http4s - how create blaze client with limited count of threads? - scala

I trying to create blaze client with limited number of threads like this:
object ReactiveCats extends IOApp {
private val PORT = 8083
private val DELAY_SERVICE_URL = "http://localhost:8080"
// trying create client with limited number of threads
val clientPool: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(64)
val clientExecutor: ExecutionContextExecutor = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(clientPool)
private val httpClient = BlazeClientBuilder[IO](clientExecutor).resource
private val httpApp = HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
case GET -> Root / delayMillis =>
httpClient.use { client =>
.flatMap(response => Ok(s"ReactiveCats: $response"))
// trying to create server on fixed thread pool
val serverPool: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(64)
val serverExecutor: ExecutionContextExecutor = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(serverPool)
// start server
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
.bindHttp(port = PORT, host = "localhost")
full code and load-tests
But load-test results looks like one thread by one request:
How I make restrict numbers of threads for my blaze client?

There are two obvious things that are wrong with your code:
you're creating an Executor without shutting it down when you're done.
you're using the use method of the httpClient Resource inside the HTTP route, meaning that every time the route is called, it will create, use and destroy the http client. You should instead create it once during startup.
Executors, like any other resource (e. g. file handles etc.) should always be allocated using Resource.make like so:
val clientPool: Resource[IO, ExecutorService] = Resource.make(IO(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(64)))(ex => IO(ex.shutdown()))
val clientExecutor: Resource[IO, ExecutionContextExecutor] =
private val httpClient = clientExecutor.flatMap(ex => BlazeClientBuilder[IO](ex).resource)
The second problem can easily be fixed by allocating the httpClient before building the HTTP app:
private def httpApp(client: Client[IO]): Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], Response[IO]] = HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
case GET -> Root / delayMillis =>
.flatMap(response => Ok(s"ReactiveCats: $response"))
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
httpClient.use { client =>
.bindHttp(port = PORT, host = "localhost")
Another potential problem is that you're using IOApp, and it comes with its own thread pool. The best way to fix that is probably to mix in the IOApp.WithContext trait and implement this method:
override protected def executionContextResource: Resource[SyncIO, ExecutionContext] = ???

Copy from my commment.
Answer for performance issue is properly setup for Blaze client - for me this is .withMaxWaitQueueLimit(1024) parameter.


Scala integration tests for Caliban GraphQL subscriptions

We have a Caliban GraphQL application, using it with Play framework. It is well covered with integration tests for queries and mutations, now we're about to add some integration tests for subscriptions and wondering how to do it correctly.
For queries/mutations testing we're using usual FakeRequest, sending it to our router that extends Caliban's PlayRouter, it works very good. Is there any similar way to test websockets/subscriptions?
There is very short amount of information in the Internet about websocket testing in Play and no information at all about GraphQL subscription testing.
Will be grateful for any ideas!
Ok, I managed it. There are couple of rules to follow:
Use websocket header "WebSocket-Protocol" -> "graphql-ws"
After connection is established, send GraphQLWSRequest of type "connection_init"
After receiving response "connection_ack", send GraphQLWSRequest of type "start" with subscription query as payload
After those steps server is listening and you can send your mutation queries.
Some draft example:
import caliban.client.GraphQLRequest
import io.circe.syntax.EncoderOps
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json}
import play.api.test.Helpers.{POST, contentAsJson, contentAsString, contentType, route, status, _}
import org.awaitility.Awaitility
def getWS(subscriptionQuery: String, postQuery: String): JsValue = {
lazy val port = Helpers.testServerPort
val initRequest = prepareWSRequest("connection_init")
val startRequest = prepareWSRequest("start", Some(GraphQLRequest(subscriptionQuery, Map())))
Helpers.running(TestServer(port, app)) {
val headers = new java.util.HashMap[String, String]()
headers.put("WebSocket-Protocol", "graphql-ws")
val queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue[String](1)
lazy val ws = new WebSocketClient(new URI(s"ws://localhost:$port/ws/graphql"), headers) {
override def onOpen(handshakedata: ServerHandshake): Unit ="Websocket connection established")
override def onClose(code: Port, reason: String, remote: Boolean): Unit ="Websocket connection closed, reason: $reason")
override def onError(ex: Exception): Unit =
logger.error("Error handling websocket connection", ex)
override def onMessage(message: String): Unit = {
val ttp = (Json.parse(message) \ "type").as[JsString].value
if (ttp != "connection_ack" && ttp != "ka") queue.put(message)
.flatMap(_ => Future(ws.send(startRequest)))
.flatMap(_ => post(query = postQuery)) // post is my local method, it sends usual FakeRequest
Awaitility.await().until(() => queue.peek() != null)
def prepareWSRequest(ttp: String, payload: Option[GraphQLRequest] = None) =
GraphQLWSRequest(ttp, None, payload).asJson.noSpaces

Akka gRPC + Slick application causes "IllegalStateException: Cannot initialize ExecutionContext; AsyncExecutor already shut down"

I try to develop gRPC server with Akka-gRPC and Slick. I also use Airframe for DI.
Source code is here
The issue is that it cause failure if it receive request when execute as gRPC server.
If it doesn't start as a gRPC server, but just reads resources from the database, the process succeeds.
What is the difference?
At Follows, It read object from database with slick.
...Component is airframe object. It will use by main module.
trait UserRepository {
def getUser: Future[Seq[Tables.UsersRow]]
class UserRepositoryImpl(val profile: JdbcProfile, val db: JdbcProfile#Backend#Database) extends UserRepository {
import profile.api._
def getUser: Future[Seq[Tables.UsersRow]] =
trait UserResolveService {
private val repository = bind[UserRepository]
def getAll: Future[Seq[Tables.UsersRow]] =
object userServiceComponent {
val design = newDesign
Follows is gRPC Server source code.
trait UserServiceImpl extends UserService {
private val userResolveService = bind[UserResolveService]
private val system: ActorSystem = bind[ActorSystem]
implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher
override def getAll(in: GetUserListRequest): Future[GetUserListResponse] = { =>
GetUserListResponse( =>
trait GRPCServer {
private val userServiceImpl = bind[UserServiceImpl]
implicit val system: ActorSystem = bind[ActorSystem]
def run(): Future[Http.ServerBinding] = {
implicit def ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
val service: PartialFunction[HttpRequest, Future[HttpResponse]] =
val reflection: PartialFunction[HttpRequest, Future[HttpResponse]] =
// Akka HTTP 10.1 requires adapters to accept the new actors APIs
val bound = Http().bindAndHandleAsync(
ServiceHandler.concatOrNotFound(service, reflection),
interface = "",
port = 8080,
settings = ServerSettings(system)
bound.onComplete {
case Success(binding) =>
s"gRPC Server online at http://${binding.localAddress.getHostName}:${binding.localAddress.getPort}/"
case Failure(ex) =>
system.log.error(ex, "occurred error")
object grpcComponent {
val design = newDesign
Follows is main module.
object Main extends App {
val conf = ConfigFactory
.parseString("akka.http.server.preview.enable-http2 = on")
val system = ActorSystem("GRPCServer", conf)
val dbConfig: DatabaseConfig[JdbcProfile] =
DatabaseConfig.forConfig[JdbcProfile](path = "mydb")
val design = newDesign
design.withSession(s =>
// Await.result([UserResolveService].getUser, Duration.Inf)) // success
// Await.result([UserServiceImpl].getAll(GetUserListRequest()), Duration.Inf)) // success[GRPCServer].run() // cause IllegalStateException when reciece request.
When UserResolveService and UserServiceImpl are called directly, the process of loading an object from the database is successful.
However, when running the application as a gRPC Server, an error occurs when a request is received.
Though I was thinking all day, I couldn't resolve...
Will you please help me to resolve.
It resolved. if execute async process, It has to start gRPC server with newSession.
I fix like that.

Scala http client does not reuse connections

in Scala, I have an akka http client class with some local binding:
class AkkaConPoolingHttpClient(
override val timeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
val localBinding: Option[InetSocketAddress] = None,
val userAgentHeader: Option[String] = None)(
implicit val config: HttpClient.Config,
val system: ActorSystem,
val materializer: Materializer)
extends AkkaHttpClient {
protected val http = Http()
override def dispatch(request: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = {
val effectivePort = request.uri.effectivePort
val connection =
port = effectivePort,
localAddress = localBinding)
val preparedRequest = userAgentHeader match {
case Some(userAgent) => fixUri(request.withHeaders(request.headers ++ Seq(headers.`User-Agent`(userAgent))))
case None => fixUri(request)
Source.single(preparedRequest) via connection runWith Sink.head
object AkkaConPoolingHttpClient {
private def fixUri(request: HttpRequest): HttpRequest =
and I'm trying to see if it reuses the connections and it seems it doesn't:
val connectionCount = new AtomicInteger()
val testServerFuture = Http().bind("", 0).to {
Sink.foreach { incomingConnection =>
incomingConnection.flow.join(Flow[HttpRequest].map(_ => HttpResponse())).run()
val testServerPort = Await.result(testServerFuture, defaultExpectTimeout)
val address = ""
val addr = Some(new InetSocketAddress(address, 0))
val client = new AkkaConPoolingHttpClient(localBinding = addr)
// Send some requests concurrently
val requests = List(
val responses = Await.result(
// Send some more requests -- the connections from before should be reused
val responses2 = Await.result(
// Usually this is "3", occasionally "4".
connectionCount.get() must beLessThanOrEqualTo(4)
Unfortunately, the test fails, connectionCount.get() has 6 connections. Why isn't it reuse the connections? what's wrong with this code?
I also tried with:
val effectivePort = request.uri.effectivePort
val clientSettings = ClientConnectionSettings(system).withSocketOptions(SO.ReuseAddress(true) :: Nil)
val connectionFlow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Future[Http.OutgoingConnection]] =
port = effectivePort,
localAddress = localBinding,
settings = clientSettings
But I still have 6 connections in my test...
The problem is rooted in the fact that you are creation a new connection for each request. The client code is actually quite clear:
Source.single(preparedRequest) via connection runWith Sink.head
Each request is being sent through a newly instantiated connection. This is due to a general design flaw where you are getting the address from the request:
val connection =
http.outgoingConnection(, //address comes from request
port = effectivePort,
localAddress = localBinding)
It would be more efficient to establish the address once (ensuring a single Connection), and then each Request would just need the path.
To use a single connection you'll have to create a single Flow and send all of your requests through that, as described here.

500 Internal Server Error in Akka Scala server

This is my code for the server written using Akka framework:
case class Sentence(data: String)
case class RawTriples(triples: List[String])
trait Protocols extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val sentenceRequestFormat = jsonFormat1(Sentence)
implicit val rawTriplesFormat = jsonFormat1(RawTriples)
trait Service extends Protocols {
implicit val system: ActorSystem
implicit def executor: ExecutionContextExecutor
implicit val materializer: Materializer
val openie = new OpenIE
def config: Config
val logger: LoggingAdapter
lazy val ipApiConnectionFlow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Any] =
Http().outgoingConnection(config.getString(""), config.getInt("services.ip-api.port"))
def ipApiRequest(request: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = Source.single(request).via(ipApiConnectionFlow).runWith(Sink.head)
val routes = {
logRequestResult("akka-http-microservice") {
pathPrefix("openie") {
post {
entity(as[Sentence]){ sentence =>
complete {
var rawTriples = openie.extract(
val resp: MutableList[String] = MutableList()
for(rtrip <- rawTriples){
resp += (rtrip.toString())
val response: List[String] = resp.toList
object AkkaHttpMicroservice extends App with Service {
override implicit val system = ActorSystem()
override implicit val executor = system.dispatcher
override implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
override val config = ConfigFactory.load()
override val logger = Logging(system, getClass)
Http().bindAndHandle(routes, config.getString("http.interface"), config.getInt("http.port"))
The server accepts a POST request containing a sentence and returns a json array in return. It works fine but if I am making requests to it too frequently using parallelized code, then it gives 500 Internal server error. I wanted to know is there any parameter which I can set in the server to avoid that (number of ready threads for accepting requests etc).
In log files, the error is logged as:
[ERROR] [05/31/2017 11:48:38.110]
[] Error during processing of
request: 'null'. Completing with 500 Internal Server Error response.
The doc on the bindAndHandle method shows what you want:
* Convenience method which starts a new HTTP server at the given endpoint and uses the given `handler`
* [[]] for processing all incoming connections.
* The number of concurrently accepted connections can be configured by overriding
* the `akka.http.server.max-connections` setting. Please see the documentation in the reference.conf for more
* information about what kind of guarantees to expect.
* To configure additional settings for a server started using this method,
* use the `akka.http.server` config section or pass in a [[akka.http.scaladsl.settings.ServerSettings]] explicitly.
akka.http.server.max-connections is probably what you want. As the doc suggests, you can also dig deeper into the akka.http.server config section.
Add following in application.conf file
akka.http {
server {
server-header = akka-http/${akka.http.version}
idle-timeout = infinite
request-timeout = infinite

How to use actor inside of spray route in REST service?

I'm trying to build event sourced service with REST interface using scala. I somewhat new to scala, although I'm familiar with functional programming (haskell at beginner level).
So I've build persistent actor and view without major problems. The idea of actors is quite simple I think.
object Main extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("HelloSystem")
val systemActor = system.actorOf(Props[SystemActor], name = "systemactor")
val trajectoryView = system.actorOf(Props[TrajectoryView], name = "trajectoryView")
var datas = List()
val processData = ProcessData(0, List(1,2,3), Coordinates(50, 50))
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
def intialDatas(): List[ProcessData] =
(for (i <- 1 to 3) yield ProcessData(i, List(1,2,3), Coordinates(50 + i, 50 + i)))(collection.breakOut)
val command = RegisterProcessCommand(3, this.intialDatas())
val id = Await.result(systemActor ? command, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[String]
systemActor ! MoveProcessCommand(4, ProcessData(4, List(3,4,5), Coordinates(54, 54)), id)
val processes = Await.result(systemActor ? "get", timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[Set[Process]]
implicit val json4sFormats = DefaultFormats
systemActor ! "print"
val getTrajectoryCommand = GetTrajectoryCommand(id)
trajectoryView ! "print"
// val trajectory = Await.result(trajectoryView ? getTrajectoryCommand, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[ListBuffer[Coordinates]]
println("******* TRAJECTORY *********")
trajectoryView ! "print"
// println(trajectory)
I've been able to create a script for playing with actor that I've created.
I've read the tutorials for spray routing, but I've been unable to grasp what exactly should I do to provide REST interface for actors that I've created.
object Boot extends App{
implicit val system = ActorSystem("example")
val systemActor = system.actorOf(Props[SystemActor], name = "systemactor")
val trajectoryView = system.actorOf(Props[TrajectoryView], name = "trajectoryView")
val service = system.actorOf(Props[ProcessesService], "processes-rest-service")
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
IO(Http) ? Http.Bind(service, interface = "localhost", port = 8080)
And a service
class ProcessesService(systemActor: ActorRef) extends Actor with HttpService {
def actorRefFactory = context
def receive = runRoute(route)
val json4sFormats = DefaultFormats
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
val route = path("processes") {
get {
respondWithMediaType(`application/json`) {
complete {
write(Await.result(systemActor ? "get", timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[Set[Process]])
I think I need to somehow pass actorRef for SystemActor to this ProcessesService, but I'm not sure how. Also I'm not sure how should I return a response to the request. I understand that I need to somehow pass the "get" message to SystemActor through ActorRef and then serialize the answer to json, but I don't know how to do that.
I would appreciate help!
In spray you can complete routes with a Future.
You should be able to do something like
complete { systemActor ? "get" }
Json serialization is a separate issue.
Oh, your question is vague. Yes you need to be able to reference an actor within your routes. You could just import the val from boot where you define it. They're just Scala variables so where you put them is up to you.