Links to json files - scala

my directory structure is
├── xxx
│   ├──
| └──
├── auth
│   ├── j1.json
│   ├── j2.json
│   └── j3.json
└── default.template.html
And I link jsons from markdowns like Auth. It makes sense as we use there files as test scenarios and in json files we have credentials and roles. But if I try to generate html it fails on unresolved internal reference: ../auth/aspect_admin.json. I tried to exclude the link checking but without any help. The best would be to leave it as a link in md file but somehow follow the link and include the json as code block in generated html. Is it possible?

It was a bug and will be fixed in next version


Pytest set default path/directory/fodler as project directory (solve FileNotFoundError)

I have the next tree:
├── app
│   ├── default_photo_profile.jpg
│   ├──
│   ├── # My app are python package, I'm runnig it via "python -m"
│   └── ...
├── tests
│   ├── # import inside
│   ├── functional # import inside
│   ├── pytest.ini
│   └── ...
Currently default_photo_profile causing error because tests doesn't have this file.
Reading file in
DEFAULT_PHOTO_FILE_PATH = Path('default_photo.jpg')
with open(file=DEFAULT_PHOTO_FILE_PATH, mode='rb') as file_obj:
How I can solve this?
I tried:
Patch access to default_photo.jpg with fixture - not helped, error during import stage, not executiion.
set flag to pytest comamnd line: --rootdir app - not helped (don't know why).
try/except for reading the file in - may help but it's not my intention, I really want raise error if file not found
Put default_photo.jpg inside EVERY test directory - will help bit dirty.
Patch os.path like suggested in - dirty
Include tests into package (move into root_project - not sure that it's a good idea (have not enough experience to decide).
Set absolut path to default_photo.jpg - will fail on the production server.
Probably adoptable solutions (What I want):
Set root dir to somehow inside pytest.ini to immitate regular execution.
Set root dir to root_project.tests somehow to place file in root of tests and access from any of tests folder.
Try to use following code in
DEFAULT_PHOTO_FILE_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / 'default_photo.jpg'
with open(file=DEFAULT_PHOTO_FILE_PATH, mode='rb') as file_obj:
Is it what you are trying to achieve?

Using Dist::Zilla dist.ini how can I have files that I only use for testing?

In a Dist::Zilla-based distribution I would like to have some files that are only used for testing, but do not get installed. These are mockup libs that aren't needed for runtime.
How do I do that?
CPAN distributions never install the t and xt directories. You can put your tests and your mock libs into t.
As an example, take my module MooseX::LocalAttribute. In the dist, there is a t/, a t/lib and an xt/.
If you install this using cpanm -l into a local lib dir, you will see there are no tests installed. This happens automatically. It's just how CPAN works.
$ cpanm -l mylib MooseX::LocalAttribute
--> Working on MooseX::LocalAttribute
Fetching ... OK
Configuring MooseX-LocalAttribute-0.05 ... OK
Building and testing MooseX-LocalAttribute-0.05 ... OK
Successfully installed MooseX-LocalAttribute-0.05
1 distribution installed
$ tree mylib
├── lib
│   └── perl5
│   ├── MooseX
│   │   └──
│   └── x86_64-linux
│   ├── auto
│   │   └── MooseX
│   │   └── LocalAttribute
│   └── perllocal.pod
└── man
└── man3
└── MooseX::LocalAttribute.3
9 directories, 3 files
Note that as long as stuff is in t/lib (or anywhere under t/, really), you do not have to hide the package names from the PAUSE indexer. It's smart enough to not find it.
I misunderstood the question. This answer is for the following question:
How do I exclude files from a Dist::Zilla based distribution so they don't get shipped at all?
You are probably using either the GatherDir or Git::GatherDir plugin to build your bundle. Both of them have an option exclude_filename that you can set in your dist.ini to not include a file in a bundle.
A common pattern is to exclude auto-generated files such as LICENSE or META.json, and then add them later with another plugin. But you don't have to do that, you can just exclude files completely.
A good example is the URI distribution. On metacpan, it does not include any text files in the bundle. But if you look at the repository on github, you can see there are various .txt files such as rfc2396.txt. The dist.ini contains the following lines.
exclude_filename = LICENSE
exclude_filename =
exclude_filename = draft-duerst-iri-bis.txt
exclude_filename = rfc2396.txt
exclude_filename = rfc3986.txt
exclude_filename = rfc3987.txt
As mentioned before, the LICENSE and files will still appear in the final bundle, because they get added later via #Git::VersionManager.

importing style-sheet into app.scss to use throughout project

I want to use a style page across my app.
in the app.scss file I tried using:
#import "../global-scss/html-table-styles.scss";
this does not work.
Pasting the style directly into the app.scss file does work but I would rather not do that.
Is what I'm trying to accomplish possible and if so, what am I doing wrong?
If your file structure is like this:
├── src
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── app.component.ts
│   │   ├── app.module.ts
│   │   ├── app.scss
│   │   └── main.ts
// ... pages, components ...
| └── theme
│   ├── custom-styles.scss
...the import line should be:
#import "../theme/custom-styles.scss";
The problem was due to my poor understanding of style-sheets and because there is an answer already so I am unable to delete.
In the style-sheet I was trying to import I had followed the pattern used for styles local to a page and had a base style tag
//my styles
when i imported #import "../global-scss/html-table-styles.scss"; the styles were not being used, removing html-table-styles solved my issue

How can I fake a linux character device with D?

I would like to fake the LED (character device) of an embedded linux board (BeagleBone Black) in a user space library written in D.
Via the command line the led driver is represented to the user space as "device file" (e.g. for led "USER LEDS D2 0"):
debian#beaglebone:/sys/class/leds/beaglebone:green:usr0$ tree
├── brightness
├── device -> ../../../leds
├── invert
├── max_brightness
├── power
│   ├── async
│   ├── autosuspend_delay_ms
│   ├── control
│   ├── runtime_active_kids
│   ├── runtime_active_time
│   ├── runtime_enabled
│   ├── runtime_status
│   ├── runtime_suspended_time
│   └── runtime_usage
├── subsystem -> ../../../../../class/leds
├── trigger
└── uevent
Via the command line single entities like e.g. the brightness (turn on and off) can be written to and read from like files:
cd /sys/class/leds/beaglebone:green:usr0
echo none > trigger
echo 1 > brightness
echo 0 > brightness
I consider it reasonable to abstract the whole device as interface and implement a production class and a test class (hand-made fake object) which implements the interface. The client code of the library could then use either the production code or the fake class which could be injected using dependency injection.
Could a mock framework like provide functionality to use a fake driver in client code out of the box instead of using the handmade fake led driver described above? (I guess to fake more complicated character devices it would be necessary to "hand-implement" anyway.)
Or are there better approaches to fake a character device (e.g. make the production class require a root path of the driver when creating an instance via "constructor injection")?

inheritance-diagrams in sphinx for matlab

I am documenting a matlab code that I have with sphinx. I am using the package sphinxcontrib-matlabdomain.
My directory tree is as follows:
me:~/.../doc$ tree ../
├── doc
│   ├──
│   ├── make.bat
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├── index.rst
│   ├── BaseClass.rst
│   └── DerivedClass.rst
└── src
├── BaseClass.m
└── DerivedClass.m
The problem comes when I want to show inheritance diagrams. I have added the necessary things in my file:
matlab_src_dir = os.path.abspath('..')
extensions = [
primary_domain = 'mat'
And I have the following in the index.rst file
Welcome to BGK's documentation!
I am trying to have a diagram here...
.. inheritance-diagram:: BaseClass DerivedClass
.. graphviz::
digraph {
"From here" -> "To" -> "Somewhere";
"From here" -> "To" -> "Somewhere else";
And in the output the directive inheritance-diagram is ignored, obtaining directly the next diagram that I am using to test that I can plot diagrams.
Is there any incompatibility to plot inheritance diagrams with sphinx for matlab classes? Is there any way to go around the problem? Thanks!
Sphinx does not support this. The built-in sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram extension is for the Python domain only. It does not work for Matlab. If it did, I'm sure it would say so in the Sphinx documentation (and a glance at the source code in sphinx/ext/ confirms that it is only for Python).
The only way inheritance diagrams for Matlab could work is if some other extension provided the functionality. The sphinxcontrib-matlabdomain extension that you use does not.