited strings:
Set-Content -NoNewline -Path sample.csv -Value ((Get-Content -Raw -Path sample.csv) -replace '"')

How to remove all quotations mark in the csv file using powershell script?

I would like remove all quotations character in my exported csv file, it's very annoying when i generated a new csv file and i need to manually to remove all the quotations that include in the string. Could anyone provide me a Powershell script to overcome this problem? Thanks.
$File = "c:\programfiles\programx\file.csv"
(Get-Content $File) | Foreach-Object {
$_ -replace """, ""
} | Set-Content $File
Next time you make one, export-csv in powershell 7 has a new option you may like:
export-csv -UseQuotes AsNeeded
It seems many of us have already explained that quotes are sometimes needed in CSV files. This is the case when:
the value contains a double quote
the value contains the delimiter character
the value contains newlines or has whitespace at the beginning or the end of the string
With PS version 7 you have the option to use parameter -UseQuotes AsNeeded.
For older versions I made this helper function to convert to CSV using only quotes when needed:
function ConvertTo-CsvNoQuotes {
# returns a csv delimited string array with values unquoted unless needed
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByDelimiter')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'ByDelimiter')]
[char]$Delimiter = ',',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCulture')]
[switch]$IncludeTypeInformation # by default, this function does NOT include type information
begin {
if ($UseCulture) { $Delimiter = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ListSeparator }
# regex to test if a string contains a double quote, the delimiter character,
# newlines or has whitespace at the beginning or the end of the string.
# if that is the case, the value needs to be quoted.
$needQuotes = '^\s|["{0}\r\n]|\s$' -f [regex]::Escape($Delimiter)
# a boolean to check if we have output the headers or not from the object(s)
# and another to check if we have output type information or not
$doneHeaders = $doneTypeInfo = $false
process {
foreach($item in $InputObject) {
if (!$doneTypeInfo -and $IncludeTypeInformation) {
'#TYPE {0}' -f $item.GetType().FullName
$doneTypeInfo = $true
if (!$doneHeaders -and !$NoHeaders) {
$row = $item.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
# if needed, wrap the value in quotes and double any quotes inside
if ($_.Name -match $needQuotes) { '"{0}"' -f ($_.Name -replace '"', '""') } else { $_.Name }
$row -join $Delimiter
$doneHeaders = $true
$item | ForEach-Object {
$row = $_.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
# if needed, wrap the value in quotes and double any quotes inside
if ($_.Value -match $needQuotes) { '"{0}"' -f ($_.Value -replace '"', '""') } else { $_.Value }
$row -join $Delimiter
Using your example to remove the unnecessary quotes in an existing CSV file:
$File = "c:\programfiles\programx\file.csv"
(Import-Csv $File) | ConvertTo-CsvNoQuotes | Set-Content $File
keeping in mind that this may trash your data if you have embedded double quotes in your data, here is yet another variation on the idea ... [grin]
what it does ...
defines the input & output full file names
grabs the *.tmp files from the temp dir
filters for the 1st three files & only three basic properties
creates the file to work with
loads the file content
replaces the double quotes with nothing
saves the cleaned file to the 2nd file name
displays the original & cleaned versions of the file
the code ...
$TestCSV = "$env:TEMP\Ted.Xiong_-_Test.csv"
$CleanedTestCSV = $TestCSV -replace 'Test', 'CleanedTest'
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $env:TEMP -Filter '*.tmp' -File |
Select-Object -Property Name, LastWriteTime, Length -First 3 |
Export-Csv -LiteralPath $TestCSV -NoTypeInformation
(Get-Content -LiteralPath $TestCSV) -replace '"', '' |
Set-Content -LiteralPath $CleanedTestCSV
Get-Content -LiteralPath $TestCSV
'=' * 30
Get-Content -LiteralPath $CleanedTestCSV
output ...
"hd4130E.tmp","2020-03-13 5:23:06 PM","0"
"hd418D4.tmp","2020-03-12 11:47:59 PM","0"
"hd41F7D.tmp","2020-03-13 5:23:09 PM","0"
hd4130E.tmp,2020-03-13 5:23:06 PM,0
hd418D4.tmp,2020-03-12 11:47:59 PM,0
hd41F7D.tmp,2020-03-13 5:23:09 PM,0
As above, the quotations are valid for csv, but to remove them you need to escape the quote mark in the replace operation as is a special character:
$File = "c:\programfiles\programx\file.csv"
(Get-Content $File) | Foreach-Object {
$_ -replace "`"", ""
} | Set-Content $File
Why are you manually in a text editor read Csv files?
You exported them to that format for a reason. To read them, just import them back in and view them on screen and or Read them back in and send the readout to notepad for reading.
Export-Csv -Path D:\temp\book1.csv
Import-Csv -Path D:\temp\book1.csv |
Clip |
Notepad # then press crtl+v, then save the notepad file with a new name.
If you don't want Csv, then don't export as Csv, just output as a flat-file, using Out-File instead.
Since your last comment to me indicated your final use case. CSV into SQL is a very common thing. A quick web search will show you how even provide you with a script. You should also be looking at the PowerShell DBATools module.
How to import data from .csv in SQL Server using PowerShell?
Importing CSV files into a Microsoft SQL DB using PowerShell
Four Easy Ways to Import CSV Files to SQL Server with PowerShell
Find-Module -Name '*dba*'
Version Name Repository Description
------- ---- ---------- -----------
1.0.101 dbatools PSGallery The community module that enables SQL Server Pros to automate database development and server administration
You mean this...
Get-Content 'D:\temp\book1.csv'
# Results
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\temp' -Filter 'book1.csv' |
ForEach {
$NewFile = New-Item -Path 'D:\Temp' -Name "$($PSItem.BaseName).txt"
Get-Content -Path $PSItem.FullName |
ForEach-Object {
Add-Content -Path $NewFile -Value ($PSItem -replace '"') -WhatIf
What if: Performing the operation "Add Content" on target "Path: D:\Temp\book1.txt".
What if: Performing the operation "Add Content" on target "Path: D:\Temp\book1.txt".
What if: Performing the operation "Add Content" on target "Path: D:\Temp\book1.txt".
What if: Performing the operation "Add Content" on target "Path: D:\Temp\book1.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\temp' -Filter 'book1.csv' |
ForEach {
$NewFile = New-Item -Path 'D:\Temp' -Name "$($PSItem.BaseName).txt"
Get-Content -Path $PSItem.FullName |
ForEach-Object {
Add-Content -Path $NewFile -Value ($PSItem -replace '"')
Get-Content 'D:\temp\book1.txt'
# Results
Of course, you need to use a wildcard for the csv files and use the -Resurse to get all directories and an error handler to make sure you don't have file name collisions.
One solution for dont remove the double quote into the string quoted :
#import file in variable (not necessary if your faile is big repeat this import where i use $ContentFile)
$ContentFile=import-csv $InputFile -Delimiter $delimiter -Encoding utf8
#list of property of csv file
$properties=($ContentFile | select -First 1 | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name
#write header into new file
$properties -join $delimiter | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding utf8
#write data into new file
$ContentFile | %{
$RowObject=$_ #==> get row object
$Line=#() #==> create array
$properties | %{$Line+=$RowObject."$_"} #==> Loop on every property, take value (without quote) inot row object
$Line -join $delimiter #==> join array for get line with delimer and send to standard outut
} | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding utf8 -Append #==> export result to output file
An extra double quote can be used to escape a double quote in a string:
$File = "c:\programfiles\programx\file.csv"
(Get-Content $File) | Foreach-Object { $_ -replace """", "" } | Set-Content $File
After you have exported the CSV file with Export-CSV, you can use Get-Content to load the CSV file into an array of strings, then use Set-Content and replace to remove the quotation marks:
Set-Content -Path sample.csv -Value ((Get-Content -Path sample.csv) -replace '"')
As mklement0 helpfully pointed out, this could potentially corrupt the CSV if some lines need quoting. This solution simply goes through the whole file and replaces every quote with ''.
You could also speed this up with using the -Raw switch with Get-Content, which returns a whole string with the newlines preserved, instead of an array of newline delimited strings:
Set-Content -NoNewline -Path sample.csv -Value ((Get-Content -Raw -Path sample.csv) -replace '"')

Power shell code to remove special characters in the column headers(.csv file)

I'm trying to loop through 40 CSV files in a path and remove any characters that are not numeric,alphabets and space values only in the headers.
Below is my code i tried working on, This is working for headers in the files but also its replacing all the data in the file and i can see only headers without special characters in it, i'm just a beginner in power shell, not sure how to proceed further any help is much appreciated.
$path = "C:\AllFiles\"
Get-ChildItem -path $path -Filter *.csv |
Foreach-Object {
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName
$content[0] = $content[0] -replace '[^0-9a-zA-Z, ]'|Set-Content $_.FullName
The -replace operator requires two values, the first value is what you are looking for, and the second value is what to replace the first value with.
"John Jones" -replace "Jones","Smith"
This will replace "Jones" with the text "Smith" creating a new string "John Smith"
In your example, instead of creating a regex of what you want to keep, create a regex of what you want to replace.
$path = "C:\AllFiles\"
Get-ChildItem -path $path -Filter *.csv |
Foreach-Object {
$content = Get-Content -Path $path
$content[0] = $content[0] -replace '[regex for special chars]',""
Set-Content $path -value $content -force
This will replace the whole string, with a string where you've replaced the regex values with ""
This should do the trick and should be the fastest method:
$path = 'C:\AllFiles\'
$collection = Get-ChildItem -path $path -Filter *.csv'
foreach( $file in $collection ) {
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines( $file.FullName )
$content[0] = $content[0] -replace '[^0-9a-zA-Z, ]'
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines( $file.FullName, $content ) | Out-Null
Pretty close, try it like this instead:
$path = "C:\temp"
Get-ChildItem -path $path -Filter *.csv |
Foreach-Object {
$content = Get-Content $_
$content[0] = $content[0] -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9, ]',''
$content | Out-File $_
This will only clear special characters on the first line but leaves the rest of the file untouched.
Try this:
dir "C:\AllFiles" -Filter *.csv | % {
(Get-Content $_.FullName)[0] -replace '[\W]', '' | Set-Content $_.FullName -Force

Powershell replace adding an empty line

I have this powershell code which should replace every occurrence of a string in every file in the directory with a new string.
This works, however an empty line is added in the end.
What causes this, and how can this be nicely avoided?
$files = Get-ChildItem $currentDir *.* -recurse
foreach ($file in $files)
$find = "placeholder"
$replace = "newvalue"
$content = Get-Content $($file.FullName) -Raw
$content -replace $find,$replace | Out-File $($file.FullName)
Simply removing the last line is not a good solution since sometimes my files will contain an empty line which I want to keep.
You could use the -NoNewline parameter to prevent Out-File from appending the extra line at the end of the file.
$content -replace $find,$replace | Out-File $($file.FullName) -NoNewline
Note: this was added in PowerShell 5.0
I am limited to PS version 4, and this is what I used
$files = Get-ChildItem $currentDir . -recurse
$find = "placeholder"
$replace = ""newvalue"
foreach ($file in $files)
$content = Get-Content $($file.FullName) -Raw | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $find,$replace}
$content = $content -join "`r`n"
$content | Set-Content $($file.FullName)
Note that this only works if it is ok to store the complete file in memory.

Powershell: addin line into the .txt file

I have a text (.txt) file with following content:
For changing Car1 for random text I used this script:
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\boris.magdic\Desktop\q" -Filter *.TXT |
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName
$content | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "Car1", "random_text" } | Set-Content $_.FullName
This is working ok, but now I want to add one text line under Car2 in my text file.
How can I do that?
Just chain another -replace and use a new line!
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\boris.magdic\Desktop\q" -Filter *.TXT |
$file = $_.FullName
$content = Get-Content $file
$content | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "Car1", "random_text" -replace "(Car2)","`$1`r`nOtherText" } | Set-Content $file
First thing is that | Set-Content $_.FullName would not work since the file object does not exist in that pipe. So one simple this to do it save the variable for use later in the pipe. You can also use the ForEach($file in (Get-ChildItem....)) construct.
The specific change to get what you want is the second -replace. We place what you want to match in brackets to that we can reference it in the replacement string with $1. We use a backtick to ensure PowerShell does not treat it as a variable.
We can remove some redundancy as well since -replace will work against the strings of file as a whole
Get-ChildItem "c:\temp" -Filter *.TXT |
$file = $_.FullName
(Get-Content $file) -replace "Car1", "random_text" -replace "(Car2)","`$1`r`nOtherText" | Set-Content $file
While this does work with your sample text I want to point out that more complicated strings might require more finesse to ensure you make the correct changed and that the replacements we are using are regex based and do not need to be for this specific example.
So if you were just doing simple replacements then we can update your original logic.
$file = $_.FullName
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName
$content | ForEach-Object { $_.replace("Car1", "random_text").replace("Car2","Car2`r`nOtherText")} | Set-Content $file
So that is just simple text replacement chained using the string method .Replace()